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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Anakin
    Well, it is rather common knowledge *looks around* at least in the Gutter that RDA was shortsighted. He wore glasses at the MacGyver casting session, and in early episodes of Stargate, if you cap some of his -really- close-ups, you may discern the outer rim of his lenses.
    I don't know in which interview he said that he got a LASIK (another laser surgery than the one I had) done on both his eyes (twice I think?) to get rid of shortsightedness, and that he felt like a miracle had occured.
    Now he's wearing glasses to read or see close, but that's because of age (as much as we'd all like him to have found the fountain of youth, the clock's still ticking!! - LOL - not that *I* care, mind you!! )

    Hence the "influence" he got on *my* decision to have my eyes lazerized (among other incentives! )
    I read the same article. It's on In "Archives" - "THE ROAD BACK - SG-1 Explorer Unit Team Briefing. September 11, 2003 By Kate Ritter"
    Here's the excerpt where he talks about it.

    From: newfie
    You've said in the past that you are extremely short sighted. Do you wear contact lenses for filming or do you prefer to work in a blur!!

    Richard Dean Anderson:
    I used to like to work in a blur, but then I started realizing that maybe eye contact from across a room would be a good thing! But certainly in doing action adventure type things, you sort of need to see what’s going on. So I wore contacts for the longest time, and they just became a pain in the butt to deal with. I had LASIK surgery. And I love it. In fact I had two of them. The second one was an enhancement. I went from what was 20/250, or something like that, to 20/15 vision after the first surgery. It softened up to about 20/25, which meant I could still see more clearly at distance, and I could also read. The 25 rather than 20 allowed me to read without glasses. It’s what, I guess, the doctors kind of aim for, so you don’t need to have any form of glasses at all. When I came out of my first surgery, I had 20/15 vision. That’s like eagle eye. That’s seeing details at a distance that sometimes you shouldn’t see. Once everything settled down and I got into my 20/25 range, I went to a hockey game, and I could see the numbers at the opposite end of the rink, but I couldn’t really distinguish the facial things that were going on, and the numbers were a little soft. So I opted for the enhancement, and I went back to 20/15. Once you’ve had eagle eye, you don’t want to go back. So, to read, if I don’t have a ton of light on a piece of material, I’ve got about two dozen pairs of those little cheapy reading glasses. But, I had the LASIK, and I’m ecstatic about it.

    Just FYI - 20/250 is not seeing your shoe laces to be able to tie them.

    I had the LASIK done too. I was 20/400. Now it's 20/35 and the Doc told me "don't push your luck". I'm thrilled. (And always searching for my reading glasses.)
    You're never too old to do something goofy.
    Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


      A little smile...


        Originally posted by Jynjyr
        I read the same article. It's on In "Archives" - "THE ROAD BACK - SG-1 Explorer Unit Team Briefing. September 11, 2003 By Kate Ritter"
        Here's the excerpt where he talks about it.

        From: newfie
        You've said in the past that you are extremely short sighted. Do you wear contact lenses for filming or do you prefer to work in a blur!!

        Richard Dean Anderson:
        I used to like to work in a blur, but then I started realizing that maybe eye contact from across a room would be a good thing! But certainly in doing action adventure type things, you sort of need to see what’s going on. So I wore contacts for the longest time, and they just became a pain in the butt to deal with. I had LASIK surgery. And I love it. In fact I had two of them. The second one was an enhancement. I went from what was 20/250, or something like that, to 20/15 vision after the first surgery. It softened up to about 20/25, which meant I could still see more clearly at distance, and I could also read. The 25 rather than 20 allowed me to read without glasses. It’s what, I guess, the doctors kind of aim for, so you don’t need to have any form of glasses at all. When I came out of my first surgery, I had 20/15 vision. That’s like eagle eye. That’s seeing details at a distance that sometimes you shouldn’t see. Once everything settled down and I got into my 20/25 range, I went to a hockey game, and I could see the numbers at the opposite end of the rink, but I couldn’t really distinguish the facial things that were going on, and the numbers were a little soft. So I opted for the enhancement, and I went back to 20/15. Once you’ve had eagle eye, you don’t want to go back. So, to read, if I don’t have a ton of light on a piece of material, I’ve got about two dozen pairs of those little cheapy reading glasses. But, I had the LASIK, and I’m ecstatic about it.

