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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    Would it ruin your illustration, if I said "Yes!"?

    Hallowed are the Penguins!
    ROTFLOL Holy Hannah, spazmeister, I was thinking the same thing and making furious notes for my next shippy fic!!

    Lys, je t'aime mais je suis une penguine!


      Originally posted by Lys
      Are you betraying us ?
      Don't you see it's a trap ? The big penguinesque shippers' trap ! If, and I stress 'if', Jack and Sam are togoether, the writers will give us angst, loads of soapy angst ! Sam is working on the SGC, Jack is in Washington, how can they see each other ? Will they be able to ask Thor for some beaming kit ? Will the neighbours suspect anything when they're going to see little grey guys working on Sam's home basement ? What about the odd reports in tabloids ? "Scoop : a strange beam seen above a cabin in Northen Minnesota, the NID investigates"
      Do you want to be submitted to that ?
      What was I thinking?! You're right--they'd never let it go at a simple reference, would they? Was it last night's wacky mind control/insanity episodes? Thank you for saving me, Lys. (jckfan goes back into denial of ship mode).

      BTW, what's with the penguins?


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        i call them the big three because that's what they are. the three actors that brought this franchise to life and kept it going for almost a decade

        the original three actors will always be set apart from the new guys to me. Just like lexa will never fill janet's shoes.

        she is a decent enough character in her own right (ignoring the silly soap opera my daddy's the boss scenario) and i would like to see her interacting with cameron some more. (CLAM is a great deterant to SCAM ) but she's just a new character. She will never adequately replace janet. Just as CAm, while he certainly has potential, will never totally replace jack. and jonas, as much as i liked him, would never take daniel's place. he filled a role certainly, but he wasnt' daniel and never would be
        And that's another problem. Why do those new characters brought to fill another one's job have to be compared to the other one personality ?
        Jonas has never taken Daniel's place, he never pretended to, he had very different dynamics with the other characters. The only thing he had in common with Daniel was the job on the team and the lab. That's all. They were different characters.
        Carolyn is very unlike Janet. As Cam is, compared to Jack. They have the same job as the departed character but that's all.
        Comparing one to the other is like comparing a math teacher to another math teacher, same job, different personality. The only thing you can really compare is how they do their job, not how they behave and how they relate to others.
        D'oh, you must all hate me when I'm in a fighting mood like that.
        My apologies to all
        Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
          Would it ruin your illustration, if I said "Yes!"?

          Hallowed are the Penguins!
          I suggest you go to the Blue Jello Corner and take your turn in the worst bad fic ever written in the galaxy
          Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


            Originally posted by jckfan55
            What was I thinking?! You're right--they'd never let it go at a simple reference, would they? Was it last night's wacky mind control/insanity episodes? Thank you for saving me, Lys. (jckfan goes back into denial of ship mode).

            BTW, what's with the penguins?
            Penguins are shippers' official pets
            I see there's some hope for you. You haven't been submitted to the penguin love
            Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


              Originally posted by jckfan55
              What was I thinking?! You're right--they'd never let it go at a simple reference, would they? Was it last night's wacky mind control/insanity episodes? Thank you for saving me, Lys. (jckfan goes back into denial of ship mode).

              BTW, what's with the penguins?

              Now I'm really ROTFLOL ... I just PM'd spaz with the same question, even though I've already announced myself as "une penguine" to Lys! I think it's a running joke on the shipper thread..

              However, seriously, the return of Jack (albeit brief cameo appearances) could be very well handled by certain writers who would keep it low-profile, understated. Addressing the conclusion of the S/J arc in S10 wouldn't have to turn into a soap opera. It could be done. Well, maybe not with the current PTB mentality. They've missed the boat on everything else in S9, why do I dare hope for better with this?


                Originally posted by Lys
                Penguins are shippers' official pets
                I see there's some hope for you. You haven't been submitted to the penguin love
                Cripes, I just made myself someone's PET!! I thought penguins were another name for shippers! DUH ...


                  Originally posted by jckfan55
                  See, the only thing I can say is good about Jack being gone is that we're not subjected to the whole ship thing. If it comes back, I would hope they are together-end of story--no soapy angst. I think that's my biggest concession to the shippers yet. Maybe you guys are a bad influence on me.
                  Heh. Come to the dark know you want to...


                    Originally posted by ChopinGal
                    ROTFLOL Holy Hannah, spazmeister, I was thinking the same thing and making furious notes for my next shippy fic!!

                    Lys, je t'aime mais je suis une penguine!
                    Dear Lady Kluck, I love you too, but you're not 'une pingouine' but a Royal Hen

                    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                      Originally posted by Lys
                      Penguins are shippers' official pets
                      I see there's some hope for you. You haven't been submitted to the penguin love
                      And I used think penguins were cute. Thanks for yanking me back from the precipice.

                      On the fanfic topic. Why do many authors write Sam as having suffered domestic abuse with Jonas & in other relationships? Sam says in First Commandment that Jonas "liked control" but I don't see that as necessarily meaning he hit her. I think it would have had to be more subtle than that for Sam to put up with it for any length of time. My view of Sam is that she'd have walked out the first time he hit her, but that she gave back the ring before he got to that stage. She may be a bit uncertain in her love life, but not to that point.


