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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    *contemplates this information*

    Yeah, I suppose it could totally wing it should the unthinkable occur in transit. I mean, how hard is it to let gravity take its course? It's the hitch-hiking its way to Vancouver that I'm worried about.
    Well, let's suppose there's a solar flare at the same time your postcard jumps out of the plane. It could land on the top of a very hippie car, back in 1969, and find its way to Vancouver for we all know only hippies were unaware of the war with Canada at this time.
    Then it will stay completely forgotten until February 20th of 2006 where AT finds it with her daily mail at the Bridge Studios.
    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


      Originally posted by Lys
      But it's not a normal postcard, it's yours. I suspect a spaztic postcard to have at least some skills in skydiving.
      I think we need to get Sky in to give it some lessons.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Lys
        Well, let's suppose there's a solar flare at the same time your postcard jumps out of the plane. It could land on the top of a very hippie car, back in 1969, and find its way to Vancouver for we all know only hippies were unaware of the war with Canada at this time.
        Then it will stay completely forgotten until February 20th of 2006 where AT finds it with her daily mail at the Bridge Studios.
        Don't you dare insinuate that AT stoops so low as to read the Daily Mail, scourge of the known universe, spouting right wing.....oh, wait, you mean her fan mail, right? :blush:
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
          See that's where I disagree with you. I do not consider Sam as having 'been with' any of these men.
          i agree. she acknowledges and, in some cases, uses thier interest. but none of them were gonna 'get to home base' with her

          Hanson was a freak and Sam showed little interest to want to be with him again.

          yeah. her past was her past. and likely as soon as she saw jonas she had to tell jack 'hey, we used to be engaged' but the emphasis was on USED TO. as in past

          she did think she could get to him, but i think that was more because ofpast association, not any future endeavors

          Narim expressed an interest in Sam, he even shared his feelings for her through a device. I think Sam liked Narim, he was intelligent and charming, but I don't believe she felt the same way about him as he did for her. The revelation of his feelings through the device seemed to throw her off-guard, as if she wasn't expecting it. I think she may have been overwhelmed by his emotions and simply chose to express her gratitude for being so forthcoming with her by kissing him good-bye, but I think it's obvious from their second encounter that she didn't share his feelings. Friendship yes, but I don't consider what they had as a romantic relationship.

          same here. narim was a kindred soul. a soft spot.

          Martouf - I think Sam cared very deeply for Martouf, but she was so overwhelmed and confused by the feelings she shared with Jolinar that she wouldn't allow herself to get too involved with him.

          Lantash - The same goes for Lantash. In the scene with Elliot in the caves, he tells her that Lantash loved her and you see Sam flinch. It's like she's thinking to herself, "Oh no not again". Never do we see Sam tell Lantash that she felt the same way. I don't doubt that Sam cares for these men, but it's not as if she is putting herself into a romantic or sexual relationship with any of them.

          ditto again. by this point in time, sam has realized that she's got a whole mess of stuff from jols left over. and she's not gonna let jols' life run hers

          Orlin: This is one of the only men that Sam has come into contact where I really felt as if she was beginning to care for him. I truly believe that if things had been different, Sam may have actually allowed herself to become emotionally involved with him. When Orlin tells Sam that she cares for him in the park, I really do believe she was beginning to like him, but I don't believe she felt the same way for him as he did for her. It may have just been the beginnings of a great friendship and possibly more, but it definitely wasn't love as Orlin expressed at the beginning of the episode. As far as Sam/Orlin actually having an intimate relationship, I do believe that what he did with her with the glowly thing was very intimate; however, I don't believe this involved sex as we know it. Intimate does not mean sexual. I can have an intimate dinner party for four, but that does not mean an orgy will conclude the evening. The scene with Lam, Landry and Sam still irritates me.

          i see her relationship with orlin also coming from the distancing from the boys. jack, daniel, teal'c, heck even hammond told her she was nuts. they isolated her, made her feel abandoned and unwanted/untrusted. so she turned to whatever she had....which was orlin. and i'm sure it was also pretty flattering/cool to have a 'secret boyfriend', which she rationalized by telling herself that she was just gathering info

          Fifth: I think Sam felt empathy for Fifth. He was unlike the other human replicators and they made him feel inferior because of that difference. I think when Sam looked into Fifth's eyes she saw something of herself in him. She may have recalled a childhood where she felt as if she didn't belong or where she was constantly being told how different she was. I think she saw the loneliness in Fifths eyes and wanted to help him and I think it hurt her deeply to betray him in the way that she did. But I do not feel that Sam ever loved Fifth.

          no, she didn't. she felt sorry for him. and wanted to help him (remember sam, the healer of the emotionally wounded?) but that's it

          Felger: I think Felger's interest in Sam is a mixture of admiration and idolation. I never got the feeling that he loved Sam. It was more like an awe. Sam is probably the type of woman Felger has always dreamed of finding. She's beautiful, kind, and extremely intelligent, but I also think he is utterly in awe of her just as he is with the other members of SG-1. He does not care for the real Sam, he cares for the woman he's conjured in his own mind.

          McKay like Felger seems to be infatuated with Sam, and although he may be harmless, I seriously don't see Sam sharing his romantic interest.

