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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    Yes, but noone seems to take into consideration that Jack was in fact breaking frat rules by fraternizing with his team members outside of work in the first place. So is Mitchell if he truly is leader of SG-1. How can these rules be any different if outside of work your subordinates are your buddies, who go out for drinks and movies with you, or your girlfriend? You still have a means to be influence directly or indirectly the assignments and/or promotions of those under your command. I just find it amusing that so many people choose to close their eyes for one situations and not the other.
    actually, there is a line drawn between the 2. bonding with your team is considered a positive professional relationship (in most cases), because it increases the effectiveness of the team. which also means there are also different standards for bonding with your team versus a larger unit. it only gets unprofessional--or perceived as unprofessional (also bad)--when it interferes with air force core values (integrity, service before self, excellence). this line is most often (always) drawn at friend v. significant other, because that most obviously leads to favoritism/impaired judgment. may be unreasonable, but its basically what happens.

    glances around
    ...steps off soapbox
    ...reads post and curses at how long post is
    ...shortens post
    ...rolls eyes at self
    ...eats blue jello
    "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
    Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


      Originally posted by ReganX
      I'm not able to green you yet, much as I want to.

      You are absolutely right. For me, Stargate: SG-1 was never about the stargate - though it was really cool, don't get me wrong - it was about SG-1, four very different people who came together first as a team and then as family, who quite literally went to Hell and back together.

      The bond they shared was truly beautiful and it is something that I missed during Season Nine.
      I know I'm behind, as usual, but everyone.....tsax, Regan, Über, you've all said it so beautifully.....and Regan, your comment is just like I thought it myself!!!


        Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
        actually, there is a line drawn between the 2. bonding with your team is considered a positive professional relationship (in most cases), because it increases the effectiveness of the team. which also means there are also different standards for bonding with your team versus a larger unit. it only gets unprofessional--or perceived as unprofessional (also bad)--when it interferes with air force core values (integrity, service before self, excellence). this line is most often (always) drawn at friend v. significant other, because that most obviously leads to favoritism/impaired judgment. may be unreasonable, but its basically what happens.

        glances around
        ...steps off soapbox
        ...reads post and curses at how long post is
        ...shortens post
        ...rolls eyes at self
        ...eats blue jello
        and i THINK, as long as cam is doing it with all of them, it's viewed differently than if it was just 1 or 2 of them.

        if he spends equal time with all of them, then none of them can claim preference
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Mandysg1
          No it was the writers trying to force it on us, just like "getting the band back together"

          Here's a link to the online bidding page, read the description they have for the show, there is something very interesting in there

          LOL! Thanks Mandy. That's awesome.

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            and i THINK, as long as cam is doing it with all of them, it's viewed differently than if it was just 1 or 2 of them.

            if he spends equal time with all of them, then none of them can claim preference
            And hopefully Cam won't be 'shipped' with anyone else.

            I do believe that part of the great team atmosphere of previous seasons comes from the cast being such great friends. You could see it in all the behind the scenes and bonus bits on the dvd's where they're all goofing around with each other.

            ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

            HIC COMITAS REGIT!


              Originally posted by ReganX
              If it turns out that my fears of this happening are to be realized, I will need to keep one next to the couch when Season Ten begins.

              It will be even more nauseating than those dreadful scenes with Mitchell and his friend in 'Stronghold'.
              I do not think they will promote mitchell - they saw the disarray and criticism and negativity and loss of ratings points that S9 brought them, including the debacle with putting an inexperienced never before seen or heard of newbie in co-command, and they saw the complete uproar caused back in October/November with the rumors about Carter possibly going to Atlantis and not being in all of SG1, etc. etc., so they have to realize that promoting mitchell would be another bad move and more contrived than anything they did in S9 (and the contrivances abounded in S9 and IMO turned a lot of viewers off along with bad writing and a terrible character in mitchell). TIIC have to realize that AT and MS have the fan base and BB does not - the loss of either one of them or the continued disrespect to either of them will continue the ratings slide - TIIC cannot be THAT dumb, they have been doing this a long time and they have to realize who and what brings in their ratings (S9 was their chance to experiment and it fell flat - royally).