        Just FYI - 20/250 is not seeing your shoe laces to be able to tie them.

        I had the LASIK done too. I was 20/400. Now it's 20/35 and the Doc told me "don't push your luck". I'm thrilled. (And always searching for my reading glasses.)
        I would love to have the surgery! You are so lucky! My contact prescription is -7.5 in one eye and -6.5 in the other... Basically, that means I am blind! I run into things without glasses or contacts. And now that age is catching up to me, I have to have bifocals. Bifocal contacts don't work for me so it's back to glasses or use contacts for distance and use reading glasses...

        Of course, I'd take Rick even if he couldn't see... Actually, the way I look, that would be the only chance of catching him!! *giggle* *giggle* *snort*


          Another nice neck picture because, well, because I'm me...


            A little intense Jack...


              A little confused Jack...


                A little more neck....


                My LJ


                  Originally posted by meimei
                  A little ear and partial profile....

                  (at the top of her lungs) EAR EAR EAR!!!!! Gah....**thunk**

                  KJC: (wiggles his finger in his ear) Is Kady trying to make me as deaf as she is?!


                    A little upset Jack with sticky up hair (since I know Bev will be along soon...)


                      MMJC: And now Mei Mei is running frantically through the house getting ready for work since she's spent an hour online instead of getting dressed... Oy!


                        Originally posted by Jynjyr
                        I read the same article. It's on In "Archives" Just FYI - 20/250 is not seeing your shoe laces to be able to tie them.

                        I had the LASIK done too. I was 20/400. Now it's 20/35 and the Doc told me "don't push your luck". I'm thrilled. (And always searching for my reading glasses.)

                        Thanks for the article, Jynjyr!... It's always nice to read it again! <g>

                        LASIK is indicated for strong shortsightedness, the scale is a tad different in Europe, but a good sight is considered 10/10.
                        I was 2/10 which meant without glasses/lenses I could distinguish blurry shapes in the distance, but had to frown deeply to try and focus to identify those shapes
                        So it's not HEAVY shortsightedness (some folks on the same scale, go negative!). Therefore, LASIK was not indicated for me. It's a rather risky surgery regarding possible aftereffects -as i understand- so, like you said Jynjyr, although the recovery is far quicker than with the EXCIMER, my doctor told me not to push my luck and have the less invasive surgery done.
                        The downside of it, is that I can't do both eyes at the same time since the recovery is a little longer than with a LASIK.

                        Back to RDA, fortunately, this didn't alter his beautiful eyes (who said blue eyes were the most expressive?! I've known the DULLEST blue eyes, and the most expressive dark chocolate ones! - Rick's!!)
                        Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                          Originally posted by meimei
                          I would love to have the surgery! You are so lucky! My contact prescription is -7.5 in one eye and -6.5 in the other... Basically, that means I am blind! I run into things without glasses or contacts. And now that age is catching up to me, I have to have bifocals. Bifocal contacts don't work for me so it's back to glasses or use contacts for distance and use reading glasses...

                          Of course, I'd take Rick even if he couldn't see... Actually, the way I look, that would be the only chance of catching him!! *giggle* *giggle* *snort*
                          Mei Mei, if I may give you some advice, GO FOR IT!... If you have the possibility to do it, go for it. Even if you have to wear glasses to read, it will give you an extraordinary sense of freedom!

                          Just for the record, my lenses were -3.75 & -3.50, your shorsightedness is worse than mine, and from what Jynjyr said, you're probably closer than hers
                          Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                            After all, it's almost *all* it takes for a while <g>

                            .... SHADES! ....
                            Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                              Originally posted by meimei
                              I would love to have the surgery! You are so lucky! My contact prescription is -7.5 in one eye and -6.5 in the other... Basically, that means I am blind! I run into things without glasses or contacts. And now that age is catching up to me, I have to have bifocals. Bifocal contacts don't work for me so it's back to glasses or use contacts for distance and use reading glasses...

                              Of course, I'd take Rick even if he couldn't see... Actually, the way I look, that would be the only chance of catching him!! *giggle* *giggle* *snort*
                              Hey, meimei, how'd you get my prescription? I'm a tad bit worse than you are -> -7.5 & -6.75. I can't wear contacts because I don't like anything touching my eye, so whenever I get the LASIK surgery, it's gonna be difficult! But if RDA and you gals can do it, I can do it!


                                ...Fingerless gloves....


                                My LJ

