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    Originally posted by galaxy
    Does anyone else wonder how incredibly happy the AU Shipper Family must be? LOL
    They got what they want, their sam and jack kissed right after they met each other.
    I bet AU galaxy had a great night yesterday. And AU PoeticTragedy and docker weren't drunk.

    Actually, after I read all comments and slept over it, I'm pretty happy with moebius. As I said, it could have been better, but it also could have been worse and I really enjoyed all the spoilers and Caty's great caps. (the kiss was cuuuuuuute).
    I'm looking forward to season 9 and I'm even hoping for ship as crazy as that might sound (But I really hope RDA will be in a few episodes).
    Just wanted to say that....

    Haha thanks for making me giggle
    And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
      Now I base my comments solely on the spoilers posted here since I don’t do the DL thing & will have to wait to see it on SciFi a few weeks from now….. (And BTW—thanks to all of you wonderful Shippers who took the time to watch AND give us the scoop at the same time!!)


      I won’t say I told you so or anything like that. We all had (& have) equally valid ideas of what was going to happen or not happen. And we all still have equally valid opinions of this last S8 episode. My thoughts from reading your spoilers:

      On the negative side:
      Given what I’ve read here, it still smacks of that ‘Dallas’ baloney –“it was all a dream.” Except… now we will likely be permanently be following an alternate timeline’s team as “our” team appears to have died in the past… SG’s ‘1969’ time travel was a bit different in that the team didn’t affect very much of their or other’s futures & most importantly they stayed alive. No time paradoxes were created to make the future go ‘boom’ and the team returned to their originating time/date.

      I remember ST:Voyager when an alternate Harry Kim & O’Brien’s baby came over from an alternate timeline to become part of ‘our’ timeline/universe after the original Harry & baby died… Nothing more was ever mentioned after that point & since it was just him & the baby it didn’t make a big impact on the show.... But here it’s the whole damn team that we came to know and love in the timeline we know and love. IMOHO it seems a little late in the game for the PTB to pull a “well… we’re now going to be in a reality a few degrees off from the one the team was in the first 8 years, so now we can have fun writing crazy stories for S9 that bring up the differences in the timelines…”

      So they string us ALL (shippers, anti-shippers, & noromos) along for yet another year. But I worry because as SG1 is aging, it’s getting harder and harder to suspend my belief that this team would stay together OR that there would still be FEELINGS between the two leads that TPTB have ONCE AGAIN acknowledged to viewers in Threads & Moebius that weren’t being acted on by the two characters. If they try to string us out til S10… uh sorry. They probably won’t have me because it wouldn’t be believable anymore.

      Like DarkQuee1 said “We were asking only to know for sure that they *will* be a couple.” Not over the top love scenes. Not kissyfaces… Just an adult convo where it was made truly canon that a ship did exist and a ship would be pursued. A nice hot kiss, would’ve been nice…. All we know now is yes…. They are fishing together now. So what. Friends fish together… Still so much that can be interpreted *very broadly*. My feeling was with Jack pretty much unseen in S9 and the cast and team being so different now… it wouldn’t have killed them to write a sweet *canon* ship for them.

      On the positive side: There is still hope for S9 if you want to “know” they are in a relationship. If the timeline issue is resolved and TPTB are willing to do it, there are still plenty of opportunities to write a wonderful ship for Sam and Jack in S9.

      I still love my S/J ship, but am a wee bit disappointed that TBTB didn't have the guts to bring S/J ship to life.

      I was think about this just this morning and
      found tears leaking out of my eyes. They kill my Sam and Jack, they killed my team and some how don't realize that ours is the only reality that matters. My Jack knows whether or not there are fish in his pond and now my Jack is dead - Why would I ever watch this show again?
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


        hi guys, i can't stop, just popped in to say hi, hows your head tragedy, sir ruff, im not going to be able to get on the computer before ten tonight as i've got to go to work in a few minutes so if i don't reply it isn't me being ignorant ,okay, gotta dash, shipper dreams guys

