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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
    Oh, that would be sooo much fun! Any ideas of who else would be there with Amanda?
    The convention mentioned was Shore Leave but they don't look to have confirmed any guests on their website yet. Could be worth keeping an eye on it


      Originally posted by flippy18
      The convention mentioned was Shore Leave but they don't look to have confirmed any guests on their website yet. Could be worth keeping an eye on it
      Thanks! I bookmarked the page, so hopefully we'll hear something soon.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
        I've never been to a Stargate one, but I've done several Trek affairs...and yes, I've been known to dress up. I went as Captain Janeway when I was eleven because I'm that pathetic. But wow, to see Amanda in real life...WOW!! I'm already excited, and I don't even have a ticket!
        I LOVE Janeway, I don't think that's fact I'm sitting here trying to think of how I would dress up for a SG con in DC next year!!! I'm really not one to draw attention to myself, though, so I'd prolly just go camo - and it would be an excuse to carry a big honkin' gun, albeit a plastic one...
        If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
        proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
        Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

        Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


          Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
          I LOVE Janeway, I don't think that's fact I'm sitting here trying to think of how I would dress up for a SG con in DC next year!!! I'm really not one to draw attention to myself, though, so I'd prolly just go camo - and it would be an excuse to carry a big honkin' gun, albeit a plastic one...
          ROTFLOL ... er ... I can see Homeland Security working overtime on this one! Wash DC location: Stargate fans wandering the streets in camouflage with plastic P90s ... oh yeahsureyabetcha! The con organizers better rethink to the rolling hillsides of northern Virginia!

          Just took a quick look at their website - aha! Baltimore area, not Wash DC, sounds intriguing ... the Inner Harbor is a beautiful venue for a con and the name "Shore Leave" sounds like it may be on the waterfront. Keep watching for more details!


            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
            Uhh, I dont think that poll means anything for the 'Vala over Sam' as the majority view... It means that alot of people like Vala. It doesn't mean they don't like Sam. If you look back through the polls, I think you'll find they all usually favour the positive options.

            And I dare say there'd be alot more people who vote in that poll than those who participate on these forums or anywhere in the fandom.
            I know that's what it says AD. I'm extrapolating because every indication I'm getting from TPTB is that they can't possibly imagine a universe with both Vala and Sam in it at the same time. And if one should exist, it seems they've lost their interest in the woman who's consistently delivered for 8 years in favor of a shiny new toy.

            They are setting me up to thoroughly resent Vala and Mitchell and I can't tell you how much I resent being put in this position by them. Sometimes factions are created in fandom just because of fans but it feels like these camps are being created directly as a response to the queues sent by TPTB.

            It is a direct reaction to the ineptitude of those who have endless tales to tell but apparently don't know what to do with an integral character.

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Originally posted by ChopinGal
              ROTFLOL ... er ... I can see Homeland Security working overtime on this one! Wash DC location: Stargate fans wandering the streets in camouflage with plastic P90s ... oh yeahsureyabetcha! The con organizers better rethink to the rolling hillsides of northern Virginia!
              Actually, I've been wanting one of the battery powered P90 air guns that fires the mini-paintballs for, um, paintball shooting. Every once in a while, departments where I work go out to the paintball gaming range, and have at it. Several of us down here in the IT dungeon are eyeing various paintball weaponry in that regard, and the unanimous opinion of the 4 Stargate fans in the department is "They make P90 paintball guns???? Well, that's it then - we need P90's."

              Originally posted by ChopinGal
              Just took a quick look at their website - aha! Baltimore area, not Wash DC, sounds intriguing ... the Inner Harbor is a beautiful venue for a con and the name "Shore Leave" sounds like it may be on the waterfront. Keep watching for more details!
              Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn.

              Oh, yeah.

              I've been there. (no con virgin here ) Really nice hotel. Nice rooms, great restaurant, handy and good snack bar, nice meeting rooms, lots of well-lit parking, nearby overflow hotels, big mall right across the way for those camera equipment emergencies - only drawback for the Marrott's Hunt Valley Inn, and it's quite a minor one, is that the overall interior layout of the place is rather like the Minoan Labyrinth sans Asterion at the center. Of course, for a larger con, watching costumed con goers traipsing around looking for this event and that panel is its own entertainment venue, too.

              And I should mention that Hunt Valley is a suburb of Baltimore, so Inner Harbor is a 'driving required' excursion from there.
              ...a very cranky blog:


                Originally posted by Gatergeek257
                I think it's messed up to manipulate Sam's character like that just for another character's gain. Personally, I think they did that in "Menace". Ok, in "Urgo" (I know I just mentioned "Menace", bare with me.) Sam was the first one to notice that Urgo was acting "alive", but when Daniel says that Reese might think she's real, Sam is very quick to dismiss it and says she's just a machine. I think they just did that so all the focus could be on Daniel talking to Reese and trying to get through to her. The spoiler just made me think of that.

