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    Originally posted by LtLisa
    thats why you don't tell your younger sibs...
    I didn't tell him.But it's kinda obvious after seeing my reaction to the SG-1 ep or some pic of Jack/RDA. Oh yeah, his photo in my room can indicate something too...
    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
    awesome sig by Josiane


      Originally posted by Kliggins
      CAROLYN!!! You added to your signature. Oh my, great thunkable additions. Poor desk, drooled on again.
      ROFLMAO!!!!... i know exactly wat ya mean i nearly short circuted my comp wen i first saw thos pics


        Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
        *waves* Hi Everyone!!

        I'm delurking to tell Caty that your "Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely" video was really sad!! *sniffs* (yea I'm slow I know I aint had the net for a couple of weeks)

        Can I have a Shipper Medal thing? I sat through Affinity!! (it was 2am, post party with 2 friends on download quality...but I still sat through it)

        Also does anyone know where I can upload Sam/Jack videos to? I made a few when I was internetless (I was so excited I figured out how to do it!!...ok they're pretty cruddy but beats nothing) but I don't know how to put them online!! I'm more a fan fic person myself lol...





          Originally posted by ses110

          Anyone else wonder why we are seeing this type of episode late in Season 8?TPTB are so keen on Earth based episodes why not show Sam and Jack in a relationship on Earth.The final episode can be a strong Team episode with some Sam and Jack so both non Shippers and Shippers can be happy.TPTB are going to be forced into fitting everything in the last episode.It makes so much sense to just do a Sam and Jack heavy episode instead of "Citizen Joe" .The last couple of episode should be serious episodes.It is too late in the Season to do a silly episode like this IMO.It is starting to look like TPTB are going to fight until the very end before they show Sam and Jack together.
          I competely agree with you on the matter of the last episode.I love S&J together but I feel the same for the entire TEAM.It should be a team episode but TPTB aren't exactly known for their thoughtfullnes in this regard. I'd like S&J heavy episode too but I doubt that I'll get it. As for the "Citizen Joe"-I don't mind.I mean when I've read spoilers on GW I was disappointed but then Auralan posted her spoilers and I changed my mind.I'm glad it will be funny episode.TPTB do at least one comedy each season and untill "Citizen Joe" there was nothing of the kind in season 8 so it's good to have it back.And if it has S&J in it-well,that's icing on the cake.
          There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
          awesome sig by Josiane


            Originally posted by col aga
            I competely agree with you on the matter of the last episode.I love S&J together but I feel the same for the entire TEAM.It should be a team episode but TPTB aren't exactly known for their thoughtfullnes in this regard. I'd like S&J heavy episode too but I doubt that I'll get it. As for the "Citizen Joe"-I don't mind.I mean when I've read spoilers on GW I was disappointed but then Auralan posted her spoilers and I changed my mind.I'm glad it will be funny episode.TPTB do at least one comedy each season and untill "Citizen Joe" there was nothing of the kind in season 8 so it's good to have it back.And if it has S&J in it-well,that's icing on the cake.
            amen to that


              Originally posted by Catysg1
              Oh yeah ..London is very beautiful ..wouldn't like to live there ..I hate big cities to live ..That's why I left Paris ...but London has so many places of interest to visit ...The tower of London , Buckimgham Palace , Big ben ....and all the museums near Trafaguar square..and many more ....
              Like Paris ..It's a great place to visit ...I love Paris by night ..and I was a tourist guide there for a summer quite a few years ago ...and a city by night is so romantic...specially in the summer

              You'll love it when you go to London.

              ..and Sam and Jack forever together ...big time

              I was once in Paris, though unfortunately just on the airport. We had to make a stop there and change planes. I did look out of the window because I wanted to see the Eifelturm but I don't think I saw it. Have to agree with you though it looked great with all the lights. It's a pretty big city, in Vienna there are only about 1,6 million inhabitants so it's quite small.

              Estelle xxx
              Abu: This is a woman?
              O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

              Carter: Err. Colonel?
              O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

              Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
              Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
              Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

              Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
              Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
              Jack: No I *like* it.


                Originally posted by ses110
                Caty the thing that is fustrating is
                we can have Sam and Pete episodes and Earth based and clip episodes and epsiodes focused on just Sam Teal'c and Daniel but the World will end if we get one episode of seeing Sam and Jack in a relationship towards the end of Season 8.If a guest character is getting so much attention there is no reason not to get one great Sam and Jack relationship episode to enjoy.We get one Cell phone call between Sam and Jack and numerous conversation that do not get finnished.
                I reckon they are just afraid of the antishippers.

