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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Just wanted to say Hi
    Im new here and just wanted to say this has got to be the best thread ever I love Jack/RDA and feel so much better seeing all those lovely, lovely pics.
    So scuse me for a bit, while I drool then faint..........


      CONGRATS (((((Oneill"Two"LLs)))))) ON 1200 POSTS!

      P.S. Keep an eye on the ol' mailbox, k!


        Originally posted by Somnium
        Just wanted to say Hi
        Im new here and just wanted to say this has got to be the best thread ever I love Jack/RDA and feel so much better seeing all those lovely, lovely pics.
        So scuse me for a bit, while I drool then faint..........
        Welcome to the Gutter Somnium!
        Nice to see your first post is here in the RDA/Jack Thunk Thread! One of the more experienced hussy should be along to hand over your own personal thunking gear and manual. I keep forgetting to stock up for newbies...sorry! To make up for my forgetfulness...have a Jack on me..


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          I just didn't want you to think what I was saying was about you. I'd changed my folders this morning before you mentioned about hotlinking, but wanted to share with anyone who didn't know about PB accounts, bandwith, etc. (I know I didn't have a clue about it before sliding into the gutter here either... )

          And I know even I was guilty for a long time of *coughs* hotlinking to other people's smilies. (But now have 2 pages of smilies in my own PB account, so I won't be guilty of doing that anymore either!)


          (tip on the smilies- make a subfolder in PB & on your PC (or on disc if that's where you store your piccies) for smilies & if you see one around the way that you like, than all you have to do is right click on it & choose 'save picture as' - it'll bring up your PC folders. Save it in your smilie folder. In PB click on your smiley folder (to open it) and hit browse.... find your new smiley in your PC's smiley folder click on it then it submit. And voila - a smiley for every occasion.....)

          Hey that's so cool!!!!!! ((((((((((((SS)))))))))))))))))))))

          Not I can use smilie's too!!


            Originally posted by Somnium
            Just wanted to say Hi
            Im new here and just wanted to say this has got to be the best thread ever I love Jack/RDA and feel so much better seeing all those lovely, lovely pics.
            So scuse me for a bit, while I drool then faint..........
            ((((((((SOMNIUM)))))))))))) Welcome to the club !!!!!!

            I think AmberMoon gave you a Jack clone. If you need Mac or Jack Rourke cloned feel free to ask me. The other clone varieties are

            -Jim Holland

            -Ernest Pratt (Only one person I know of has one of these)

            -and there's that strange Ray fellow we -almost- never mention because he's way scary and has to be locked up and guarded by either you Jack Clone, Jack Rourke Clone or both.

            -And I can never remember the character from Past the Bleachers *mel grins, sure she got it right this time*

            I Think that wraps up the clone buffet...I mean, er uh, well, you know.

            But I warn you, more than three can be a little...

            Mel: Mac! What are you DOING in there!!
            MMC: I didn't do it HE was bugging me!
            MJC: That was soooo not my fault.
            MJRC: What are you looking at me for?

            Last edited by melpomene; 01 July 2005, 04:14 PM.


              Originally posted by AmberMoon
              Oh my word...thunks (((((ONTLLs)))))! Jack in desert camo....... hubba!
              I second that THUNK!! Desert camo on him really does it for me too!!!
              sig by PM


                Well, I'm caught up. So I guess I'll take a moment to tell you gals what happened to me when I came home tonight.

                I walked in the door and the house was unusually quiet, -considering my clones had been left alone for over an hour.- I walk into the living room, looking for the missing lads of mile and then

                Clones: Where have you been!
                Mel: *looks at them sitting draped across the furniture staring at her* Oh for crying out loud. I told you guys I was going into town today.
                MJC: But you didn't say when you were leaving before you left.
                Mel: That's because you were in the shower Jack. I didn't want to interrupt your singing.
                MMC: What about me?
                Mel: you were in the basement mixing chemicals. Can't have you blowing things up when I disturb you. You remember how much trouble I had last week explaing to my dad...
                MMC: About that...
                Mel: You didn't...
                MMC: not bad
                Mel: Mac!
                MJRC: Wait a minute, why didn't you say something to me.
                Mel: You were shooting crows remember. Because that one woke us this morning and you ran around in your ( ) yelling about 'Damn crow's' and swearing to kill them all.
                MJC: you still could have left a note.

