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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I liked that TPTB made Pete a really great guy. It would have been so incredibly easy for them to take the route of him being insensitive or even abusive in some way, but by making him into a perfectly decent...even wonderful person, it put Sam in a tougher position. Hey, let's be honest, he was no Jack (), but he treated her just fine. Considering that up until that point Sam never really had the chance to seriously explore a relationship with someone else (and have it last longer than an ep or two), she lucked out with him. I think that's why the shipper in me squee-d all the harder when she ended it.

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      well, i mean this with NO OFFENSE AT ALL to anyone, but making pete a bad makes sam and jack easy. sam breaking up with a good guy...that's hard. sam breaking up with the wife beating b****** and is comforted/rescued by jack...that's easy
      you're right.

      it's like in the early seasons why sara was often demonized by folks because it was easier to justify jack and sam if his first wife was a witch and a half
      i think the prob starts with shippers (fans of 'any' couple) not even wanting one of their preferred half of a couple to even think about wanting someone else, let alone doing it.

      think of how many 'others' out there make it or take off? i actually preferred buffy with spike, because i wasn't really a fan of buff with angel. and i actually preferred angel with cordy for the same reasons (not the only reason, though). but with spike and cordy, they'd already been established 'before' they were looked at as 'others', so it was easier for ppl to accept them coming between their preferred coupling. did that make sense? it's also why i continued to like worf, when he was romancing troi in star trek next gen. normally i would have disliked worf for coming between troi and riker, but already grew to love this character before he was shoved between riker and troi.

      it's just easier to make the 'others' evil or jerks, because we don't want to admit that one of our preferred half of a couple would look elsewhere for romance. we *always* want an out, instead of them just, basically, enjoying this persons company. (which is why i wanted pete to be a figment of sam's imagination )

      of course, i'm not speaking for 'all' shippers.




        Why bother attempting to explain a contrived, poorly-written, out-of-character plot device? Particularly when, after all that suffering, we got nothing out of it. It's better just to dismiss it or pretend the whole thing never happened. Apparently, that's what the writers have done.


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          well, i mean this with NO OFFENSE AT ALL to anyone, but making pete a bad makes sm and jack easy. sam breaking up with a good guy...that's hard. sam breaking up with the wife beating b****** and is comforted/rescued by jack...that's easy

          it's like in the early seasons why sara was often demonized by folks because it was easier to justify jack and sam if his first wife was a witch and a half
          No offense meant to anyone meant by me either - I just think TPTB-Continuum failed with the whole Sam/Pete ship arc, judging by the damage done to Sam's character, and the "oh, puh-leeze" factor they built into the Pete character. Their 'oooh, that'd be kewl!' phase was apparently starting, even back then.

          I don't think that Sam would take up with a wife-beating, worth-less-than-the-air-he-displaces man - that 'healer of the emotionally wounded' thing only gets one so far before one's common sense drags it back up to attic and shoves it into the nice little carved walnet case, with the velvet lining, where one keeps it, in purest self-preservation.

          I just don't like that they had to make Sam apparently weaker, less competent, less valued and altogether more 'girlie' to make Pete a nice guy.

          I keep thinking he'd have worked better if as has been repeatedly suggested, Daniel had introduced Pete to Sam. Also, if he had been, oh, an absolute mechanical wiz that did something like... build engines for custom bikes, or racing bikes, or air race planes, something that one could instantly imagine would interest Sam because she'd love to talk about his work. If he'd been ex-military, even if only a technical sergeant, I'd have added points, because it would have made sense then that he'd understand that female senior officers don't grow on trees, and they don't toss around 'classified' just to avoid telling you what they do every day at NORAD. Plus, as ex-military, he might have had friends who were still military, and asking them to tell him the scuttlebut on Major Carter, and the scuttlebutt that she shows up in the morning, goes into the elevator, and is not seen again, in the commissary, the bathroom, anywhere, for twelve or fourteen hours - or several days - would probably have intrigued him, but not been the on-one's-knees-begging-for-trouble activity that having somebody putter around in secured FBI files would be. (Just can't get past the idea that even querying for a file on scrubbed personnel on a top secret project wouldn't generate an automatic report to the e-mail InBox of someone with the horsepower to ruin the rest of your year, and 4 or 5 of its friends, with the resulting, and inevitable, phone call.) Then he could have shown up at Daniel's house in a logical manner, and, while there, perhaps have done something useful, and actually helpful to Sam, like seeing Osiris firing on all of SG-1, Sam included, and trying to divert Osiris with his vehicle, which then gets blown up instead of the surveillance van.

          But nooo...

