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    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
    After many scheduling conflicts with the cable company and problems with the cable line resulting in many rescheduled appointments I finally have internet access at home again. Woo hoo! I'm home! <kisses ground of ship thread> That was the longest month and a half of my life. I think that it's probably not a good sign that I'm almost unable to cope without internet access but I'm so happy to be on the forum right now that I don't really care.

    I've not even begun to catch up yet so I have much reading ahead of me but I did catch the news that AT is pregnant and due in March. Yay for her and her hubby. I don't know that what the shooting schedule is but I wonder if they'll write the pregnancy into the show or if they'll cover it up or if they wrapped shooting before she started showing? This has probably been gone over already but, as I said, it's going to take me about a month just to catch up with all of the reading. Goodness I can't wait until January.
    Ship Mum!! Welcome back!
    And, uh, Ship Mum, don't believe Miss Madeleine about the shipper jacket with the really long sleeves! I mean, we really wouldn't have forced her to watch shippy episodes... It was a joke...
    Really, it was just a joke...
    *Mei Mei nudges Tame, Marimba and Mala...*
    *whispers... "Tell her it was just a joke...."*


      Originally posted by Major Fischer
      The problem is that it still divides the fandom. It still leaves the noroms and the pro-Pete people with a horrible resolution. And it makes me wonder what TPTB are really thinking about the reaction. Are the adjustments to the PR really them understanding? Or is this just more patronizing? Because I'm sorry, I feel like I was being patronized to by TPTB both in the US Lowdown and in Affinity. It's made me suspicious of them.
      Yeah, the noromos and pro-pete types aren't gonna be thrilled when the end comes. I honestly throught Pete was supposed to be a kinda borderline character until they insisted otherwise because they didn't want an outcry when he was disposed at the end. That he was supposed to be mister nice guy confused the heck out of me -- and made me wonder what these people consider healthy relationships. Something's funky there no matter how you look at this. I really don't know what TPTB were thinking -- a lot of their reactions sounded defensive and reactionary, which is never a good way to get a clear view of the original intent.

      I can see where you'd get the impression of being patronized. I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt on much of the press, especially since frustration can come across as patronizing and I imagine this whole thing has been very frustrating for them (even if they do rather deserve it for creating the mess). I may just be too nice on these issues because I've seen how interviews can be taken out of context, statements twisted, and intents just come across plain wrong by people not used to being in the spotlight. There has been a substansive change in what they're saying. The pro-Pete game seems over. There's not much they can really say otherwise at this point without giving away the ending. Although I'm not so sure their best move at this point wouldn't be to let a few cats out of the bag.

      And on balance I liked Chimera. For the Osiris stuff entirely. Too bad they didn't spend more time on it, and on Sarah Gardner's recovery.
      Totally with you on the Osiris stuff. She was my favorite villian and we didn't get nearly enough of her demise. That was the plot that deserved a whole episode and the guest character brought back for follow-on stuff. I'd love to see how Sarah has managed to adapt to returning to life on earth after everything that happened to her. That's interesting stuff that evaporated into the ether. It's a real shame.
      Last edited by auralan; 12 October 2004, 07:53 PM. Reason: very bad use of tags.
      *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


        Originally posted by yoojoo
        geeze, the peer pressure!! I guess since everyone else is doing it i'll do it too!! Just don't go jumping off any bridges or anything! sign me up!

        oh, im supposed to PM you. ok i'll do that too
        *on bridge and turns around*

        Wha---? AHHHH!! *falls off bridge into creek*

        I'm OK! I landed on my head! Guess that explains a few things if I fall on my head everytime I fall!


          Originally posted by auralan
          I can see where you'd get the impression of being patronized. I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt on much of the press, especially since frustration can come across as patronizing and I imagine this whole thing has been very frustrating for them (even if they do rather deserve it for creating the mess). I may just be too nice on these issues because I've seen how interviews can be taken out of context, statements twisted, and intents just come across plain wrong by people not used to being in the spotlight.
          I think I didn't feel patronized until the stalker line in Affinity. But I felt SOO patronized that almost everything I saw on the subject after felt poisonous. Even things I'd seen previously. I went to rewatch the Lowdown for entirely other reasons (to listen to the Torri Higginson parts) and felt patronized there too.

