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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by sharp
    Sent by another friend. I have wonderful online friends!! (But sorry if what I post has been seen too often. Wait, is that possible? )

    Soooo not possible


      Originally posted by melpomene
      (((((GATEBEE)))))) You have us Gatebee!!! GG's are even more understanding than mom's about this sort of thing. Even Jack-fan mom's. We're all together in this. A sisterhood devoted to The Man. Refusing to give up the thread, even after he's gone... Kids, that's why they invented DVD's!
      (((((((( Mel )))))))) thanks .... ya I am taping all eps now . Will have to keep myself company with those and this THUNK thread with GGs

      avatar and sig by flidget


        Originally posted by gatebee
        (((((((( Mel )))))))) thanks .... ya I am taping all eps now . Will have to keep myself company with those and this THUNK thread with GGs

        That's the way to do it. Reruns. Reruns are the key to our survival. Lots and lots and lots of reruns, eight seasons of reruns. As many reruns as we can get our hands on, Reruns make the world go round, reruns preserve our life force

        MJC: *shakes Mel: Mel, listen to me. It's going to be okay
        Mel: J-jack?
        MJC: You were getting hysterical again.
        Mel: grabs onto MJC and weeps.


          Originally posted by Jynjyr
          ((((( RUNE ))))) You're back!! Everything OK, I guess?

          As for the scrambled posts - remember, you're the one in "taking this loop off".
          *giggles* I guess I was just asking for something like this to happen wasn't I?

          (((((Jynjyr))))) Yeah all okay thank you, thank you

          Originally posted by Jynjyr
          You and Jack can be confused together.

          You're offering to arrange that? Oh, yes please!


            Originally posted by melpomene

            I told my mom about season 9, we were talking about how cool Jack is, and I was lamenting is loss and she was more sympathetic than I expected. She hugged me. I actually had my head on her shoulder at one point, it was a very emotional moment, I think it was the first sign she has a clue how obsessed I am.
            Yay for your mom, it's great that she's so supportive, Mel *Rune gets a warm n fuzzy glow*

            I've been loudly bewailing our loss to one of my R/L friends (who started off an an online friend and who I managed to get into SG-1 last year mainly due to going on & on & on about Jack) for several months now and she still hasn't told me to shut up.

            It hurts to see some of those new S9 banners & pics & though I have to admit ...

            Last edited by Rune; 09 July 2005, 12:14 AM.


              Originally posted by Rune
              Yay for your mom, it's great that she's so supportive, Mel *Rune gets a warm n fuzzy glow*

              I've been loudly lamenting the loss to one of my online friends for several months now and she still hasn't told me to shut up.

              It hurts to see some of those new banners S9 pics & though I have to admit ...

              I'm glad you have a friend who will listen. And we GG's have each other. I have a sister who's not as passionate about gate as I am, but she did listen patiently the other night while I ranted over a traumatic pic I saw on Sci-fi's site. I couldn't seem to stop talking about how different, strange wrong it seemed.


                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                HOLY BUCKETS... We are Stuck with Fruit Loops!!!

                holdddddinnnnggg oonnn tooo chhhhaaiiiirrrr... uh oh!!! OUCH!!!!
                Ohhh but I LIKE Froot Loops, you can't get them in the UK so bring 'em on

                Actually I like oatmeal too but maybe not quite as thick as this
                *pic from*

                Actually it looks like the Time Loop has run its course now, I still can't quite get my head around the fact that while stuff that was posted last night apparently in the future and before I'd posted stuff now appears midway between stuff that had already been posted in the past for real yesterday and stuff that ... *boggle* ...and I'll stop talking. I guess it made for some excitement though, not that we need any extra in here huh?

                (((((Rural))))) I think we were stuck in the same Loop there, it was nice to have some company


                  Originally posted by melpomene
                  I'm glad you have a friend who will listen. And we GG's have each other. I have a sister who's not as passionate about gate as I am, but she did listen patiently the other night while I ranted over a traumatic pic I saw on Sci-fi's site. I couldn't seem to stop talking about how different, strange wrong it seemed.
                  (((((Mel))))) Ahhh you're right we're all in this together, I bet I know which pic you mean too, ONTLL posted a link to it in the week and - with no disrepect meant to fans of those actors - you're right, it felt sooooo very wrong. My poor friend was on the business end of a l-o-n-g whimpering rant about that one too, she deserves a medal

                  Nothing like a little blue Jack / RDA
                  *snurched from*


                    Haven't post this for a while... thanks to MALA

           : lilferret


             : lilferret


               : lilferret


                          Okay, I need a moment to be mushy here and just to say 'thank you' to all you wonderful girls who wondered where I was Thursday & expressed concern in the thread and PMs concern. It really touched me.

                          Big hugs and love to you all


                            J: Flying city ?... F-L-Y-I-N-G city ??
                   : lilferret


                     : lilferret


                                Great pic L-Jade, I love that jand just reaching out to grab ... uh ... something