                        Originally posted by Lys
                        I suggest you go to the Blue Jello Corner and take your turn in the worst bad fic ever written in the galaxy
                        Totally OT, but do you know what's really sad? That wasn't the worst badfic I've ever seen.


                          Originally posted by Deejay435
                          Totally OT, but do you know what's really sad? That wasn't the worst badfic I've ever seen.
                          It wasn't ?

                          You can't imagine how relieved I am not to be a shipper.
                          Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                            Originally posted by Lys
                            Back in season one, the storylines were also quite simple. SG1 goes to a planet, gets in trouble, fights, wins and comes back. They had time to explore the relationships between the main characters. Now that we're in season nine, they have to deal with a very big universe, one which has 8 years of history. One of their problems in regards to the team relationships is that the plot is taking advantage of the characters. They can only focus on one or barely two of the cast in the 42 minutes time of an episode. They can't go back to the way the episodes were written back in season one, not in SG1 universe. We can't expect characters with only a year of history in the show to be as complex and developped as those with nine years of history.
                            There's also how we perceive the new team, and I'm not talking about how the team has been written this year (very lacking in my opinion) but how we're talking about SG1. For some time, I've been reading posts with the "Big 3" and the other guy. How the heck do you expect Cam to fit in the team if you constantly put him apart ? I can only speak for myself but I really dislike the "Big 3" name. I think it reduces Sam, Daniel and Teal'c to a group of individuals only engrossed into their friendship and not very open minded. It's like they're building a big wall between their small group and any other person who'd dare to come too close to them. They're not like that. I really fear if it goes this way in the fans' minds that even with brilliant writing and awesome episodes, poor Cam will never fit into the team. There always be this huge wall between him and the others. Same goes for Vala.
                            When I said earlier that I wanted more team, it was more Sam, Cam, Daniel and Teal'c together, not more Sam, Daniel and Teal'c and never mind if the other guy is here or not. As far as I'm concerned, SG1 is a four persons team. I know this post won't please some of you but please, keep in mind that it isn't a rant in defense of Cam but in defense of the team.
                            Now, forgive me if my not so good mood of the moment shows between those lines.

                            Deepspace, nothing against your post. I agree season 9 is the beginning of a new team. I only quoted you as a reference for my rant.

                            Wow Lys sorry I missed this post when I made my last one before heading off to bed last night. Great post and I agree with you I want to see more of the entire team as well. We had a few glipses of it this season but more is needed. I was watching some season three episodes this week while I worked on some new caps and I noticed how almost every episode has at least one nice moment with the entire team. I especially liked the end of Into The Fire were we see the entire team alone with Hammond in front of the gate at the end of the episode. If you watch it closely the interaction between everyone at the end as the camera pulls back. There is no verbal dialogue but they are saying a lot by their actions.
                            My View From The Peanut Gallery


                              Originally posted by minigeek

                              Originally Posted by Myrth
                              I was thinking of using fic or the like as currency personally... but whatever floats your boat

                              ha ha, i'd bet - but i think he WILL be in the episode, too.
                              I would lay money on RDA being in the 200th episode.
                              My View From The Peanut Gallery


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                the term 'big three' also comes from the cons. when folks are asking which actors will appear, the con organizers will say yes or no if one of the 'big three' will come - rda being excluded since he does not do cons, not as a slight

                                now with the new folks, that termanology just carries over

                                i do think that cam and vala have potential. not only do they need to tone vala down, but cam too. they need, imho, to find a better balance between giddy newness and believable confidence. he can be excited while still acting competant. Jack did it all the time. Jack still had his 'wow' moments while he acted like a competant leader, as did Sam.

                                vala...i'm afraid that no matter what they do i will always have issues with her. to me, she was introduced too poorly. coop said in the most recent stargate mag that he knew she'd be back from the onset (the quote is along the line of the soonest we thought she'd be back is season ten thus implying from the very beginning of s9 they planned to have her at least recure), yet they still persisted in writing her as fun and OTT, even knowing that they'd have to deal with it further down the line.

                                bad planning, imho.

                                i'm sure she will be toned down, yet even in doing that will her abrupt change of heart and attitude be believable? Would it be believable if daniel, in the middle of season two, decided to enlist and join the military? or started to shoot first and talk later?

                                vala beconing a sweet adn adorable and sympathetic character stands a good chance of being too much of a change from the OTT rascal she was introduced as.

                                Cam, as unevenly as he has been written, has had a mixture of silly and competant. so when - if - he goes more competant it'll be an easier sell since the ingredients are already there.

                                vala....vala's change would be like Sam suddenly turning into the tart and throwing herself at any and all available males...funny sure, but so not in character, not as she's already been established
                                Yes I have a little free time at the moment. Well I really just need a break from work we are in contract negotiations and they are not going very well so I need a break from school work.

                                Sky I hear what you are saying. I like Claudia Black but I really really really (well you get the idea) did not like Vala when the character was first introduced. When they started making some changes in the character and having her not be so over the top I have liked the change. But as Thor said I feel like I'm waiting for the other footware to drop and we get the over the top Vala again.
                                My View From The Peanut Gallery

