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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by raggedy11
    Gee ... I thought Every day was a Jack/Mac/RDA appreciation day in here!
    LOL! you might have a point there..... *goes off to "appreciate" Jack*


      We should just decide, where, when what episode we appreciate him in for each date.

      As in a "Jack in black tee shirt" appreciation day.
      or "Jack on the beach" appreciation day.

      "We came through and once more saw the stars." - Dante



        Originally posted by Kliggins
        That is a great idea. More party time. You United Kingdomers are so clever.
        Why thankyou ma'am!!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
          Jack is saying to me, "WHAT time did you come to bed???!!!"

          Well I'm surprised he has to ask me - as he was there next to me *oh sorry, or was that just a dream *


            Originally posted by Jynjyr
            I've found conflicting info for Mac's birthday.
            It's either Jan 23, 1950, or from ep "Friends" Mar 23, 1951. The year gets confirmed in "Lost Amadeus", he tells Lulu that he 39. Since it's 1990 that makes his b-day in 1951.
            (I spend too much time with the VCR)

            Gee, does that mean we can have 3 Appreciation Days? *rubs hands together* Goody, goody, goody.
            Yeah its definitely 1951, cos I remember that all three of them were in different years - which I thought was amazing at the time!

            Three appreciation days huh? We're gonna have to think up some really, really good ways of celebrating


              Originally posted by raggedy11
              We should just decide, where, when what episode we appreciate him in for each date.

              As in a "Jack in black tee shirt" appreciation day.
              or "Jack on the beach" appreciation day.
              Well I'll appreciate the man any old way. I'm not entirely sure about the Mac birthdate but I haven't watched the Friends ep for a while so I'm sure Jynjyr is correct.

              As for how to appreciate... Well how about RDA in leather for the man's actual birthday in January. He looks too fine by half in leather. Of course he looks too Fine most of the time!


                Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                Well I'm surprised he has to ask me - as he was there next to me *oh sorry, or was that just a dream *
                Go back to sleep hon, it's only a dream but I bet it was a damn good one!


                  That's what I mean. We can appreciate him *every* day... just in a different way each day.
                  As long has he appreciates us in return.

                  "We came through and once more saw the stars." - Dante



                    Originally posted by Ruralstar
                    Go back to sleep hon, it's only a dream but I bet it was a damn good one!
                    *rolls back over and hugs her Jack sized/shaped duvet* mmmmmm


                      Originally posted by raggedy11
                      That's what I mean. We can appreciate him *every* day... just in a different way each day.
                      As long has he appreciates us in return.
                      Oh dare to dream. We know Jacksbabe certainly is!


                        Jynjyr, trying to learn my way around in here ... your pic in your sig ... GWGG? does that stand for Gate Word Gutter Gals?

                        "We came through and once more saw the stars." - Dante



                          Originally posted by Ruralstar
                          Oh dare to dream. We know Jacksbabe certainly is!
                          Yes in this one, we're playing 'hide and seek'


                            Okay courtesy of Mala...

                            *drools muchly* Ah the days of my youth... Wish he had been a part of it!


                            Geez Jack what are you thinking about here. Can I help you?


                            Is that our RDA? He plays dangerous with conviction I must say!



                              Originally posted by Ruralstar
                              Oh dare to dream. We know Jacksbabe certainly is!
                              I'll leave this vision of my dreams to your own imaginations .... I know they won't have any trouble with it


                                Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                                Yes in this one, we're playing 'hide and seek'

                                *snickers* I'm sure you don't want anyone else to find him first! *goes off looking for Jack*

