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    Mei Mei -LMAO - Little rock in Scots translates into 'Wee Clint'

    Think it's a coincidence that Bill was born in Little Rock???


    *puts scot's dictionary away*

    About Moebius


    This could go either way. The kiss could be the goodbye kiss. (pleasenopleaseno)

    Or the kiss could be the 'boy is Sam stupid! At least she's gonna make up for lost time' kiss.

    *Temple vein has popped*


    This is as dangerous as the thunk thread these days!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by sueKay
      Mei Mei -LMAO - Little rock in Scots translates into 'Wee Clint'

      Think it's a coincidence that Bill was born in Little Rock???


      *puts scot's dictionary away*

      About Moebius


      This could go either way. The kiss could be the goodbye kiss. (pleasenopleaseno)

      Or the kiss could be the 'boy is Sam stupid! At least she's gonna make up for lost time' kiss.

      *Temple vein has popped*


      This is as dangerous as the thunk thread these days!

      I definately vote for the second one.


        Originally posted by galaxy
        I definately vote for the second one.
        Yup, definitely the second. That's the way to go.
        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


          Originally posted by sueKay
          I don't know. I think actors like to keep their political opinions secret (as a guideline, not a rule)

          Hope RDA's there! Is Bill going? He's a great man!

          If it's any help to you, Kate Mulgrew (Capt. Janeway Voyager) is a democrat. But then, nearly everyone in the US will know that!

          Maybe she'll be there! Maybe she'll invite John DeLancie. Maybe he'll invite RDA! Maybe he'll invite AT.

          I need to stop thinking too hard.

          *Rubs that little nerve on her temple that's sticking out*
          I saw Leonardo DiCaprio the other day (political rally). OT, sorry, and I haven't seen TITANIC, either.


            Originally posted by sueKay
            Mei Mei -LMAO - Little rock in Scots translates into 'Wee Clint'

            Think it's a coincidence that Bill was born in Little Rock???


            *puts scot's dictionary away*

            About Moebius


            This could go either way. The kiss could be the goodbye kiss. (pleasenopleaseno)

            Or the kiss could be the 'boy is Sam stupid! At least she's gonna make up for lost time' kiss.

            *Temple vein has popped*


            This is as dangerous as the thunk thread these days!
            LOL! If they do the first option, I will need a one way ticket to Vancouver... Why pay for both ways when I will probably be in jail there for a while after screaming at TPTB and making threatening gestures!! (Well, maybe just obscene gestures!) I'll be armed with flaming penguins though!! (Just kidding...)

            LOL on the Bill joke! And yes, he will be there for the opening of his library... It's a real big deal in the states...


              Originally posted by auralan
              Yup, definitely the second. That's the way to go.
              yep yep big, honkin, long 'i love you' kiss


                Originally posted by sueKay
                About Moebius
                This could go either way. The kiss could be the goodbye kiss. (pleasenopleaseno)

                Or the kiss could be the 'boy is Sam stupid! At least she's gonna make up for lost time' kiss.

                Suekay...I don't think it 's gonna be
                a good bye kiss forever ....what would be the point to build up all that Sam and Jack ship for all those years!!!

                You know I think TPTB knew from the beginning how they wanted to end up the Sam and Jack ship (Together).... same as Chris carter had the same idea from the pilote of the x-files (Mulder and Scully) ...he said it pretty clearly.

                Pete is there to speed up the Sam and Jack relationship or at least his presence is to make sure it happens that way ...and according to the hugs in the UK lowdown...I think fans all over the world would be mad if they were asking Sam and Jack to give each other a good by kiss even on their death bed .... I don't think the ending will be 100% happy because it's a sci fi show ..but I don't think it's gonna be a good bye kiss forever ..I think the kiss will be passionate ..but something may happen a fight ..and something may happen to either Sam or Jack (or both) ....a bit like lost city 2...something that they can undo...(SCi-fi show)



                  Originally posted by auralan
                  Yup, definitely the second. That's the way to go.

