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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    I'm already blown away by the mere thought of meeting her.

    As for just one episode.... that's terrible. TPTB, especially JM have made it sound much bigger than one ep.
    Ahh then maybe I'm wrong and she will have more than 1 lead - lets hope so - unless they have her making mistakes!!

    Thanks for coming back on that!!


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
      Oh...ok. *Those* pics. Hehe. Dreamland.

      PM=Private Message.
      Private Message Duh *slaps himself*
      So youv saw them


        Oh erum - Amanda has a no nudity clause so the items in question re the void do not belong to Amanda!!


          Right I must go - 1speed has arrived and he's expecting his tea!! He says Hi to everyone!!

          Catch you later


            Originally posted by Coley
            Oh erum - Amanda has a no nudity clause so the items in question re the void do not belong to Amanda!!


              Originally posted by Coley
              Oh erum - Amanda has a no nudity clause so the items in question re the void do not belong to Amanda!!
              I was about to say that.

              It's a body double. Apart from the back shot. That's real AT back!Porn. But that's about it.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Lys
                Why I'm not addicted ? Well it's quite simple. The blog is a poor excuse for some fans to turn the comments into a warzone and gives a very bad impression of the fans. I don't know what you, Samandans, think about this, but if I was in JM's shoes, I wouldn't give a damn for fans who spend countless hours fighting for the sake of fighting and bashing each other while they could give constructive critics. Granted, there are some constructive comments, but they're drowned in the huge wave of bashing posts.
                There's a forum outside in the Great Negativity Nebula I don't want to visit. It's not to get a deja vu feeling in JM's blog. I can live without that thank you very much.
                Aha! So I misunderstood you ... you were speaking of "not being addicted" to JM's blog and not SaGC, right?! If so, I completely agree ... I consider certain forums and blogs toxic zones and do not even venture there. I have more constructive things to do with my time (writing Samfic) rather than go hunting for trolls and flamers!

                I hope that Amanda knows this thread is a Sam Safe Zone and mostly a happy place, albeit an honest sharing of some strong feelings. As we are doing today.

                Peace, CG
                Last edited by ChopinGal; 07 January 2006, 09:51 AM.


                  Originally posted by ChopinGal
                  Aha! So I misunderstood you ... you were speaking of "not being addicted" to JM's blog and not SaGC, right?! If so, I completely agree ... I consider certain forums and blogs toxic zonesand do not even venture there. I have more constructive things to do with my time (writing Samfic) rather than go hunting for trolls and flamers!

                  I hope that Amanda knows this thread is a Sam Safe Zone and mostly a happy place, albeit an honest sharing of some strong feelings. As we are doing today.

                  Peace, CG
                  D'oh ! Of course, I'm addicted to SaGC ! I need my daily dose of blue jello. The spiced one is the best and I'm keeping it.

                  Poor CG, I hope I didn't scare you with the little misunderstanding. Blame it on me not being a native English speaker.
                  Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                    Happy Birthday Mini !
                    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                      *Please remember, I am not in the least bit defensive nor am I defending Ben. I am just sharing my OPINION.

                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      but the writers 'wrote' it like that to begin with. why write sam transferring? maybe so the STAR of the show could have the most impressive spot?

                      just watch the opening credits. it's the ben browder show.
                      Why write that Sam transfered? Cause maybe she wanted to since the team had split up. Maybe because she wanted to explore other avenues of the scope of SGC. Maybe because she thought her research abilities would be put to better use in studing all the artifacts and such SG teams had found.

                      There could be any number of reasons why Sam was transfered. Doesn't mean it's any thing other than either her choice or the higher ups thought she'd be MORE useful else where. Simple as that, at least in my book it is.

                      So...his name is first, ever stop to think that they ALPHABITIZED the TWO leads? Amanda is right after him...since her last name starts with a T.

                      at least with richard dean anderson, he *earned* that spot on the show with YEARS of work and YEARS of popularity.

                      btw, i'm really not meaning to diss bb. it's the ptb from *all* the players that i'm feeling grumpy about.
                      OR RDA's name was first because his last name starts with an A. Sometimes the way credits are run is done by alphabitizing the actors, by last name. Doesn't mean one actor is better than another. It's when the actor is listed as "AND" (in the case of Michael Shanks) that things change. I believe the way an actor's name is listed in the credits can possibly be part of their contract deal as well. If they have a pushy agent, chances are they're gonna get top billing over the other actors. I'm not saying this is the case on SG1, but it is a possiblity.

                      You know, just because an actor isn't as well known as another doesn't mean they don't deserve the same kind of respect as a more well known actor. Ben's paid his dues as well, he just didn't happen to have a popular show. Having a popular show like Macgyver doesn't make one a better actor than another.

                      Please don't think that I'm dissing RDA as I'm just as much a fan of his as I am of Ben's, I'm just saying that RDA had a popular show where as Ben did a lot of character work on various shows before landing on Farscape. Ben's played several different characters over the years and basically, RDA has played mainly, two...Mac and Jack. I think both men are equally talented and the fact that one had a popular main stream show over another, means that RDA possibly had a better agent or a different agenda as far as his career choices are concerned. Still doesn't make him any better than Ben. Just makes him different.
                      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                        Sorry Emu. Have a drink from the bar instead.

                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Coley
                          Why when it says there are 11 members on line can I only count 9 members named below this??!!
                          Dear Royal Accountant and Bean Counter

                          Methinks that your abacus and eyes may not be fully synchronized whilst reading this honoured thread. Perchance, your own natal day fast approaching and at an age where eyes oft require assistance, a trip to the royal optician's may be in order. That is, if we had a royal optician.

                          I would not want you to make a spectacle of yourself in further misreading of the numbers. The kingdom so depends on your ability to count and tally that we cannot have you impaired. Get thee to Chulak if you must ... until we fill the position of optician in Samanda.

                          Do not fear the old adage: "men do not make passes at girls who wear glasses" as I can humbly testify that this has never been my experience. (You may ask Murray next time he is in town.)

                          My heart breaks as I picture you now, in your kitchen, stumbling about preparing tea for Assistant Security Guard, arriving on his new cycle. Let us hope that you are still able to read all cooking directions and ingredient labels carefully. If not, 1speed may be in for a unique culinary delight, full of flavourful surprises. And the Royal Pharmacist may be kept busy tonight filling a prescription for bicarbonate.

                          Again, consider the implementation of bifocals as the solution to your counting difficulties. I truly believe all your beans will then be in order.

                          Your concerned colleague, Jester


                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                            Errrm, to be fair, RDA earned that spot by having the lead in MacGuyver, just like Scott Baluka or whatever his name is got the lead in Enterprise because of having the lead in Quantum Leap and Ben Browder now has the spot cos he was the lead in Farscape. He's a bigger name than Tapping, apparently, he'll draw in the fans. Grumble, mutter, grumble.
                            It could also just be that they all had good luck. Being an actor, even in Hollyweird is pretty much like takes your chances no matter what. I happen to think that all three men you mentioned just happened to be there at the right time and they were exactly what the director was looking for. Or in some cases, they weren't what the director was looking for but their talent made the director change his/her mind and go with them.

                            Basically, acting is a crap shoot.
                            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                              Yeah, perhaps. But I think that getting a role as a lead these days, especially when it's an ongoing series and you're a replacement, does depend on what sort of fan base can you bring to the show.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                                Yeah, perhaps. But I think that getting a role as a lead these days, especially when it's an ongoing series and you're a replacement, does depend on what sort of fan base can you bring to the show.
                                Every one heres a big At fan right

