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    I felt that way too. It was like going from a sky full of fireworks to someone standing off to the side waving a sparker about. Funny, but not, you know.


    Sally and Marimba, I agree with you both....

    I compare it to the end of Empire Strikes Back to the beginning of Return of the Jedi. We see Leia torn when Han Solo is sunk into the vat, she reveals her love for him, as he says "I know". Then we get the actual "someone who loves you" and they kiss the SECOND he awakens in Jedi. What do Jack and Sam fans get? He awakens on Thor's ship, and she is becoming a replicator on another planet!


      Originally posted by meimei
      Mei Mei doesn't have any cookies handy but *looks around cautiously* Mei Mei does have a few of the real McCoy! *Mei Mei tosses a couple of happy pills at the computer*

      *Mei Mei scratches head...* They didn't go through the computer!!!

      *Mei Mei takes them instead!!*

      Sorry, Kri!! *Goes looking for Ship Nana*

      Happy pills are what keeps Mei Mei from total panic when there are bad spoilers and speculation!! That's why Ship Nana invented the cookie!!

      (Oh, for the newbies, Mei Mei is referring to very legal, medically prescribed anti-depressants!!) Wouldn't want anyone thinking that Mei Mei is condoning illegal activities!

      Here ya going Mei Mei!!! I had to bake a whole new batch of mei mei's Special Happy Pill Shipper Cookies just for you! Sorry it took so long to bake it!

      (definition for the newbies - They are made from the combined ingredients of mei mei's medicine cabinet. It allows shippers to be in a drugged induced haze to prevent them from losing their minds!)
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by Ship Nana

        Here ya going Mei Mei!!! I had to bake a whole new batch of mei mei's Special Happy Pill Shipper Cookies just for you! Sorry it took so long to bake it!

        (definition for the newbies - They are made from the combined ingredients of mei mei's medicine cabinet. It allows shippers to be in a drugged induced haze to prevent them from losing their minds!)
        YEA! Thanks Ship Nana!


          Since it has NOT yet been made clear to me which thread is which...Since the same things Cookies, Off topic conversation and such is still going on in BOTH threads
          I am posting my response in regards to this entire issue in both threads.

          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
          Right! Mala said something which I couldn't quite follow (hard day at work, sorry) and having read this bit I think that must have been what she was getting at. Is that how other people feel? Would you (general) be happier with the inception of a new 'serious' thread if it meant that the current one remained 'family' turf?

          Cos the votes are still in favour of a single thread, and yet no one has let me know how we can square the banning of a serious S/J thread with the GW rules.
          Well I said I was staying out of the argument this time because I had already gotten burned pretty bad the last time the Shipper Thread had an upheavel and I thought If I kept out of it I would be ok....BUT as Madeline pointed out I did NOT really stay out of it and I did voice some opinion and for that MADELINE, SHIPPERAHOY and GATEGIPSY you have my apology

          So here are my thoughts.(stealing the number thing from MF)
          1. As an *Old-Timer* I have seen this Shipper Thread go through many ups and downs in regards to OT, Spoiler/speculation and *Did we get all the Newbies Welcomed* It was a CONSCIENCE decision made by MANY to welcome people and TRY to catch all of the newbies and let them know we were a FRIENDLY OPEN BUNCH.

          2.YES the OT has gotten a bit out of hand....BUT as has been stated MANY TIMES during the running of new episodes the thread did and does stay more or less ON TOPIC and serious dicussion ensues. However, I do agree that at times it is a bit over the top and I too excercise my scroll button.

          3.I like serious discussion IF it goes somewhere. So GATEGIPSY may have stumbled onto the solution without relizing it. And MADELINE has offered a good solution. I PERSONALLY get tired or re-hashing the same stuff over and over and over and over. I can only talk about The Broca Divide Kiss 20 times then I am done ....I have nothing new to offer (I am purposely staying out of spoiler areas here) So maybe having a SERIOUS ONLY Discussion Thread is the answer for SOME and a FAMILY THREAD for others that encompasses all aspects. I do not mind scrlling past penguins, cookies and what not because it HAS BECOME PART OF THE S&J SHIPPER GW CULTURE and it is something that BINDS PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD TOGETHER. I like being part of that and I like adding my discussion in the same posts. I like being able to banter with the people I have come to know as *Family*

          4. Yes it will divide people there is no stopping that BUT you have a choice to play in both just as every person here does. It just depends on what you want to do. If you want discussion and discussion ONLY no banter, no diviation, Then you have a place for that. If you want to Discuss Ship, Meet the people you talk with, and have fun then you have a have a place for that. Both will have S&J DISCUSSION one will just be more serious.

