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    I have to say as well as far as season 8 is concerned that okay if you are going to do personal stories, the stories should move you along in the whole scheme of things. I know that doesn't make sense, for example
    Spoilers Season 8 Affinity.
    .The whole story of Teal'c getting an apartment off the base, only at the end to have him move back to the base. Then the whole story with the girl and getting Teal'c in trouble was only an attempt by the "trust" group to get in touch with Daniel. Then of course the whole Sam/Pete/Jack soap opera triangle (and we all know how we feel about that) which is only meant to torment the shippers. All in all an important episode because why????????? Why aren't they doing an episode about how Sam is struggling with her new position and the very difficult decisions she will have to make.

    Spoilers Season 8 New Order Part 2 and mention of future episodes (in case)
    .I have to say a part of this episode has bothered me and I don't think it has been brought up as of yet. I didn't like the way Sam came across as weak. Let me explain, first she is crying which isn't like Sam we have seen her go through a lot worse, but I gave her the benefit thinking that there was a lot more torture than we had seen. Another part was how she broke so quickly and didn't stand behind Jacks decision to leave Fifth behind. Immediately she says how she didn't want to do it and that it wasn't her decision. Which brings me to my point above, what if it was her decision to make, is she capable of doing so????

    Instead we have episodes like Icon and Affinity which IMHO were a complete waste of time. I don't blame the actors because I am sure they did the best with what they could, but who I do blame is the writers. They tell us about the big changes and then fall flat on their faces. They had such potential with Jack and the return of Ba'al but again nothing. As you all have mentioned the big climax to Season 7 and then the opener for season 8 and nothing. They have plenty of material to work with but it almost seems like they are giving us rushed episodes with not too much thought behind them. I feel this is also apparent with the Sam/Jack/Pete thing, what is the point? Again, as you all have said, if this is the last season for Stargate, what the heck are the writers thinking and if it isn't they are not giving us much hope for Season 9. I understood when they said they didn't have enough notice by the end of Season 6 so they quickly came up with episodes to start filming the beginning of season 7, and IMHO the second half of season 7 was much better, which to me was proof, but now what is the excuse?????

    (I know she doesn't post much and then you can't shut her up).......they have such potential even with the Sam/Jack/Pete thing but you have to move it along you can't drag it out......One episode the relaltionship is mentioned, three episodes later a move, then five episodes later a huge cliffhanger, then hiatus break of three four months, then nothing until episode maybe 17 then maybe a resolution in the end. The road they have chosen is to include Pete (after 7 seasons of waiting for Sam and Jack, but yadda yadda yadda) than commit (before you fall over) by that I mean stop with the vague answers, the incomplete sentences, the interruptions, and for goodness sakes say what you mean!!!!!!!!! Think about it at least Pete is moving it a long. What did we get out of Grace, none of us are really sure. Is Sam questioning her feelings for Jack or maybe Jacks feelings for her, or is it that she is sure of her feelings but the fact that the regs are still in place and she can't have him she thinks she should move on, then there is the question who is Grace????????Vague people, very vague!!!!!!!!!!! But here is Pete telling Sam he loves her, buying a house, picking out a ring, moving his place of employment, we know more about his feelings in a couple of episodes. I know it sounds like I now like Pete and that simply insn't true my feelings are the same about him but he is the only one making complete sentences. What do we have on Jack and Sams side a big fat OOOOOOOO! Sam has said nothing to Jack, Jack has said nothing to Sam. Do we know why Jack is not doing anything, we are guessing because why, because he doesn't talk to anyone, the same with Sam. I am tired of all the guessing and analyzing, leading to where?? Five minutes the last episode where they go fishing, holding hands still not knowing what the heck is going on in their heads. Does this make any sense. Don't get me wrong I have loved the gazing looks, the hugs, the fantasy, dream, whatever you want to call them kisses but come on PTB commit. You can't develope this whole thing, have Pete the only one sure of his feelings and leave Jack and Sam still gazing into each others eyes. For goodness sakes we don't even know what Jack really meant by what he said to Sam in her lab in Affinity, again we have to guess. Even with the future episodes we know about is there any commitment any way or another???????? They are honestly that afraid of losing the anti-shippers? Well if they aren't careful they are going to lose the shippers and anyone interested in a good Sci-Fi story.

    Okay class over, no homework!!!!


