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    Originally posted by majorsal
    spoilers for s7's fragile balance


    I'm going off on another episode, because what you said above reminded me of another ep I felt was ruined for me. I might be one of the only ppl on this planet that didn't like Fragile Balance. The kid that played miniJack was great (even though he didn't 'look' like Jack/RDA to me). But anyway, I felt that miniJack didn't really 'act' like how I thought Jack would have acted. And I don't blame this on the actor, but the writing and directing. I feel about Fragile Balance for Jack like I feel about Chimera for Sam (not very flattering to the character). I've went through this rant before, so I won't go into the details, but I feel that if a woman would have written this (or at least been part of the process), then miniJack AND Jack would have come off better by the end. Thoughts?
    Originally posted by blueiris
    I agree completely. *Fragile Balance
    I really enjoyed this episode because it was funny and the actor who played mini Jack did a great job. However, while I thought the scenes in the SGC with the other characters were in-character for Jack, when mini-Jack left the SGC, he was no longer Jack but began acting like a very immature adolescent, which he may have looked like, but he definately was not.
    And more Fragile Balance Spoilers

    Late as usual to the discussion, but I thought I'd add here that mini-Jack was too harsh whenever he yelled "CARTER!" And difference between him and RealJack really became obvious in the scene up on the ship. RealJack turns to Sam and says something like "I should be irked?" He's annoyed with Loki, the Asgard, and the situation, but it's clear from his tone that he's not annoyed with Sam. MiniJack wasn't able to make that distinction. So his annoyance comes across as irritation with Sam rather than the situation.

    But other than that, I liked the episode and thought it was funny.




      Jack retired!?!? Intriguing...but then why do the other pics all say General Jack!? *is soo lost*


        Originally posted by Bucky
        Oh, absolutely. The look on Sam's face was not the look of a colleague who had been snubbed; it was the look of a woman who was jealous and hurt. Besides, if the point had been that he was snubbing the team, we'd have had a group shot of the three other members, maybe with pans across Sam, Daniel and Teal'c each reacting. Be we didn't. That shot focused on Sam's reaction, and Sam was hurt. Very hurt. I sure didn't like watching that, but in the long run that episode--and that shot--established that Sam had more than soldierly feelings for Jack. In the episodes that follow in Season 3 there are several instances that hint that Jack has more than soldierly feelings for Sam--most notably "Nemesis." But we don't get clear confirmation until "Divide and Conquer."

        So. Yeah, painful as "A Hundred Days" is to watch, it's an important step in the ship canon.

        I agree Bucky. Coming late to this discussion I know but I'm also one of those that really likes this episode. For really the first time it establishes that there really is something much more than just an attraction or a crush on Sams part and she is forced to face up to it. The shot at the end I always took as being more Sam focused, to reinforce that for the viewers. Bear in mind that at that point Jack probably wouldn't have been aware just how much Sam put into getting him back. Sure, she was explaining to him what they did, but they've only just got there so he can't have known all of the time and effort it took.


          Hey *waves*

          I'm back !!!!! ( in a very grrrrrr be intimidated kinda voice)

          So im finally out of 'quarantine' and im back with avengance they can try and remove me from this computer but they will fail. And quite miserably i might add

          This is just a quick hello before i go catch up on the tread and find out if there is anything new

          Hope everybody out there is O.K and i appologise for any birthdays or newbies i may have missed, you know i'm always thinkin bout u guys

          okely dokely, see you soon


          United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
          honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


            Welcome home...

            ... I mean back!

            You've not missed much, apart from some pics for Moebius and Reckoning and one for threads. They're all at GW
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              I don't know about you, but I've always had a good mind when it comes to mind boggling stories.

              I think that comes with being a have to learn about time travel, as every episode Brannon Braga's ever been involved with is time travel related.

              I'm feeling mega giddy, and I've had another though!
              Maybe our Sam and Jack get the A-T (Alternate timeline Sam and Jack together!

              They could play matchmaker!


