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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Ruralstar
    Well it's time for...da da dada...Memory Lane!

    And yes I know I'm odd... Anyway Jackfic has not capped the next offering so I have some links from, the premiere RDA page on the web. IMHO. So without further yacking from me...

    *sobs* the links don't like me! *sobs some more*
    How can I possibly do any work when I know there are pics of RDA I can't get to??


      Originally posted by sgt.siler
      bev the gutter "music" teacher........i like the sound of that. teaching the fundamentals to those new to the gutter.
      I try to do my bit to help out. I'm all for a bit of harmony with Jack!


        Originally posted by Anakin
        You're kidding me?... Same here!
        I've always had a soft spot for scoundrels and mature men anyway, I guess I was all spoilt by Han Solo some... errr... Years ago (nobody mentions the number please! )
        yep, it was han solo for me too, especially in empire strikes back where he moves in on her in the ship, and takes her hand...i was only 9, but i just melted.

        besides mature men..they know what to do, and they're not concerned with their image all the time, or looking good or stuff, and they have interesting stories, and anyway RDA is just very very gorgeous.
        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


          Originally posted by kiwigater
          *sobs* the links don't like me! *sobs some more*
          How can I possibly do any work when I know there are pics of RDA I can't get to??
          the links don't work for me either, and i'm sitting here, grinding my teeth, muttering 'i want more jack, give me more jack'. you see, i'm hooked now
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by kiwigater
            *sobs* the links don't like me! *sobs some more*
            How can I possibly do any work when I know there are pics of RDA I can't get to??
            You have to copy and paste any links that go to Hotlinking protection on that site prevents the links from working when you click on them.
            Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


            sig by Mala50. You rock.


              Originally posted by kiwigater
              *sobs* the links don't like me! *sobs some more*
              How can I possibly do any work when I know there are pics of RDA I can't get to??
              Awww KG I don't know what to tell you! I just clicked the links and they work for me. Perhaps if you copy and paste them into your browser? I'm afraid I'm pretty inept with all this comp stuff too...


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                *sobs* the links don't like me! *sobs some more*
                How can I possibly do any work when I know there are pics of RDA I can't get to??
                i right-click, open in new window
                then on the error message in the new window, i click & cursor thru the url a bit, hit [end] and then [enter]
                works on them, and almost all other links that don't like hotlinking...

                Bright Beak
                at home in the gutter, cuz she's a water birdie

                multi- thunker!

                Anti- & Anti-


                  Originally posted by ra-hanna
                  I couldn't agree more. MS is the closest to my age but I still find RDA hotter.

                  permission to liberate (snatch) one of the caps from earlier back?
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by michelleb
                    yep, it was han solo for me too, especially in empire strikes back where he moves in on her in the ship, and takes her hand...i was only 9, but i just melted.

                    besides mature men..they know what to do, and they're not concerned with their image all the time, or looking good or stuff, and they have interesting stories, and anyway RDA is just very very gorgeous.
                    RDA is gorgeous and I agree about mature men. They know what they want and how to get it. None of this dancing around the bush nonsense. Though I will say that I think RDA is still quite concerned with looking good and we all reap the benefit!
                    Last edited by Ruralstar; 01 September 2004, 09:44 AM.


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      You are both a very bad influence on me!
                      Uh huh, are you sure it's not you who is the bad influence on them?


                        Originally posted by Kliggins
                        Liberate away (my father always said much politer than steal) The new collages are great.

                        it's this one I wanna pinch!


                        Who owns it btw? I want to use it for part of my new sig!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          eh, none of the above worked, so I just went to the site and found them the old fashioned way! Nearly didn't make it back! there are lots of yummy images over there *wipes up drool from desk*


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            it's this one I wanna pinch!


                            Who owns it btw? I want to use it for part of my new sig!
                            Well Kliggans posted the link...It looks like something from Jackfic originally. It's not one of Mala's wonderful scrubs so it should certainly be fair game.... Yummy pic. Can't wait to see what you come up with.


                              Originally posted by Jynjyr
                              It was a blind raffle at GateCon. Hundreds of tickets, 3 Grand Prizes, and lots of other prizes. If you didn't win the Grand Prizes, you didn't know what you'd won until you opened it. Proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
                              Thanks! I don't mind supporting the fight against CF.

                              Originally posted by Jynjyr
                              BTW - I've got the 'new' version of the collage done. Beware - these are large (11 x 17) files.

                              Cool! Please put my name on the poem. I wrote that back in
                              November of 2003. It's just a silly tribute to Jack ala Dr Seuss.
                              Here it is, in case anybody wants to know. (Jynjyr supplied the
                              name "Jack with a Zat." I called it "Ode to Jack O'Neill.")

                              I like O'Neill in a boat.
                              I like O'Neill in a coat.
                              I like O'Neill with a hat.
                              I like O'Neill with a Zat.

                              I like him going through the Gate.
                              I like the Froot Loops that he ate.
                              When techno-babble has been said,
                              I like the way he holds his head.

                              I like Jack in dress blues, so proud,
                              And when he says, "For cryin' out loud!"
                              I like O'Neill's sarcastic wit
                              And when he grins a little bit.

                              I like when Jack gives troops commands,
                              And how he signals with his hands.
                              I like the way he moves, with grace,
                              And subtle looks that cross his face.

                              I like Jack sweating in the sun;
                              I like the way he holds a gun.
                              Wish he wouldn't use it much,
                              But he must fight the Goa'uld and such.

                              I like Jack's face all full of dirt.
                              I want to help him when he's hurt.
                              And even when he's almost dead,
                              I like to see O'Neill in bed!

                              I like Jack when he looks so lost,
                              Yet saves the world at any cost,
                              Despite bad knees and aches and pain.

                              I'm glad the Asgard like his brain.

                              I love Jack's eyes, and silver hair,
                              And that he's not afraid to care
                              For Teal'c and Sam and Daniel, too.
                              I like the way their friendship grew.

                              I like this Colonel Jack O'Neill.
                              I like the way he makes me feel.
                              And when he's gone, the show is done,
                              I guess I'll miss this SG-1 !

                              Thank you,

                              If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                              appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                              full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                              in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                                Originally posted by kiwigater
                                eh, none of the above worked, so I just went to the site and found them the old fashioned way! Nearly didn't make it back! there are lots of yummy images over there *wipes up drool from desk*
                                *passes KG a towel* Now we can't have you shorting out!

                                Yeah Kate has some nice pics and lots of good info on THE MAN no doubt about that!

