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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1
    Hmm? I'm from Canada and I don't think we have an accent. (Except for Quebec and certain easter provinces) And we don't say oot and aboot. The only time we say aboot is when we are looking for our other boot
    yes you do! don't ruin my deluded stereotypical imagery of a nation! every one in canada says oot and aboot, everyone in england says more tea vicar, everyone in australia requests the presence of shrimp on a "barbie" and is named either bruce or sheila, and all scottish people wear kilts!

    furthermore, all italian people say "mamma mia", and i can back this up because i know an italian who actually does say this. texans say "yee haw", french people wear a string of onions around their necks, and just to back all of this up:

    top o' the mornin' to ye!


      Originally posted by ChopinGal
      It's quite all right ... environment (Coley and 1speed) and heredity (Lancashire dad) will kick in and you'll rise to the occasion, I'm sure!
      Oh, I'll rise to the occasion.

      There's a Dubliner in our midst. Oh dear me!!! I had to do an Irish accent for a workshop at theatre school..... and it kicks in every time I'm around anyone from that neck of the woods.

      Accentwise.... I think Amanda's doomed!
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by NearlyCircular
        I admit I wandered over to the anti-Carter thread too, and was amused by the nature of some of the complaints, as usual. She’s too perfect, etc. I wonder, does anyone make those same kind of complaints about Daniel? Or Jack? Maybe it’s the feminist in me too, Coley, but I tend to be hypersensitive when the barbs are only directed at the female members of a team. I did a quick search, trying to find out if GateWorld has a history of anti-Daniel or anti-Jack or anti-Cam threads, and I didn’t find any. I know there have been anti-Vala threads and anti-Chaya threads; I think I’ve seen anti-Teyla threads, but found no threads set up to complain about the male characters. There have been a lot of complaints about Cam, but I haven’t seen an anti-Mitchell thread, or if there was one, it was a while ago. Sky, you’d know better than I would, does this seem accurate? We seem to be hardest on the women. Are they really written that poorly, or are we just willing to put up with more inconsistencies and flaws in male characters than in females?


        I've seen negative posts about Daniel, Mitchell, Mckay and Sheppard, but no thread named anti-name of male character. Not too long ago there was a thread on -- has Daniel changed? And in that thread, there were definitely comments and complaints about how Daniel has been written lately. The starter of the thread just didn't say Anti-Daniel which I think is good.

        I personally don't like the titles having anti-character in them at all, but do it more like has Daniel's character changed, or "comments and and complaints about character X". I'm not sure why the title has to have anti in it, but the comments and complaints don't seem too bad to me. (I don't agree with them, but I'm sure some fans won't agree with me on some of my views of the characters).

        I guess the mods can't ask for a change in the title? (And this would be true of any anti-character that appears or resurfaces?
        Last edited by chocdoc; 15 January 2006, 03:49 PM.


          Originally posted by stargate barbie
          yes you do! don't ruin my deluded stereotypical imagery of a nation! every one in canada says oot and aboot, everyone in england says more tea vicar, everyone in australia requests the presence of shrimp on a "barbie" and is named either bruce or sheila, and all scottish people wear kilts!

          furthermore, all italian people say "mamma mia", and i can back this up because i know an italian who actually does say this. texans say "yee haw", french people wear a string of onions around their necks, and just to back all of this up:

          top o' the mornin' to ye!
          Seeing as my best friend's dad is a vicar, that phrase comes out an awful lot! Mainly as a clicheed joke, though, I have to admit
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
            Jack: I still don't believe Vanderjagt missed that field-goal...
            Jack: Hey in the words of the immortal Bob Prince-We 'em all the way!
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              Hey aussies arent called Sheila, thats just what women are called in general, and we dont like shrimps on the barbie LOL, well some people do but i certainly dont LOL and also come to think of it i dont know anyone called Bruce

              Major Sam/Jack Shipper!


                Originally posted by SuSiE_SG1
                Yes, there was an Urban Rush special with the Stargate Gang, i didnt see it as i dont live anywhere near Canada. But i have got pictures of Michael and his daughter and Chris and his daughter on it and someone told me Amanda was also on it, im not sure if she was with Olivia but i would still like to see pictures if anyone has them???
                I've been searching all afternoon but to no avail ... I started with the Google search for "Urban Rush" Canada and even emailed Major Sam because the show is a local talk show on Vancouver's Channel 4 I believe (Shaw TV). Anyhow, I briefly hit a screen that said the "Stargate Special" guests were on December 26 or thereabouts. But once I went beyond that page I couldn't get it back ... I looked through all the photos in their "Photo Gallery" and none were of our gang.

