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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by michelleb
    well, being a tad more mature, he'd have enough confidence to take things slow, and teasingly, and enough knowledge of female anatomy to keep you trembling on the brink for hours...and this is no longer a PG answer, is it?

    that's it, i've taken up permanent residence in the gutter. i can't believe i'm writing this kind of stuff on the internet where anyone can see it.
    Yeah well... where are the wonders of teaching?
    Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


      Originally posted by michelleb
      going to kill pete....yes, that i'd enjoy (oh come on, i wasn't the only person to think that, was i?)
      ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tsktsktsk... That's not very nice of you!!
      Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


        Originally posted by OzGirl
        Hey! I just saw the Mac episode today where he loses his memory and is
        going to kill Pete! If I had the name of the ep, maybe you could post some
        pics, Rural.

        RDA sure looked exceedingly thunkalicious!!!
        But I still love Jack the best...
        Yes Ma'am with thanks to a friend I can indeed help.


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
          Umm??? Gave her one WHAT????
          *thwaps Bev* Bad girl!

          Oh and one more to illustrate the Mac ep Oz was referring to.


            Originally posted by Ruralstar
            Gutter short hand, my little contribution I guess!
            I had to think on this for a bit before I's about James T. Kirk or "Jimmy" as Rural lovingly calls him. I always had the biggest crush on Jimmy. He was my first sci-fi crush. I still love to watch him even though he is way over the top with his acting. But then along came Jack and I must tell you ladies that Jack takes the cake in every way, shape and form. He is the hottest, hunkiest, handsomest, (is that even a word) wonderful excuse of a man that I have ever known, except my hubs--of course he's real and Jack is, well Jack is the hottest, hunkiest, handsomest, (is that even a word) wonderful excuse of a man that I have ever known.

            Love, Love, Love all the Jack pics...please be so kind as to keep them coming....
            Desperate Thunker


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              Umm??? Gave her one WHAT????
              Just never you mind about that
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by Ruralstar
                *clicks links, sits mesmerized*

                BEEP....."You have reached Ruralstar's answering service. She is currently a slobbering mass of humanity on the floor due to Jynjyr's talents. Please leave a message or call back later....much later!"....BEEP
                LOL Rural.


                  Originally posted by Kliggins
                  Wow, I'd love to pull his trigger!!


                    Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                    Ah yes, well we can't have the newcomers shorting out their keyboards and not being able to access all these wonderful pictures!!!! And anyone not used to all these gorgeous, thunkalicious offerings, will definitely be in need of the helmet - Im just glad I was on hand so quickly

                    Oh btw - lovely pic Kliggins - where did you find that beauty?!!!
                    Over at dedicated to stargate I think. Maybe in the behind the scenes section

                    Last edited by Kliggins; 01 September 2004, 10:23 PM.


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      You are both a very bad influence on me!
                      Riiiight, like you needed a bad influence to help you be a hussy



                        Originally posted by Kliggins
                        LOL Rural.
                        well, all i can say is ....he is the MAN
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by Kliggins
                          Riiiight, like you needed a bad influence to help you be a hussy

                          hmmmm, all stubly.....
                          LOL Bev! You won't be convincing ANY of us you needed help in that department!


                            What droolicious pictures today. I love the skiing one and the one Kliggins posted too. His eyes are very intense. Couldn't comment much today, too much thunking over the lovely photos.

                            My Photos


                              Originally posted by michelleb
                              well, being a tad more mature, he'd have enough confidence to take things slow, and teasingly, and enough knowledge of female anatomy to keep you trembling on the brink for hours...and this is no longer a PG answer, is it?

                              that's it, i've taken up permanent residence in the gutter. i can't believe i'm writing this kind of stuff on the internet where anyone can see it.
                              I'm absolutely shocked (how long?)
                              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                going to kill pete....yes, that i'd enjoy (oh come on, i wasn't the only person to think that, was i?)
                                Have you ever noticed the names Jack, Sam, Pete and Charlie seem to be staples.
                                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala

