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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Kliggins
    Thanks to mazzmatazz
    Oh I believe you.
    No, really

    Later ^^


      Originally posted by Cassiopeia
      Boy, you guys sure cover a lot of pages in two days! Never realised before as I wasn't actually posting.
      You will get used to it. Some days are slower.

      Originally posted by Cassiopeia
      Oooh Kayyy, came right into the middle of THAT conversation, sorry! Help, my computer's not fast enough to cope with the speed you all post!!!
      Sorry, you did come in right in the middle of us sparring. I am at work so right now I have DSL, at home I have dial up.

      Originally posted by Cassiopeia
      I was wondering, and sorry if this has been asked/ discussed before, but I know RDA did some work as a mime/juggler etc, and I noticed (because I alos juggle on occasions...) he juggled, as Jack, in Window of Opportunity, also as MacGyver in Hellfighter. Are there any other JAck/Mac episodes that spring to mind where the show's used RDA's background talents? Just curious.

      Great question. MacGyver had RDA playing hockey in several episodes and playing the guitar in one. Jack has a love of classical music, opera and the Simpsons that came from RDA. That is all I can think of right off the top of my head.



        Originally posted by Kliggins
        You will get used to it. Some days are slower.

        Sorry, you did come in right in the middle of us sparring. I am at work so right now I have DSL, at home I have dial up.

        Great question. MacGyver had RDA playing hockey in several episodes and playing the guitar in one. Jack has a love of classical music, opera and the Simpsons that came from RDA. That is all I can think of right off the top of my head.

        Hmmph, I'm taking a minute or two to download each page here.
        Oh well, I usually find I'm running somewhat behind the conversation, guess it'll just be more than usual!!!

        Now you mention I remember a hockey episode though I seem to remember it in one of the late seasons. Don't remember him playing the guitar, I'll watch out for that one. You just gotta love a man who's good with his hands... and his body!
        McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
        Grodin, "You can fix anything."
        McKay, "Who told you that?"
        Grodin, "You did. Several times."


          Originally posted by Cassiopeia
          Hmmph, I'm taking a minute or two to download each page here.
          Oh well, I usually find I'm running somewhat behind the conversation, guess it'll just be more than usual!!!

          Now you mention I remember a hockey episode though I seem to remember it in one of the late seasons. Don't remember him playing the guitar, I'll watch out for that one. You just gotta love a man who's good with his hands... and his body!
          The guitar episode is in season 3 and called The Negotiator. He plays hockey in Early Retirement, which is also season 3 I think; and The Eraser which is a season 2 episode. He skiis in a season 2 episode called Out in the Cold which is another RDA hobby. Bike riding, which RDA also likes to do shows up in a season 5 episode called Lost Amadeus and there is classical music in that one too.

          We do have one request, Cassie, which is that you remove the [img] [/img]tags when quoting a post with a picture. It makes life much easier for those of us poor souls still on dial up. Thanks.

          Just in case we forgot to give you one of these.

          Thanks Seshat!


            Originally posted by Rune
            My daughter's been eating Jello tonight (feeble excuse to post this pic #11)

            Don't you just wanna clean up that bottom lip - maybe give it a good lick.
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


              Originally posted by gatebee
              (((((((( Mel ))))))))) since there is a con in NJ, maybe you could reschedule it to another week . Not unless there is another con next Friday as well. Very difficult to plan stuff. Good luck on the planning Mel. I will come what ever day you make it.
              I'll be there whatever day it is, as well.
              There's a Con in Columbus, OH on Aug 19-21. Anyone going to that?
              You're never too old to do something goofy.
              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                Originally posted by Kliggins
                It's a gift, you know.


                Thanks for the fun Rune.
                Remove the img thingies... do you mean like this, no image displayed kinda thing?

                I think a couple of those episodes might be coming up soon on Bravo/Sky here in the UK. Yep I knew about the ski-love, but didn't remember them using that in MacGyver, I originally watched that during school/uni years so my memories failing a little on the specifics... hopefully soon to be refreshed with release of seasons 2 to 7 of Mac when they get around to it. Am working my way through the remaining box sets of SG1 as finances allow. *sigh* It's hard work but, you know, I'll just keep persevering....
                McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
                Grodin, "You can fix anything."
                McKay, "Who told you that?"
                Grodin, "You did. Several times."


                  Originally posted by Melpomene
                  I don't know if it's short notice or anything, but what do you guys think of this friday? It looks like I might be working Saturdays for a while. And it'll be 24 hours. I'll probably open it at midnight Central Time. Let me know if this doesn't work for you. I know it's hard to find a day right for everyone but if too many people can't come I'd rather postpone it than not have anyone there.
                  Once again that's all day Friday Aug 5th from 12 Midnight-12 Midnight CST. I hope everyone can make it .
                  I can't... ... I'm leaving on Friday afternoon, so packing in the morning, then leaving
                  I'll think of you all, and please, hold a candle in my name!
                  Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    Well it's the two of them together that makes it so sweet! They look so happy to be with each other.
                    Not to mention Daddy can't deny his daughter!... You give her a haircut, it's the carbon copy (almost) of her dad at the same age... IMO
                    Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                      Hey, I'm only on today to pick up PMs! RDA falling down on the second page??? This will NOT DO!!

                      Here are some caps I made from a little interview with RDA (March 2005 - Intl. Women's Day) talking about the influential woman in his life - his daughter, Wylie. His face just lights up when he's doing something he enjoys!

                      From March 8th is International Day of Women. Richard was among the celebrities who were asked by Canadian CTV news about the most influential women in their lives. Richard responded that his six year old daughter, Wylie, remains the most influential "woman" in his life, adding, "All aspects of my life have been altered since she came into the world, in the most positive way imaginable." Click here to view a video clip.
                      Last edited by Mala50; 03 August 2005, 06:09 AM.


                        Originally posted by Rune
                        Ahh c'mon, we all know how much you enjoy warmongering. Don't you feel the adrenaline or do I have to beg for protection? You wouldn't want my imminent destruction on your conscience (assuming you have one of course) would you, which is how it's going to be when ONTLL sees this sticky mess,
                        heheh, thank you Jynjyr!

                        Ohhh, that's gonna take some major soapage to get off ...
                        Hey, no fair! Your Clone Wars have ruined this picture for me!

                        How am I supposed to think THUNK when all I can see now, is marshmallow fluff??



                          Aaaaah...That's bet-ter!



                            Good morning, everyone!


                              Originally posted by gatebee
                              cool another Jack in the underbush.... THE MAN is so hot .... HOT
                              Howdy, GB!


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                                Good morning, Admiral! It seems like no one else is here right now and I can't stay very long.... I hope you'll be able to keep Jack up... On the Forum! I meant on the forum...


