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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    Let's see...

    From Joe Mallozzi's thread, here are some responses:


    Joe: "Or, quite frankly, it could be individuals overreacting." <--- Ouch. That one burns, Joe.
    I did not appreciate it as he is at his old lame tricks again so I posted another question - see what you think. I must say he helps to push me even further and further away from this show with his mightier than thou attitude and his silly game playing - it gets tiresome doesn't it?


      Originally posted by binkpmmc
      I did not appreciate it as he is at his old lame tricks again so I posted another question - see what you think. I must say he helps to push me even further and further away from this show with his mightier than thou attitude and his silly game playing - it gets tiresome doesn't it?
      Considering he knows we're not stupid and we know it's all a game... Yeah, it's getting pretty tiresome... There's only so far a farce should go before it's time for a curtain call.

      Two words: Damage Control.

      Two more words: Sony. SciFi.


      ON EDIT: I never need to snark Joe when Bink's around. Bink's Snarkage


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz


        Joe: "Usually a character-driven story stems from the character himself. What unresolved issues need to be explored? What kind of situations would set this character off?" <--- OK. Totally opened the door with unresolved Jolinar issues, but I won't ever snark Joe.


        I shall take these answers with a newfound feeling of weariness and caution. 'Tis not his fault, I understand. I refuse to shoot the messenger.

        But everything's still off...
        You may not snark but I will - and it's done. See if you like it as I combined one of his other "answers" (which I really only refer to as posts since they are not answers), with the question.

        EDIT - ahh you saw it before I posted this. Always glad to help. My snarks are usually respectful in my own kind of way. As I once said I post only for good reason -- not just for the sake of posting or asking a question -- there is always a reason for my posts, what is said in them and they way they are said. Hopefully many of you figure them out (I am not sure if Joe has figured them out yet or not) . . . Joe wants to play I am willing to play but again his game gets tiresome.


          Originally posted by binkpmmc
          You may not snark but I will - and it's done. See if you like it as I combined one of his other "answers" (which I really only refer to as posts since they are not answers), with the question.
          Heh heh. The tone is so argumentative, I'd be surprised if he responded. But that doesn't take away from the appeal. Nope, not one bit...


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            Heh heh. The tone is so argumentative, I'd be surprised if he responded. But that doesn't take away from the appeal. Nope, not one bit...

            It's okay for him to snark but goodness if anyone else does . . . . I consider most of his blogs and most of his posts at the AJM thread to be snarky, at least the ones dealing with the show.

            If he chooses not to respond to that question, as well as to the one above it that's too bad. It just shows he's not willing to engage with someone who has decided to play his game and challenge him. I am using his own words to ask questions - if he doesn't like it and feels he doesn't want to respond when they are legitimate questions borne out of his own words then I fear it is time for him to leave the thread. His game is tiresome and perhaps he too is tired if he does not want to answer legitimate, albeit challenging, questions based on his own posts.


              Originally posted by binkpmmc
              It's okay for him to snark but goodness if anyone else does . . . . I consider most of his blogs and most of his posts at the AJM thread to be snarky, at least the ones dealing with the show.

              If he chooses not to respond to that question, as well as to the one above it that's too bad. It just shows he's not willing to engage with someone who has decided to play his game and challenge him. I am using his own words to ask questions - if he doesn't like it and feels he doesn't want to respond when they are legitimate questions borne out of his own words then I fear it is time for him to leave the thread. His game is tiresome and perhaps he too is tired if he does not want to answer legitimate, albeit challenging, questions based on his own posts.

              I feel ya, bink. Trust me. I snark too much at other people these days, so it's really hard for me to maintain an approachable persona. I figure snarking JM will really tick peeps off. But snark away, my friend. Very few do it as eloquently as you.

              *blink, blink*

              *eyes clock on comp*

              1:43 am!

              OK, I am so off to bed. Night!


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                Joe: "Or, quite frankly, it could be individuals overreacting." <--- Ouch. That one burns, Joe.

                Well, I tend to agree with Joe there... It probably is just people overreacting

                Agent Dark - erring on the side of optimism as usual


                  Oh, I just saw this!

                  Originally posted by JMallozzi
                  Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
                  How 'bout the bar scene from "The Ties That Bind"?

                  Remind me next week. I'm going to put a call in to MGM and suggest they include deleted scenes as part of the extras.
                  OMFG WOOT. Joe Mallozzi is my new hero!


                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                    Oh, I just saw this!

                    OMFG WOOT. Joe Mallozzi is my new hero!
                    It's sad (to me anyway) that season 9 Joe wants to have deleted scenes put in. There's nothing deleted that I want to see unless it's from seasons 1-8. That is, even if Joe's not kidding, which I think he is.


                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                      I realize all of you watch SG-1, but how many of you watch Atlantis? I would be interested to know how many fans just watch SG-1 or Atlantis and not the other.
                      I watch them both, in fact this year I've been enjoying Atlantis more.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        personally? i think it'll be a great thing for amanda. sga theoretically has years of life left to it. it's possible that sam could take command of the daedalus, which would make her a bit more of a recurring character...but it would, also theoretically, give her more time with olivia. more time for other projects, more time to maybe direct again

                        i think it could be a good thing for her and i do trust brad to do his best to do things right
                        This is such a nice positive spin on things, one I'm going to try and keep in mind. I do think it will be a good move for Amanda. It will get her away from RCC who clearly doesn't appreciate her the way he should for at least half of her time, and put her at least half the time with Brad who's always written good episodes for her. Also since PDL seems to spending a lot of time on Atlantis, that could be good for Amanda too.