          And I understand how the initial outcry about Pete could have been read as mixed with the extremes being just a bunch of crazies. The problem than would be that they responded too much. Maybe if they hadn't commented on it much, and hadn't built on it, people wouldn't have payed that much attention. I honestly didn't mind the Pete dreams in New Order. Strangely they seemed the most natural to me of all of the Pete stuff.

          Originally posted by auralan
          Totally with you on the Osiris stuff. She was my favorite villian and we didn't get nearly enough of her demise. That was the plot that deserved a whole episode and the guest character brought back for follow-on stuff. I'd love to see how Sarah has managed to adapt to returning to life on earth after everything that happened to her. That's interesting stuff that evaporated into the ether. It's a real shame.
          One of the reasons I want a season nine is that I'm hoping they'll revisit Sarah Gardner.


            Originally posted by Major Fischer
            I think I didn't feel patronized until the stalker line in Affinity. But I felt SOO patronized that almost everything I saw on the subject after felt poisonous. Even things I'd seen previously. I went to rewatch the Lowdown for entirely other reasons (to listen to the Torri Higginson parts) and felt patronized there too.
            I haven't rewatched since that line, but I don't find it at all hard to believe it looks different with that context. I also think I've mostly blocked that line for the sake of my own sanity. I know it's there, but it'd drive me way too crazy if I actually thought about it when it isn't being mentioned directly. It was just so bad. Will Ferrell movie bad. And I may be insulting Will Ferrell. Maybe I should have gone with Rob Schneider. Is it even possible to insult Schneider?

            And I understand how the initial outcry about Pete could have been read as mixed with the extremes being just a bunch of crazies. The problem than would be that they responded too much. Maybe if they hadn't commented on it much, and hadn't built on it, people wouldn't have payed that much attention. I honestly didn't mind the Pete dreams in New Order. Strangely they seemed the most natural to me of all of the Pete stuff.
            New Order Spoilers & other early season 8 mentions:

            Yeah, they should have left it alone and not responded. And I agree the New Order bit was the most natural of all. It was actually pretty good.
            Granted, it wasn't really Pete and it was every bit a relevant part of the sci-fi plot. I bought that Fifth would use his image like that and that Sam wouldn't fall for it. I could have even been open to seeing her reaction to Pete the next time she saw him after that. Imagine how odd that would be for her and she couldn't even explain it to him. It would have been much more relevant and interesting than anything we did see of him later.

            One of the reasons I want a season nine is that I'm hoping they'll revisit Sarah Gardner.
            At this point, it's one of the only things I really want to see that definitely isn't getting resolved in season eight. I'm not sure it's enough for me to want a season nine. They all seem rather ready to move onto what's next. I'd hate to see a final season that was a shadow of what went before because RDA's only there a few days a month, Amanda's limited due to her own family constraints and TPTB are more interested in their baby (Atlantis).
            Last edited by auralan; 12 October 2004, 08:25 PM. Reason: cut & paste error
            *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


              Originally posted by estelle
              OMG! Just here to tell everyone the great news: Amanda and Alan are expecting a baby!!! Kamil just published a message from her on her official homepage. That's so great!!!

              Estelle xxx
              I know, isn't it WONDERFUL news!





                ok gang, I just adore reading everyone's posts, especially the recent ones from Maj Fischer and Auralan -- very well thought out.

                I'm offering a (rare) post cause I read something this weekend in my beloved Chicago Tribune about the upcoming Farscape miniseries, Peacekeeper Wars. No, Wait, Sally, SALLY!!! Don't stop reading, I promise it's linked to our favorite topic!!! Keep reading!! Even our own Brad Wright was quoted in the article.

                First, the article really discussed the actions taken by various grassroots organization to bring the show back for a PROPER ending. Those of you that watch the show know what I mean. The use of the internet and smart marketing practices were key. For example, one organization researched the demographics of viewers and found that the majority were affluent and educated, far more so than originally thought, which of course, made the miniseries much more attractive to advertisers.

                here's the tie in --- the well articulated comments here on this forum, the letter campaigns, the ship tees and mugs -- these things DO get noticed by TPTB. Yes, it may be too late to change much, but (with congrats to Amanda and Alan), there could be a decision to ...edit a few scenes before she shows too much. Hmmmmm, something to think about, yes???