                  First one doesn't bear thinking about!

                  I've got a bit of faith in these 'spoilers'. I first heard that there would be an SJ kiss while they were filming the end of the season. I ignored it, as I took it as being over optimistic. I've now heard it from several different sources!

                  Again, it's subject to change, and nothing is truely known.

                  It could be another Grace. The kiss was meant to be more 'real' (as real as it can get with an hallucination), but it turned into a 'dream' dream kiss

                  Looks at the new hole in her cerebrum (sp)

                  My endocrine vein (never did do biology) has left me.
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    I'd turn off the TV (or in this case, close windows media player) if it's
                    a goodbye kiss. After so long just leave it at that... grrr..

                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                      I'd turn off the TV (or in this case, close windows media player) if it's
                      a goodbye kiss. After so long just leave it at that... grrr..

                      Marty ..relax ..It won't be ..not on purpose anyway ...I don't see the point to
                      upset the entire shipper population ...They won't kiss because they can't be together(Good bye kiss) . ...I said what could happen though in my post above because it is a Sci-fi show afterall ..But they may kiss passionatlly before something drastic happens ...I don't think we 'll get a 100% happy ending ..probably 70 to 80% ..could be 50% in the worse case scenario ?!!!



                        Originally posted by marimba26
                        StuPitity? Why do you torture yourself? Personally, I'm not gonna watch that commentary and I'm not gonna watch Death Knell either bc Token warned us that they talked all about Chimera which they were filming at the same time. I'm not gonna torture myself, it's just not worth it! Must keep shippy mojo if I'm gonna last until January!

                        oh i don't know. i can't recall if they talk about chimera too much, but i do knwo that death knell is enjoyable. pdl and amanda make a lot of fun about the codpiece of doom and the such

                        i enjoyed it
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          Marty ..relax ..It won't be ..not on purpose anyway
                          I'M FREAKING OUT HERE!


                          *grabs cookies*

                          *starts rocking back and forth*

                          Our ship will come...

                          *forgets the rest*

                          *eats cookies*

                          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            LOL! Yes, dear old Bill is from Arkansas! He was govenor here for a very long time. His presidential library is opening in Little Rock on Nov 18. I managed to get an invitation. It ought to be fun to see all the celebs... Maybe Mary Steenbergen will be there! She's from Arkansas too and is a friend of Bill's. Hmmm... If she's there, maybe RDA would be there... We know he likes her! Hmmm.... I may have to find that guest list. Anybody know which political party RDA is for???

                            Oh, this might be more exciting than I thought it would be!
                            I don't know. I don't think he's for Bush tho, judging by his reference to "shrubs" in Lost City.

                            But I could be wrong!


                              Originally posted by meimei
                              In the Death Knell commentary they said that they were filming Grace and Death Knell at the same time. Death Knell S7
                              They said that since Sam wasn't in the first part of Death Knell cause she was missing after the explosion at the alpha site, she was filming Grace.

                              death knell/grace
                              and that the infirmay stuff was confusing because they taped those parts first, both grace and death knell, and that at and carmen had thier goodbye...and at did the goodbye before she did all the planet stuff and really had any idea what all had went on
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                                I'M FREAKING OUT HERE!

                                *grabs cookies*
                                *starts rocking back and forth*
                                Our ship will come...
                                *forgets the rest*
                                *eats cookies*

                                yeah eat cookies ..we 'll get ship no worry but it's a sci-fi show so anything could happen
                                after the resolution ..I'm getting prepared about a not 100% happy ending ..I don't think TPTB will let Sam and Jack ride into the sunset ...It never happens in a sci fi show ....x-files (together but look at what they lost 50% happy)..Farscape 100% to 0%..glad fo the mini series ....anyway ..the ship will sail still and love will prevail ..with a bit of a twist I expect at the end .


