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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
    What did I DO??
    if your talking about the **whispers** "Alterations"

    [IMG]I THOUGHT that Subject was Closed!!

    UH OH!!!
    MJRC: Alterations?
    Mel: No, that's not what I was going to say!
    MJRC: What were you going to say?
    Mel: She...*whispers in JRC's ear*
    MJRC: Mel I think this gutter time, and these late nights are making you forgetful.
    Mel: ONTLL's didn't do that?
    MJRC: nope
    Mel: Thenk who did?
    MJRC: YOU did!
    Mel: oh right, I did didn't I?


      Congrats to all the mildly stoned!! did that come out right?

      MMJ: It's fine. (she meant milestones)

      And Welcome Bat Detectors!!!!

      MJC: I think she's welcoming back defectors...

      And a big velkommen to Crew members

      MJRC: That's a welcome to new members.

      MJC: You sure?

      MMC: Velkommen is German

      MJRC: New and crew, she gets confused.

      MJC: Well, it IS almost 5am.

      MMC: She just don't know when to quit.

      MJRC: She just conked out with her head on the desk.

      MJC: I'll carry her, Mac, get the computer, Jack

      MMC: Goodnight GG's. From Mel and the gang.

      MJC: Mac get your @$$ over here!

      MMC: Computer going off...



        KLIGGINS 5500
        IVY 900
        ANAKIN 700

        and welcome back AMBER, hope the headache's better, missed you


          Oh darn Mel, I just missed ya

          posted this before but you can never get enough of those eyes


            Originally posted by Ruralstar
            (((((((((Rune))))))))))) Love it and THUNK you muchly! Back atcha though it be color this time

            (((((Rural)))) Thunk you, the sun is shining today after all!


              I find it interesting to note that he keeps his dogtags on when he *A-hem* . Nice shoulders!
              You're never too old to do something goofy.
              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                Excuse me? You're not supposed to be nibbling on those fingers, it's my job to nibble on your fingers.

                No, thanks. I don't need any salt with these.

                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                  Originally posted by Kliggins
                  I am with you on that Shelly; boonie on Jack is sooooo wrong!!!


                  Jack is so disgusted he had to cover his eyes
                  *wincing* noooo, no not the boonie hat, I thought we had an understanding

                  Thank heavens you posted that gorgeous pic to help soothe the pain Kliggs, I feel all warm and fuzzy now.


                    I just melted the kettle (yeah, really) but luckily those long dextrous fingers mean Jack's so good with his hands ... (anticipates Sgt Siler's response)

                    ... and a little intensity in those melting brown eyes never goes amiss either.

                    *Rune melts herself*


                      Originally posted by L-JADE
                      IVY ON 900
                      ANAKIN ON 700
                      KLIGGINS ON 5500

                      *holds her head in her hands* (now that's an image)
                      I'm sooooo confused!!! Too many posts (keep em coming), too many milestones to keep track of. I know, I'll snaffle someone else's congrats post. She must be keeping a list.

                      Jack is giving up on my memory skills.

                      Mac can make my lists.
                      You're never too old to do something goofy.
                      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                        I had my 3 month Performance Review Today!!

                        I was told I don't take the initiative very much. Okay so I am a follower, always have been.

                        The my supervisor says, good that is done with. I said that is it. She said that is all the criticing(sp). I said Huh??

                        Supervisor said they are willing to off me Full-Time Job, with Full-Time Salary, with Full-Time Benifits. But my Salary will be based on a person who is "get this" been FIVE years at the JOB!!

                        I looked at her, and she said "Well"
                        I was shocked. I said "Why?"

                        She said "Cuz I have the toughest job in the morning, getting three clients ready for pick-up, I do it professionally, I am Certified, and I am a willing, able and ready to learn. She said, that considering I am taking the place of a person who has been there with these clients for 15 years, and I have already gained their trust in THREE Months!!

                        I am still shocked, Like HOLY HANNAH!! ME!!

                        So, Um, all the Worrying last night, well. I guess I didn't need to eh!!
                        Well done!!!!


                          Good Morning


                          My LJ


                            Originally posted by AmberMoon
                            CONGRATS GGs
                            IVY714 on 900 POSTS
                            ANAKIN on 700 POSTS
                            (I'D MAKE YOU A PRETTY PIC BUT I'M AT WORK...SORRY)
                            Thanks Amber


                            My LJ



                              My LJ


                                MMJC: Mei Mei, with coffee in hand and a rather large spider in the hall is a very bad combination. I think the spider actually screamed from coffee scalding before it died by multiple hits from her houseshoe... And her screaming 'Die, die, die, die, die..." Well, I don't think it bodes well for her co-workers today. And I don't believe it was the size of a large mouse, although she insists...