                Originally posted by ses110
                I was happy to hear about Season 8 but I was expecting much better episodes than the ones were are getting.I find it funny there is talk of a Season 9 when the Budget is causing so many Earth based episodes.I am sure will get some great episodes in the 2nd part of Season 8 but there has been too many pointless episodes to suffer through before we get to the great episodes.It is clear IMO SG-1 should go onto Movies and not more Seasons.
                I'm with you.Call me a traitor but I don't want season 9 if they can't keep quality and apparently they can't do that without money.So no s.9 and AT LEAST one decent movie sounds good right now to me.
                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                awesome sig by Josiane


                  Originally posted by kiwigater
                  OK Shipper Family!
                  My photos from the Chicago Con are up, go here...

                  (((((KG))))) Thx for the great photos. I have to say you and CJ would make a great couple.

                  Estelle xxx
                  Abu: This is a woman?
                  O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                  Carter: Err. Colonel?
                  O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                  Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                  Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                  Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                  Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                  Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                  Jack: No I *like* it.


                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    Season 8

                    The episodes are also only focusing on one character. What happened to the team. Everybody just seems to be in the background while the main character sorts out his/hers issues. It seems like SG-1 disbanded after Jack got promoted.
                    Yeah, I noticed it too.But I think it started back in season7:first 2 episodes were about team, and then we got:Jack ep.,Teal'c ep.,team ep.,Daniel ep.,Sam ep.,Sam ep.,Daniel ep. etc.Latter half was much better but I was really disappointed in the first.And I guess history repeats itself now, in s.8.Jack's promotion only stressed this situation, IMO.The result?Everybody wants team episodes and anti-shippers blame ship for lack of it.And I've had enough
                    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                    awesome sig by Josiane


                      Originally posted by estelle
                      (((((KG))))) Thx for the great photos. I have to say you and CJ would make a great couple.

                      Estelle xxx
                      I agree. And Tame-lol!!!
                      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                      awesome sig by Josiane


                        Hey I'be been seperated from my beloved computer again and am sifting through loads of shippy material. Just one thing, what is this oft mentioned
                        cell phone call between sam and jack???

                        Need a ship fix and given the current state of S8 I'm not getting much of one...


                          Originally posted by ses110
                          I really wish I could be more excited about
                          the Cell Phone conversation but at this rate by the last episode of Season 8 Sam and Jack will ready to Email each other then Instant Message each other.I cannot keep up with the Fast pace of this relationship.Quick someone tell TPTB to slow down the Sam and Jack relationship.They have only known each other for 8 Years.
                          LMAO, (((((ses))))

                          Sally with TPTB you have to be prepared for anything.SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
                          The only way I will except a Fishing invite is if TPTB plan on having a SG-1 Movie with lots of Sam and Jack Kissing and relationship scenes.I rather not wait for a movie that may never be made so I am going to have to see everything in Season 8.
                          Season 8 (?)
                          I do think we'll get a kiss in season 8, but I've only heard of the lost ep that they want to shoot afterwards and if they really want to set it in season 2 they'd have once again pressed the reset button.

                          Estelle xxx
                          Abu: This is a woman?
                          O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                          Carter: Err. Colonel?
                          O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                          Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                          Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                          Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                          Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                          Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                          Jack: No I *like* it.


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            He's making the Omlet of LOOOOOVVVVVVEEE!!!!!!!!!!
                            That would be great. But *I* would eat whatever it is he's cooking And I bet Sam too.And Spanish omlet kinda sounds good too...

                            And thanks for the medal,Ship Nana.I'm soooooooo proud of it.

                            ((((((((((((((Ship Nana)))))))))))))
                            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                            awesome sig by Josiane


                              Originally Posted by ses110
                              I really wish I could be more excited about
                              the Cell Phone conversation

                              Me too! What is it about, please???


                                Originally posted by Lunar
                                Hey I'be been seperated from my beloved computer again and am sifting through loads of shippy material. Just one thing, what is this oft mentioned
                                cell phone call between sam and jack???

                                Need a ship fix and given the current state of S8 I'm not getting much of one...
                                Auralan spoiled us again. It's message number #5729. Dunno the page, I think 288 (or maybe 289) ... it's too long to type it up again and I probably wouldn't do such a great job at it anyway.

                                Estelle xxx
                                Abu: This is a woman?
                                O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                                Carter: Err. Colonel?
                                O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                                Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                                Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                                Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                                Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                                Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                                Jack: No I *like* it.