          Barrett was a nice enough guy, but I think Sam pretty much shot him down twice thus expressing her disinterest in exploring a relationship with him. Friendship yes, but nothing more.

          all three of these boys fit into 'they have a crush on me, and i acknowledge it, but i will not encourage it

          Corso: I don't believe he really had any true interest in Sam. I think he was just flirting with her, much the same way Reynard with Jonas, in hopes that a few sweet words would win Sam over and obviously Sam wasn't impressed or interested.

          IMHO, she used corso. she used his interest in her to get info from him, just like he was doing to her

          Pete, well we all have our own feelings about Pete. However, in my mind this is the only romantic/sexual relationship Sam has had with anyone in the past eight years.

          Pete, imho, was the product of Grace and 'i'm gonna have a real life if it kills me!!!!!'

          to prove a point to herself, she threw herself at him full force and pushed any insecurities aside.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            I think we need to get Sky in to give it some lessons.
            hey, it ain't the fall that kills's that sudden and abrupt stop at the bottom
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              hey, it ain't the fall that kills's that sudden and abrupt stop at the bottom
              Good advice for life. As long as you don't stop, eh?
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                Don't you dare insinuate that AT stoops so low as to read the Daily Mail, scourge of the known universe, spouting right wing.....oh, wait, you mean her fan mail, right? :blush:
                Either I'm living in a bubble free of said scourge or I'm living in a yet to be discovered universe. I'm pleased to hear that the scourge didn't reach my doorstep !
                Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  hey, it ain't the fall that kills's that sudden and abrupt stop at the bottom
                  Ha! So there's no hope for that ol' postcard is there?

                  *kicks ground*


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1
                    Hi everyone, I am asking for a little help. I got lost in the quagmire of cyberspace I am looking for a place where I can get some Amanda photos to use. I'm just not sure where to find the one's which are the right size for my signature.

                    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

                    Have fun browsing
                    gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                    so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                    love Torri


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                      I'm not a Lancastrian though, really! I'm a Midlander, I come from Nottingham. My Dad comes from Lancashire, so I grew up with a hint of his accent, but I mainly have a Nottinghamshire accent. My dialect is a mix of Nottinghamshire and Lancastrian though.

                      I now live in the south and have adopted a proper southern accent, much to the disgust of my family and friends.
                      Oh - this I've got to hear!!!

                      So is it garaage or garrige

                      baath or bath

                      I'm looking forward to meeting everyone at GABIT2!!


                        Thanks for the help Qasim, I found what I was looking for, lets hope it worked

                        The pic came out too big, how do I make it smaller?

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          Thanks for the help Qasim, I found what I was looking for, lets hope it worked

                          The pic came out too big, how do I make it smaller?
                          Try here:

                          Save to your pc and upload it to

                          Once uploaded to imageshack copy the direct link then go here click the button and paste the link in
                          gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                          so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                          love Torri


                            Originally posted by TLWROX
                            Thanks for the welcomes, everyone!!! Glad to be here.
                            Wow. I never knew there were people out there who didn't like Sam. (And then consequently, Samandans, which let me tell you is the cutest name for a group ever) I have also been locked up in my own SG-1 bubble for the past few years, complaining and rambling about the show to people who don't watch it. So why, do you ask, did it take so long for me to go out and find a place where I can ramble to people who DO know the show? Well, laziness, is always my #1 excuse, and I just found another board for TLW- my first fandom- and was shot at warp speed to this lil nook of cyberspace. You all really didn't need to hear all that. But I thought I'd let you know.
                            So wow- non-fans of Samanda... Interesting- I also read this latest interview, and found her COMPLETELY captivating and adorable, and it really just seemed like she had no clue what was in store for Sam in S10, but would enjoy not being cut out of SG-1 completely what with Vala's return. That's all I got from it- people delving in, rearranging her words and probably her emphasis on them just so she comes out looking whiny, is sad. Why go to all that trouble? So you have a problem with kick-a$$, smart-as-a-whip women on a show and you have a disturbingly large crush on Siler- leave the woman alone!! She rocks it hard! Geez- I've never seen such animosity towards a character and a woman most people haven't even had the pleasure of meeting!
                            Hey TLWROX! I think we know each other! Welcome to Samanda! The gang here is fabulous and trust me...I've not read every post someone before me'd never get to post!
                            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                              Exacto! I agree completely.

                              A coward is a coward is a coward is a coward... If they can't even use their freakin' online screen name/alias when attacking her, then they certainly don't have the pelotas to do it in person.

                              People can be so weird sometimes. And that goes for the people who attack Ben Browder, Michael Shanks and Claudia Black. I'm sorry if any of those anonymous people are Samandans and this offends any of you, but the people who do the same thing so publicly to them in the manner some have are no better (or more loyal or sane) than the ones who do it to Amanda Tapping. Plain and simple. You can justify it all you want in your head, but it's the same thing, and I find it rather deplorable.


                              Hmm... I've never officially been on one of those before... Interesting...
                              Spazbaby, I couldn't green ya, so consider this your green. To quote a friend of mine from another board...[Bern]AMEN & HEZMANA YEAH!![/Bern]

                              That's why I rarely post anything "anonymously". I figure if I can't stand the heat...I'm gonna stay out of the kitchen.
                              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                                Originally posted by Qasim
                                AT: People are bashing me? What did I ever do to them? I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet. Cowards!

                                sorry, couldn't resist. teehee
                                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.