          I realize that alot of people do not feel that the Cookies, the T-shirts, Shipper Town, Penguins and a few other things are On Topic but I beg to differ...These things were created COMPLETELY OUT OF DEDICATION TO SAM & JACK SHIPPING AND A DESIRE TO BUILD A ONLINE COMMUNITY for SHIPPERS IN GATEWORLD. A place for discussion and friendship. So They are completely intertwined and while some DEFINITELY overdo it sometimes we do rein our own in and get back to the discussion when we have something to discuss.

          The WORST PART OF ALL OF THIS ..... People's feelings have been hurt...REAL PEOPLE have been emotionally hurt by the words written here OVER A TV SHOW......THAT has been the hardest thing for me to deal with reading all of this. We rally around around each other in times of crisis, when the Real World slams any of us and we post a quick note this community has ALWAYS rallied around that person. Now all of sudden we are writing posts to each other that are hurtful and mean over a penguin or a cookie. Because the *general you* had to scroll past a post so you could read about a TV SHOW.

          To ALL OF THE MODERATORS - I THANK YOU for trying to find a happy resolution to this ...for being lenient and allowing this community to form and be a living breathing thing on GateWorld.

          I voted for one thread under Family but now I see that may never work...So I will support GateGipsy and Madeline's resolution 100%
          First because I would like this to end
          Second because I want to enjoy my family again

          Thank you for your time reading this
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by majorsal
            spoilers for s8's moebius (but general s7 and s8 spoilers too)


            Oh, gawd, that would be incredible! (not sure if that's good or bad incredible). I'd like it that they'd been a couple going on how many years?, but I'd not like it that we didn't get to see them becoming the couple and living as the couple.

            Lurkers, what do you think? Would that please you guys?

            Yipe! No!
            I would be really disappointed if that happened, because:

            It would mean that S+J had been living a lie for years, and they're better than that.
            The writers had run out of ideas.

            My favourite end to the show would be S+J walking hand in hand into the sunset of a strange planet.

            Edited to add: Just realised the time! gotta go to bed now! (Damn, but this thread's addictive!)


              Originally posted by Zoser
              Hey you got to remember the back the knees. I think we should chip in and get them a big honking hot tub for their wedding present! (And maybe slip Sam a book on massage at the shower)
              I know there is only one smiley but I can imagine there are two.

              Token ~


                Originally posted by SG1Poz
                Hi All,
                I want to repost this here ......

                De-lurking I also voted incorrectly. Blame it on lack of sleep and my confusion when I saw two Shipper threads. Please subtract from the last poll suggestion and add it to the first (combine both threads and begin a Shipper Family Thread ! I honestly misread the last suggestion

                I'm sorry I haven't contributed much in the way of posting in the Shipper thread. Just shy ya know . Being a shipper, I love the combination of the serious Sam and Jack togetherness and the outstanding wit/fluff at the old Shipper Thread. Like others, I just zip right by the chatty postings at times mainly due to time or lack of. No problem .
                Mala, I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned in a post about people becoming bored during the haitus. I also hang at the Sam/Jack list (Hi Marimba, MichelleB which also goes through withdrawl symtoms during this period but it seems to calm down after a while. I agree that the original Shipper Thread seemed to be calming down and we didn't need to divide. Who was it that quoted "United We Stand, Divided We Fall?" That was a great but so true analogy. I too worry about J.M. abandoning us due to this division. I'm sure this is has drawn much unwanted attention Hey GateGypsy , Chin up! I believe the majority here understand that you were trying to be helpful. That's what mods do Now, let me nudge you off that fence in our direction? You can't keep balancing without tiring at some point and falling to whatever side you were unconsciously leaning towards By the way, who came up with rep points? I believed these were an accident waiting to happen (unlike Jack I love cliches .
                Mala, please stick around! Your humour and wit have brought many a smile and bursts of laughter to me during the worst time in my life. I lost my dear husband in August (stroke, only a young 56!), two weeks later fell and had to have rotary cuff surgery which occured three weeks ago (still in a sling...difficult to type too!) plus un-employed with a mortgage to pay. Thank God for Stargate and the Shippers! I so need the break from reality which the show and you all afford me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let's get back together shippers!

                Jack, " Following ..Still ..You...Not ! "

                Sg1Poz, a cyber hug is simply inadequate for what you have been through recently. I wish we could smother you in real hugs and good wishes. I wish we could hold your hand and pass the tissues when you weep. You are not alone...ever. We are always here for you. I'm saying a prayer for you right now.

                Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                  Originally posted by Token
                  I know there is only one smiley but I can imagine there are two.
                  And just where is that second smiley? Oh shoot! PG PG PG PG PG PG!!!


                    Originally posted by Sam fan
                    *raises hand*Um are we allowed to accidently kill other members of the family?
                    Meh, I'm fine. I die just about everyday so it's nothing new.

                    *gets thrown in a sarcophagus*

                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      (((((((((((((((((Martouf Marty))))))))))))))))))

                      *hugs Martouf Marty*

                      *Martouf Marty aphixiates*

                      *Martouf Marty dies*
                      *hugs back*

                      .... What's with the hugging and stuff?

                      Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                      Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        To everyone: if your name is not on the list when I post it in the Shipper Town FAQ, please feel free to PM me here, or send me an email through the forum. No one's intentionally leaving you out — it's just a matter of not seeing all the posts, especially short ones.
                        Hey, what about having a guestbook on the FAQ page, so people could sign their own name to the list (maybe even a short description too)? From what I understand, Guestbooks are easy to do and that way one person wouldn't have to stress about whether or not they left somebody off--people would just be responsible to add themselves to the list as desired.
                        Last edited by Starfury; 27 October 2004, 05:35 PM. Reason: spelling
                        Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                          Originally posted by shelsfc
                          Now there's a topic - do people actually have shippy dreams? What's the shippiest dream you've ever had? (remember - this is a PG forum! )

                          I don't think I've had many shippy dreams...Although I have dreamed about being on this thread, which was odd....

                          What? Bed? Oh yes, I did say that, didn't I?

                          I bid you goodnight fellow shippers....again.
                          Well the shippiest dream I ever had doesn't belong in a PG Forum...

                          Let's just say it inspired my fanfic!

                          BTW, my fanfic finally has a name thanks to Ruralstar who suggested one that I liked (and to Tame who tried desperately TO suggest one I liked but I'm not so easy to please some days ). Anyway, thanks to both of you! The fic is now known as:

                          "Illusions"--rated NC17

                          It can be found at my site along with SEVERAL really great vignettes by GW shippers Sacme, Mad Gater, and Aunt Sally!!!! So check those out while you're there--they are really cute and quick to read!
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Jesus christ. What the **** is this about? Someone gave me red reputation for this post:

                            The person who gave it didn't leave even a comment.

                            What did I do? I put the proper spoilers tags. It's a FREAKING OPINION. And if you like to disagree with me, don't send me negative reputation not telling me a damn thing, SAY SOMETHING!

                            I thought the negative reputation I recieved would have been yet another person who doesn't have a sense of humor, but no.

                            It's supposed to be a happy thread where we discuss stuff--oh! Possibly Stargate or Sam/Jack related things--in a nice manner. Not red repping people and giving no reason, and not even saying a damn word about it.

                            If you have a problem with what I say, come ***** to me. Don't go giving me red reputation unless you have a damn good reason.

                            Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                            Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                              Originally posted by Token
                              I know there is only one smiley but I can imagine there are two.
                              The second smiley is underwater providing the reason (sorry, I forgot PG forum)
                              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                                Originally posted by eye of botox
                                Word. Word. and more Word.

                                I've posted several times and have gotten few replies. My last post on the audio commentaries....well, we'll just let it go. The shipper thread is vast, and we are so small (where have I heard that line from, aaaaah Oma!). But I guarantee that somebody read it, thought it was cool and just kept on moving to try and keep up. and hey, isn't the thread about how we feel and expressing ourselves and our love of all things S/J? So, my thought is that if you want replies, talk to somebody in a pm or in person or a smaller thread community (not that you should leave here, but some sites are big party locales and some are a bit more intimate- both are fun depending on your mood and need)
                                Yep. So true. I'm sure everyone here has posted more than one deep, well-reasoned post only to have no replies because the thread was going by too fast. Heck, I'm sure Caty would agree that even vids get missed from time to time if the thread is racing (I know I've had two or three missed). So I don't take it personally because I know that sooner or later I will say something that a lot of people will respond to because that happens too.

                                I consider this thread to be my frat house. Big, boisterous with something always going on. SJT (sigma xi theta.. ) there is no J in the greek alphabet and so xi is pronounced as [sigh].. Well My stargate frat is Sigma XI Theta. Digression thy name is Eye of Botox...
                                We have a frat house???!! Is it a coed frat? Or is there an associated sorority? I can see it now--shippers in frat shirts lol or better yet penguins in frat shirts...
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