          IMO, Pete wasn't an example of a bad man (severely flawed, over-endowed with ego, and far less than brilliant, but no, not bad), though he was an example of a bad(ly conceived, written, and presented) character.
          Last edited by Simhavaktra; 05 March 2006, 06:40 PM.
          ...a very cranky blog:


            bump-up for the evening


              Hey, there, fellow Samandans! Fly-by post!

              Gavin Hood, who played Col. Vaselov in S8's Lockdown, won an Oscar tonight as the director of the Best Foreign Film (South Africa's Tsotsi).

              How about that?????

              Here's a picture of Hood in Lockdown:

              Ok.....bedtime......but I hope to be back Monday night to play with you awhile!


                Hi all, can't believe how much trouble and how long it's taken me to get back into Gateworld.
                I still get the Apachi test page so by playing with ALL my pc buttons i've found out that i can get in by clicking onto my history drop down menu, see you take away my favourite toy and that's what i'm reduced to!
                Thanks to Skydiver who filled me in on yahoo as to what is hapening on Gateworld at the moment


                  Geez, I tried to get on here around 10 am, couldn't get on, then went to work, took a nap and watched the oscars, and now there are 4 more pages up, not that I'm surprised.

                  Originally posted by tsaxlady
                  Okay Sally since GW has been acting up today I spent some time working on caps from Arthur's Mantle you can find them here
                  Thank you so much for posting those! I love those pics! I have to say thank you from my sis too (I Love Daniel) because I showed her the Daniel pics and she squeed muchly

                  Originally posted by dreamer
                  I also think her character would be strong if they had her and jack together. then she could have her family and someone at home who could protect her kids and be with to talk to. I think it would make her character stronger. She could still be soldier Sam and balance marriage, family, and career. many military families have to do that. I don't care what those anti Sam/jack people think their chemistry is great and it does make sense.
                  I agree. Personally, I didn't mind Pete because he was a good guy, and if Sam couldn't be with Jack, I wanted her to be happy. However, I am an avid Jack/Sam shipper and I think that they would be so good for eachother. It would be easier for Sam to go offworld and leave her family because she knows that Jack understands what she is doing. And the fact that they have both been through all that and they have no secrets would be very good for their relationship. They already have that trust built up.

                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  boyfriend for sam, as written by majoral.

                  pete shanahan. gym instructor. a regular guy. nice, good looking, sincere. (played by paul gross, from 'due south')
                  This just caught my eye. I didn't know anyone else knew about Due South ha ha! I used to have a crush on PG Well wait, are you in Canada? I think it was bigger there. No one I mentioned it to in the US had a clue what I was talking about Anyway...

                  Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                  Hey, there, fellow Samandans! Fly-by post!

                  Gavin Hood, who played Col. Vaselov in S8's Lockdown, won an Oscar tonight as the director of the Best Foreign Film (South Africa's Tsotsi).
                  Yeah, that was cool! I was like, wait that guy looks familiar... and then it dawned on me!
                  Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
                  Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


                    Originally posted by Carson's girl

                    Yeah, that was cool! I was like, wait that guy looks familiar... and then it dawned on me!
                    concerning the russian guy from the s8 ep, 'lockdown' - i think *he* should have been the 4th on sg1 in season 9!




                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      concerning the russian guy from the s8 ep, 'lockdown' - i think *he* should have been the 4th on sg1 in season 9!

                      Hi Sally:

                      I agree, him or Jonas - actually anything would probably be better than what we got (are) stuck with . . . .


                        Evnin all..

                        I'm just gonna jump in here and completely disagree with the current topic of the thread.

                        I actually thought that Pete achieved exactly what he was supposed to. As far as I'm concerned he was there to represent the ideal of what Sam thought she wanted. And through him and the arc of that relationship, Sam realised that it was her ideal that was flawed.

                        I found it to be an enjoyable contrast arc of self discovery for Sam. In New Order
                        when Sam didn't beleive for a second she would be living with Pete on a farm. That was a defining moment and a huge point for her in her own thinking about her life I would say. Perhaps not at the time, but in reflection. Then her growing discomfort with the relationship up until threads. No-one likes to admit that they're wrong, and as much as Sam thought she was a white picket fence girl, she just isn't.

                        The other thing that series of eps highlighted to me, is how much sense Jack makes as the choice for her. And in part it was her coming to that conclusion. In Grace she's convinced he's not right for her, that it wouldn't work. As evidenced by her various hallucinations telling her that, including and most importantly Jack himself. I loved that Threads tied back to those moments, but with the reverse implication. Jacob was implying that she could have Jack, not the other way round, which she had assumed would be the case, shown to us by halluci!Jacob in Grace.