      Originally posted by misstweedledee
      time to rant.
      What the HELL!! is wrong with Sky this year. First of all they take there sweet ass time getting the rights to stargate, so we have to wait a month longer than normal to see it .
      Then they send out different e-mails, they tell some of their customers that they have it, tell others that they don't. Go to a widly used web site tell them they are, when they obviously arent,

      O.K i admit that was a bit over the top, but my first day back at skl wasn't great, turned out i didnt have to go so instaed of reading and finishing fic's, watching vids and posting msg. i had a completely wasted day.

      Oh well better go watch some stargate to make me feel better

      Shhhhhh, critter gently rocks Leanne.....Settle down Leanne Have some of Ship Nana's famous Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies and a Dr. Pepper. It will be all right.

      I know how anxious you are to see the first part of this season but trust me, you aren't missing anything that can't wait. I'd rather wait for it to start and then get the whole thing at once. This waiting for three months that we'll have to do for the second part of the season is going to kill me too.

      They have us hooked good don't they??? But what else can we do??? We must reach out to others that share our affliction in our time of need. Come here, our happy place, and think good things. That's all we can do. Hang in there because our ship will come in!!!
      Desperate Thunker


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Unfortunately I am sure they are thinking only of the $$$$$ but there is a fanbase for the S/P pairing or rather the NON S/J pairing and those fans are very happy about it <shrug>.....although....I do believe that TPTB are going to be very surprised at how much LESS $$$ they are going to be getting because Season 8 just is NOT up to the same quality we have all come to love ablout Sta Gate and I blame RCC...he is the Top Dog this Season and he has been making the decisions and not very well. Maybe he should have some conferences with JM and PM to see what he has been doing wrong
        I would have to believe that the non-shippers have also noticed the drop in quality story lines. Yes they maybe happy with the lack of ship, but they can't be too happy with the focus on personal lifes and not on the Stargate.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by nickatell
          I have to say as well as far as season 8 is concerned that okay if you are going to do personal stories, the stories should move you along in the whole scheme of things. I know that doesn't make sense, for example
          Spoilers Season 8 Affinity.
          .The whole story of Teal'c getting an apartment off the base, only at the end to have him move back to the base. Then the whole story with the girl and getting Teal'c in trouble was only an attempt by the "trust" group to get in touch with Daniel. Then of course the whole Sam/Pete/Jack soap opera triangle (and we all know how we feel about that) which is only meant to torment the shippers. All in all an important episode because why????????? Why aren't they doing an episode about how Sam is struggling with her new position and the very difficult decisions she will have to make.

          Spoilers Season 8 New Order Part 2 and mention of future episodes (in case)
          .I have to say a part of this episode has bothered me and I don't think it has been brought up as of yet. I didn't like the way Sam came across as weak. Let me explain, first she is crying which isn't like Sam we have seen her go through a lot worse, but I gave her the benefit thinking that there was a lot more torture than we had seen. Another part was how she broke so quickly and didn't stand behind Jacks decision to leave Fifth behind. Immediately she says how she didn't want to do it and that it wasn't her decision. Which brings me to my point above, what if it was her decision to make, is she capable of doing so????

          Instead we have episodes like Icon and Affinity which IMHO were a complete waste of time. I don't blame the actors because I am sure they did the best with what they could, but who I do blame is the writers. They tell us about the big changes and then fall flat on their faces. They had such potential with Jack and the return of Ba'al but again nothing. As you all have mentioned the big climax to Season 7 and then the opener for season 8 and nothing. They have plenty of material to work with but it almost seems like they are giving us rushed episodes with not too much thought behind them. I feel this is also apparent with the Sam/Jack/Pete thing, what is the point? Again, as you all have said, if this is the last season for Stargate, what the heck are the writers thinking and if it isn't they are not giving us much hope for Season 9. I understood when they said they didn't have enough notice by the end of Season 6 so they quickly came up with episodes to start filming the beginning of season 7, and IMHO the second half of season 7 was much better, which to me was proof, but now what is the excuse?????

