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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Good morning GG's!!
    I thought a pic of fingerless gloves should wake me up.....

    .....or maybe Jack in his uniform!!


    My LJ


      Originally posted by ChevronSeven
      I just checked Amazon and it lists Pandora's clock at just over $200 for the DVD. Just a bit out of my price range.
      I saw that, too. I was hoping it was a typo but was afraid to check it out. $209 USD, I don't think so, Bucko!!! $29.00 USD, I'll take it.

      There's something about this blue lighting.

      You're never too old to do something goofy.
      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


        Originally posted by Buc252
        How does "Alpha Male on Beta Max" strike you? <g>

        Although, and this might sound weird, I don't really think of Mac as an Alpha male in the same way Jack is. He's just . . . too soft and gentle to be an Alpha. This may be totally inaccurate logistically speaking, but it's how I've felt about the two.
        Although I'm not exactly sure what makes someone an "Alpha Male", I agree. IMO, it's a primitive, gut reaction. Jack exudes it, Mac does not. A situation which I find totally cool, considering it's the SAME MAN.

        Mac is the guy I'd take home to meet Mom and Dad with no qualms. Jack is the guy I'd keep my little secret for a while.

        I guess that's why I'm "fond" of both of them.
        You're never too old to do something goofy.
        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


          Originally posted by ivy714
          Good morning GG's!!
          I thought a pic of fingerless gloves should wake me up.....

          .....or maybe Jack in his uniform!!

          Or maybe Jack out of his . . . .

          JMC: Oh, man. She's starting already this morning.

          JJC: What can I say. When ya got it, ya got it.

          Guys, guys. You've both "got it". And when I get home from work . . . . .

          JMC: *mutters* Somebody throw some ice on her.
          You're never too old to do something goofy.
          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.



            My LJ


              I love the desert camo

              but I love black even more



                Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                Oooooo wow, he looks soooo good in both!!


                My LJ


                  Originally posted by ivy714
                  Oooooo wow, he looks soooo good in both!!
                  Oh please! He looks good in anything! He would look very fine in his birthday suit!
                  Last edited by Kady; 22 April 2005, 03:54 AM.


                    Originally posted by Jynjyr

                    Ruralstar and Kliggens said it much more eloquently than I could.
                    It's a shame that many of those who write for 'the business' disparage Science Fiction. The image of a 'Sci-Fi Fan' is still a geek with tape on their glasses, a pocketfull of pens, and living in the basement at their parent's house. (OK, maybe not that harsh but, not far off).
                    EXCUSE ME!! We are the 20's, 30's, 40's something, successful professionals who, if they weren't embarrassed to admit it (geek label), would make up a significant portion of the population.
                    Yes, MacGyver was / is worldwide. It's impressive to have a 7 year run and your (character's) name in the dictionary. (MacGyver can also be used as a verb meaning to fix, repair, rig, solve, build, invent, or otherwise save the day, as MacGyver did. - Wickpedia)
                    Stargate SG-1 is also world wide. But, because it's "Sci-Fi", it's not important.
                    Hey Guys! Think about this: the Sci-Fi 'geeks' of the 70's and 80's are the 'gee-whiz' scientists of today.
                    I think you said it pretty well yourself Jynjyr.


                      Originally posted by Kady
                      Oh please! He looks good in anything! He would look very fine in his birthday suit!
                      Thanks for correcting me He does look good in everything!!


                      My LJ


                        Originally posted by lonely_star
                        hey ! just learned how to make caps !!
                        so here we go, just for fun
                        more to come later !!

                        Oh very nice Lonely_star. I'll look forward to your future efforts!


                          Good Morning Ladies...
                          Here's a few pics of Jack for your drooling pleasure

                          CAN I OPEN MY EYES YET???

                          WOW I NEVER SAW THAT ONE COMING
                          Last edited by ForeverSg1; 22 April 2005, 07:03 AM.


                            *crawls back into the thread*

                            Back from vacation, now my comp. has stuffed itself with nasties, I'm up to my eyebrows in work, I'm jetlagged, I'm jumpy ... *whimper whimper* thank goodness for the Gutter, I have some serious thinking to do to get me back in shape.

                            Later girls

                            I have some serious thinking to do
                            thinking? Did I say 'thinking' I meant THUNKING!

                            Well maybe a little of both then
                            Last edited by Rune; 22 April 2005, 05:32 AM.


                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                              Good Morning Ladies...
                              Here's a few pics of Jack for your drooling pleasure

                              CAN I OPEN MY EYES YET???

                              WOW I NEVER SAW THAT ONE COMING
                              *can't stop staring at the pictures*......
                              I'm having another bad day at work, so these are definitley going to make it better......thanks


                              My LJ


                                Originally posted by Jynjyr
                                *whoooosshhhh* I feel better now. I guess I won't punch out the guy at the hardware store who thinks because I'm female, I shouldn't have power tools.
                                "What size tree is your husband cutting down?" He almost got that chainsaw put where chainsaws aren't supposed to go. I'll be shopping elsewhere.
                                De-lurking just long enough to have a giggle over Jynjyr's story and empathize completely. Exact same thing happened to me years ago when I went to buy a power drill! This is why I no longer shop at Ace Hardware.
                                "Helpful Hardware Place", my @$$.

                                *Goes back to lurking quietly.*

