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    Originally posted by sueKay
    I hope these tidbits are true!!!

    btw - is it just me or is GW running reeaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyy slllllllloooooooow and WoNkY????

    Yeeeeeeessss iiiiiitttttttt iiiiiiiiiiiisssss!!!!!


      Originally posted by kiwigater
      Wow *clutches head to prevent it from exploding*
      You still suffering from the other night KG???


        Originally posted by samisjacksgal

        *clean up on isle 3 carolyn's head exploded*
        If that's what speculating about Moebius does, I'm just going to wait until the ep, thank you very much...

        *too much head exploding already this weekend*


          Any of the UKers see MS or CJ on T4? If so they they leak any spoilers?


            They were on T4???????????


            I AM SO BLEEPING PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            I missed Dean Cain when he was on too
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by Watters87
              Any of the UKers see MS or CJ on T4? If so they they leak any spoilers?
              i saw them on T4 a while ago i don't know if that's the one you're referring to... but it was a really short interview and they didn't tell us much... just about the beginning of season 7 on 4..

              and about the moebius kiss being AU... there might be an AU kiss but i doubt that will be the *major* kiss... the *major* kiss will be between our sam and jack ....i have high hopes for this episode..


                Morjana posted this at Sci fi BBoards

                No spoilers, but the last bit's funny!

                Transcript of Christopher Judge/Michael Shanks T4 Interview

                On the UK TV station, T4, Christopher Judge and Michael Shanks were briefly interviewed today. I've typed up a transcription of the interview from a download -- I had problems hearing some of the words (some due to the host's accent, some due to sound quality)...

                Chris Judge and Michael Shanks Interview on UK's T4 Channel - Sunday, February 8, 2004. Clip runs approximately 3:32.

                (Seated are the T4 Host, Christopher Judge and Michael Shanks.)

                Host: "Now it is an absolute pleasure of mine to introduce two of T4's most biggest stars, from the biggest show, "Stargate SG-1," Michael Shanks (points to CJ) and Christopher Judge (points to MS), aka Daniel Jackson and Teal'c. (CJ and MS point at each other, indicating that the Host has identified them wrong.) Welcome to T4 guys."

                Host: "Now very exciting because we're nearing the end of series six and series seven is going to be on us very, very soon. Now, can you give us a little insider gossip?"

                Shanks: "Well, uh, in the sixth season of the show I'm DEAD, so I think I make a drastic turnaround in season seven and actually come back though, in full form. So that's the biggest change I can think of is that I actually come back to life."

                Judge: "You came back?"

                Shanks: "Yeah, yeah, that was me, the guy in the trailer next door."

                Host: "Well, let's have a quick look at series seven…"

                Clip from "Fallen" is shown, where SG-1 first sees Daniel alive.

                Host: (to Judge) "Oh, you were fantastic in that one."

                Judge: (smiles) "Thank you, I agree."

                Host: "So do you guys ever get involved with any of the writing, directing or producing of the show?"

                Judge: "I've written two full scripts and a story. That kind of keeps me sane. It's a good outlet for all my…"

                Host: "Creativity."

                Judge: "Well, that's where I was going…" (laughs)

                Host: "It's a well adored show. I mean, people absolutely love it. Does it help with the ladies as well, because a lot of Stargate fans are women…a lot of people who write in about the show, or people who e-mail T4 -- a lot of them are female."

                Judge: "Well…there's no questions as to paternity here, right?" (Shanks laughs.)

                Shanks: "Is my lawyer present?" (Judge laughs.)

                Host: "The Stargate Atlantis spin off series is going to be on its way soon. Give us a little insider gossip on that."

                Judge; "Yes, it is true. It really is exciting. We've had the opportunity to see the pilot episode in advance. It is quite amazing. It takes the Stargate world and kind of just tilts it askew a little bit. (Judge tilts his heads sideways) It's great fun"

                Host: Now all week, we've been asking our viewers at home -- massive Stargate fans -- to write in to the website with some questions, and here's some of the best. Our first one is from Tina Chase in Ipswich, hello Tina, big fan of yours, now Tina wants to know, how long does it take to film an entire episode?"