          (I know she doesn't post much and then you can't shut her up).......they have such potential even with the Sam/Jack/Pete thing but you have to move it along you can't drag it out......One episode the relaltionship is mentioned, three episodes later a move, then five episodes later a huge cliffhanger, then hiatus break of three four months, then nothing until episode maybe 17 then maybe a resolution in the end. The road they have chosen is to include Pete (after 7 seasons of waiting for Sam and Jack, but yadda yadda yadda) than commit (before you fall over) by that I mean stop with the vague answers, the incomplete sentences, the interruptions, and for goodness sakes say what you mean!!!!!!!!! Think about it at least Pete is moving it a long. What did we get out of Grace, none of us are really sure. Is Sam questioning her feelings for Jack or maybe Jacks feelings for her, or is it that she is sure of her feelings but the fact that the regs are still in place and she can't have him she thinks she should move on, then there is the question who is Grace????????Vague people, very vague!!!!!!!!!!! But here is Pete telling Sam he loves her, buying a house, picking out a ring, moving his place of employment, we know more about his feelings in a couple of episodes. I know it sounds like I now like Pete and that simply insn't true my feelings are the same about him but he is the only one making complete sentences. What do we have on Jack and Sams side a big fat OOOOOOOO! Sam has said nothing to Jack, Jack has said nothing to Sam. Do we know why Jack is not doing anything, we are guessing because why, because he doesn't talk to anyone, the same with Sam. I am tired of all the guessing and analyzing, leading to where?? Five minutes the last episode where they go fishing, holding hands still not knowing what the heck is going on in their heads. Does this make any sense. Don't get me wrong I have loved the gazing looks, the hugs, the fantasy, dream, whatever you want to call them kisses but come on PTB commit. You can't develope this whole thing, have Pete the only one sure of his feelings and leave Jack and Sam still gazing into each others eyes. For goodness sakes we don't even know what Jack really meant by what he said to Sam in her lab in Affinity, again we have to guess. Even with the future episodes we know about is there any commitment any way or another???????? They are honestly that afraid of losing the anti-shippers? Well if they aren't careful they are going to lose the shippers and anyone interested in a good Sci-Fi story.

          Okay class over, no homework!!!!
          You should post more, you have way too much pinned up frustration. By the way, I do agree with everything you said.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by misstweedledee
            time to rant.
            What the HELL!! is wrong with Sky this year. First of all they take there sweet ass time getting the rights to stargate, so we have to wait a month longer than normal to see it .
            Then they send out different e-mails, they tell some of their customers that they have it, tell others that they don't. Go to a widly used web site tell them they are, when they obviously arent,
            They've sent me that same standard e-mail that Lunar got a few times in the last few months...I'm hoping they're just saying that, they said the same thing for ages about The Lowdown last year. I sent them an e-mail today asking when will they know if they're going to show Atlantis....


              Originally posted by nickatell
              I have to say as well as far as season 8 is concerned that okay if you are going to do personal stories, the stories should move you along in the whole scheme of things. I know that doesn't make sense, for example
              Spoilers Season 8 Affinity.
              .The whole story of Teal'c getting an apartment off the base, only at the end to have him move back to the base. Then the whole story with the girl and getting Teal'c in trouble was only an attempt by the "trust" group to get in touch with Daniel. Then of course the whole Sam/Pete/Jack soap opera triangle (and we all know how we feel about that) which is only meant to torment the shippers. All in all an important episode because why????????? Why aren't they doing an episode about how Sam is struggling with her new position and the very difficult decisions she will have to make.

              Spoilers Season 8 New Order Part 2 and mention of future episodes (in case)
              .I have to say a part of this episode has bothered me and I don't think it has been brought up as of yet. I didn't like the way Sam came across as weak. Let me explain, first she is crying which isn't like Sam we have seen her go through a lot worse, but I gave her the benefit thinking that there was a lot more torture than we had seen. Another part was how she broke so quickly and didn't stand behind Jacks decision to leave Fifth behind. Immediately she says how she didn't want to do it and that it wasn't her decision. Which brings me to my point above, what if it was her decision to make, is she capable of doing so????

              Instead we have episodes like Icon and Affinity which IMHO were a complete waste of time. I don't blame the actors because I am sure they did the best with what they could, but who I do blame is the writers. They tell us about the big changes and then fall flat on their faces. They had such potential with Jack and the return of Ba'al but again nothing. As you all have mentioned the big climax to Season 7 and then the opener for season 8 and nothing. They have plenty of material to work with but it almost seems like they are giving us rushed episodes with not too much thought behind them. I feel this is also apparent with the Sam/Jack/Pete thing, what is the point? Again, as you all have said, if this is the last season for Stargate, what the heck are the writers thinking and if it isn't they are not giving us much hope for Season 9. I understood when they said they didn't have enough notice by the end of Season 6 so they quickly came up with episodes to start filming the beginning of season 7, and IMHO the second half of season 7 was much better, which to me was proof, but now what is the excuse?????