                Mel walks over to refrigerator pulls off a piece of paper and hands it to MJC who hands if to MMC, who reads...

                MMC: Boys, I went to town for a few, be back soon as I can. Luvs +Mel+
                Clones: *raise eyebrows* Oh!
                Mel: yeah, now they get it.


                  Originally posted by Anakin
                  Okay, going a little OT here, but that's for the sake of discussing out boy

                  Several -including myself- talked about a chat this week end, here's what I suggest for everyone to be included...

                  I'm GMT + 1, I know there are some folks here that are from down under, and some folks that live in CA so it might not be possible to include everyone...

                  I suggest we meet on yahoo messenger (handle in my profile and below) Sunday 7.30 pm GMT (which would be 8.30 pm for Euros other than Brits or Irish, 11.30 am for people in CA and the same time zone, 2.30 pm for people in NY and the same time zone, and for Aussies... Well... It'd be Monday, whatever the time zone... ). I can be online by that time if anybody would care to chat a bit about our boy.

                  For those of you who are completely foreign to instant messenging...
                  In that case, you'd need to get Yahoo Messenger (, choose a handle/SN, then sign on and do a search on [email protected] (that's me! ), I'll invite you to a chat room and then you can add whomever you want . It's very easy to get the hang of it, so don't be afraid to join.

                  These are just suggestions, I'm opened to any change
                  I'll be in the middle of *intones* Sunday Family Dinner. I'll check around 6pm EDT to see if anyone is still around.
                  You're never too old to do something goofy.
                  Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                    I agree BlueIris...

                    Okay this is a bit funny and weird at the same time.
                    I was a work, and Jepordy was on the T.V. and I was taking a break with the Clients. So anyhow, the Subject was Ancient Egyptology, Tombs.
                    I got all the QUESTIONS on the Line Correct

                    So actually Watching Stargate has been Educational
                    Isn't it strange where a person can pick up the factoids that stick in your brain? And how many of them turn out to be . . . useful?

                    She's been paying attention to Daniel's ramblings? Does anyone?

                    (I do, they're even mostly accurate.)
                    You're never too old to do something goofy.
                    Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                      (Hopefully you'll see this down in your thread review box ON2L's since it'll be a while before you catch up...) A bit off topic... well, maybe not so off-topic as it *does* have to do with why you aren't seeing my Jack pix....

                      Well... that's because I slightly changed the names of my Photobucket (PB) pic folders to break the hotlinks anyone may have to them. And no Mel, it wasn't because of you. I read last night how someone had not only been using one of mazz' sigs as their own, but was hotlinking directly to mazz' site, using up her bandwith.


                      /end of bandwith lesson for the day.

                      (Oh and mel, just an FYI as far as what I do when posting pix - I've usually got my PB acct open in one window & the Thunk thread in another window... Instead of the control+ business another way to copy/paste is to right click your mouse on the [img] tag in PB and choose copy from the pop-up menu, then come back over to your reply to thread box here, right click again & choose paste & ta-dah... piccie is there just waiting to be centered or what have you.

                      And for you ONeill2L's:

                      Jack: "See... I'm still here, stuck in SS' PB account!"

                      Thanks for the bandwidth lesson. I didn't know that. I'll keep an eye on my usage from now on.

                      Oh yeah, I knew about the 'right-click' thing. Force of habit drives me to the keystrokes. One of the programs I use at work isn't happy with the right-click.

