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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Actually I'd rather see Sam deck McKay personally.... I've been waiting for that since that first ep he was in... shipping him off to Russia was ok.. but not nearly as sastifying

    Originally posted by Mandysg1
    Yea but don't we always want someone to punch McKay...say like Jack


      I just have to say this pic keeps on puttin a smile on my face

      my fanfic


        I'd change Heros and not kill Janet... at that point she didn't need to die, the poignance could have been brought home just as well with severe injury and a realistic picture of rehab for Janet. They coulda killed off whatshis name and had the funeral poignance reflected in the fact that none of SG-1 knew him, but they eulogize him anyway... I dunno... I wouldn't have killed her. I could probably even cope with Mitchell if Janet were still on board.

        Or alternatively I woulda changed the end of
        RE and had Janet stay for <insert reason here.. there's about a 1000 possibilities>

        My .02c anyway.

        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        on the change the ending of one episode topic, i think i can tell you what amandas would probably be.

        she said in the red sky commentary that she wished the planet hadn't been saved in that one.

        and i'd say she'd change the ending of affinity, but i'd change the whole episode


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
          Well, you're full of somethin', that's for sure.


          Just got back to see this, Über. And the horse you road in on! (Tee-hee!)


            Crap, that's a good one, Myrth. *sniff* Miss my Doc Frasier.

            And goodness, that picture is hilarious! Love her expression there -- she's like, boy do I have it rough.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Okay here is the picture of the Gate from Comic Con it was at the Sony booth. They had it taken down from Vancouver for the con.

              My View From The Peanut Gallery


                Ok, I feel the need to preface the following... you guys know I'm no card carrying member of the RCC fanclub right... far as I'm concerned he's one of those power-tripping middle management types and shouldn't be in charge... but...

                In fairness to the truth and in the spirit of Amanda's intelligence, I feel the need to point out that Cooper alone is not likely to be the issue for Amanda. External pressure is likely to be governing the craptastic journey that was season 9 (the lazy ass writing I simply can't explain).. but the character changes and direction shift etc... all smacks of outside pressure.

                I would hope that someone who looked Amanda in the eye from day to day wouldn't do that... but then perhaps there's a lot of staring at the ground in the hallways over there.

                I suspect Coop's sin is a lack of back bone in standing up for and defending the principles and philosophies and people that have made SG-1 a unique and defining television show in the genre. To put it simply he doesn't have the balls to maintain the unique presence SG created.. so welcome to cliche-tv land.. please watch your step

                Originally posted by Skydiver
                IMHO, they take her for granted. and seem to have the idea that 'eh, we can do what we want cause, you know, she's a sport. she'll take it'

                The treatment isn't the actors' faults. It's TPTB. It's coop who seems as fanatical in his devotion to all things claudia/vala as some of her fans.

                All it does do is prove that if there is one classy person at bridge, there aint' a C in that person's name.

                I admire her grace and dignity even as i'm angered at the mistreatment...and i fear that, given coop's blatant preferences and predjudices, that it'll just continue


                  Originally posted by tsaxlady
                  No just did not have ring on. He was suppose to be at the dessert but had to cancel because the baby sitter canceled on them and he had to go as soon as autographs were over. In fact he had to leave before everyone got through the autograph line to get home.
                  Well, thank goodness! Glad to hear he just left it at home. Anyone could make that mistake!

                  I know it's none of my business, but I hate it when people get divorced! Thanks, tsax!


                    a lot of actors get so used to not wearing thier wedding rings that i would imagine that it's second nature to not have them on

                    take mariska hargitay for example. Obviously, her character isn't married so she can't wear her rings on the set...but notice that Olivia wears this little necklace with a square gold charm on it....which i THINK is her way to wear her 'rings' without wearing them. My mom told me that the necklace was a gift from hubby
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Myrth
                      Ok, I feel the need to preface the following... you guys know I'm no card carrying member of the RCC fanclub right... far as I'm concerned he's one of those power-tripping middle management types and shouldn't be in charge... but...

                      In fairness to the truth and in the spirit of Amanda's intelligence, I feel the need to point out that Cooper alone is not likely to be the issue for Amanda. External pressure is likely to be governing the craptastic journey that was season 9 (the lazy ass writing I simply can't explain).. but the character changes and direction shift etc... all smacks of outside pressure.

                      I would hope that someone who looked Amanda in the eye from day to day wouldn't do that... but then perhaps there's a lot of staring at the ground in the hallways over there.

                      I suspect Coop's sin is a lack of back bone in standing up for and defending the principles and philosophies and people that have made SG-1 a unique and defining television show in the genre. To put it simply he doesn't have the balls to maintain the unique presence SG created.. so welcome to cliche-tv land.. please watch your step
                      good point. And i do - in many ways - think that there's nothing malicious from coop...just a lack of chutzpah when it comes to telling suits which orafice to shove what
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Meh. I was going to post my 5000th post in here, but I got annoyed with another little idiot person of a differing opinion in another thread (no, it wasn't anything so worthy as Who Should Lead) so I guess 5002 will have to do *sigh*. I'm pretty sure Sky will be getting reports about my behaviour any time now. Sorry.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Lol hiya Sky.. didn't know you were into Mariska That necklace she wears is a small gold pendant that reads "Fearlesness" (I have a simliar one she sent me, but round and silver). She sells those to raise money for her charity "The Joyful Heart Foundation" which helps survivors heal through interaction with dolphins in the wild.

                          She doesn't wear her wedding rings as Olivia on the correct hand, but often has them on the other hand turned around so you can't see the giant stone.

                          Sorry.. not trying to turn this into Maranda now.. I've done some work for Mariska in the past, so if you're interested in her PM I can point you in the right direction.

                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          a lot of actors get so used to not wearing thier wedding rings that i would imagine that it's second nature to not have them on

                          take mariska hargitay for example. Obviously, her character isn't married so she can't wear her rings on the set...but notice that Olivia wears this little necklace with a square gold charm on it....which i THINK is her way to wear her 'rings' without wearing them. My mom told me that the necklace was a gift from hubby


                            Hallowed are the ORIFI!!!

                            Lol.. sorry couldn't resist

                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            good point. And i do - in many ways - think that there's nothing malicious from coop...just a lack of chutzpah when it comes to telling suits which orafice to shove what


                              i watch svu because of mariska. i think that she's like amanda in that she plays a very good female character (although half the fun right now is playing spot the baby - she's pregnant and they're disguising it on the show...which can be kinda fun to watch, how many folders she can carry, how many big coats, how often she's sitting down, etc)
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Myrth
                                Hallowed are the ORIFI!!!

                                Lol.. sorry couldn't resist

                                that's better than Oreos!!!
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


