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    *quickly saves pics*

    Thanks, bbfan!




      Originally posted by Ship Nana
      Which brings to mind this idea. What if (speculation Moebius Season 8)
      they all go back in time and Jack thinks back over the last 8 years and thinks of all the time that he wasted not being with Sam and decides to change that.

      Ok, here is the interesting part.

      What if he decides that while they are back in time he is going to change all that! He decides to let Sam know back then how he feels about her which leads her to reveal to him how she feels about him which leads to the BIG, full on the lips, shipper fainting kiss. All that being done, now changes the time line.

      And sooooooo Sam never gets involved with in the first place even if she does meet him because she is already involved with Jack in the first place in the corrected time line!

      Think of the possibilites my fellow shipper family members!!!!
      I'm too scared to hope! *but I LOVE reading it *




        Originally posted by MartoufMarty

        One flaw in that there...

        Jacob is currently host to Selmac

        *spoilers/silly speculation for s8's moebius*
        Jacob's going to die because Selmac's dying, so Sel jumps ship (no pun intended) and dies. No one knows this but Pete, who was there and witnessed it and decided that Jacob would be a better host.




          Originally posted by meimei
          Oy!! Thankfully I typed that one in Word first!! So it's pretty easy to recap!

          Mobius Speculation

          Okay, since we know from TBFTGOG that Daniel's particitpation was pivotal, he didn't join the program and they failed in keeping the Goa'uld. But he had already joined by the time of CotG.

          We know from POV that Sam's being in the military was pivotal, she didn't join in POV and TBFTGOG and they failed to keep away the Goa'uld in both AU's. Like wise, she was already in the military by CotG.

          The most pivotal person in CotG would be Teal'c. If he hadn't turned traitor to Apophis, SG1 would have died in the dungeon. Kawalski would have probably been trapped when SGC changed the codes because he said that he wouldn't leave SG1 behind. So his team would probably have died.

          So if we speculate that Mobius involves SG1 traveling back to CotG, then the person that would need to be eliminated in the eyes of an enemy would be Teal'c. If Anubis, or some other baddie, found a way to go back in time and stop Teal'c, then they could stop the entire program before it ever started.

          SG1 would go back, not to change time or the time line in any way, but to preserve it as they know it.

          They can't change the time line to anything other than the one we know or Atlantis would never happen. So any speculation about changing the time line in any way other than back to normal wouldn't make sense from TPTB's pocketbook!

          An afterthought not in my original post, would be that Jack and Sam could see how much one person or one incident could change the way things are and rethink their relationship, but I am convinced that S&J will be resolved by then. Probably in Threads or Citizen Joe. Mei Mei crosses her fingers!

          Whew.... I should have just gone and reposted the whole thing but.... Anyway, that was the gist of my speculative rambling! Thanks, Tame, for reminding me!

          Oooh...I like that's actually very much along the lines of what I had been thinking. I just wanted to add my own little bit of spec....

          Speculation on Mobeius
          I guess it's pretty obvious that the time travel etc has to do with Teal'c now...Anyways, there have been two things I've always wondered about since I started watching Stargate, and that was, why did Teal'c agree and believe Jack so quickly and easily, and also why he's such a big Sam/Jack shipper- well other than the fact that it's so obvious that is

 speculation is that Sam and Jack, when they go back, maybe it's because they need to convince Teal'c to join their cause, a bit like how they had to go back in 1969, in order for certain events to be put in motion. Like the SGC. But that's my theory on why he agreed to it all so easily in the holding cell thingger. And why he's so pro Sam and Jack? Other than the obvious, my hopes are, that when they go back, they're either together, or there is some big PDA in front of the Teal'c in the past. I dunno, maybe it's just Teal'c, but he always looks like he knows something more.

          I'm still not sure where the AU fits into all of this, except that they must do the AU in the past, since their mirror was destroyed in the future...unless it wasn't destroyed...

          And if there isn't a huge Sam and Jack kiss in this episode, i swear i'm gonna throw things at the tv screen.

          My musings anyway...I just want it to hurry up and come on! lol

          ~~Close To Crazy~~
          Psychotic Kitten
          'we can all read between the lines'


            Originally posted by meimei
            Oy!! Thankfully I typed that one in Word first!! So it's pretty easy to recap!

            Mobius Speculation

            That was great, meimei! I'm must have missed it from all the speed reading I'd do sometimes.

            So, if we both came up with similar scenarios... might we be onto something? Though
            I *really* hope they don't kill off Teal'c... jeez, what's with shows wanting to kill off their peeps?

            Thanks again, meimei, for sharing!




              Originally posted by Blaise
              Oooh...I like that's actually very much along the lines of what I had been thinking. I just wanted to add my own little bit of spec....