                Ok, I guess I'm done now. Sorry about all that. I hope I'm just getting worked up.
                Maybe season 1 Sam would have said that, not the Sam by that time.


                  Originally posted by ChopinGal
                  To think I've just spent a long weekend with this woman, and still cannot understand her!!

                  Quiz: Does "going up town for me butties in a min" mean ...

                  a) Coley is traveling to main part of city in a mini-van to procure some buttered biscuits or buns?

                  b) Coley is about to go to another part of town to meet her buddies?

                  c) None of the above

                  And what about Qasim? Methinks the lad may be hunkered down with serious schoolwork now that he's returned to university.
                  My going up town involves a brisk 3 min walk to the main street, nip into WH Smiths to thumb any new sci fi/ biking/climbing mags, a tuna buttie from Greggs, shufty round HMV for any cd/dvd offers and then back to work again usually forgetting to post my letters in the post box along the way!!

                  It's a quaint world we live in over here!!


                    Yup CG you can say mins for minutes, but not pocks for pockets!!!


                      I hope all you Aussie fans get the chance to meet Amanda!!!


                        Originally posted by flippy18
                        *lots of posts since I last looked!*

                        Having only seen up to the end of S6 I can't really comment on a lot of the things that have been posted - am a bit out of the loop. I'm quite intrigued as to what the S7 episodes will be like. Originally I stopped watching the show because I was so hacked off with the whole Jonas/Daniel, Janet, Hammond situations and all the fan wars and stuff didn't help. I watch the show to be entertained and for it to be fun, and it wasn't fun anymore. I guess I'm more of a fan of the actors[AT, RDA, CN, TR and DD] than of the show.
                        Recently some colleagues at work have started watching SG1 and came to chat to me about the episodes, and so I started rewatching from S3 onwards [picked that series because it has some of my favourite episodes] and realised that absence makes the heart grow fonder
                        I'll plough on with my rewatching [am on S2 at the moment and then leap to S6] and I'll probably carry on watching until the show doesn't entertain me anymore or I get really annoyed about something they've done to one of the characters [*wonders if she'll be able to get past Heroes Pt2*]

                        Apologies if this post makes absolutely no sense but I've been writing it for about 20 minutes now and kept getting interrupted - work always gets in the way of fun don't you find?

                        Oh another Brit who can find time to surf whilst working. I'm in the wrong job aint I!!

                        I hope you enjoy watching the shows Flippy. I became a fan about 18 months ago and watched season 1 to 6 back to back. I actually liked season 6 and liked Jonas. I thought he and Sam interacted very well.

                        As for Hero's - I just can't bring myself to watch it again. Though part one was quite funny. Ahhh Janet, Hammond, Jacob, Jonas, Jack - fantastic characters, fantastic actors very sorely missed by me!!


                          Originally posted by Coley
                          My going up town involves a brisk 3 min walk to the main street, nip into WH Smiths to thumb any new sci fi/ biking/climbing mags, a tuna buttie from Greggs, shufty round HMV for any cd/dvd offers and then back to work again usually forgetting to post my letters in the post box along the way!!

                          It's a quaint world we live in over here!!
                          My going uptown would actually involve my going "downtown" via subway or car and taking about 20-30 minutes, longer during rush hour. Nipping into a multitude of shops and galleries and museums too ... it's a major city. A tuna buttie would become a tuna hoagie or, better yet, an authentic Philly cheesesteak! Cholesterol counts will rise! Now, does your "HMV" stand for Her Majesty's Video?! We have something much more mundane: Blockbusters! I did manage to check out the WH Smiths bookstore at Heathrow though!

                          Why not "pocks"?! You never really finished explaining that one.

                          Oh, and returning to topic, have you found any new magazine articles featuring Amanda?! And I share your feelings about the first six seasons and all the beloved characters that we've lost!
                          Last edited by ChopinGal; 10 November 2005, 10:42 AM.


                            Sorry to anyone if the I made post at Joe's blog. (re Solutions)

                            I had just read a post off The Amanda Tapping Club that made me mad and lashed out.
                            Last edited by LaCroix; 10 November 2005, 10:41 AM.


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal
                              My going uptown would actually involve my going "downtown" via subway or car and taking about 20-30 minutes, longer during rush hour. Nipping into a multitude of shops and galleries and museums too ... it's a major city. A tuna buttie would become a tuna hoagie or, better yet, an authentic Philly cheesesteak!
                              OMG -- do you LIVE in Philly?!

                              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal
                                When I'll look back on the GABIT weekend, I'll remember ...


                                oooo, how do I get a button? I have one of the president stickers.
                                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                                William Shakespeare

                                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.