                Judge: (looks over at Shanks) "Well, we now do episodes in six days. A shooting day is basically about 14 hours. So six times fourteen…"

                Shanks: (said something, but he spoke so softly, I couldn't hear what he said.)

                Host: Now Vanessa wants to know if there was a real Stargate, would you want to go through it and why?"

                Judge: "Yes, we would!" (Shanks laughs.)

                Host: "What would you like to find on the other side?"

                Shanks: "Oh, don't ask that question!" (Judge laughs.)

                Judge: "The ability to be transported to another world, and the ability to maybe find a different life, a different intelligence -- that would be such a wonderful, remarkable opportunity. Without hesitation, I would go. Maybe now I'd choose who would go with me… (voice drops off - looks over at Shanks) "

                Host: "Now we have a funny one. This is from Ann (something from somewhere…) She wants to know -- if you were women, would you have pictures of Richard Dean Anderson on your wall?"

                Judge: "What do you mean if we were women?" (Judge and Shanks laugh.)

                Host: "Okay, it's getting to be a bit…"

                All laugh…

                Host: "Christopher, Michael, it's been an absolute pleasure having you here on T4. You're more than welcome to join us any other time. Thank you."

                Judge: "Thank you."

                Shanks: "Thank you."


                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by shipper hannah
                  i saw them on T4 a while ago i don't know if that's the one you're referring to... but it was a really short interview and they didn't tell us much... just about the beginning of season 7 on 4..

                  and about the moebius kiss being AU... there might be an AU kiss but i doubt that will be the *major* kiss... the *major* kiss will be between our sam and jack ....i have high hopes for this episode..
                  did they happen to mention which episode?


                    Welcome Iluuuuuvjack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by iluuuuuvjack
                      did they happen to mention which episode?
                      nope but i'll bet it's at the end...


                        Originally posted by sacme
                        cool! there is still the little matter of keeping cat still and mouth open while you do the shooting, but...

                        also, (so OT but I'm now on a roll) there are now vet compounding pharmacists that make medicines for animals that are really tasty so pets eat them up with no problem. It costs more, but very efficient in terms of time, energy, not getting maimed and loss of medicine because the animal spit it out or whatever.

                        and that was, today in animal care

                        ship sistah
                        OMG! I love that cat pic! Is that yours ship sistah? I used to have a cat that colour...


                          welcome iluuuuuuvjack!!!!!!
                          happy shipping!!!!


                            The O'Neills, after a hard day saving the planet.
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Hey Hey Peoples
                              Just checking in....
                              Just been for a bike ride- too damn hot..summer is definately here! YAY

                              Wow- doesnt Moebius look amazing i saw the commentary pics yesterday...
                              i can see it would have been a great ep to make for all involved.
                              timeline and AU together sounds awsome, love the D&C look as "Jack" dont know if this is OUR Jack or AU Jack (as AT said it was her and MS doing AU characters??) gets taken away and looks back at Dr.Carter...

                              anywho..C.Joe pics i m sure are not TOO far away!

                              Lurve Bee
                              love will prevail.
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                              sig by RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                                Hey Hey Peoples
                                Just checking in....
                                Just been for a bike ride- too damn hot..summer is definately here! YAY

                                Wow- doesnt Moebius look amazing i saw the commentary pics yesterday...
                                i can see it would have been a great ep to make for all involved.
                                timeline and AU together sounds awsome, love the D&C look as "Jack" dont know if this is OUR Jack or AU Jack (as AT said it was her and MS doing AU characters??) gets taken away and looks back at Dr.Carter...

                                anywho..C.Joe pics i m sure are not TOO far away!

                                Lurve Bee
                                love will prevail.
                                it's weird that you're having summer when we're having a nasty cold winter!(not even any snow!)

