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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by michelleb
    well, sides are the scripts guest actors aregiven to audition with. they come from the script, as it is at that time. they are available on line, so i'm pretty sure this is ok (but normally you'd have yo pay a fee). ok, here's the extrea bit i have


    kerry goes to see jack in his office. she closes the door, making the point
    that this is private personal stuff. she says she likes him, but jack has

    Kerry; you have issues. so do i. it's ok, everyone's just there's
    one big one in particualar that i don't think i can love with (catching
    herself) live with. i need to get out more before i get more involved. i can
    still do the job, unless you have a problem with that.

    o'neill; no, no, you're ...

    kerry; good, thanks. i just don't understand one thing

    o'neill; just one?

    kerry; is it the air force keeping you two apart? rules and regualtions?
    becasue if it is, you're making a big mistake

    o'neill; and you know what i should i do?

    kerry; retire

    o'neill; i've considered it.

    Wow, that's just, wow, again. Don't mean to sound greedy, but do you have any more sides between Jack and Kerry? Where she tells him another way around the regs besides retiring? Also, I love "Mendhi." I keep re-reading it.


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      I thought you had quite early on in the spoilers....and I thought to that this was pretty close to the summary you gave so it sounds like not many changes have made to this particular scene..
      I don't know if that is good or bad.....because I just don't see TPTB doing anything remotely as good for Sam & Jack as they have done for Sam & Pete

      No major lip declarations of ADULT conversations.....just the same ole UST re-written over and over again.........
      Exactly, the same old scenerio. Different location, slightly different words but essentially the same old, same old.

      And ya know what? It's getting very, very, very old!
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        I guess I call anyone who reads but doesn't ever post here a lurker. Is that the correct definition?

        If so, I know not all are lurkers but with just a bit over 4,000 posts and a bit over 57,000 views thats alot of people reading and not posting considering that a few of us are frequent posters.

        It was just something that I noticed.
        I define a lurker the same way. The 57K 'hits' are 'views' of the thread, not posts... it's true alot of views are from GW S/J Thread posters... I view (w/intent to post) in the evening from home & view (to lurk & read w/out logging in to the Forum) at lunch (time/circumstance permitting) at work. So 2 views per day average from me... and for regular posters wouldn't that seem average? But there are other GW posters who don't post in this thread, but who lurk through it. And numerous unregistered lurkers who enjoy reading our antics.

        But I remember before I joined (registered w/) the Forum & was lurking, the Shipper Family (as it consisted at that time) talked about this same subject & figured out w/the Family as it was then... they in no way could account for all of the "views" the thread was getting, even back then.

        'Course now w/all the threads combined into one big lonnggggg one... 57K looks like a heck of a big #, doesn't it though???
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          I thought you had quite early on in the spoilers....and I thought to that this was pretty close to the summary you gave so it sounds like not many changes have made to this particular scene..
          I don't know if that is good or bad.....because I just don't see TPTB doing anything remotely as good for Sam & Jack as they have done for Sam & Pete

          No major lip declarations of ADULT conversations.....just the same ole UST re-written over and over again.........
          Actually, I believe the others commenting now are still looking at the exact same things I saw. They may be commenting later and able to give more details, but it's the same source unless I'm really confused.
          *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


            Originally posted by michelleb
            well, it's not much point having a season nine if all of us have got sick of the wait for the ship to be resolved, and have gone to watch alias instead. they going to have give the shippers a pretty big something, and disappear if they want us to continue into season 9
            Well THIS Shipper will walk away THATS for sure....and if I *happen* to catch an episode now and again great but I won't go out of my way any more if they drag this out any longer. I won't go out of my way if they don't get Sam & Jack together as well.

            TPTB are the ones that put them together NOT ME and I bought into it and if they take them apart I stop buying ....simple as that

            If TPTB hadn't have done all that they have in these last few months - second half of season 7 and now Affinity I would have been fine ........but THEY ruined alot of the *TEAM* aspect as well for me by putting Jack where he is. So all that is left is Sam & Jack and if that goes so do I
            Last edited by TameFarrar; 25 August 2004, 06:18 PM.
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              Or maybe in writing school the writers were absent when they covered "finishing conversations between two characters who want to have an adult conversation about their feelings for each other".

              Or maybe the writers keep get interrupted when they are writing the script and then forget their place and never finish writing the scene.

              Or maybe they have never had an adult conversation themselves. (I know that one's a low blow - so I appologize in advance.)

              But ya know this is just not that hard a thing to do!!!

              There are how many novice fanfic writers out there who have done it so why can't these professionals do it?
              *hee hee*
              I apologize too, but I'll put my vote in for "OR #3."
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Originally posted by nickatell
                Again, I want them both to come to the realization that they want to be together, that they need to be together, and that they will do everything in their power to not let anything stand in their way in order to be together. But the first thing that they have to do is grow-up!!!!!!!

                As far as TPTB are concerned angsty scenes are great for awhile, but 8 years is beyond ridiculous. Now the characters are looking stupid and childish. They are not the strong, independent, responsible, loving, caring people that we have come to know.

                Sorry for the long post, but it has been a long time. Again, I have soooooo missed you guys, but I always felt your spirit. Thanks
                We missed you too!
                And I wholeheartedly agree with what I snipped above from your post....
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  Originally posted by nickatell
                  Spoilers Season 8 "Threads"
                  I thank all of you who gave us any information on this episode. The part I am interested in is the conversation between Jacob and Sam and how does the episode end, but I guess there isn't enough money in the world to find that out.

                  By the way, my thanks to Darren and all his hard work. I have been unable to post or to read most of the conversations going on here, but as of today all (dare I say it) seems well. I really don't know what I will do if I see that error message again. I have so missed my shipper family. I am happy to report though that I made it through Affinity without any major ailments, I just fast forwarded through all the Sam and Pete stuff and watched the rest, so in my world nothing happened..........

