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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    Hi everybody .. as promised ..find

    the UK lowdown frame by frame montage video in my website . First one right on top. 6.41MB

    link in my sig


    I will also make a quick moving video and some screen caps on a page for the ones who can't download ....but the montage is lovely

    Caty aka Shipdiva
    THANK YOU CATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You're the best!

    I want to see the whole thing, now! I love the last hug. Can't wait to see your caps! This is as close as AT and RDA got in the US Lowdown (I have no idea what he's doing!) No hugs, no looks, no nothing!



      Originally posted by Mala50
      THANK YOU CATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You're the best!

      I want to see the whole thing, now! I love the last hug. Can't wait to see your caps! This is as close as AT and RDA got in the US Lowdown (I have no idea what he's doing!) No hugs, no looks, no nothing!

      Great pic Mala Thank you

      Yeah I know poor US shippers ..You missed so much but with my work I hope everybody is happy now

      The hugs are great ..I really love the one where he holds her and he's upset with the camera cuz they intrude ..She just kissed him on the cheek by the way ...and he holds her so close to him . ..the end one is great ..cuz he gives her a kiss on the forehead and she blows him a kiss too.

      The rest was the same as you had ..I put all the scenes from RDA and AT




        Originally posted by michelleb
        ok, i've been watching the music videos and..well, this is all about season seven and eight so
        well, i've been assuming sam doesn't know jack loves her...i think i'm wrong. she so knows! like the lift scene in chimera, when she exhales as he leaves, she knows that was a difficult moment. like trying to hide orlin from him in ascension. she knows seeing her with other men upsets him. and when she asks him to live, at the end of lost city...he's preparing to die, and she knows leaning in and calling him 'jack' will make him live! so she knows!

        ok, so that's not the problem. i think it's that she knows, but she doesn't realise how deep her own feelings for him are. she thinks she can just lock them away in a box and get on with marrying a man she thinks will give her a home, kiddies, everything she's supposed to want (i still find it insulting that the writers assume all women want a husband and kids, but that's a rant for another time). i don't think she knows herself very well, and that's why kerry will give her a shock, but only then will she realise that what she has for jack cannot be locked away, that she cannot stand the sight of him with another hopefully, citizen joe, and that phone call will be the start of those two moving closer, now sam knows she loves jack too
        Season 8

        Yeah, its been a long time since she has seen Jack with another woman. I think it will bring all her feelings she has for him to the surface. I never bought into the idea that she didn't now how Jack felt. If she didn't know, I think his reaction to the ring alone should have told her.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by GoneShippin'
          Awesome sig -- sat there mesmerized for some time.......................huh? darn, it happened again

          one of these days...sigh...we'll see the real thing. After reports of the UK Lowdown, well, I'm as optimistic as an Olympic Gold Medalist swimmer in a kiddie Learn to Swim class!

          Kliggins, Mei Meil of the hangove...uh Headache people, and Gone Shippin' THANKS!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to have a sig!!!

          Caty!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the Lowdown CAPS.....How Cool was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



            Originally posted by ses110
            I'am trying to remain positive but is anyone else getting tired of
            Time Travel and AU.My head is spinning from just reading JM's Post about Moebius.I also cannot agree about JM comments regading Season 8.He must be watching a different Show then me.I wonder if he means the 2nd half of Season 8 becasue the first Half was not the best by far.I hope I'am wrong but with all this talk of jumping between AU and Time travel Sam and Jack will be left with about 10 seconds together.I just hope TPTB left enough time for a great Sam and Jack resoultion.If TPTB resolved the Sam and Jack Ship before Moebius like they should have the Shippers would not have to be on edge worrying about how the Ship gets resolved but I guess that's what TPTB wanted.
            They are going to leave us high and dry with a load of ambiguous cr@p - they give a little to everyone, thinking everyone will be happy but it truth no one will be satisfied. I have not been overwhelmed with this season and find myself watching DVDs of Seasons 1 thru 6. I have seven and the first half of eight on tape and they sit gathering dust.
            Time for my medication. Yesterdays happy place has slipped away.
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


              Originally posted by michelleb
              ooh...i like the way you think..only it could be
              jack dying in sam's arms, so she has to go back in time, forcing her to finally admit what she feels for him

              well, whatever happens, apparently it's so complex it made a producer's head explode.
              I think you may be correct cause
              Sam would have the know-how to time travel and she is the one who must make a choice
              and I think any logical consistant thought whatsoever would more than likely make their heads explode.
              I was going to my happy place but the door was locked.
              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                I also have now a few screencaps from the UK lowdown RDA & AT on my sig and go to UK LOWDOWN RDA & AT

                The UK lowdown video montage is in my Sam and Jack video page

                Enjoy and be shippy



                  i just had a crazy thought but what if in moebius
                  jack and sam go into an aletrnate reality and they see grace and she comes running up to them going "mommy, daddy" or something, then sam would remember seeing her on board the prometheus and finally realise who she was

                  just another one of my random thoughts lol


                    Originally posted by SecretArt
                    Aparently as at the time season eight was going to definately be the end
                    they wanted it to be dramatic and thought that killing off Sam would achieve that

                    That's a good idea or
                    the could meet up with some ancients and they heal whoever it is that is dying...or Jack finds a way of using the ancient healing power he had when he had all the ancient knowlege and uses that to save Sam
                    or that old standby the sarcophagus - no one important stays dead for long (except Janet). But I like the idea of Jack healing her. The more I think about it the more I like it - Jack the source of healing her physically and emotionally.
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      Originally posted by mishy_mo

                      some cookies would be nice!!!

                      don't think you'll give me any alcohol unles you don't mind handing some over to a minor lol some dr pepper will do!!!!
                      Sorry about the delay!!

                      Here are your cookies *Throws a bag down to Mishy* I've put one of each colour in so you can choose which one you want

                      And here is you Dr Pepper..*Throws down a can* but I wouldn't open that for a while if I were you not unless you want to have a nice Dr Pepper shower

                      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                        Just added one more pic there was some space left ..also
                        Do save the pics in your own PC ..Do not link those pics directly from my website .

                        Thank you



                          Originally posted by Sam fan
                          Hello everyone! Hope everyone in our shippy family is okay- I'm still having trouble writing my 4th chapter of myfic- writers block! lol. Hope everyone is having amazingly shippy-ish thoughts- I'm not abandoning shipper-ness no doubt my shippy sig will be back soon but I am loving Rick right now!!!!
                          *Puts up both her hands and waves them franticly in the air*
                          ME! ME! ME! ME!

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            I also have now a few screencaps from the UK lowdown RDA & AT on my sig and go to UK LOWDOWN RDA & AT

                            The UK lowdown video montage is in my Sam and Jack video page

                            Enjoy and be shippy

                            And then I had a heart attack!

                            Why didn't the US get this stuff? Ooh... Now I'm mad. Does anyone know where I can download this version of The Lowdown?


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                              And then I had a heart attack!

                              Why didn't the US get this stuff? Ooh... Now I'm mad. Does anyone know where I can download this version of The Lowdown?

                              I have a video montage frame by frame of everything in my video page ...there was nothing else between RDA and AT ..I captured everything...but I'll add the moving clips tonight but much nicer to watch the frame by frame lasts longer



                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                No kidding.

                                Meanwhile... I direct you all to this post concerning the possibility of Season 9. I really don't know what to say about it, except... RESOLUTION!? MAYBE!?

                                Sounds quite promising to me!

                                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