                        I love that kind of detailed and deep story telling. I liked that we got to see a "real" journey with real issues highlighted mixed in with the very emotional poignance aspect.

                        I fully accept that I'm probably in the minority, but I applaude the Pete storyline and still firmly beleive that Sam & Jack's journey has been a slow and beautifully graceful burn. Can't wait for the next chapter


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          Hey, there, fellow Samandans! Fly-by post!

                          Gavin Hood, who played Col. Vaselov in S8's Lockdown, won an Oscar tonight as the director of the Best Foreign Film (South Africa's Tsotsi).

                          How about that?????

                          Here's a picture of Hood in Lockdown:

                          While on the subject, just me but I really think that Amanda outshines every one of the Hollywood beauties on the red carpet (okay, I'll cut some slack for one of AT's idols, Meryl Streep).

                          Amanda's been blessed with such good looks and her bubbly personality adds to the glow.

                          So, in my book, the Oscar goes to ...


                          Wouldn't it just be great to see her up there one day?!
                          Last edited by ChopinGal; 06 March 2006, 11:41 AM.


                            Soldier!Sam smilie for all Sam-lovers:



                              Originally posted by Myrth
                              Evnin all..

                              I'm just gonna jump in here and completely disagree with the current topic of the thread.

                              I actually thought that Pete achieved exactly what he was supposed to. As far as I'm concerned he was there to represent the ideal of what Sam thought she wanted. And through him and the arc of that relationship, Sam realised that it was her ideal that was flawed.

                              I found it to be an enjoyable contrast arc of self discovery for Sam. In New Order
                              when Sam didn't beleive for a second she would be living with Pete on a farm. That was a defining moment and a huge point for her in her own thinking about her life I would say. Perhaps not at the time, but in reflection. Then her growing discomfort with the relationship up until threads. No-one likes to admit that they're wrong, and as much as Sam thought she was a white picket fence girl, she just isn't.

                              The other thing that series of eps highlighted to me, is how much sense Jack makes as the choice for her. And in part it was her coming to that conclusion. In Grace she's convinced he's not right for her, that it wouldn't work. As evidenced by her various hallucinations telling her that, including and most importantly Jack himself. I loved that Threads tied back to those moments, but with the reverse implication. Jacob was implying that she could have Jack, not the other way round, which she had assumed would be the case, shown to us by halluci!Jacob in Grace.

                              I love that kind of detailed and deep story telling. I liked that we got to see a "real" journey with real issues highlighted mixed in with the very emotional poignance aspect.

                              I fully accept that I'm probably in the minority, but I applaude the Pete storyline and still firmly beleive that Sam & Jack's journey has been a slow and beautifully graceful burn. Can't wait for the next chapter
                              Hey Myrth, a reasonable point of view in that the arc seemed to take us on that kind of journey.

                              However, for many of us, the way the character was written was the real issue. I agree that, by introducing the boyfriend arc to further develop the Sam/Jack conflict/resolution, then it seemed valid. But once Pete walked out of her bedroom and picked up his cell phone to find out the lowdown on her, with the subsequent stalking which jeopardized Sam and her team, it was no longer the journey I was hoping for. And for her to sit on his bed and then reveal a top-secret operation which Hammond would not even reveal to his colleague, Jacob Carter, as he lay dying ... well all bets were off! I remember actually becoming nauseous the first time I watched Chimera. God, how's that for a gut feeling?! I need to get a life, eh?!

                              Giving Sam "a boyfriend who didn't die" could have been so cleverly and well written and still taken us full circle back to Jack. The journey we got was much too bumpy a road for me. Sam was made to look too angsty, too unsure of herself, all in deference to an immature guy who, as his buddy Farraday warned him, was not in her league at all. I wanted a boyfriend who would have been her equal and then she would have kept her self-respect throughout and still come to the realization that she wanted Jack.

                              I love your metaphor, "a slow and beautifully graceful burn". But the writers have completely stalled out or copped out for S9 and have not provided the timely denouement which is now expected. It's a shame that we have to complete the arc through fanfic rather than onscreen time.
                              Last edited by ChopinGal; 06 March 2006, 05:48 AM.


                                I would rather not see Sam in any boyfriend romances at all; just as I would rather not see girlfriend romances for the lads. There are more interesting stories to tell via the show, imo, and I'm glad we're through it (apparently).

                                But I happily read the stuff in fanfic: I've been reading Jack/Sam, Sam/Janet, Janet/Sam/Jack, Jack/Sam/Daniel [notice a common motif? ] - that's where I like my Sam love-life...

