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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    All strapped in and ready when you are.

    Keep Scrolling Down the THREAD!!

    waiting for BEV's reaction!!
    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


      Originally posted by sclairef99
      Well, thanks for asking AQO, but my weekend was horrible....being here on the thread has helped:
      You see we are SG-4 here at home, or we were, Sara and Gary and our 4 golden retrievers. Ashby, Bailey, Casey and Duncan. Well, Bailey was diagnosed w/Cancer a week ago, he turned 8 last Wednesday and then we had to put him to sleep on Saturday. SO, we have lost a kid and are very sad now. In the pic above he's the second from the right.
      He loved oranges...if you want to see him picking them, here he is:

      But anyway....SCJC has been looking for something to cheer us up:

      And Off World inspired me to do a new sig since my shipper one was so out of date....

      Thanks for the good pics!

      Sorry to hear about Bailey.



          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
          Okay so Now its almost over and its Time to Talk to the PRESS!!

          I gathered Courage and said "I thought you were a Minnesota Boy!!"
          He turned and Cocked an EYEBROW at me and then Smiled again and walked back to me!! (I was shaking!! , and he knew it, cuz he could hear it in my Voice!!)
          So he said "Well do you want to come inside with me, and have a drink??"
          I said "sorry I can't" (It was starting to snow again!!)
          He said "Oh okay"
          I said "I would love too, but I have to get out of the Mountain Roads before Dark, cuz I have to Drive home tonight. I am working in the Morning!!"
          HE said "Ah okay.. What about NEXT Year??"
          I said "Sure, I will book off the Weekend"
          He said "Good and have a Safe Trip HOME!!" and Smiled again and Walked inside!!

          [Guess I have a DATE Next Year!!
          ARE YOU NUTS! EVER HEARD OF SICK DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You passed up a drink offer from the MAN! I think being in the snow all day made you sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Excellant pics! Thanks for sharing and what a COOL story!



            Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

            Keep Scrolling Down the THREAD!!

            waiting for BEV's reaction!!
            Those are very lovely pictures! My favorite is the 3rd one.


              Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

              I was going thru my pics last night and Well FOUND Something!!

              These are Cropped and Enlarged, cuz He was talking to people!!

              and BEV when he did this, I Laughed and thought of YOU!!

              ShimmeringStar and Bev, No Fighting.. Cuz there are HANDS and "LIVE" Sticky-UP HAIR!!
              and the last one..

              Okay BEV.. I hope you can Re-cuperate!!!

              I might post these again, If I can GET Closer!! (its amazing what you can do with PaintshopPro)
              I'm........I'm.......lost for words.......


                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s

                Keep Scrolling Down the THREAD!!

                waiting for BEV's reaction!!

                Thank you for sharing! Yes, those are some kinda hands. And shame on you gal! Work shmirk! How often do you get a chance to repeat your first meeting!!!!!!!! We still love ya though!

                (psssst... you can tell us what you *really* did... we won't tell.... right gals????!)
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  You bet I do!!


                    Originally posted by Kliggins
                    Sorry to hear about Bailey.
                    Thanks Kliggs...


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      Woohoo! Have fun with PS. Now we'll be expecting even more wonderful pics from you!
                      It's installed and ready to go, now I gotta figure out how to use it.


                      My LJ


                        I sure do!


                        My LJ


                          Originally posted by Hubble
                          You should be nominated for employee of the year. If he'd asked me to go inside and have a drink, I would have done it, slept in my car that night and called into work and told them I couldn't make it the next day. On second thought, if I did have a drink with him, I'd probably be so nervous that I couldn't even talk.

                          Lucky you...sounded like a great time. Were there many other fans like you taking pictures of him? I grew up about 15 miles away from Rick and I love cold weather. How cold was it anyway?

                          I'd love to go next year. Did you stay overnight or not?
                          Nice to see that AT, Ben and Joe were there as well.

                          I just got transferred to a NEW House, and I wasn't calling in Sick..The other staff at the house knew where I was..
                          There wasn't many people there, cuz it was FRIDAY!! (sometimes I Like Working Sat & Sun!!)

                          I had a Beer with him before!! So going for a Drink with him, wouldn't have been so bad... My Nerves would have calmed down after the First beer!! (like they did before!!)

                          couldn't stay overnight, all HOTEL in Lake Louise and Banff were Booked..

                          and it was only -8 Celsius outside!! ( = 17.6 degree Fahrenheit) I am used to -20's (-4 degree Fahrenheit)
                          So I wasn't cold!!
                          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                            Chevron7 - I LOVE YOUR SIG with your name in it! That rocks.


                              HOH YEAH!!
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by Kliggins
                                You and me both and I wasn't even rooting for a particular team.

                                I kept saying OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! Congrats Ivy
                                Thanks Kliggs.

                                I'm a happy camper! Hopefully next week's game won't be as stressful as this one was.


                                My LJ