                I really liked how the article identified the love story as being central to the show, and admitted that the ship focus was a deviation: "Farscape presented an absorbing, confounding, challengingly complex universe that gleefully defied many of the conventions of televised science fiction. For one thing, contrary to conventional television wisdom, the two lead characters....began an epic love story early on in the show and that crazily complicated romance....ended up stretching across several seasons."

                Well, we have established that there's obvious ship in COTG. It has apparently stretched across several seasons. Scifi and ship. Yup, can happen and should happen. The difference is that for the most part. Farscape has written it better. Why do I say that? read on

                regarding Aeryn Sun..."But her slow evolution from no-nonsense butt-kicking military woman to a more compassionate, caring butt-kicking woman was one of Farscape's best excuted story lines. There are very few girls who could kick your butt and make you want to kiss them at the same time, Browder (Creighton) says of Black's (Aeryn) character.

                Sounds like our Sam, right? NOT CURRENTLY!! The present day Sam has devolved from the caring yet strong military woman to a weakwilled pushover so concerned about the tick tick tick she thinks she's hearing that she makes a tactical error, that, had it happened at work, would surely have resulted in the world being taken over by aliens.

                In closing (yes, I HEAR your sighs of relief, sheesh ), these PTB actually LISTENED to their fans. Imagine that!! Anyway, here's a final quote that needs no 'tie in', but should make you smile:

                "The charm of Farscape is that Creighton's not MacGyver. He can't make a compass out of tape.....He's just trying to save the world so he can be with his girl" That's all we wish for Jack and Sam.

                apologies for a lengthy post. PM me if you want the article.



                  Originally posted by Rogue

                  I think the Kerry confortation will come early in the ep. Hopefully by the middle, Jack and Sam have had their talk. Pete is history at the end.




                    Originally posted by Major Fischer
                    A lot can be hidden behind the uniforms as well. Especially since they wear the shirts out of the ones they wonder around base in.
                    That's true. There's really a lot of different ways to handle this, 'if' there's a season 9. And 'if' they incorporated it into the show, I'd hope (praypraypray) they'd make it Jack's! But they could do, what you suggested, and just keep it a non-issue by hiding it. Or, they could have Sam injured and not be able to go off-world for a while. There's really many different options.

                    I'm *so* happy for Amanda!




                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      Wanted to add my congratulations to AT and her hubby!!!

                      I'm so happy for them both!!!

                      I agree with everyone else, Family Comes 1st.

                      Hey and we kinda think of her as family in a sorta extended way.

                      So we really do need to send her a token from all of us with our best wishes.

                      A stuffed penguin would be sooooo cute.
                      That would be great! I can't afford to buy off the shipper store, but I'd get money together for Amanda. (((Amanda))) Let's really think about this, shippers. Something sweet and loving and from the shipper family's heart. What ideas?




                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                        I soooo agree with you Skydiver.

                        She'll be in my thoughts & prayers... she's still got 4 long months to go ... I really do hope for the best for her & her husband.

                        Family is so much more important than the other "stuffs." (And I define family not just as biological family - not everyone has the luxury of being part of one for many reasons... but to also include those who we choose to make our 'family' & who choose us.....) Kinda like our Shipper Family....

                        ((((((Shipper Family)))))))

                        Let's send a lot of positive vibes & energy AT's way....
                        I'll pray for Amanda and baby's health everyday.

                        *sending positive and loving thoughts Amanda's way*




                          Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                          ok gang, I just adore reading everyone's posts, especially the recent ones from Maj Fischer and Auralan -- very well thought out.

                          I'm offering a (rare) post cause I read something this weekend in my beloved Chicago Tribune about the upcoming Farscape miniseries, Peacekeeper Wars. No, Wait, Sally, SALLY!!! Don't stop reading, I promise it's linked to our favorite topic!!! Keep reading!! Even our own Brad Wright was quoted in the article.
                          Hi everyone, I have been reading post for a while and thought I throw in my two cents.
                          First of a question for GoneShippin:
                          What is Brad Wright's affiliation with Farscape? What was his quote in the article was it in regards to ship?

