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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Whistler84
    Yeah, you definitely gotta love Berkeley!!!! And, yeah, I have advertised in other appreciation threads. But I've got the potential of 5+ examples of Stargate Females (Sam, Weir, Teyla, Fraiser, and Vala) that could fit into my class, and I can't go through all the pages of *all* of their appreciation threads. I'd be reading and reading, and nothing would leak through!! So, I thought, I'd ask the experts and get a consise answer. Plus, I'm only going to spend one or possibly two days on Stargate, so I don't have unlimited time to invest in each character. I gotta allocate accordingly.
    Hey Whistler... I personally think Sam is pretty unique to science fiction television/movies because she is both a competent soldier and a brilliant scientist. You can probably find other examples of one or the other, but Sam is a pretty unique combination. Not only that, but she's written very much as a scientist... someone who is a "thinker" as opposed to a "feeler." I think women in any genre are usually portrayed as being more emotional, but logic rules Sam, and I think that's a pretty unique trait. How many women can you think of who are portrayed as saving the earth on a routine basis by coming up with scientific solutions?

    Plus, I can't think of any other women in science fiction TV/movies who actually inspire young women to go into science like Sam has done.There are a couple of people who have posted on this thread in the past who credit Sam as a role model, responsible for them pursuing science and math in college. Pretty cool, I think.

    My LJ


      I was a tad bored this evening so I found myself making more motivational posters.




            Originally posted by ChopinGal
            Still here ... this just in from the Gals at GABIT:

            FROM PAUL BROWN : Legends Memorabilia

            It is with great pleasure that Legends Memorabilia announces that we
            have accepted an invitation to come to London with Amanda in support
            of the forthcoming GABIT event.

            For your viewing pleasure, we shall be bringing a wonderful assortment
            of Amanda's costumes and props, as well as items from the other stars
            of the show: Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, Christopher Judge,
            Teryl Rothery and Don S. Davis. Several of these items will also be
            available for sale exclusively to GABIT attendees.

            In addition to props and costumes, we also plan to bring you a superb
            variety of Stargate merchandise including:

            • Great selection of photos, including our NEW licensed range of
            Amanda's 'Femmes Fatales' photos (exclusive release at GABIT!)
            • NEW mini Stargate
            • Laser etched glass Stargate and coaster sets
            • NEW Miniature Jaffa Serpent Head
            • Studio concept art prints
            • NEW Stargate 'photo boxes'
            • Episode photo proof sheets
            • Autographed photos of all of the Stargate cast members
            • Scripts and Shooting Schedules
            • NEW framed 'Iris' presentation (containing a piece of the actual
            Stargate iris!)
            • Dog tags, SGC patches and other small collectibles
            • THE wedding photo of Jack and Sam (another exclusive release at
            .......Plus several more surprises!

            If you have been to the last two Gatecon events, then you already know
            that when Legends Memorabilia attends a Stargate event, we do it in
            style! This will be our first ever event in the UK and we look forward
            to meeting those of you have been unable to come to Vancouver. Please
            be sure to drop by and say hello, we really do enjoy meeting the fans
            of Stargate!

            Please note: As we are a Canadian company, we regret that we will be
            unable to accept credit cards in the UK. Therefore all sales will be
            cash only. You will find that our items are very reasonably priced,
            but if your purchases exceed the amount of cash you have on hand, then
            special payment arrangements can be made.

            Paul Brown

            Some really fun items ... Sal must be hyperventilating now when she reads that "the wedding photo" will be up for grabs! I bet she's buying her plane ticket even as she reads this!!

            And AD and Q are booking their flights once they read that the Femmes Fatales photoshoot piccis will be available too!

            aahhh, this is great! I WANT TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

            and yes, chopingal, i *am* hyperventilating. (also getting dizzy with the thoughs of owning a piece of rda/jack clothing... )

            i think this is *so* awesome that this ALL AMANDA CONVENTION is going to be handled so professionally.

            are these *new* femme fatales pics being offered?

            for all the sam/amanda fans going, you're being ordered (i'm a major, i have the authority) to give DETAILS of every single second of this con.

            thanks for sharing, chopingal.




              peeps going to gabit - ask the paul brown legends memorabilia guy to get ahold of the 'many' pics from that POV wedding shoot. amanda said there were a lot of photos made, but she doesn't know what happened to them. get the legends guy to find them and sell them. shippers would go nuts!! (don't say we already are, AD, or... or else, so there! )




                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                Excuse me? It's 102F degrees under all these lights and I'm naked as a jay bird laying on top of a piece of foam, covered with bubble wrap. My bum keeps sticking to the plastic and you expect me to look relaxed?
                ROTFLOL, Kat, that caption is awesome. And great posters, too. But, I don't understand, how can you be bored with Avalon being on again???

                Thank you, Skydiver


                  Agreed.. I'd love to see the rest of the shoot they did for the wedding pics.

                  I want to go too... dangnabbit... {grumbles} dumb ocean in the way....

                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  peeps going to gabit - ask the paul brown legends memorabilia guy to get ahold of the 'many' pics from that POV wedding shoot. amanda said there were a lot of photos made, but she doesn't know what happened to them. get the legends guy to find them and sell them. shippers would go nuts!! (don't say we already are, AD, or... or else, so there! )



                    *sam thinking*

                    " ... i really need to find a new dentist. he said he was going to check for cavities... or did he say body cavity search... "




                      Originally posted by Qasim
                      Is there going to be a GABIT next year?
                      EEEK!! Hadn't thought of that! I guess I'm just used to conventions being yearly events. Oh, well. The only things I have lined up for next year are Conduit and Worldcon. Doubt she would be at either of these.
                      sig by PM


                        Forever, those posters are awesome!!!


                          Originally posted by Dani76
                          ROTFLOL, Kat, that caption is awesome. And great posters, too. But, I don't understand, how can you be bored with Avalon being on again???
                          Yeah I can't understand it either...

                          Glad you liked the posters though I'm so lovin your new sig. hehe


                            Forever! Such beauty, such elegance! Oh yeah, and your sig rocks, btw.


                              Last edited by ForeverSg1; 30 September 2005, 09:53 PM.


                                Some new screencaps

                                My View From The Peanut Gallery

