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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    I came here to find out what thunk meant.

    I think I know now.

    Hail and Welcome Tracy Jane. I hope you have a great time in our happy little gutter. See Mala, Jacksbabe, Kliggins, and Anakin for your various items of THUNK equipment. Oz is the wordsmith and I am the keeper of the THUNK and the warden of the itty bitty sponge


      Thank you, and I guess you get a lot of work with that sponge of yours. If Samantha Carter only saw this....
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        Can I ask what gutter girls are? (Sorry to be dim)
        Well I'm not sure if anyone else has already answered so....

        Gutter gals are the dwellers of this thread "The Gutter". Which btw has a figurative link to the S/J shipper thread if you are so inclined to Ship. We spend a great deal of time worshipping at the feet of THE MAN and wind up sliding beneath the waves of said gutter on a regular basis. Due to some of the *ahem, cough* thoughts induced by pictures of the FINE piece of maleness that is Mr. Richard Dean Anderson and his various incarnates, ie; MacGyver, Legend and most prevalent Jack O'Neill.

        See exhibit A as to why we THUNK and let your imagination go. Keeping it totally pg of course


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to contribute in the way of discussion about RDA's fine acting abilities so I am just going to stare at this picture

          fair enough. i'll just stare right along with you, if that's ok <sigh>. hot damn, that is one fine figure of a man..why do i never see anyone like that striding along my high street?
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            Thank you, and I guess you get a lot of work with that sponge of yours. If Samantha Carter only saw this....
            You are welcome. One last offering before I scram. *mumbles* damn real life


              Originally posted by Mala50
              Gotta go watch SACRIFICES now... But since Tame is in J&J heaven, I think you deserve this, Bev.

              Now I'm trusting you to come up with a REALLY INAPPROPRIATE COMMENT!

              Do me proud! I'll be back later!

              Yes, let's all pretend that those are OUR hands, gals!!
              don't move're too well-lubricated, you might slip off. <tee hee>

              oh, that was naughty. i should be ashamed of myself. but i'm not <drinks RDA Thunk coffee and settles down to read everyone else's fantasisies about that pic>
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic



                My mum always said I was resigned to live life in the gutter, but I guess I never realised how good it would be.

                And I have totally missed the S/J ship Gutter reference.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by Kliggins
                  Jack is looking for the gutter gals!

                  <waves> right here honey!!! see the short, plump, brunette in front of you? the one with the dazed thunked expression on her face? just head straight my way.....!!!!!
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by michelleb
                    <waves> right here honey!!! see the short, plump, brunette in front of you? the one with the dazed thunked expression on her face? just head straight my way.....!!!!!
                    Short, plump, brunette - that's me not you, dammit!
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                      Short, plump, brunette - that's me not you, dammit!
                      nope, i've checked. definitely me. the english one, jack baby. you like the english, don't you? i know the words to every monty python sketch!!
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by Ruralstar
                        Well I'm not sure if anyone else has already answered so....

                        Gutter gals are the dwellers of this thread "The Gutter". Which btw has a figurative link to the S/J shipper thread if you are so inclined to Ship. We spend a great deal of time worshipping at the feet of THE MAN and wind up sliding beneath the waves of said gutter on a regular basis. Due to some of the *ahem, cough* thoughts induced by pictures of the FINE piece of maleness that is Mr. Richard Dean Anderson and his various incarnates, ie; MacGyver, Legend and most prevalent Jack O'Neill.

                        See exhibit A as to why we THUNK and let your imagination go. Keeping it totally pg of course

                        Excellent description Rural. Did you by any chance find that in the dictionary? I think we deserve our own entry there, don't you???
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by Critter
                          Excellent description Rural. Did you by any chance find that in the dictionary? I think we deserve our own entry there, don't you???
                          Oh most assuredly, right next to the word "Fond"

                          *see Oz's sig*


                            Originally posted by Ruralstar
                            Well I'm not sure if anyone else has already answered so....

                            Gutter gals are the dwellers of this thread "The Gutter". Which btw has a figurative link to the S/J shipper thread if you are so inclined to Ship. We spend a great deal of time worshipping at the feet of THE MAN and wind up sliding beneath the waves of said gutter on a regular basis. Due to some of the *ahem, cough* thoughts induced by pictures of the FINE piece of maleness that is Mr. Richard Dean Anderson and his various incarnates, ie; MacGyver, Legend and most prevalent Jack O'Neill.

                            See exhibit A as to why we THUNK and let your imagination go. Keeping it totally pg of course

                            Funny... He appeared to me exactly like that when we video-conferenced about half an hour ago
                            Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                              Originally posted by OzGirl
                              To Ewokmonster Susan:

                              Thunk you VERY much for sharing all those pics of RDA doing lip exercises
                              with various females *who aren't myself!* I have a weakness for the way
                              RDA kisses, but especially this one:


                              (Sorry it's not Sam there!!) I love the way he goes for the upper lip,
                              which gives the lucky woman a chance to suck on that wonderful bottom
                              lip of his -- that succulent bit of mouth that seems to go on FOREVER.

                              Mmmmmmmmmm...thank you so much for the lovely thoughts.

                              I've missed you, Gutter Gang!


                              Dean St Minx, Mistress of Hussidom, Patron Saint of the Red Feather Boa with spiked heels

                              HOW WE HAVE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Ahhh all is right in the Gutter when *ALL* of the Masters are here
                              Gutter Gals Extrordinaire
                              Oz - who's prose inspires our minds to create images that are ..........well very un-PG

                              Mala, Ewokmonster, Jacksbabe, and Shelly - whose pictures have us drooling on our keyboards

                              Ruralstar - who keeps us all focused and explains the finer points *How to Thunk AND use a tiny sponge*

                              You have inspired a new generation of Thunkers to be creative, be free and HUSSIES ............Gutter Gals in our own rights

                              Kliggins with her pictures of Jack and tempt
                              Anakin doing more tempting of her own

                              and the rest of us following in footsteps of The Great and Powerful OZ
                              finding new and improved ways to express our *devotion* the the man who spurs our *creative* juices

                              Ahhhhhhh yes the Gutter is beginning to feel like home again
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                nope, i've checked. definitely me. the english one, jack baby. you like the english, don't you? i know the words to every monty python sketch!!
                                Hey! He could also go with me!... Oh okay I'm not a brunette but I am blonde and Jack *does* like blonde women with blue eyes!

                                And I've watched Monthy Python's Holy grail at least a thousand times!!! (people sometimes look at me strangely when I wander making clicking noises... )

                                My point?... HEAD MY WAY JACKIE BOY!!!
                                Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon

