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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by L-JADE
    ooohh...the tight black t-shirt ... [/CENTER]

    thanks to Mala

    Oh Gawd yes, that tight black shirt but more importantly those strong muscular arms. I'd love to fall over in front of him just so he'd help me up and I have a legit reason to touch those arms.

    *excuse me while I go and wipe my chin*



      Originally posted by divcon
      Oh Gawd yes, that tight black shirt but more importantly those strong muscular arms. I'd love to fall over in front of him just so he'd help me up and I have a legit reason to touch those arms.

      *excuse me while I go and wipe my chin*
      Yes!! Yes!!!
      THAT was the first picture to knock me off my chair tonight.
      Almost woke up my hubby. Luckily my JC caught me.

      QEJC: Are you going to let go anytime soon?
      QE: Do you have somewhere else to go?
      QEJC: Well, I was going to go work out my arms since you like them so much, but this is good too.
      sig by PM


        Gotta go to sleep with a General smile ...hmmmm..

        Goddnight GG.. Queen Eleta, Divcon (heeey... I just got the source of your name *smack head* )
        sigpic : lilferret


          Originally posted by L-JADE
          Gotta go to sleep with a General smile ...hmmmm..

          Goddnight GG.. Queen Eleta, Divcon (heeey... I just got the source of your name *smack head* )
          You could have ended that sentence before the word smile.
          We all know you were thinking it!
          sig by PM


            I'm glad I'm not the only one smacking my head after figuring out Divcon's origin!!
            sig by PM


              Originally posted by Queen Eleta
              I'm glad I'm not the only one smacking my head after figuring out Divcon's origin!!
              Sorry guys I thought it was pretty self explanitory Divcon(DIVide and CONquer), I mean come on. Jack was amazing in that one but isn't he amazing everytime he's one screen.

              DJC: Feel my arms.
              Div: What are you talking about.
              DJC: Well I saw you drooling over the picture and I wanted to show you that
              mine are just as strong and supple as his.
              Div: Of course they are, but there's no harm in looking at his. It's your arms
              that I want.
              DJC goes back to his cupboard with a pleased look on his face.

              TOGETHER FOREVER,
              NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                [QUOTE=divcon]Sorry guys I thought it was pretty self explanitory Divcon(DIVide and CONquer), I mean come on. Jack was amazing in that one but isn't he amazing everytime he's one screen.

                Well you've got to remember all the thunking going on around here. not much brain power left for figuring stuff out.
                sig by PM


                  [QUOTE=Queen Eleta]
                  Originally posted by divcon
                  Sorry guys I thought it was pretty self explanitory Divcon(DIVide and CONquer), I mean come on. Jack was amazing in that one but isn't he amazing everytime he's one screen.

                  Well you've got to remember all the thunking going on around here. not much brain power left for figuring stuff out.

                  You are true, so true. MY apologies. Looks like it's just you and me, where has everyone gone. To thunk or not to thunk? I should really make a move to start dinner, oh well a little while longer won't hurt anyone.

                  TOGETHER FOREVER,
                  NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                    L-Jade is around somewhere too. i can't thunk very well because I haven't quite got the posting figured out.
                    I have some funny ones too. RDA taking his pants off to show the scar on his knee. I kinda had him figured as a boxers man.
                    Last edited by Queen Eleta; 26 June 2005, 10:45 PM. Reason: because it is too late to spell correctly
                    sig by PM


                      Dinner time huh? Bedtime for me. Way past actually. My JC has been yawning and laying his head in my lap for sometime now.

                      QEJC: I'm not tired, really.*falls asleep*
                      QE: I might need a Mac clone,too. Soon.
                      sig by PM


                        Yep, I can't really truly THUNK cause I don't know how to post pics. So I have to contend myself with my new JC which isn't that hard to do at all. I'm happy to drool over and discuss others magnificent pics.

                        Yeah it's dinner time, I'll have to put JC back in the cupboard cause hubby is due home any moment.

                        DJC: Do I have to go, It's so nice to just snuggle and watch you converse with you Gutter Gals.
                        Div: Yes you need to go into the cupboard, you know the rules. I'll let you out later and we'll snuggle and ..........................

                        TOGETHER FOREVER,
                        NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                          Gotta go, talk to you soon Queenie.

                          TOGETHER FOREVER,
                          NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                            Originally posted by L-JADE
                            Gotta go to sleep with a General smile ...hmmmm..


                            And I get to wake up to that lovely smile!....thanks!... He really does have the most beautiful brown eyes ever....

                            Dee Dee xx
                            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                              Originally posted by L-JADE
                              Here's what I have been doing ... when I cap something, I opened them in Paint (or Photoshop if you have), go to IMAGE (stretch/skew) re-size the picture to 75%, and save it. Put into Photobucket, copy the IMG tag then post. It will be within the forum rules. Hope it helps.
                              Actually, if you do have Photoshop the best way to save it so you can upload it to Photobucket (or some other photo-hosting account) is to do FILE > SAVE FOR WEB then you'll have a dialog box that shows you your original pic and the pic you're saving. (No difference between the 2 except the second one has much less data/file size) To the right is a box where you can actually tell it exactly what size you want it to be (like 400 pixels by 400 pixels) and you don't have to worry that 75% or whatever may still make it too big.... and you can also adjust the file size there (like to reduce it down to 50KB) - important for pix posted in threads, but especially for sigpics since there *is* a rule on forum that it should not be bigger than 50KB in file size. And another tip - don't unlock the proportion lock - it'll skew your pic really vertical or horizontal...

                              Otherwise... you lose data and the pic (either that you capped yourself or that you copied from on here) that was very sharp to begin with will come out much more blurry and may even make the pic look 'blocky.' (Making things blurry will also happen if you take a small pic and try to blow it up bigger... you can take something big & reduce it down & the data loss won't affect it much & may even make it look sharper... but take small and increase its size & you will have a blurry pic on your hands since photoprograms can't add data back into the pic very well....)

                              */end of public service announcement*
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Hello Gutter Gals, Long time no see! *Seven dives in and refreshes herself after an unexcuseable break from the Gutter* RL has kept me very busy but I could keep away no longer and I need to bathe in the soothing balm of RDA