                          At this point in time, I truly feel for all the woman on Stargate: Rachel, Tori, Amanda and Claudia. I really feel as if the TPTB ( be it Bridge, Scifi or Sony I don't have a clue ), consider their female actresses to be inferior, less capable, to their male counterparts otherwise why would they be making such poor choices in terms of storylines over the past two years? Which is really sad, because I think they are just as talented as the male actors on the show if given the opportunity. I hear many fans shouting that Amanda is an average actress, and that she isn't really in MS, BB or CB's league. However, over the past nine years Amanda has been nominated for eleven different awards, including one for directing. This is more than any other actor on Stargate. So if Amanda is such a bad actress then why is it that she is so regularly recognized for the work she does? I don't think Scifi/Sony really understand this... nor do I believe they see this type of potential from Claudia this year. What they see are ratings and hype. They see reporters clamoring around CB and BB this year and they want that hype to continue so they will do whatever they feel is necessary to keep the spotlight on the show for at least another year.

                          I may not appreciate the character of Vala, but I don't believe it's in any way Claudia's fault; and if she is to join the cast of SG-1 next year on a more permanent basis then sadly she is stepping into the exact same situation as Amanda.

                          She will be doing everything she can to make her character fit in while she tries to deal with the fact that no matter what she does as an actress that a great many fans will automatically take a disliking to her simply because they feel someone they care about deeply is getting a raw deal. So I totally feel for Amanda and Claudia as well as the actresses on Atlantis and their fans. It's very hard not to put the blame on the actor instead of where it truly belongs. I really hope that regardless of what happens next season that Sam's fans and Atlantis fans do not cross the line that many of Vala's fans have done this year by attacking the actress and not the character, because noone deserves that kind of hatred.

                          I agree with what many people are saying, this may in fact be a really positive career move for Amanda. It would allow her to stay with the Stargate franchise. It would allow her to still spend a great deal of time with Olivia. She would be associated with both shows and it would hopefully still give her time to work on other projects if she so chooses. I see all this and I'm truly happy for Amanda if this is what she really wants to do; however, I'm still having a very difficult time seeing this as a positive change for Sam.

                          Will I watch Atlantis if Sam is on it? Most definitely. I'm hoping it will be a positive career move for Sam; more so than her obvious career move to Area 51 seemed to be. I mean when she came back from Area 51 she was demoted from leader of SG-1 down to 2IC again. I'm just hoping that she isn't demoted to scientist #3 on Caldwell's ship in season 10. I wish I could say I don't believe the writers would do such a thing to Sam, but at this point in time, I really do not hold much faith in their ability to show Sam in a positive light anymore.

                          Last edited by ForeverSg1; 18 November 2005, 06:24 AM.


                            kat's got some great points, that i'm too lazy to quote

                            claudia's just a pawn in all this. it's not her fault. she's just doing what she's been told to do

                            and i do think that Rob, through neglect or something else, does not like the character of Sam, he doesn't get her and doesn't even try. my impression is that he just does what sony/mgm/scifi tells him to do and he doesn't seem to stand up for much of anything or anyone.

                            he supports who he's told to support and he promotes who he's told to promote

                            brad, imho, cares for sam. he created her and understands her. which is another reason i don't mind her getting back on a show that brad's got a bigger hand in. brad doesn't tend to treat sam like some problem child
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              personally? I love the idea of amanda on atlantis simply because my one 'beef' about the show is a lack of characters to identify with. neither weir or teyla do it for me so while i do think atlantis is a better show, it just doesn't quite catch my imagination. sam on the show would be good for me in that aspect. maybe i'd finally write some sga fic

                              but i can understand how the atlantis folks feel. they're afraid that thier favored characters are going to get shafted. and i can understand that feeling. if i was hearing that sga members would be guesting on sg1 for several eps i might be a bit concerned too

                              personally? i think it'll be a great thing for amanda. sga theoretically has years of life left to it. it's possible that sam could take command of the daedalus, which would make her a bit more of a recurring character...but it would, also theoretically, give her more time with olivia. more time for other projects, more time to maybe direct again

                              i think it could be a good thing for her and i do trust brad to do his best to do things right
                              Sky, I agree with you. I understand and truly appreciate why the Atlantis folks are worried, but personally, I'd love to see Sam there, if AT thinks it would be a good thing for her, career-wise.

                              I like Weir and Teyla, but the writers haven't given them much depth (and actually it would be nice to see them developed a bit more). But I don't "love" their characters like I do Sam. And I trust Brad W to do Sam's character justice.

                              I've enjoyed Atlantis this season a bit more than SG-1. I thought the writing so far was better... the stories were more gripping and exciting. The Wraith are far better villians than the Ori. The Ori hit too close to home in some ways. You can tune into a Pat Robertson rant and find real-life Ori-like preaching right here, right now. No escapism there. Seems almost silly to go after them in space when their ilk enjoy the support of millions (including the White House) in real life. (Sorry to go political on you all, but that's how I see it.) I like McKay, so I wasn't bothered too much by everything centering on him. Based on what we've seen so far this season, I agree that Atlantis is more likely to survive than SG-1 in the long term, and if AT had a part in that... well, awesome.

                              My LJ


                                I just thought of something that Kat said about AT. If she does decide to return and her time is split between both shows, is there a chance that she'll be directing an episode for SGA?

                                So I went to the Q&A and asked Joe that same thing. Good/Bad?