                      *blushes* You're Welcome, Melpomene.
                      Last edited by Jynjyr; 01 July 2005, 06:18 PM.
                      You're never too old to do something goofy.
                      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                        Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                        Is it possible to hotlink without knowing you're doing it? I've only ever used my own photobucket from pictures in my file. Is that different? I already have enough guilt and am worried to post pictures that I probably snurched from someone else without realizing that might not be a good thing, and then not give that person credit fot the picture because I don't remember where it came from!!!! Before I come to this forum, I just saved pictures from various websites for my own decadent pleasure, but now I am trying to keep track of where they are coming from. I also want to do my own caps, once I figure that out.
                        Me too. Before I knew about PB, I populated my "Pictures" folders with caps snaffled from everywhere for my own perusal. Some of them I've been able to identify, some not.
                        The "Tag or Title" section on PB will let you note from where / who the pic came.
                        This one came from Mala.
                        You're never too old to do something goofy.
                        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          I just didn't want you to think what I was saying was about you. I'd changed my folders this morning before you mentioned about hotlinking, but wanted to share with anyone who didn't know about PB accounts, bandwith, etc. (I know I didn't have a clue about it before sliding into the gutter here either... )

                          And I know even I was guilty for a long time of *coughs* hotlinking to other people's smilies. (But now have 2 pages of smilies in my own PB account, so I won't be guilty of doing that anymore either!)


                          (tip on the smilies- make a subfolder in PB & on your PC (or on disc if that's where you store your piccies) for smilies & if you see one around the way that you like, than all you have to do is right click on it & choose 'save picture as' - it'll bring up your PC folders. Save it in your smilie folder. In PB click on your smiley folder (to open it) and hit browse.... find your new smiley in your PC's smiley folder click on it then it submit. And voila - a smiley for every occasion.....)
                          Boy, oh boy. Is it ever educational here today. I didn't know I could do that to animated gifs. They don't "animate" on my comp. But they do from PB.
                          Thanks. ((((( Shimmering Star ))))) See. Snaffled this one from you.
                          You're never too old to do something goofy.
                          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                            Originally posted by Somnium
                            Just wanted to say Hi
                            Im new here and just wanted to say this has got to be the best thread ever I love Jack/RDA and feel so much better seeing all those lovely, lovely pics.
                            So scuse me for a bit, while I drool then faint..........
                            Welcome Somnium.
                            You've got them in the right order. Drool as long as possible while desperately hanging on to the chair and eventually slide onto the floor in a puddle.

                            For the door handle to the room where you THUNK.

                            You're never too old to do something goofy.
                            Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                              CONGRATS GATEBEE ON 2500 !

                              CONGRATS C7 ON 1000 !

                              You're never too old to do something goofy.
                              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                                Originally posted by melpomene
                                ((((((((SOMNIUM)))))))))))) Welcome to the club !!!!!!

                                I think AmberMoon gave you a Jack clone. If you need Mac or Jack Rourke cloned feel free to ask me. The other clone varieties are

                                -Jim Holland

                                -Ernest Pratt (Only one person I know of has one of these)

                                -and there's that strange Ray fellow we -almost- never mention because he's way scary and has to be locked up and guarded by either you Jack Clone, Jack Rourke Clone or both.

                                -And I can never remember the character from Past the Bleachers *mel grins, sure she got it right this time*

                                I Think that wraps up the clone buffet...I mean, er uh, well, you know.

                                But I warn you, more than three can be a little...

                                Mel: Mac! What are you DOING in there!!
                                MMC: I didn't do it HE was bugging me!
                                MJC: That was soooo not my fault.
                                MJRC: What are you looking at me for?

                                I have 3 clones. That's quite enough, thank you. JackClone, MacClone and ErnestClone.

                                Ernest Pratt / Nicodemus Legend (Legend)

                                Ray . . . is . . . scary (but oh so HOT). (In the Eyes of a Killer)

                                Bill Parrish (Past the Bleachers) So scholarly. *slurp*

                                Thanks to Ruralstar

                                Captain Jim Holland (Pandora's Clock)
                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