              Speculation on Mobeius
              I guess it's pretty obvious that the time travel etc has to do with Teal'c now...Anyways, there have been two things I've always wondered about since I started watching Stargate, and that was, why did Teal'c agree and believe Jack so quickly and easily, and also why he's such a big Sam/Jack shipper- well other than the fact that it's so obvious that is

     speculation is that Sam and Jack, when they go back, maybe it's because they need to convince Teal'c to join their cause, a bit like how they had to go back in 1969, in order for certain events to be put in motion. Like the SGC. But that's my theory on why he agreed to it all so easily in the holding cell thingger. And why he's so pro Sam and Jack? Other than the obvious, my hopes are, that when they go back, they're either together, or there is some big PDA in front of the Teal'c in the past. I dunno, maybe it's just Teal'c, but he always looks like he knows something more.

              I'm still not sure where the AU fits into all of this, except that they must do the AU in the past, since their mirror was destroyed in the future...unless it wasn't destroyed...

              And if there isn't a huge Sam and Jack kiss in this episode, i swear i'm gonna throw things at the tv screen.

              My musings anyway...I just want it to hurry up and come on! lol
              Interesting idea... I never thought about that...

              Mobius speculation
              Though the ep where Apophis brainwashed Teal'c and Bra'tec came to put him through the ceremony that brought him back (Threshold) showed that Teal'c had always had doubts. He didn't think Apophis was a god since before he was first prime. So it may not have taken something drastic to convince him. JM did say that Mobius was so confusing that a producers head exploded trying to understand it... So the added complication of having them convince Teal'c in the past would definately confuse the issue!!! LOL!


                Originally posted by Blaise
                Oooh...I like that's actually very much along the lines of what I had been thinking. I just wanted to add my own little bit of spec....

                Speculation on Mobeius
                I guess it's pretty obvious that the time travel etc has to do with Teal'c now...Anyways, there have been two things I've always wondered about since I started watching Stargate, and that was, why did Teal'c agree and believe Jack so quickly and easily, and also why he's such a big Sam/Jack shipper- well other than the fact that it's so obvious that is

       speculation is that Sam and Jack, when they go back, maybe it's because they need to convince Teal'c to join their cause, a bit like how they had to go back in 1969, in order for certain events to be put in motion. Like the SGC. But that's my theory on why he agreed to it all so easily in the holding cell thingger. And why he's so pro Sam and Jack? Other than the obvious, my hopes are, that when they go back, they're either together, or there is some big PDA in front of the Teal'c in the past. I dunno, maybe it's just Teal'c, but he always looks like he knows something more.

                I'm still not sure where the AU fits into all of this, except that they must do the AU in the past, since their mirror was destroyed in the future...unless it wasn't destroyed...

                And if there isn't a huge Sam and Jack kiss in this episode, i swear i'm gonna throw things at the tv screen.

                My musings anyway...I just want it to hurry up and come on! lol
                moebius speculation and spoilers

                Ooh, ooh! So, you're saying
                that Teal'c's so 'aware' of Sam/Jack, and that he's so eager to help because he already *knew* them and *knew* to help? Wait, that's... argh, time travel is confusing! So if that's the case, then what event actually happened first? I went through a similar confusion when I thought of the events in Somewhere in Time (((Christopher Reeve))).




                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  That was great, meimei! I'm must have missed it from all the speed reading I'd do sometimes.

                  So, if we both came up with similar scenarios... might we be onto something? Though
                  I *really* hope they don't kill off Teal'c... jeez, what's with shows wanting to kill off their peeps?

                  Thanks again, meimei, for sharing!

                  You're welcome! It's a good thing I had that post saved! I think I posted it a couple of weeks ago and I would have never found it again!

                  I don't have long serious posts very often so I guess it would have been easy to skip over!! Most people think I am just crazy but I am crazy about SG1 and SciFi! Time travel is a very common element in a lot of SciFi.

                  Kinda speculation spoiler??
                  This same concept is the basis of one of my fav SciFi Star Trek novels... Imzadi. Riker goes through hell trying to go back in time to save Deanna, who in the story died many years before. Turns out, someone else had gone back to kill her in the first place. She shouldn't have died in the "real" time line. So he ended up fixing something that shouldn't have happened in the first place.


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    moebius speculation and spoilers

                    Ooh, ooh! So, you're saying
                    that Teal'c's so 'aware' of Sam/Jack, and that he's so eager to help because he already *knew* them and *knew* to help? Wait, that's... argh, time travel is confusing! So if that's the case, then what event actually happened first? I went through a similar confusion when I thought of the events in Somewhere in Time (((Christopher Reeve))).

