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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by RDAfan61
    The man was slipping, he's calling to find where his gutter girls are.

    I'm bumping him when I can.


      Originally posted by sharp
      Originally Posted by RDAfan61
      These are NOT from that site, they are from the RDADs site. I know the people who took these. I'm sorry but it irks me when other sites snurch things and don't give proper credit to them, not meaning you O'N2L, you of course didn't know. Rant off. Sorry, just had to get that out.

      Shelly, what's the RDADS site?

      sharp, who is very, very, very tired...but not too tired to thunk
      RDA Droolers. They have lots of very lovely thunkalicious pics on their site.
      My Photos


        Originally posted by -Jules-
        so....wait. you're not allowed to use pics that other ppl have capped? what about us poor folks who can't capture video!?!?
        No no, we're not saying that, just try to give credit where credit is due if you can. I'm just irked by the rda-forever site and how they take pics and use them as their own without giving proper credit. They have taken mine before as well. These particular pics were personal pics and not behind the scenes so I know exactly where they came from and it wasn't rda-forever.

        That's all, if you or anyone else for that matter, want to use pics from me or whatever it's just nice to say in the post that that's where it came from. People like me and Mala and Shimmering don't just cap and put a picture up, we do a lot of *scrubbing* to each and every one. So while yes, it is a cap anyone can make, the attention that was given to it was ours. You see?

        Hope that clears it up.
        My Photos



            Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
            Oh so that how it is eh!!
            ahem "SHOOTING" (hey I warn you before the picture, now you wonder why you need that "CAGE" )
            oh and these are JUST from the TEASER!!!
            Wait till the SHOW starts!!
            *huffs* I do not need the cage!
            And Rourke better watch out 'cos the ground trops will not stop me gumming him up, hasn't he heard of stealth mode FCOL? *grin*
            Oh and that second pic ... *whimper* there's just something about that expression that makes me m-e-l-t ... thunk!

            Last edited by Rune; 02 August 2005, 02:28 PM.


              Happy Birthday Nuggle!!! Hope you have a great day!! Jack's bringing the beer to celebrate!!

              My Photos


                Hey, those of you with dial up...

                Is it easier for you if I post pics one at a time or say three or four in one post?


                  Does this remind anyone else of Robin Hood? Or is it just me?


                    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                    OH RUNE.. A little ZOOM!!! (hey that rhymes )
                    Okay, okay... so the Freezing from the Dentist isn't helping me, neither is the lack of Sleep.. so before I snooze..
                    WARNING! This picture/animation is not for the faint-hearted thunker! RUNE!! Please make sure that your THUNKbelt is securely fastened and that you are close to an emergency exit - or at least a soft landing place.(that is why I have MATS!!) -thanks Alaskhah and Me!!

                    Nothing I can say here would be adequate so let me just grin and enjoy the moment. Thank you

                    an old one but thunkalicious for all that ^^


                      Originally posted by RDAfan61
                      The man was slipping, he's calling to find where his gutter girls are.
                      I thought he was calling to give me a wake up call!!

                      GutterGal's - I am Back from my Nap!!
                      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O

                        Does this remind anyone else of Robin Hood? Or is it just me?
                        *giggles* okay, now I have this really inventive image of his lower half being dressed in Lincoln green leggings and soft 'tie-up-the-leg boots...

                        ... and I think that's gonna stay with me for quite a while yet. Thanks Admiral


                          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                          I thought he was calling to give me a wake up call!!

                          GutterGal's - I am Back from my Nap!!

                          Welcome back!

                          Leave anything behind?


                            Originally posted by Rune
                            *giggles* okay, now I have this really inventive image of his lower half being dressed in Lincoln green leggings and soft 'tie-up-the-leg boots...

                            ... and I think that's gonna stay with me for quite a while yet. Thanks Admiral

                            LOL (((Rune)))

                            And now I'm thinking of Sherwood Forest.


                              Okay Rune as per Chat conversation...
                              (Enjoy the "Movie and RC" checking for Monitors!!)

                              ONTLLJRC is not a Happy Camper for that last comment!! Marshmellows!!

                              ONTLLJRC: Oh that for Sure!! Go get her ONTLL's. Post some more!! THUNK her!!
                              ONTLL: Hey Rouke get away from my computer!!

                              Sorry RUNE.. but since they are up!!

                              So some "Beards" are better then other eh!! Well
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                                Welcome back!
                                Leave anything behind?

                                He just doesn't want to get up.. Now the "THE OTHER GUY"

                                Brought me a cup of Coffee... (with no Marshmellows in the BEARD!!)
                                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!