              (I know she doesn't post much and then you can't shut her up).......they have such potential even with the Sam/Jack/Pete thing but you have to move it along you can't drag it out......One episode the relaltionship is mentioned, three episodes later a move, then five episodes later a huge cliffhanger, then hiatus break of three four months, then nothing until episode maybe 17 then maybe a resolution in the end. The road they have chosen is to include Pete (after 7 seasons of waiting for Sam and Jack, but yadda yadda yadda) than commit (before you fall over) by that I mean stop with the vague answers, the incomplete sentences, the interruptions, and for goodness sakes say what you mean!!!!!!!!! Think about it at least Pete is moving it a long. What did we get out of Grace, none of us are really sure. Is Sam questioning her feelings for Jack or maybe Jacks feelings for her, or is it that she is sure of her feelings but the fact that the regs are still in place and she can't have him she thinks she should move on, then there is the question who is Grace????????Vague people, very vague!!!!!!!!!!! But here is Pete telling Sam he loves her, buying a house, picking out a ring, moving his place of employment, we know more about his feelings in a couple of episodes. I know it sounds like I now like Pete and that simply insn't true my feelings are the same about him but he is the only one making complete sentences. What do we have on Jack and Sams side a big fat OOOOOOOO! Sam has said nothing to Jack, Jack has said nothing to Sam. Do we know why Jack is not doing anything, we are guessing because why, because he doesn't talk to anyone, the same with Sam. I am tired of all the guessing and analyzing, leading to where?? Five minutes the last episode where they go fishing, holding hands still not knowing what the heck is going on in their heads. Does this make any sense. Don't get me wrong I have loved the gazing looks, the hugs, the fantasy, dream, whatever you want to call them kisses but come on PTB commit. You can't develope this whole thing, have Pete the only one sure of his feelings and leave Jack and Sam still gazing into each others eyes. For goodness sakes we don't even know what Jack really meant by what he said to Sam in her lab in Affinity, again we have to guess. Even with the future episodes we know about is there any commitment any way or another???????? They are honestly that afraid of losing the anti-shippers? Well if they aren't careful they are going to lose the shippers and anyone interested in a good Sci-Fi story.

              Okay class over, no homework!!!!

              Good to rant Nickatell

              What you said ..I support you .

              I'm also fed up with what TPTB is doing to all the shippers ....We have deep feelings and emotions ..and it should be very important to take into consideration ...and I won't repeat it enough but if they wanted Sam to have a boyfriend and marry a cop ..then fine ...but it should have been done in season 5....after sam decided to leave her feelings to Jack in the room ...

              obviuosly they didn't do that ..well actually they did season 5 and 6..because the ship was everyone thought ..that's it ..for Sam and Jack ....

              but what do they do in season 7 ...hey .... ..they bring it all back again ...and even stronger than before ..(Evolution 2, ect...) ...and right after that ... BANG....Hammer on the shipper's head....Here comes Pete who sticks to Sam like smelling glue ...bad taste....and worse.... a love scene with that guy we don't even know the first 20 minutes of the only episode he has been in ......YUK ...Who is that character again ..who just slept with Sam ...A gigolo!!!!!

              I don't know what the writers were thinking while writing Chimera ....but it's a big bad fat chimera of a nightmare put the shipper fans through that ...and the general population who likes Sam and Jack together ..either for their missions ...or their interactions....blablabla...

              I still think that Pete is a plot device ..but it's a real big stinking joke and a horrible one which will cause them some money lost...

              Don't have a clue why they want to loose money bringing a triangle into the stargate show.???!!!!!..but hey ..they did it

              I don't want to see Pete again (I know we will) .....I'm sick of his face ..and him being near Sam ...Go away bad joke so that Jack, Sam , daniel and teal'c can concentrate on some missions off world ....and we can then remember what Stargate was all about ....



                Originally posted by majorsal
                I'm hollerin'!... just like seeing you around.

                Thanks! Here's something for you since you are sooooo special!!!

                And it even comes in chocolate!!!

                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  I going thru ship withdrawals too. I have been replaying some of my favorite episodes to get my fix. I can only hope we get some relief soon.

                  Ya know I think that THAT is what's wrong with me. I seem to be in a bit of a funk right now and I'll bet it is due to the DREADED SHIP WITHDRAWALS.

                  This is horrible!!!! Did you hear that PTB. This is all YOUR FAULT because of the absolute lack of ship along with us having to see Jack broken hearted we're all going through Shipper Withdrawal!!!

                  We are all sending YOU the bill for our treatment at the JM Shipper Commune Rehab Center!!!! So get with the program and get rid of and give us some Jack and Sam ship.