              Two thoughts in as many's a record!
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by ses110
                I hope your wrong about your bad feeling Shipperahoy.This is why I did not want an
                AU/timeline episode.TPTB could really pull a fast one with this type of episode.After 8 Years I have no patience for Games.If TPTB want an AU Kiss fine there better be a real Time Kiss.The Real Sam and Jack better be alive and together and not some AU Sam and Jack brought in as replacements.We all waited too long to put up with any funny business.No Sam and Jack resolution=no Season 9 for me.

                Just a quick drive by to say to ses 110 .

                I don't see the point of having Jack..
                retired if it was not to have him with Sam at the end ..If TPTB wants to carry on playing the game ...they can Just have Sam and Jack kiss in the AU ..but reading the caption Retired military Jack would only be done for one reason me think that he can be with Sam in real life ..

                (I mean he could be the AU jack who is retired but then ..what will be all the fuss of the RL retirement issue in Threads ...Jack seems to be pretty ready to retire or becoming a civilian his chat with Kerry in Threads.. I think he'll do it anyway .. ..he does mention it in real life to Kerry in Threads (retirement/civilian=being with Sam) I think this is where they are going (Real life Jack will be retired or civilan by End of Threads and this is the reason why we see Jack off world a lot after that ....Good to be king , Reckoning , Mobius ect .....May be AU Jack is retired and RL Jack is civilian !!!)......... .

                .....but I'm not sure they'll give us the 100% happy ending .
                I hope they will because we know that Farscape ending didn't go down to well for the fans ..until they brought the miniseries back to cover up the mess..I so hope that Stargate TPTB is more clever than that and won't need to cover up any mess and will terminate season 8 on a high note ..and turn a new chapter for season 9 will be much more interesting than killing pple of the team .
                I believe this is what they 'll be doing ...They'll probably have something drastic happening to Sam and Jack in the AU or at least Sam because apparently she is in the AU with Daniel .

                ..But at the end the real life I think Sam and Jack will be together for good and season 9 will be a new beginning for both of them and the team .

                they'll probably be married (when season 9 starts 1 year later )I expect so that TPTB don't have to worry about RST ..because if they are an established married couple ..all the fans need are just looks and a bit of a face stroking from time to time .

                Saying that ..I think second part of season 8 is gonna be very shippy because Sam and Jack really need to become an item first ..and that can't be done very lightly ..They need to show the flirt and the resolution on screen..(Citizen Joe= flirt and Threads = resolution)so that their relationship is believeable ..and I think Sam and Jack will be an item at the end of Threads..may be not physically unless Jack is retired/civilian by the end of the episode which is a possibility .

                and this would be great ..because it means that they can slowly get back to being the Sam and Jack we used to know ..which is the care they had for each other in the early episodes..without any pressure from boyfriend/girlfriend.....TPTB needs to get rid off the boyfriend/grilfriend storyline or pressure as soon as possible ....because it does detract from the big storyline altogether ......I think they dragged it long enough and the episode "Threads" is the end of that subplot ...I really believe it .

                Sam and Jack will start getting happier from citizen Joe ..will start getting more comfortable with each other ..they 'll agree that they want to be together and will wait until the time is right to have an intimate relationship .

                They won't probably go to each other's house just in case the passion gets too irresistible but they'll talk on the phone and see each other at work and just be themselves ...I think we'll get a lot of lovely smiles from those 2 after "Threads" barriers ...except a tiny one that they 'll have to step over ....but it won't be long after Threads before we see them hug and kiss romantically ...of course I mean Mobius ..Priorities right first ..A job needs to be done ..pleasure after ...and let me tell you ..They 'll deserve every second of it ...

                and Daniel will probably go and see Vala and Teal'c will probably go and see Ishta so that eveybody is with the one they love for a well deserving moment of intimacy at the end . ..and then roll on season 9

                Last edited by Catysg1; 06 December 2004, 01:36 AM.