                SuSiE, where did you find the photos of MS and CJ with their babies?! Can you link us to it? Yes, it was reported that Amanda was pushing Olivia in her stroller and also a part of this ... can anyone share more? Ideally, the photo/screen caps that are somewhere in cyberspace!


                  Originally posted by chocdoc
                  I've seen negative posts about Daniel, Mitchell, Mckay and Sheppard, but no thread named anti-name of male character. Not too long ago there was a thread on -- has Daniel changed? And in that thread, there were definitely comments and complaints about how Daniel has been written lately. The starter of the thread just didn't say Anti-Daniel which I think is good.

                  I personally don't like the titles having anti-character in them at all, but do it more like has Daniel's character changed, or "comments and and complaints about character X". I'm not sure why the title has to have anti in it. When reading most of the posts in this anti-carter thread, they seem fairly reasonable (I may not agree) in the sense of things people don't like and/or would like to see changed.

                  Is there any way to ask the thread starter to change the title, and this would be true of the anti-Vala, anti-Teyla etc. threads? Probably not, but just asking.
                  Sounds like a good idea. Reframing the names of the threads ... Sky, what say you?!


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    Oh, I'll rise to the occasion.

                    There's a Dubliner in our midst. Oh dear me!!! I had to do an Irish accent for a workshop at theatre school..... and it kicks in every time I'm around anyone from that neck of the woods.

                    Accentwise.... I think Amanda's doomed!
                    i hate to do this to you, but for the most part i find british people trying oirish accents to be either really hilarious or really insulting. there have been a few notable exceptions, daniel day lewis was the best one. i actually thought he was irish for years.

                    the worst is when its on itv and to a lesser extent the bbc. apparently all irish people are wife beating, alchoholic, stupid and always end up in prison for any one of a million crimes.

                    still though, worst ever irish accent goes to that guy in charlies angels 2, quickly followed by richard gere in the jackal. what the hell was that!?!

                    but i'm sure you did a great job!

                    (ps, nemisis is on now! woo hoo, sam kickin' ass!)


                      Originally posted by SuSiE_SG1
                      Hey aussies arent called Sheila, thats just what women are called in general, and we dont like shrimps on the barbie LOL, well some people do but i certainly dont LOL and also come to think of it i dont know anyone called Bruce


                        Here is the site for the Chris and Michael pictures,, i originally thought that the baby Chris was holding was Olivia, Amandas baby, but i have been told that it is in fact his baby Chloe.

                        Major Sam/Jack Shipper!


                          Originally posted by stargate barbie
                          Well if thats what you think of us then thats ok because i would prefer to be thought of that then someone like Steve Urwin the crocodile hunter

                          Major Sam/Jack Shipper!


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            i hate to do this to you, but for the most part i find british people trying oirish accents to be either really hilarious or really insulting. there have been a few notable exceptions, daniel day lewis was the best one. i actually thought he was irish for years.

                            the worst is when its on itv and to a lesser extent the bbc. apparently all irish people are wife beating, alchoholic, stupid and always end up in prison for any one of a million crimes.

                            still though, worst ever irish accent goes to that guy in charlies angels 2, quickly followed by richard gere in the jackal. what the hell was that!?!

                            but i'm sure you did a great job!

                            (ps, nemisis is on now! woo hoo, sam kickin' ass!)
                            The problem is people try to overdo them. They go and put an excessive emphasis on "oi" and think that teamed with a t instead of th is enough. But more subtle than that, it's intonation and a delicate lilt. It took months for me to get it. Unfortunately, I can never quite get it these days, although I occasionally slip into it. I'll have to get training for GABIT.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Well I made another version of my patch, because in all honestly, though orange may be one of Amanda's favorite colors, it really isn't one of mine.

                              But I did try to incorporate orange into the patch slightly as well as our motto. I think I like this one much better.

                              I've been looking around at custom embroidered patches and it seems as if we need to decide what size we want. Most places require a minimum of 100 patches and there are three different pricing levels. 50%, 75% and 100% embroidery. For 50% embroidering the patch obove would be a blue background patch and only the Stargate symbol, stars and wording would actually use threads.

                              From what I have seen 100 two inch patches with 50% embroidery would cost about $1.25 - $1.50 per patch, so it would be $150.00. There are additional charges if you wish to have a iron-on backing added to the patch.

                              I'm not sure if anyone else has found a better price on this sort of thing...but it doesn't seem that bad to me.



                                just checked out those pics of the urban rush thing and noticed that they are on a Michael Shanks website, so all pics are going to be based around him. in fact i went through all of the pics from various specials and there are only about 3 pics that have Sam/AT in them at all, and she's just part of the background in them so i'm sure some pics of her from this show will surface somewhere.

