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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1
    *runs away and hides behind Teal'c (because he's sooo big)*
    joins mandy. T-bear's big, there's plenty of room
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      Rites of Passage - when she's teasing Cassie about the kiss with Dominic?


        My comment would be who the hell is N. John Smith and what does he do? lol.... woulda been nicer if it came from Coop or Wright. BUT... t is nice that they're acknowleging her value regardless... something that should damn well be acknowleged [feels the fire starting] As for Amanda's comments, I say You go girl!!

        The way she's been treated has been apalling on many levels, but one thing I've recently come to realise is that the thing that gnaws my gut on it the most is the "glass ceiling" mentality. For a long time Stargate has sat in a unique cross demographic place where it was accessible to so many segments of the general audience. It would seem the talent to keep it there left with Gekko.

        The latent sexism behind the decisions being made is dissapointing... to put a "soft" description on my feeling there. I don't want to make it about this... but I think even the airforce aren't that damn sexist. Time for the morons making these decisions to grow up and grow a pair, and stop hiding behind the fallacies that you need a penis to be in charge..... honestly there is zero logic in Carter not being in charge and that's the only explanation I keep landing on.

        [ggrrrr]... ok I need to visit my happy place... Stargate Barbie.. busy? I have a nice little place down the road

        Originally posted by binkpmmc
        My only comment on the N. John Smith lip service is "talk is cheap" and "actions speak louder than words" and I do not like what I see.


          Originally posted by starprops
          Rites of Passage - when she's teasing Cassie about the kiss with Dominic?
          Yep,but chocdoc beat you to it.

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Myrth
            Time for the morons making these decisions to grow up and grow a pair, and stop hiding behind the fallacies that you need a penis to be in charge.....
            Yeah. I mean, just because her reproductive organs are on the...

            Oh .... god... what was I just about to SAY?!



            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              It would seem they do need to be on the outside to be the lead on SG-1.

              Or maybe your brain needs to be on the outside.... I haven't figured out which

              Originally posted by minigeek
              Yeah. I mean, just because her reproductive organs are on the...

              Oh .... god... what was I just about to SAY?!




                I said it there, and I'll say it again here...

                Oh. My. God. LOL!!



                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~



                  unfortunately, it seems to be all too true.

                  I mean, even using the 'AT wanted a lightened schedule' excuse doesn't really wash for cam being the commander simply because, well other than babylon and collateral damage, what eps did he REALLY have a majority of the show in????

                  and cam could have STILL had those focused episodes if he was Major Mitchell. they'd have made just as much sense with him being a major and member of SG-1 instead of leader.

                  in fact, i think the only part that really didn't make sense was him going cambo after Teal'c. And not becaue he DID it, but because he did it in front of Sam. Take her out of hte equation, have him go cambo in front of daniel, then sam shows up - where is he??? - etc, etc and it could have played out the same

                  I still, and probably always will, believe the only reason Cam is the boss isn't necessarily to appease the scapers - although it did have that fringe benefit - it's to fulfill the falsehood that a man MUST be in charge and a woman MUST be subordinate...especially the male star of a show

                  Sexism plain and simple
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Myrth
                    It would seem they do need to be on the outside to be the lead on SG-1.

                    Or maybe your brain needs to be on the outside.... I haven't figured out which
                    Watching the way these "boys" operate they give the impression the brain needs to be in their pants because that's what they think with, IMO of course. Too negative - hhhmmmm . . . see ya.


                      Er... umm.... nope, there are no words... well if she doesn't want her share of Amanda germs.. I'll take em!!!!

                      Originally posted by minigeek
                      I said it there, and I'll say it again here...

                      Oh. My. God. LOL!!




                        Originally posted by Mandysg1
                        Yep,but chocdoc beat you to it.
                        I got distracted, watching women's college basketball play-offs - Maryland and Utah went into overtime... Oh well - at least I was right, just not right fast enough...


                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          I said it there, and I'll say it again here...

                          Oh. My. God. LOL!!


                          and when y ou read stuff like that, i always marvel that the actors keep doing cons and keep dealing with the crackers amongst us
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Myrth
                            My comment would be who the hell is N. John Smith and what does he do? lol.... woulda been nicer if it came from Coop or Wright. BUT... t is nice that they're acknowleging her value regardless... something that should damn well be acknowleged [feels the fire starting] As for Amanda's comments, I say You go girl!!
                            Actually, N. John Smith is absolutely one of the biggest people involved with Stargate. He's an executive producer, just a different kind from Cooper and Wright. In all honesty, with Mike Greenburg and Richard Dean Anderson no longer involved, I'd even go so far as to say that he might be #3 on that big sky-scraping totem pole that is the heirarchy at Bridge. N. John Smith is responsible for all of the practical aspects of filming both Stargate shows. Have a location shoot the next day? N. John Smith makes sure that everything needed to film the show makes it there. Cooper wrote an episode that requires it to be "freezing"? N. John Smith is responsible for making it look cold. Filming of an episode running late and every member of the crew is about to go on overtime? N. John Smith is the guy who makes sure that things are wrapped up and money isn't lost just because the director couldn't make his day.

                            So, what I'm saying is, N. John Smith's comments about Amanda Tapping are, in fact, very nice and complimentary. Basically, he's saying that Amanda is so professional, kind, and amiable that she makes the actual process of making Stargate happen easier. And, from what I can gather, most actors in the business aren't like that.

                            That being said, like the rest of you, I do think actions speak louder than words. They're much more appreciated too.


                              Originally posted by Myrth
                              It would seem they do need to be on the outside to be the lead on SG-1.

                              Or maybe your brain needs to be on the outside.... I haven't figured out which
                              Umm...think lower

                              my fanfic


                                Thanks for the explanation there Golfbooy... I retract my earlier statement then and offer a sincere thanks to N. John Smith and a wink and a nod of approval, along with a sigh of relief that someone is showing her some respect and appreciation. In all fairness it's unlikely to be the boys at Bridge causing the issues for Amanda at all, but it is nice to know that some of them openly appreciate her all the same.

                                Originally posted by golfbooy
                                Actually, N. John Smith is absolutely one of the biggest people involved with Stargate. He's an executive producer, just a different kind from Cooper and Wright. In all honesty, with Mike Greenburg and Richard Dean Anderson no longer involved, I'd even go so far as to say that he might be #3 on that big sky-scraping totem pole that is the heirarchy at Bridge. N. John Smith is responsible for all of the practical aspects of filming both Stargate shows. Have a location shoot the next day? N. John Smith makes sure that everything needed to film the show makes it there. Cooper wrote an episode that requires it to be "freezing"? N. John Smith is responsible for making it look cold. Filming of an episode running late and every member of the crew is about to go on overtime? N. John Smith is the guy who makes sure that things are wrapped up and money isn't lost just because the director couldn't make his day.

                                So, what I'm saying is, N. John Smith's comments about Amanda Tapping are, in fact, very nice and complimentary. Basically, he's saying that Amanda is so professional, kind, and amiable that she makes the actual process of making Stargate happen easier. And, from what I can gather, most actors in the business aren't like that.

                                That being said, like the rest of you, I do think actions speak louder than words. They're much more appreciated too.