        sig made by Samjackshiplover


          Originally posted by ses110
          You said it Rogue.It canot believe TPTB would
          waste maybe RDA'S last 2 episodes on AU characters.I cannot believe one member of TPTB did not have the common sense to say we cannot do an AU episode at the end of Season 8.TPTB did this so Atlantis can mix with SG-1.IMO Atlantis and SG-1 should having nothing to do with each other.TPTB will say we though RDA would be back and he may still be back in some form but the writing has been on the wall with RDA cutting back his time the last 2 Years.After 8 Years of Loyal viewing a real Sam and Jack Kiss and one Adult conversation was not too much to ask.The way things are now I think I'am done with this Show.I do reserve the right to change my mind if RDA is in about 5 episodes but I doubt that will happen.In closing TPTB were sacred off by the Non Shippers again
          I think TPTB
          screwed the pooch this time. They have offended all loyal fans by killing off our reality, eight years and so big deal our team is dead.
          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


            Good morning or Good day! It's 8:20am here on the east coast US. Beautiful day! What have I missed? Told my whole family what happen and most is totally confused. My husband and are arguing if they are the same SG-1 or different. I feel they are different, with different experiences. Is Jacob still dead? There are fish in the pond. Does that mean we have a new beginning, anew group with a different opinions! I'm confused and hurt because in my opinion the original SG-1 is dead. The group I spent 8 years with is gone. It's like Deep Space Nine Episode when O'brien goes back in time to save himself but starts to die and sends back himself in the past to carry on his life. To me it is not the same person! Could be wrong but definitely not happy with the ending. Feel cheated!




                Originally posted by docker22
                hi guys, i can't stop, just popped in to say hi, hows your head tragedy, sir ruff, im not going to be able to get on the computer before ten tonight as i've got to go to work in a few minutes so if i don't reply it isn't me being ignorant ,okay, gotta dash, shipper dreams guys
                Docker!!! My drinking partner my head pounds like a drum *ouchy*

                we shall talk to ya tonight
                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                  Originally posted by galaxy
                  Sir Ruff
                  Twisted Angel

                  Who said that she leaves?
                  Did Caty say that? That's terrible. I hope that's just a rumor.
                  add me-pittsburghgirl
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    Feel like I do?
                    Me, too.
                    I guess I should spoiler this
                    Eight years and a whole lota love down the tubes. They killed my Jack O'Neill. Right now I don't even care about the RST. Diluting my beer with tears.
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      CATY, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!!
                      Sir Ruff
                      Twisted Angel


                        Good morning shippers

                        I've just finished my new video "Nothing else matters" Lucy Silvas with spoilers from reckoning 2, Threads and Mobius 2


                        Sam and Jack together



                          Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
                          Thats where I read it from Galaxy
                          Didn't anyon read yesterday morning threads? Gee----! Someone red-flagged Caty because she made a comment about Daniel (not bad but her opinion). Caty basically said she didn't care because she was soon leaving the site. In my opinion I think it was someone on my side of the ocean that did it because sometimes they get a little passionate with THEIR opinions! I sent a soap-gram and I think it calmed everyone down (I think!) or I basically told them to go to another site if they were going to be rude to other shipper's opinions. Watch me get red flagged! Please put me on that Caty List Jamie because like I told her she is the Queen of the site and she must stay in her domain,with her minions. All bow! HaHA
                          Last edited by trupi; 23 February 2005, 05:06 AM.


                            CATY, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!!
                            Sir Ruff
                            Twisted Angel
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Originally posted by trupi
                              Didn't yesterday morning threads? Gee----! Someone red-flagged Caty because she made a comment about Daniel (not bad but her opinion). Caty basically said she didn't care because she was soon leaving the site. In my opinion I think it was someone on my side of the ocean that did it because sometimes they get a little passionate with THEIR opinions! I sent a soap-gram and I think it calmed everyone down (I think!) or I basically told them to go to another site if they were going to be rude to other shipper's opinions. Watch me get red flagged! Please put me on that Caty List Jamie because like I told her she is the Queen of the site and she must stay in her domain,with her minions. All bow! HaHA
                              The problem started around page 210 yesterday morning for you guys!


                                Here you go trupi

                                CATY, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!!
                                Sir Ruff
                                Twisted Angel
                                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.