                    Ack! I loved Somewhere in Time!! Talk about romantic!! If only Jack were that determined to have Sam!! Shows what someone will do for true love!! *sigh*

                    So sad about Christopher Reeves... May he rest in peace. *sad sigh*


                      Well, I got some good news and some potentially really bad news. The Good news is is that I have a new music video release, the potentially bad news is that its a S/J Angst video.

                      Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                      Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                      Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                        Originally posted by meimei
                        Kinda speculation spoiler??
                        This same concept is the basis of one of my fav SciFi Star Trek novels... Imzadi. Riker goes through hell trying to go back in time to save Deanna, who in the story died many years before. Turns out, someone else had gone back to kill her in the first place. She shouldn't have died in the "real" time line. So he ended up fixing something that shouldn't have happened in the first place.
                        I LOVED that book! It's what made me fall in love with reading scifi, and fueled my love of Troi/Riker ship. It was soooooooooooooo shippy! *sighs* Argh, I'm way off topic here! *slaps hand*

                        All I know is I don't want a scenario like that happening for Sam and Jack, cause I DON'T like death happening to my fave characters! *still tramatized by certain shows that have tortured me through the years* Let it be momentarily (like Entity), but not for sure or for real or for long.




                          Hey guys! You guys rock on the speculation, by the way! It's very well-thought out, and it makes a lot of sense... plus it eases my spoilerless heart.

                          I just thought I'd recap, to make sure I have everything right, OK?
                          So we've pretty much decided that the final eps will deal with:

                          1) The final eps will provide some major plot twists and insanity. Whoot.

                          2) The final eps will deal with time travel and intrigue. Double whoot.

                          3) Something will happen to Teal'c that will incite some more insanity. Whoot whoot whoot.

                          4) The final eps will provide some resolution for Sam and Jack ship. Whoot Infinity.

                          It sounds very exciting! Now, if only they'd give us some more pics and spoilers...

                          Ah, I'm such a greedy, greedy fan.


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            moebius speculation and spoilers

                            Ooh, ooh! So, you're saying
                            that Teal'c's so 'aware' of Sam/Jack, and that he's so eager to help because he already *knew* them and *knew* to help? Wait, that's... argh, time travel is confusing! So if that's the case, then what event actually happened first? I went through a similar confusion when I thought of the events in Somewhere in Time (((Christopher Reeve))).

                            Yea, kinda! It's really confusing, yea? I even confused myself thinking about it. My boyfriend and I were discussing the various concepts of time travel etc, and my favourite is that if you go back in time, that you were meant to change things, so that the present will be the present you originally left. I draw a parrallels with 1969, when hammond gave them the note. He only knew to give them the note, because they went back in time in the first like the time travel was already a part of the time line, and the fact that they went back, was the catalyst to why they went back in the future. Umm....yea, i'm confused again.

                            More mobeius spec:

                            Hammonds note to himself, could be similar to what they might do in Mobeius, only
                            no note, it's the actualy team delivering the message themselves. Maybe it's even Teal'c that has to convince Teal'c. That he tells the past Teal'c all the things the Tauri will accomplish, but they can't do it without him. Because even though he had his doubts about Apophis, I still always wondered what it was about Jack in particular that compelled him to believe he could do what he said he could. It's puzzled me for some time now actually, lol.

                            So my brain has defenitely had a meltdown....

                            ~~Close To Crazy~~
                            Psychotic Kitten
                            'we can all read between the lines'


                              Originally posted by Ship Nana
                              Which brings to mind this idea. What if (speculation Moebius Season 8)
                              they all go back in time and Jack thinks back over the last 8 years and thinks of all the time that he wasted not being with Sam and decides to change that.

                              Ok, here is the interesting part.

                              What if he decides that while they are back in time he is going to change all that! He decides to let Sam know back then how he feels about her which leads her to reveal to him how she feels about him which leads to the BIG, full on the lips, shipper fainting kiss. All that being done, now changes the time line.

                              And sooooooo Sam never gets involved with in the first place even if she does meet him because she is already involved with Jack in the first place in the corrected time line!

                              Think of the possibilites my fellow shipper family members!!!!
                              Now that I could do! But I sure hope if they decide to do something like this that they give us a scenes!
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                OH!! I forgot to ask, because I was short on time, I skimmed over a lot of the thread this morning, and it jumped like 100 pages lol, not quite, but anyway, I guess the new spoilers got everyone excited! yay! But anyways, I noticed a reference to some pics from Gemini? But I couldn't actually find them. Could anyone kindly point me in the right direction, please? Ta!

                                ~~Close To Crazy~~
                                Psychotic Kitten
                                'we can all read between the lines'

