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    I'm happy if Jack's happy, but I don't think Jack can ever truely be happy without Sam. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong, but I think that if Jack and Sam don't end up together, then Jack and Sara should work something else. He should at least talk to Sara-I mean, we didn't even get to see him talking to her after Cold Lazerus.


      Originally posted by Watters87
      Maybe the PTB need to justify a Sam/Jack bed scene by having a
      Sam/Pete and Jack/Kerry bed scene.
      Just a thought
      This is excactly what I'm thinking they are doing ..I said it in my first post this morning ...I said "Jamais 2 sans trois "...and if you go inside TPTb's head then I don't know why .....but I can just see that

      At least I'm not the only one ..Thank you watters87 I feel better that I'm not the only one anymore .



        Originally posted by Sam fan
        I'm seriously hoping for a "pulling into bedroom " scene, you know kissing and then she grabs his collar and pulls him- he kicks the door shut.

        I'd also really like A morning after scene, perhaps just them lying in bed, cuddling. Or them with the team and someone can mention something that has no real meaning to them but the look at each other and smile a really cute smile. I want one bedroom scene and i DEFINATLY want a daniel interuption scene.

        Welcome to my club Sam fan for the bedroom scene ..but I don't want a love scene ...just a morning after with cuddles and kisses and skins very close ...plenty of sensuality ....and I explained earlier why I want that scene



          Originally posted by Catysg1
          ((((jafacakes)))Don't worry I think everybody got a bit depressed today ..and me I got severely worried about the time Sam and Jack are gonna get in the final ..I'm also not happy to see another bedroom scene ..what a waste of screen time . ..although I must agree
          Kerry is stunning and she looks good with Jack
          ..I don't think they 'll keep her ..If they do that they'll lose everybody because fans in general are a bit fed up with the love interest taking over the show ..and me too.

          And as for the bedroom scenes ..I've explained my points above in a lot of posts ..don't want to repeat myself ..Apparently I'm the only who wants a sexy scene between Sam and jack ..They let Jack do it with Kerry ...then I want Sam and Jack like that too...and I don't mean a love scene just a nice scene in bed like the morning after kind of thing .

          It looks like everybody else will be just happy with a kiss by the Stargate ...or a breaffast scene with Jack buttering Sam's toast . .well yes is cute ..but for me's not sensual and I need to see sensuality between them because something buggs me in their relationship.!!!! and Jack ..well ..he can butter sam's toast the next morning. he has plenty of time to do that .

          Thanks Cathy, I surprised myself to how upset I was . I knew the spoilers but somehow it's diferent to actually see it .
          My first thought was "oh god here we go again" because I really don't want to see a Pete scene in reverse, just for the sake of balancing the scores. Stargate is first and foremost a sci-fi show and the ship an added bonus not the other way round.
          Having said that now I'll feel realy cheated if it is not adressed properly and positively, in other words I'll be royally P****d if we don't get a talk, a kiss and hopefully your next morning scenario.


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            This is excactly what I'm thinking they are doing ..I said it in my first post this morning ...I said "Jamais 2 sans trois "...and if you go inside TPTb's head then I don't know why .....but I can just see that

            At least I'm not the only one ..Thank you watters87 I feel better that I'm not the only one anymore .

            Here we say "Non c'è due senza tre"
            and you are not alone for sure..


              Originally posted by amra
              Hey he can butter her toast every morning

              Sensual is good...honestly though- I just dont think tptb will do it. Part of me wants them too but I cant see them doing it. I think we all deserve a scene like that, after the rollercoaster we've been on but I doubt they'll provide it. I have to say that I think a kiss is the most we're going to get. I'd love more, god knows I'd love more, maybe I'm just trying to protect my shippy heart by being overly pessemistic?

              Of course he can butter her toast every morning he could do it in a sensual way too

              Me and my sensuality Sorry guys to be such a pain tonight



                Originally posted by Catysg1
                Of course he can butter her toast every morning he could do it in a sensual way too

                Me and my sensuality Sorry guys to be such a pain tonight


                hey no thats what we want! No smut!! Sensuality!!


                  Originally posted by jafacakes
                  Thanks Cathy, I surprised myself to how upset I was . I knew the spoilers but somehow it's diferent to actually see it .
                  My first thought was "oh god here we go again" because I really don't want to see a Pete scene in reverse, just for the sake of balancing the scores. Stargate is first and foremost a sci-fi show and the ship an added bonus not the other way round.
                  Having said that now I'll feel realy cheated if it is not adressed properly and positively, in other words I'll be royally P****d if we don't get a talk, a kiss and hopefully your next morning scenario.
                  Amen! I'd be willing to bet that almost every shipper in the world is behind you on that!


                    Originally posted by Greis
                    Here we say "Non c'è due senza tre"
                    and you are not alone for sure..

                    is that italian ??
                    I like that motto ..and it turns out to be true most of the time so ..why not this time ???!!



                      Originally posted by Sam fan
                      hey no thats what we want! No smut!! Sensuality!!
                      Exactly! Now,if only the writers would be so kind as to follow in step.


                        Originally posted by Greis
                        Here we say "Non c'è due senza tre"
                        and you are not alone for sure..
                        I think most of us are with you on that.


                          Well,that does it for tonight on my end. Live on,Ship. Night all.


                            What I WANT, and what I realistically think we're going to GET are 2 very VERY different things.

                            In the depths of my mad shippy heart...a "pulling in to the bedroom" scene would be very welcome for me. would be great in fact I dont 'quite' want to see them ON the bed but just before would be perfect for me. I just want them to look at eachother and realize how damn STUPID they've been in keeping away from eachother for so long. I want them to realize what WE all realized many years ago. That they belong together, always have, always will do. I want them to talk to eachother about how they feel, for once just confront it instead of running away. Added to this, I want to see some form of verbal declaration from both of them before said kiss/almost bed scene happens. at the VERY least An Epically declared "I love you" from both of them preferably. I just want to see them happy - TOGETHER.

                            However, what I think we're actually going to get when after Season 8 is over is another thing entirely. I think ( and hope like hell) that we will see some kind of conversation between them actually ABOUT their relationship, and that we'll see them at least briefly talk about things that they never have before, maybe a mention of the events of D&C. I think Sam will probably get rid of Pete. We know kerry is not sticking around. I think we will see them together in some fashion. Maybe a scene where Jack says 'I'm retiring' or 'I'm leaving the air force for good because I love you and I want to be with you' or something like that. And I'm basically 100 percent certain we'll see a kiss. But it wont b as impasssioned as I would like it, I just know it wont. Well I sure hope it is, but what I'm trying to say is - I'm NOT getting my hopes up, easier not to be as dissapointed then. I think we'll get our ship, I've been certain ever since I found out That kerry breaks up with Jack and tells him to basically sort things out with Sam So, ship on everyone, and be positive. Strength in the face of adversity, isnt that our motto? ((((hugs shipper family)))



                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              Of course he can butter her toast every morning he could do it in a sensual way too

                              Me and my sensuality Sorry guys to be such a pain tonight

                              You aint being a pain dont be silly or I'll bop you on the head



                                Originally posted by jafacakes
                                Thanks Cathy, I surprised myself to how upset I was . I knew the spoilers but somehow it's diferent to actually see it .
                                My first thought was "oh god here we go again" because I really don't want to see a Pete scene in reverse, just for the sake of balancing the scores. Stargate is first and foremost a sci-fi show and the ship an added bonus not the other way round.
                                Having said that now I'll feel realy cheated if it is not adressed properly and positively, in other words I'll be royally P****d if we don't get a talk, a kiss and hopefully your next morning scenario.

                                Me I was only upset when I saw the bedroom pic because I didn't expect to see that yes they are settling scores ..aren't they ..and NOW we need "the moning after scene "with Sam and Jack ( jamais 2 sans 3= never 2 without 3) I demand it's a must now

                                What a shame to come to that ?!! I mean would have been so simple to carry on the show as it was from season 1 to season 6..with the occasional boyfriend/Girfriend of one episode only and no threat to Sam and Jack relationship..Now the whole focus of the show is on the love interest of Sam and Jack .

                                I hope they get on with it and we'll be back to normal in season 9 ..Hopefully Sam and Jack will be married and it should be fine by then ...we'll see the team episodes again and the Stargate