                  I agree, we have so been here before. Boy for writers who didn't want to turn a sci-fi show into a soap opera they aren't doing too well.

                  We were told in Grace that Sam was unsure of Jacks feelings for her and her feelings for him, well if that is the case than I don't want anyone to rescue these guys I want them both to realize that nothing should stand in the way of their happiness and their love for each other. These people are adults and yet they are playing games like they are children. What is Sam afraid of, finding out that Jack doesn't have feelings for her? So, marrying Pete is a much better idea, how? That is what she could do if Jack did tell her he didn't have feelings for her, so how is she any better? What, this way she can still stand and stare at him with longing eyes. And Jack, he can come and find out what is wrong with her because he misses her, and when she starts bringing up personal things when they are all alone, he couldn't have asked Sam, what about us? What, he is afraid she will get mad, so it is better to not say anything and have her marry someone she doesn't really love .......and he is better off, how? Oh, I get it than he could still stare longingly at her.

                  If this is episode l7, there is only three episodes left after Threads, so one episode would have to be Sam walking down the aisle (being sarcastic here) with Jacob and just as Jacob gives (yuk) Sam to Pete, Thor beams Sam up where Jack is waiting and suddenly he is able to speak and confess his love. I think I am going to be sick. I don't want this!!!!!!!!!!! Again, I want them both to come to the realization that they want to be together, that they need to be together, and that they will do everything in their power to not let anything stand in their way in order to be together. But the first thing that they have to do is grow-up!!!!!!!

                  As far as TPTB are concerned angsty scenes are great for awhile, but 8 years is beyond ridiculous. Now the characters are looking stupid and childish. They are not the strong, independent, responsible, loving, caring people that we have come to know.

                  Sorry for the long post, but it has been a long time. Again, I have soooooo missed you guys, but I always felt your spirit. Thanks

                  So glad you made it back to us!!!

                  and everything said I would put a stamp on and MAIL!!!!!!
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                    But... michelle, IMHO they really don't care so much about certain segments of SG fans. They do care enough about the overall fanbase to protect their product to sell more DVD's & other merchandise & increase their syndication run into the coming decades... but otherwise... IMHO we (on-line BB posters) are still a very small (however vocal) part of their, what, 10 million person (U.S.) viewer base? If they decide there is still more & bigger SG $ to be made (& that's what it's going to boil down to... not the actor's availability or keeping SG a quality product), then IMO there's going to most certainly be an S9 & they won't care who doesn't like that they will try to squeeze another year out of S/J ship.

                    Waterfall... them's not meant to be bad words ... I only know if they decide on an S9, given their now 8-year documented history on this... they're not likely to resolve S/J ship. Conflict & non-resolution is just too lucrative.

                    And, Shipper Family, don't get me wrong & misinterpret my tone or sentiment. I want resolution. I don't want to wait 'til the end of the dang 8th season (a half a dang year away) to get it either. After watching the full D&C Monday night - the resolution should have been at that time... not here 4 more years later....
                    Hasn't their highest viewing audience only been like 3. something million????? or am I wrong in the count they list????
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Bucky
                      It's from Joe Malozzi's piece on the "Making of Affinity" on the Home page. Here's the link:

                      Way to go Joe!

                      Interesting how many changes RDA's schedule has made to the scripts and story arcs....
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        Or maybe in writing school the writers were absent when they covered "finishing conversations between two characters who want to have an adult conversation about their feelings for each other".

                        Or maybe the writers keep get interrupted when they are writing the script and then forget their place and never finish writing the scene.

                        Or maybe they have never had an adult conversation themselves. (I know that one's a low blow - so I appologize in advance.)

                        But ya know this is just not that hard a thing to do!!!

                        There are how many novice fanfic writers out there who have done it so why can't these professionals do it?
                        I totally feel your *angst* Ship really makes you wonder WHY TPTB feel it will CONTINUE to go unnoticed that these two have NEVER had an ADULT CONVO....sheesh.....

                        TPTB keep saying what an intelligent audience they have ...yet they act like we are stupid......
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by Ship Nana
                          Exactly, the same old scenerio. Different location, slightly different words but essentially the same old, same old.

                          And ya know what? It's getting very, very, very old!
                          did you mention VERY VERY VERY old..???
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by auralan
                            Actually, I believe the others commenting now are still looking at the exact same things I saw. They may be commenting later and able to give more details, but it's the same source unless I'm really confused.
                            Nope it sounds JUST the SAME as what you posted so no confusion for me
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              does anyone here know whats supposed to happen in 'threads' other than what it says in the episode summary here on gateworld?


                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                                I watched the uncut version on the DVD this summer. IMHO it was very gratuitous, a capture-the-ratings kind of nudity. Plus seeing the scene here now, 7 years after it was filmed, all I could think about was I really didn't need to see that, watching it knowing about the ship she had w/MS. Ick & what did it really add to the episode? He could have leered at her naked shoulder & we'd have gotten the picture!

                                (Plus being an equal opportunity kind of person...where was the full frontal of a male character???? )
                                I really don't think it was meant to be gratuitous. For me, it accentuated the pure vulnerability of Sha're in that situation - being 100% at their mercy and under no control over anything regarding her own body.

                                It also made sense in comparison to the USAF woman who went through the same process earlier in the episode. They wanted you to feel for her, but they wanted you to feel *more* for Sha're, so to make it all the worse, you saw her that vulnerable.

                                Just my opinion, but I think it was completely to elicite a reaction - no, not *that* reaction! ;-)
                                - Mary
                                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.