                  Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1

                  Jack retired!?!? Intriguing...but then why do the other pics all say General Jack!? *is soo lost*
                  Moebius S8
                  I think, and my head is trying to explode on this one, that it is AU Jack that is retired. Not ours...


                    Originally posted by meimei
                    Moebius S8
                    I think, and my head is trying to explode on this one, that it is AU Jack that is retired. Not ours...
                    I've been thinking that...but then I dunno....I'm soo confused...because I haven't read anything about an AU Jack!! Just Sam & Daniel!!

                    This episode is making my head wanna explode!! Now I get wat Joe Mallozzi meant!!!


                      Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                      I've been thinking that...but then I dunno....I'm soo confused...because I haven't read anything about an AU Jack!! Just Sam & Daniel!!

                      This episode is making my head wanna explode!! Now I get wat Joe Mallozzi meant!!!
                      LOL! I know what you mean...

                      Moebius S8
                      But in the captions on the pics for Pt1 he's General. On the captions for Pt2 he's retired and returning to help. I don't see how our Jack could retire in between unless it's a time travel glitch that causes a change to our time line and they have to go back to fix it and.... ARGH!!!!

                      *Mei Mei reaches for the Tylenol wondering if it helps with exploding heads*


                        Just a thought re all the speculation about SPOILER ALERT AUs and there being two versions of everyone in Moebius. Wouldn’t filming two versions of everyone interracting with each other be really time-consuming and expensive? I guess they could have it so that no one interracted with their alternate self but that would be pretty boring: I’d have thunk one reason for doing it was precisely so they could interract. God, please don’t solve everything in the AU and leave it at a stalemate with our Sam and Jack! I’d die!!!!!!

                        DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                        WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                          Originally posted by Katkin
                          Just a thought re all the speculation about SPOILER ALERT
                          AUs and there being two versions of everyone in Moebius. Wouldn’t filming two versions of everyone interracting with each other be really time-consuming and expensive? I guess they could have it so that no one interracted with their alternate self but that would be pretty boring: I’d have thunk one reason for doing it was precisely so they could interract. God, please don’t solve everything in the AU and leave it at a stalemate with our Sam and Jack! I’d die!!!!!!
                          Well, you know it actually pays to read the spoilers! LOL! I have been paying so much attention to the pictures, I kinda forgot to read the actual spoiler stuff...


                          Hmmmm.... Quite interesting and makes some sense....
                          And no alternate universe as in POV or TBFtGOG? And alternate time line instead? Not sure how well this bodes for the ship prefered ending but sounds like interesting scifi... But they have to set the timeline right for S9... Don't they? Of course they do... Why? Just cause... Okay, I'm talking to myself!
                          Okay... Maybe head won't explode this morning... Then again... Maybe it will...


                            Originally posted by Kliggins
                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASTROCHICK

                            Hope you have the perfect day.

                            I knew there was a reason to be on here Saturday!!

                            Happy Birthday Astrochick!!!

                            Sorry I missed it!!!
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by michelleb

                              I knew there was a reason to be on here Saturday!!

                              Happy Birthday Astrochick!!!

                              Sorry I missed it!!!
                              Nae worries.... thank you!!

                              What about my sig? eh? eh?


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Well, you know it actually pays to read the spoilers! LOL! I have been paying so much attention to the pictures, I kinda forgot to read the actual spoiler stuff...


                                Hmmmm.... Quite interesting and makes some sense....
                                And no alternate universe as in POV or TBFtGOG? And alternate time line instead? Not sure how well this bodes for the ship prefered ending but sounds like interesting scifi... But they have to set the timeline right for S9... Don't they? Of course they do... Why? Just cause... Okay, I'm talking to myself!
                                Okay... Maybe head won't explode this morning... Then again... Maybe it will...

                                Yeah, must say tho that I can’t make head nor tail of all this stuff now. Had been feeling quite hopeful for S/J but am now languishing in a pit of despair again. Just as an aside, does SPOILER AT Jack’s hair look darker? Suits him, if so. I need cheering up again! Please someone reassure me!!!!

                                DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                                WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.

