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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Kliggins

    Jack; its no fun if you close your eyes and surrender from the start.
    Well ..... maybe ....
    *faraway smile* you really should know better than to mess with my mind like that

    Jack: *whispers* that Kliggs, sooooo evil


      Originally posted by Rune
      *laughing* is everybody here gonna ask that?
      Kliggins is now my PR manager and as such is ultimately responsible for my behavior so any complaints will have to be directed her way *grin*
      Kliggins.. PR Manager
      WOW.. you need a PR Manager to keep you in-line!!
      Guess your clones are not doing a proper Job then!!

      RJC1: WE are trying our Hardest, but sometimes she get loose!!

      ONTLLJRC: I bet her clones are working over-time to keep her "in-line"
      ONTLL: Rouke.. Now, now Rune is a Good GG sometimes..
      ONTLLJRC: Yeah "sometimes" that is why she needs a PR Manager!!
      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!



          mmmm IVY.. Nice picture!! OH Yeah, Really nice!!

          **cleans up drool on Keyboard Cover**
          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


            The date of the wake has been set! And as some of you have probably not heard, I'm posting this very cool invite made by ((( L-Jade)))

            Once again, this is a celebratory wake for everyone, regardless of thier feeling toward the spinoff that is season 9. But griping will be allowed -and encouraged- And I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of *sob* *sniffle* *whimper* So, come one, come all... I'm sending invite's to all preregistered attendees in case they miss this post. And I might just send a few out randomly to people on the board. I'm a bit of a scatterbrain and want to make sure I didn't miss anyone who said they were coming. And for those of you who don't know the site the url is....
            And click on forum. You'll have to register at the forum if you haven't already. And, I hope ya'll come


              Originally posted by AmberMoon
              Hey GG's...don't know if anyone posted this already but was checking out and they had a link for RDA and SeaShephard Conservation Society for those interested in an autographed picture of RDA and the baby seals. Check out the link below.
              P.S. at go to Updates, Signed & Sealed to read up on RDA and the pictures.

              OH WOW!! Cool!!

              Okay, just a little note here, with current exchange rates.. that $50 US funds is $60.75 Canadian Funds..

              But I was thinking (it happens sometimes), since I worked all these Extra hours..Maybe I can afford one!!...
              Okay have to think about it some more!!
              I really like the one of him Staring at the SEAL!!

              Nice Post Amber!!
              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                Originally posted by Kliggins
                Say what? When did that happen? PR manager? *scratches head and frantically looks through something* This is what I get for going backwards through the thread.

                Hehehe... WOW you didn't even know this was happening!!


                We just as shocked!!
                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                  Originally posted by AmberMoon

                  (((((((((((((((Mel)))))))))))))))*hands over the hanky*... you know I'll be there! I can bring the music......I have over 1000 cd's so I should have something for everyone.
                  Okay Amber.. just a second.. Hanky!!

                  Thought my dad only used that Term!! this is too Weird!!

                  1,000 CD's of Music... WOW!!

                  Okay back on Subject..

                  mmmmm, EYES..

                  P.S. Made to page 712... 4 more pages to go.. Till I catch up!!
                  Last edited by OneillTwo"LL"s; 07 August 2005, 11:19 AM. Reason: Forgot something!!
                  Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                    Cool! Okay I have registered over there so hopefully I can hop along and join in with the fun (and the griping)
                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    The date of the wake has been set! And as some of you have probably not heard, I'm posting this very cool invite made by ((( L-Jade)))


                    <snip snip>


                      Wow! Look at his hair!!!!! Thunk!


                        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                        Wouldn't that be Marshmellows!!

                        Anyhow, actual Reason I commenting on this.
                        I CAN understand why everyone is posting "Allegiance" Pictures
                        HOT DAMM THAT MAN is HOT!!!
                        WOW!! he looks GOOD!!
                        **wipes drool off keyboard"

                        So I might have to Cap "Allegiance" to then today also.. (psst, can't you tell i got my Season 6 back from Neightbor)
                        *laughing* No it wasn't marshmallows
                        And yep, Allegiance = one hot man

                        Speaking of which - incomin' ...


                          Originally posted by Kliggins
                          *splutters water at screen* I don't think so.
                          You are responsible for your behavior; I just have to try and explain it
                          Yes, that is about the way I feel after hearing that news.
                          Okay two comments about this post..

                          1) you Screen is clean now!!
                          2) good Luck on Explaining Rune's behavior!! (sorry Rune, I can't resist)

                          ONTLLJRC: Your telling me. Still can't figure that one out!!
                          ONTLL: Rourke, she is having problems figuring "You" out too..
                          ONTLLJRC: Hey, as long as you have me figured out!!
                          ONTLL: Oh yes I do!!

                          THANK YOU MALA!!

                          OH MY!!! uh oh!!

                          note to self: don't post unless Thunk-Belt is on!!
                          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                            And just 'cos I feel like a SQUEEE!!!

                            ...and maybe you do too after all those double shifts ONTLL


                              Originally posted by L-JADE
                              CONGRATULATIONS KLIGGINS ON
                              6000 POSTS

                              WOW!! 6,000 Posts... I am just happy to get too 1,800 posts
                              How long have you been posting Kliggins!!

                              Hey CONGRATS from me too by the way, don't know exactly what your THUNKing favorite is, so lets try some Black and Whites

                              thanks to whom I snurch these from!!

                              uh oh JEANS!! oh well Self Thunk is good too eh!!
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by Kliggins
                                Thanks L-Jade. That is one my very fav RDA pics and was my first sig pic.
                                Kliggins, Kliggins, Kliggins.. How do you DO THAT?? How??

                                Post a Black and White I DON'T have.. Thanks by the way!!

                                YOUR STASH of RDA Pictures MUST BE HUGE!!

                                Thanks to Kliggins for this one too!! I think
                                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!