                  *mumbles under breath*

                  I'm just gonna go over to my little corner in the rehab center now and eat some Indigo Shipper Cookies which will helps me remain blissfully ignorant of anything negative to S/J ship.
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by Critter
                    Shhhhhh, critter gently rocks Leanne.....Settle down Leanne Have some of Ship Nana's famous Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies and a Dr. Pepper. It will be all right.

                    I know how anxious you are to see the first part of this season but trust me, you aren't missing anything that can't wait. I'd rather wait for it to start and then get the whole thing at once. This waiting for three months that we'll have to do for the second part of the season is going to kill me too.

                    They have us hooked good don't they??? But what else can we do??? We must reach out to others that share our affliction in our time of need. Come here, our happy place, and think good things. That's all we can do. Hang in there because our ship will come in!!!

                    awwwww, thank-you.
                    And yes ship nana's naquadah enhanced anti-ranting shipper coockies sound like a good idea round about now
                    Oh My God, 3 thats just plain wrong.
                    Yep, hoocked line and sinker.
                    And yes my happy place, my place of salvation....where i can escape the world (in a very over dramatic voice)

                    Well we all need to think good thoughts at a time like this..........."think happy thoughts .......think happy thoughts "

                    JACK AND SAM FOREVER

                    United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                    honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                      Originally posted by Lunar
                      I don't get that feeling at all!
                      I really thought that Jack was trying his best to step back, distance himself from the pain and let her have her happiness ... my dad really summed it up when he watched and said 'everything he's just done and said tells her that he really loves her...' It's the ultimate act of love to let someone go to be happy... and he really does think she's going to be happy, I think... or if he doesn't he's too hung up about regs to make her wake up and smell the coffee!
                      if you love someone, let them go? i've never really bought into that. it's all very jack letting sam go, but what if she doesn't what to be let go of? and moreover, this presupposes that jack knows what's better for sam then sam does...and he's wrong. eventually, sam will choose, and she'll relaise which man is better for her, but if he's let her go and run away to his cabin in the woods, how is she supposed to tell him that? i think if he loves her, he should at least tell her, give her all the facts.
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by shelsfc
                        They've sent me that same standard e-mail that Lunar got a few times in the last few months...I'm hoping they're just saying that, they said the same thing for ages about The Lowdown last year. I sent them an e-mail today asking when will they know if they're going to show Atlantis....

                        Yer i sent them ANOTHER one today, trying to get a more definate answer ................Good luck.


                        United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                        honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          May be SCI-FI has bought the series then ..cuz I saw (don't remember where )an annoucement for middle of October !!!!!Hummmmmmmmmmm..I wonder where that was .!!!!!
                          you saw it here, on gateworld, that sky had bought atlantis, and it was confirmed verbally by someone in the front office. it all seems a bit confused, but i'm going to go with gateworld's news right now, rather then sky, cos sky can be a bit lax when it comes to giving viewers info, plus, i can't seem them passing atlantis by when stargate is one of their highest rated series
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by nickatell
                            I have to say as well as far as season 8 is concerned that okay if you are going to do personal stories, the stories should move you along in the whole scheme of things. I know that doesn't make sense, for example
                            Spoilers Season 8 Affinity.
                            .The whole story of Teal'c getting an apartment off the base, only at the end to have him move back to the base. Then the whole story with the girl and getting Teal'c in trouble was only an attempt by the "trust" group to get in touch with Daniel. Then of course the whole Sam/Pete/Jack soap opera triangle (and we all know how we feel about that) which is only meant to torment the shippers. All in all an important episode because why????????? Why aren't they doing an episode about how Sam is struggling with her new position and the very difficult decisions she will have to make.

                            Spoilers Season 8 New Order Part 2 and mention of future episodes (in case)
                            .I have to say a part of this episode has bothered me and I don't think it has been brought up as of yet. I didn't like the way Sam came across as weak. Let me explain, first she is crying which isn't like Sam we have seen her go through a lot worse, but I gave her the benefit thinking that there was a lot more torture than we had seen. Another part was how she broke so quickly and didn't stand behind Jacks decision to leave Fifth behind. Immediately she says how she didn't want to do it and that it wasn't her decision. Which brings me to my point above, what if it was her decision to make, is she capable of doing so????

