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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    My absolute, favorite-ist pic of the Man. *takes a deep breath* Not Jack or Mac or Ernest or Jim or Jack R. or Tony or Ray or Bill.

    *big, happy sigh*

    You're never too old to do something goofy.
    Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


      Originally posted by AmberMoon
      Just to get the blood moving this morning...sticky-up anyone?
      *waves hand in air* yes...yes...please...sticky-up hair!!!!


        Originally posted by Feli
        ROFLMAO! Looks like I missed one hell of a party...
        (((((((((Feli))))))) Welcome home.

        *What did you bring me back from your holiday??? Postcard...stick of rock....what???


          Macgyver, anyone? Woot! He looks even hotter next to Pete! (not former Mr. Sam Carter!)

          step through the gate of sam/jack shippiness!!!
          my rantings and ravings

          Share the love!


            Originally posted by Kliggins
            LOL. I did not even think of the white pants.


            Not pants, but white at least.

            I am sorry but I will not, I just can't oh Sorry, talking about not commenting on this picture!!

            Why is that when I see that Episode, my eyes divert straight SOUTH!!

            CHEST HAIRS!!

            Okay I am calm now!!
            for awhile!!
            Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


              Originally posted by L-JADE
              Speaking of white.... hhmm.. I watch Mac's TWICE STUNG and he said "Pure as driven snow' (about the heroin) and I start LMAO... is that where you got your PADS reputation ???
              Originally posted by Kliggins
              Of course not! I am too innocent for that
              Originally posted by L-JADE
              hmmm! OK, first your smiley blink too fast and second.. you don't get upto 5000+ post
              and STILL INNOCENT ! are you kidding me ?
              Kliggins... what are you sayin' ? are you forsaken me ?
              ooopss... 1 AM, gotta sleep, work early tomorrow *yeckh* G'night Kligs.
              That one was Close L-Jade, If you bought into tht Innocent of Kliggins, then I got some
              Frozen ICE in Mexico I would like to sell you!!

              Not picking on you Kliggins , I am loving your wonderful pictures, please post more!!

              pssst Critter, is above considered begging
              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                Originally posted by AmberMoon
                Calling all GG''s been 4 hours and I'm below the McKay Thunk thread....urgently require your assistance...Calling all GG's
                Hey, Hey Jack, I am here, have always been

                I am just catching up my sleep from last night, it was busy remember, you and Rourke Fighting till all hours

                and that THUNDER Storm last night, I think I jumped out of bed twice last night!! Good thing the clones were around, Cats were hiding under the Bed!!

                ONTLLJRC: We were not fighting
                ONTLLJC: that is correct we were debating
                ONTLLJRC: Yeah!!
                ONTLLMC: Am I hearing this correctly, you guys are agreeing!!

                ONTLL: Oh PLEASE!!!

                P.S. Amber that SIG line - THUNK!!!
                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                  Originally posted by AmberMoon
                  Just to get the blood moving this morning...sticky-up anyone?

                  To get the Blood Moving, YEAH you got it going alrighty!!

                  And not with the Sticky-up Hair either!! Sorry Bev!!

                  you know what I am taking about Amber!!
                  Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                    Originally posted by Feli
                    That was awfully nice of Jack! Granted, my husband was a little confused by the addition of an Air Force General to our group but I quite enjoyed it.

                    HEY, HEY, look who is back!!

                    Welcome Feli - Our Wonderful Moderator!!

                    Feli is back, now things will get back to Normal!!

                    ONTLLJRC: Suck up!!
                    ONTLLMC: Totally!!
                    ONTLLJC: Hey she is the Boss!!
                    ONTLL: What does that make me??
                    ONTLLJC: oh your my BIG Boss of the House, Feli is the Boss of the Board!!
                    ONTLL: Nice Recovery!!
                    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                      Originally posted by Jynjyr
                      My absolute, favorite-ist pic of the Man. *takes a deep breath* Not Jack or Mac or Ernest or Jim or Jack R. or Tony or Ray or Bill.

                      TOTALLY AGREE on that one!! OH YEAH!!
                      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                        Originally posted by Jynjyr
                        Hi Feli. Welcome back.
                        We behaved like the sweet little angels that you know we are.

                        JMC: Sweet little angels?
                        Hehe, you should have told your JMC not to talk about the last week with me...


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          (((((((((Feli))))))) Welcome home.

                          *What did you bring me back from your holiday??? Postcard...stick of rock....what???
                          What are sticks of rocks? I've never heard that.

                          But if you want a stick

                          (Hey, get your mind out of the gutter)

                          then I have this gnawed on pine cone for you. Can you tell whether it was gnawed on by a mouse or a squirell?


                            Originally posted by Feli
                            What are sticks of rocks? I've never heard that.

                            But if you want a stick

                            (Hey, get your mind out of the gutter)

                            then I have this gnawed on pine cone for you. Can you tell whether it was gnawed on by a mouse or a squirell?
                            A pine cone!!!! That's all you got me??????

                            In the UK, when someone goes on holiday to the seaside, they bring you back a stick of rock. Rock is a hard sweet (candy), and you have to watch out it doesn't damage your teeth! It normally has the name of the place running through it. Here are two pics of rock from a town called Blackpool..

                            Here endeth the lesson on British confectionary!


                              As you can See its time for a Sig Change!!

                              Hope you like it!!

                              (Thanks to whom I snurched it from)

                              Still one of my Favorite Pics!!

                              ONTLLJRC: oh no, here she goes again
                              ONTLLMC: What??
                              ONTLLJRC: That episode AGAIN!!
                              ONTLLJC: oh Well, Guess we have to endure
                              ONTLLJRC: once a Week she does this!!
                              ONTLLMC: Have to find a MacGyver episode like that!!
                              ONTLL: Wait till "Black Rhino" comes on DVD
                              ONTLLMC: Oh Really!!
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s
                                Well I made to the bottom of the THREAD!!

                                SS-have a goodnight Sleep... You can post more of your wonderful EYES tomorrow, by then my Bruises might be gone!!
                                Meimei -Don't yell at me for telling you went to the Daniel thread!! ( Daniel has nice eyes in Fire and Water!! ,
                                OI did I type that!! )
                                Jynjyr-continue to post Glasses pics, and Mac pics, and all other pics, but please don't instigate!! (just kidding)
                                Amber That Sig Line - Need I say more!!
                                Sgt. Siler-Hide from Feli (what did you whisper in Jack's ear?? )

                                Well anyhow, found this one also during my Hunting Trip this AM!! Forgot to post.. ooopsie!!

                                Okay Goodnight for me too!! (Have to settle the Argument between Clones, Wish me LUCK!!)
                                Hee! That's for me to know and noone to ever find out.

                                Holy buckets! Where is that pic from?! *thunk*

