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    spoilers for s8's moebius


    Originally posted by Andy867
    You know, for all we know, it could be
    Major Kawalsky since he will be returning for Part 2 of Moebius. And remember, Frasier died (or was shown being killed in Part 2 of Heroes.)
    That could be. He might have to die 'again' to keep the time-line intact. (poor Kawalsky)




      Originally posted by majorsal
      I tweaked Jack's part of my sigline a bit. It's a bit more suggestive, so if it's offensive to anyone - including non shippers that lurk on this thread - please let me know and I'll change it.

      don't bug me
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by majorsal
        I tweaked Jack's part of my sigline a bit. It's a bit more suggestive, so if it's offensive to anyone - including non shippers that lurk on this thread - please let me know and I'll change it.

        I am fine about it Sally....
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by yoojoo
          LOL!! i swear there are more inuendoes in this thread than in a episode of south park!! *yoojoo covers eyes*

          Silly people!! points for you skydiver
          nah, trust me, if this were south park we'd have hit the pg-13 ceiling a loooonnnggg time ago

          and thanks for the points. i'll hit those 3 greens one of these days
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by wynter
            Can you imagine them having a secret relationship that we don't even know about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

            I can live with that! ... as long as we see a montage of ship scenes with them 'being' in the relationship.




              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              The only problem is that we can't be certain that there will be a movie. They can say that they want to do one but whether it comes to fruition is a whole 'nother thing altogether.

              I don't want to count on a movie so I want our ship to come in strong at the end of this season. Whatever happens down the line to me is just gravy.
              You're right, there is NO guarantee that there'd be a movie... how could I forget that?! *frowns at increasing memory loss*.... *frowns because she can't remember why she frowned*

              Sally, humming 'yo ho, yo ho, the ship is coming in'



                Good evening Shipper Family!
                Brief report from some of your members in NYC
                Spent a lovely day with ship sistah and Mala wandering round lower Manhatten. Visited Ground Zero and attendant locations the display at St Pauls was touching and very saddening. Walked around Battery Park, and took some obnoxiously touristy pics, and had a great lunch. Ship Sistah and I went to the Met and examined any and all canopic jars for signs of Goa-uld infestation, and tried to climb into the sarcophigii
                Photos to follow (once they've been pre-screened by all concerned ).



                  sounds like you had fun kiwi

                  ooh and sally, for your sig....would it make more sense if sam was on the left, since she talks first, and jack was on the right??

                  you could flip sam's pic so she's facing right instead of left and it would look like she's looking at jack

                  just an idea
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Andy867
                    For me, instead of Jack just saying yes, he could say something," I haven't stopped loving her: Since the moment we met." And then Jacob says, "Well, We arent getting any younger, so what are you going to do about it?"

                    I like the way you think!




                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      sounds like you had fun kiwi

                      ooh and sally, for your sig....would it make more sense if sam was on the left, since she talks first, and jack was on the right??

                      you could flip sam's pic so she's facing right instead of left and it would look like she's looking at jack

                      just an idea
                      Or flip the quotes... He obviously thinks she's waking him up for something other than business.... So it would make sense for him to speak first.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver

                        *moves over*
                        there's plenty of room in the gutter, come and join me. the view is grand!
                        *jumps into gutter with skydiver*

                        *hugs new gutter roomie*




                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          don't bug me
                          Since that's coming from an official mod, I'll take it that I didn't go overboard. Yay!




                            Originally posted by kiwigater
                            Good evening Shipper Family!
                            Brief report from some of your members in NYC
                            Spent a lovely day with ship sistah and Mala wandering round lower Manhatten. Visited Ground Zero and attendant locations the display at St Pauls was touching and very saddening. Walked around Battery Park, and took some obnoxiously touristy pics, and had a great lunch. Ship Sistah and I went to the Met and examined any and all canopic jars for signs of Goa-uld infestation, and tried to climb into the sarcophigii
                            Photos to follow (once they've been pre-screened by all concerned ).

                            Cool, Kiwi! I'm glad you're having fun (and doing your Stargate duty in checking out potentially dangerous items).




                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              sounds like you had fun kiwi

                              ooh and sally, for your sig....would it make more sense if sam was on the left, since she talks first, and jack was on the right??

                              you could flip sam's pic so she's facing right instead of left and it would look like she's looking at jack

                              just an idea
                              I thought about that too, but I don't have a way of flipping the pics. It's *very* hard to work with pics I can only get off the web. But thanks for the suggestion, hon.




                                One thing I've been thinking about is the whole love thing between Jack and Sam, but how she said yes to Pete for the engagement.

                                What I believe would be the ultimate shipper episode would be that Anubis had just been defeated but Earth had suffered severe casualities as it would seem that Anubis and the Replicators had allied with each other for the single purpose of wiping out the Tau'ri. But after this massive attack and the people of Earth coming to the knowledge of the Stargate, this is when Jack begins realizing how over the past 8 years what he and Samantha have been through together and how he would give it all up (his career, his position at the SGC) just so he could be with her (which he hinted at in Affinity). And Jacob, who is not doing so well, sits with Carter who has been troubled as she is torn between Pete, who she admires and could see herself being with, or Jack who has always been there for her and their unspoken (and somewhat spoken) love for each other. Jacob asks Sam what does she believe to be the right thing to do for her regardless of career. When she hears that come from her father, she begins to tear up and doesnt say anything, but she throws her arms around her father and leaves Cheyenne mountain and goes to her new place and waits for Pete to get come from another assignment. She is sitting in a chair in their living room with the box that has her engagement ring and as Pete walks into the room, he knows something isnt right. As he approaches sam, she stands up, box in her hand. She gives the ring to pete and says," I am sorry." She then hugs him and with tears in her eyes, she then leaves pete just standing there with the box in his hand as his head sinks.

                                Jack arrives at Cheyenne mountain to go confess his feelings to Carter, who he believes is still with Jacob. He goes to see Jacob, who is sitting up on his bed. Jack asks where Samantha is and Jacob tells Jack to come sit with him. As Jack and Jacob sit on the bed, Jacob looks down at the ground and without looking at Jack, he asks," Do you love my daughter, Jack?" As Jack hears this, he pauses to compose himself, and says," I have never stopped loving Samantha: From the day we met." Jacob then looks up and puts his right hand on Jack's shoulder and says," Well, we certainly arent getting any younger, so what are you going to do?" Jack then acknowledges Jacob and thanks him and asks him again where she is. He says," Fishing." Jack then smiles and quickly finds the exit to the base and pulls away in his Ford.

                                Jack pulls up to his cabin and walks into it and looks around but can't find Sam anywhere. As he continues to walk around, he looks outside and see Samantha sitting on the very chair she sat on in 2010. Jack then opens the screen door. His arrival surprises Sam, who appears to be wiping her face. Jack then walks up to Sam and doesnt say anything. Sam then stands up from her chair and looks Jack square in the eye and they then embrace each other and Jack whispers in her ear," I love You, Samantha..." Samantha then begins to cry on his shoulder as she then confesses her love to Jack.
                                Last edited by Andy867; 16 October 2004, 11:45 PM.
                                Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                                Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                                Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...