                            Instead we have episodes like Icon and Affinity which IMHO were a complete waste of time. I don't blame the actors because I am sure they did the best with what they could, but who I do blame is the writers. They tell us about the big changes and then fall flat on their faces. They had such potential with Jack and the return of Ba'al but again nothing. As you all have mentioned the big climax to Season 7 and then the opener for season 8 and nothing. They have plenty of material to work with but it almost seems like they are giving us rushed episodes with not too much thought behind them. I feel this is also apparent with the Sam/Jack/Pete thing, what is the point? Again, as you all have said, if this is the last season for Stargate, what the heck are the writers thinking and if it isn't they are not giving us much hope for Season 9. I understood when they said they didn't have enough notice by the end of Season 6 so they quickly came up with episodes to start filming the beginning of season 7, and IMHO the second half of season 7 was much better, which to me was proof, but now what is the excuse?????

                            (I know she doesn't post much and then you can't shut her up).......they have such potential even with the Sam/Jack/Pete thing but you have to move it along you can't drag it out......One episode the relaltionship is mentioned, three episodes later a move, then five episodes later a huge cliffhanger, then hiatus break of three four months, then nothing until episode maybe 17 then maybe a resolution in the end. The road they have chosen is to include Pete (after 7 seasons of waiting for Sam and Jack, but yadda yadda yadda) than commit (before you fall over) by that I mean stop with the vague answers, the incomplete sentences, the interruptions, and for goodness sakes say what you mean!!!!!!!!! Think about it at least Pete is moving it a long. What did we get out of Grace, none of us are really sure. Is Sam questioning her feelings for Jack or maybe Jacks feelings for her, or is it that she is sure of her feelings but the fact that the regs are still in place and she can't have him she thinks she should move on, then there is the question who is Grace????????Vague people, very vague!!!!!!!!!!! But here is Pete telling Sam he loves her, buying a house, picking out a ring, moving his place of employment, we know more about his feelings in a couple of episodes. I know it sounds like I now like Pete and that simply insn't true my feelings are the same about him but he is the only one making complete sentences. What do we have on Jack and Sams side a big fat OOOOOOOO! Sam has said nothing to Jack, Jack has said nothing to Sam. Do we know why Jack is not doing anything, we are guessing because why, because he doesn't talk to anyone, the same with Sam. I am tired of all the guessing and analyzing, leading to where?? Five minutes the last episode where they go fishing, holding hands still not knowing what the heck is going on in their heads. Does this make any sense. Don't get me wrong I have loved the gazing looks, the hugs, the fantasy, dream, whatever you want to call them kisses but come on PTB commit. You can't develope this whole thing, have Pete the only one sure of his feelings and leave Jack and Sam still gazing into each others eyes. For goodness sakes we don't even know what Jack really meant by what he said to Sam in her lab in Affinity, again we have to guess. Even with the future episodes we know about is there any commitment any way or another???????? They are honestly that afraid of losing the anti-shippers? Well if they aren't careful they are going to lose the shippers and anyone interested in a good Sci-Fi story.

                            Okay class over, no homework!!!!
                            Yeah, PTB! What she said!!!! (and it is well said by the way)
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              I still think that Pete is a plot device ..but it's a real big stinking joke and a horrible one which will cause them some money lost...
                              Pete must be a plot device. He'll be the "straw that broke the camel's back", so to speak. It's the only way they can make Sam and Jack face their feelings once & for all. Unfortunately, those feelings are going to get hurt in the process. I'm confident S&J will be together by the end, so I'm looking at Sam's relationship with Pete as a necessary evil....TPTB just made a few mistakes along the way....

                              Like a lot of people, I'm worried that the ending we do get will be as vague as a lot of the shippy moments we've had before. It would be the easiest thing for TPTB to do - keep as many people happy as possible by having something that can be interpreted ten different ways. But hopefully they won't do that to this relationship that they've been building up for eight years, they'll give them a proper resolution, with hugs & kisses & smiles &'s not that much to ask, is it?


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                if you love someone, let them go? i've never really bought into that. it's all very jack letting sam go, but what if she doesn't what to be let go of? and moreover, this presupposes that jack knows what's better for sam then sam does...and he's wrong. eventually, sam will choose, and she'll relaise which man is better for her, but if he's let her go and run away to his cabin in the woods, how is she supposed to tell him that? i think if he loves her, he should at least tell her, give her all the facts.
                                Since they are acting like children, maybe Jack should tell Teal'c to tell Sam he likes her. Then Sam could write a love note to Jack and give it to Teal'c to give to Jack. Now that they both know they like each other, they can meet after work and hold hands.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