                          Secondly I have been reading or weeks, everyone posting that they think the Stargate’s 8th season will end well for shippers. It's great that everyone is so positive, but do you really think that they will end it good for shippers. Don't they risk losing the non-shipper viewers, if all they care about right now is ratings for Atlantis, do you think they will risk upsetting them? Also, they haven't cared what shipper fans have wanted for years, why now? Like someone else pointed out to me, they weren't even willing to give shippers a Carter/O'Neill kiss in a dream, it had to be a dream within a dream, just to be on the safe side. I agree they won't continue with the Pete and Carter thing, but to actually give us Carter and O'Neill together seems like a stretch to me.


                            spoilers for s8's threads


                            Originally posted by auralan
                            Threads spoilers

                            Pete seems to be in Threads. I saw the tail end of one scene where the context makes me think it's a Sam/Pete scene where he tells her about the house and possibly getting a dog. She's sort of freaking out, but trying to hide it. Shortly after this scene is where she goes to Jack's house to have the Kerry-interrupted chat.

                            My personal speculation is that Sam winds up thinking Jack's out of reach because of Kerry, but still breaks it off with Pete after getting into a fight over the whole house thing. Buying a house without even letting your partner take a look at it to see if they like it is sketchy behavior at best. A first house together is a huge deal for a couple. She should have a say in it since she has to live in it, deal with the commute, and presumably it would effect their finances as a couple. Not the kind of thing you want your fiancee deciding for you -- and very reasonably so. I suspect this is the big out they're using to not make Sam look like a jerk for dumping him. Pete may have meant well, but she isn't the bad guy for objecting to wanting a say in where they live. It's also the kind of conversation that could bring up other times he crossed lines or pushed things too fast.

                            I think they'll manage to keep Sam from looking too bad. She'll probably seem like she let things go too far, but she did. She had enough warning signs that she probably would have gotten out of it sooner if she hadn't been so desperate to get a life and convinced her career is a relationship show-stopper (which was the insinuation I personally hated the most from Affinity since all the guys in Heroes had lives and families). It's her whole mid-life crisis/seeking normal thing. She had to try it to find out it wasn't what she really wanted. She's not going to look great getting out of it, but Pete's not exactly gonna smell like a rose after the buying them a house solo, either.
                            Did you *really* get that impression from the sides that Pete bought the house without Sam's knowledge, or are you speculating as to find a 'safer' out for Sam to drop Pete? (wow, long sentence) I know you said it's speculation, but was it from some vibe you got from the sides?

                            Sally, still glowing for Amanda and Alan

                            ps - If it's a girl OR boy, they should name it Sam. (for the character that changed her life, on the show that changed her life. The name's also got a special note in her family)



                              Originally posted by T-Gate
                              Yes, but that brings up the question I've had which is
                              If Jack had heard the whole conversation in the computer log, why was he that chipper at all either when he appeared as a hologram or when he was first revived?

                              Good question! Which is one of the main reasons why that ep disappointed me.




                                Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                                After many scheduling conflicts with the cable company and problems with the cable line resulting in many rescheduled appointments I finally have internet access at home again. Woo hoo! I'm home! <kisses ground of ship thread> That was the longest month and a half of my life. I think that it's probably not a good sign that I'm almost unable to cope without internet access but I'm so happy to be on the forum right now that I don't really care.

                                I've not even begun to catch up yet so I have much reading ahead of me but I did catch the news that AT is pregnant and due in March. Yay for her and her hubby. I don't know that what the shooting schedule is but I wonder if they'll write the pregnancy into the show or if they'll cover it up or if they wrapped shooting before she started showing? This has probably been gone over already but, as I said, it's going to take me about a month just to catch up with all of the reading. Goodness I can't wait until January.
                                Shipperahoy! Welcome home!

                                ((((ship mum))))

                                Go tell Madeleine you're back, so she can return to her non-shippy duties.