              IF, and I think it is a big IF, TIIC do promote mitchell the second that happens I am out for good regardless of whether the BIG 3 are still around. If this happens there is absolutley no reason to support the show as it will be clear that the show I liked and enjoyed and was willing to spend time watching because it was not a waste of time is lost and I will not continue to waste my time watching it. Before S9 of SG1 I cannot recall ever having watched a show that is crap just because of the presence of an actor or two and even though I watched 15 eps of S9 on borrowed tape because of the continued presence of the BIG 3 I continued to have a little hope that TIIC might just pull this mess together - I will give S10 a short chance but if mitchell is promoted or if Carter continues to be disrespected and diminished then there is no reason to continue watching as that little bit of hope will also be gone.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                and i THINK, as long as cam is doing it with all of them, it's viewed differently than if it was just 1 or 2 of them.

                if he spends equal time with all of them, then none of them can claim preference
                yes'am. 'tis TEAM bonding, so all of them. and i think the original comment was actaully about jack in defense of ship (damn! i ruined a ship defense??! teach me to read farther before i post!)

                Originally posted by ReganX
                How is going from being in command of however many people were working in the Research and Development section of Area 51 - was that Maybourne's job in Season Two? - to being second in command on a team she has previously led not a demotion in position?
                you know what i really love about this argument? (some) people that use it think it would be a demotion to MITCHELL if he was taken from his role as CO of SG-Me. yes, sam goes from head of Area 51 to 2IC of an (granted, the flag-ship) offworld team, and its not a demotion. but mitchell goes from learning to lead an offworld team in peace time (a team that happened to consist of only him), to being the 2IC of said team during The Biggest War Humanity Has Ever Fought, and he's demoted.
                forgive me if i missed that logic.
                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                  So I was reading some of the comments here about Sam not getting the recognition and awards she deserves.

                  I tend to agree.

                  Here's a little remedy to the situation...Oooober!style:

                  What...too much?

                  I mean I can tone it down a hair if I've over done anything.

         know...let me know.

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by ReganX
                    How is going from being in command of however many people were working in the Research and Development section of Area 51 - was that Maybourne's job in Season Two? - to being second in command on a team she has previously led not a demotion in position?
                    Is anyone here going to the next convention? This question deserves to be asked of AT or one of the IIC that is there. I know that it is hard to ask the hard questions but they deserve to be asked and after the mess that was given to the fans in S9 I want someone to answer this question - the fans deserve to know why Carter would be demoted from both leader of SG1 and head of R&D at area 51 for the crap she was given on SG1. Why would she agree to this - it is illogical and makes absolutley no sense especially when they guy they chose to portray as taking over command or co-command is such an inexperienced cowboy.

                    I am soooo tempted to watch the bids for that luncheon and bid-out at the end just to have an opportunity to ask this question, as well as one other that has been burning at me since mid-S7 (bet many of you can guess what THAT question will be). I really hope that auction stays within range and does not spiral out of $$$ control.


                      I wonder if and when SG1 ends, what kind of an effect it will have on SGA ?

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                        you know what i really love about this argument? (some) people that use it think it would be a demotion to MITCHELL if he was taken from his role as CO of SG-Me. yes, sam goes from head of Area 51 to 2IC of an (granted, the flag-ship) offworld team, and its not a demotion. but mitchell goes from learning to lead an offworld team in peace time (a team that happened to consist of only him), to being the 2IC of said team during The Biggest War Humanity Has Ever Fought, and he's demoted.
                        forgive me if i missed that logic.
                        Apparently it's okay to demote Sam. Can't do anything that would hurt Cameron's fragile ego, though.

                        I don't think that it would have reflected badly on Mitchell if Sam had retaken command when she returned from Area 51 - granted, the situation is a bit different now, which is why she needs to be promoted to full colonel at the earliest possible opportunity - and I certainly would have thought better of the character if he had stepped back voluntarily, knowing that having the best person for the job in command was more important than him fulfilling his hero fantasies.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          I wonder if and when SG1 ends, what kind of an effect it will have on SGA ?
                          i can only hope that atlantis will get better since the production staff will no longer be trying to do two shows with the staff of one
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            I wonder if and when SG1 ends, what kind of an effect it will have on SGA ?
                            It could do either way. If they move Sam, Daniel, Teal'c or more than one of them over to Atlantis, it may boost their ratings.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              So I was reading some of the comments here about Sam not getting the recognition and awards she deserves.

                              I tend to agree.

                              Here's a little remedy to the situation...Oooober!style:


                              What...too much?

                              I mean I can tone it down a hair if I've over done anything.

                     know...let me know.

                              No Oooooober, not too much at all
                              Last edited by Mandysg1; 11 April 2006, 06:33 PM.

                              my fanfic


                                OK, so now that I'm thoroughly depressed *grin*

                                How about we wonder what kinds of (perhaps miraculous) GOOD things TPTB could do with Carter next year to make her role amazing again?

                                Now, Astro already listed a few examples. Which were awesome. Full bird colonel being one. That'd be totally sweet. A medal ceremony of some sort.

                                Hey, maybe she'll actually get to FLY SOMETHING?!?!?! Well, a gal can dream, can't she?


                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

