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    I am a member of the "Pete as Chimera" camp.

    Pete has never interacted with any of the other regular characters. He has only had direct interaction with one other person on screen, his buddy from the FBI who did the background check on Sam. In Chimera, Sam did say "Pete's been hit" to Jack but Jack never acknowledged Pete's presence.

    In New Order, Pete misses Sam's promotion ceremony. He supposedly had been briefed on the SGC and would have been invited. Even if the promotion was a surprise to Sam, which it wasn't (promotion lists are published in advance of the first promotion from the list is made. EVERYONE knows their sequence number), her friends would have made an effort to get her S.O. there to watch. I would certainly be miffed if my girlfriend missed my promotion ceremony.

    Then in this ep, Pete again has no meanful interaction with ANYONE else. Most of the time he is alone with Sam. Even during the take down of the warehouse when the special ops soldier informs Sam that the warehouse is empty and Pete asks "How could that be?", no one acknowledges his existance. Daniel is unconscience when Pete is close to him, then when Daniel is awake, Pete is on the other side of the warehouse, masked from Daniel's view by the big honkin' SUV.

    Pete as a figament of Sam's imagination "fixes" a lot of problems with Sam's reactions. Her unconscience mind is plaing tricks on her (or maybe alien influence left over from "Grace"!)

    Seems that TPTB have been channelling M. Night Shyamalan
    Major Kawalsky
    I've clawed my way from Mature to Fodder! WOOHOO!
    U.S. Stargate Command


      Originally posted by sacme
      I was cursing and cringing the entire episode (right, Marimba? --and everyone else in Tame's chat). HA-TED-IT!

      As much as I am a shipper, I didn't find the Jack/Sam convo shippy. It was just tragic. I could have been shippy. It should have been shippy. But all I heard was Jack saying that if he had a family he wouldn't be at the SGC risking his life everyday. I'm still hopeful for the future, but I'm disgusted I had to be put through this. Chernobyl was bad enough; this was worse in so many ways.

      ship sistah
      DITTO, Ship Sistah! And yes, I think you were the only one freaking out more than me. I'm calm now but not very. This was awful. And I totally agree that the
      Sam and Jack scene was tragic. I was in tears the second time I watched. She ripped his heart out and then said yes to stuPit, it can't get much worse than that.
      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


        Attention Shippers!!!! We Have Reached The Nadir! We Can Only Go Up From Here!
        Major Kawalsky
        I've clawed my way from Mature to Fodder! WOOHOO!
        U.S. Stargate Command


          Originally posted by Mala50
          Happy things first:

          MARIMBAAA!! ROFLMAO!! I love your new video!! Glad to have inspired you! After seeing tonight's episode I will rewatch it with even more satisfaction .

          Thank you Ship Sistah for all your hard work on the Shipper wares! Great job!

          OK, re A$$INITY:

          re the stalker remark - I KNEW that TPTB would refer to him this way at some time. They probably thought it was funny acknowledging the fans' pet name for PS, but it came off just lame and Sam looked stupid accepting it...

          yay! for Crime Fighting Super Teal'c! I smell a spin-off when SG1 ends...

          Jack looked so good in his long sleeve black tshirt...I will cap that scene and dump the rest... The question at the end was confusing, but Jack wasn't going to say anything to Sam about 'their relationship' - she's with PS as far as he knows even though she's questioning whether to marry the spud dud or not. Jack's far too honorable to put himself into that equation (damn him!) But I liked the scene overall.

          Listen Sam, if you don't want Jack, there are plenty of others out there who DO!! (that one slinkin' around wearing a red feather boa comes to mind! )

          Stargate CSI or Potato Columbo? Brilliant detective work - no wonder she wants to marry him! He's a genius! Linking pizza and stakeouts! (actually, I thought the answer was DONUTS!)

          Re the Butt shot - have to admit I was too busy screaming into a pillow and averting my eyes to even see it....I guess it's not called A$$INITY for nothing! Oh, and how many times did she have to say YES?? that acceptance was the most cloying and barf-inducing dialogue ever... (almost as stupid as PS's hemming and hawing in Ch. when Sam asked him in).

          Sad to say this, but this episode almost makes me ashamed to be a fan of this show...

          Glad you liked the vid Mala! Just couldn't resist a little potato whumping! We certainly don't get enough of that in me...I mean Stargate. As for everything else you've said here, I agree wholeheartedly.
          If Sam is now to stupid to see what's in front of her face then I'll get in line to console Jack. After this ep, Laira is looking better and better! Heck, I'm beginning to think she's a real PEACH compared to Sam. I am so sad that I even CONSIDERED saying that last sentence.

          LMAO at that bit about Potato Columbo!!! Too funny!! And Potatohead now has the rounded figure to go with the role! Was it just me or has he gained a bit? Maybe Pete is actually transforming into a Potato a la "The Fly"--now there's a Sci-fi plot I could go for!! It would certainly be better than last night's ep!
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by auralan
            Spoilers for Affinity

            I was just posting in the episode thread that I know guys like that. They find complicated women and miss the warning signs every time. They're just so happy to be with the woman and take every bone tossed their way without looking too closely. Then the bubble breaks, they wind up crushed and play victim. The first time, you feel sorry for them. The next few dozen you start wating to shake some sense into them. And it sounds like a pattern with Pete. I bet the ex-wife leaving wasn't half as sudden and inexplicable as he thinks. He's just one of those guys that doesn't see warning signs.
            this is my best guy friend exactly. except he wouldn't stalk the woman.

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              My answer to the Question : What did Jack Mean in the Lab in *Affinity*

              When Jack paused and then answered the the question .. HE was looking RIGHT AT SAM - and she flinched. Then Jack looked down at the ring.
              so to me he was saying I would not be in this position. I would not be General Jack O'Neill. I don't think he meant not here in the literal sense.
              I think Jack meant he wouldn't be in the *position* he was finding himself in at that moment - listening to the woman he loved tell him ANOTHER MAN had asked her to marry him.

              The way Jack looked at Sam and her reactions made me think this is how it was being conveyed and how she was taking it. But that neither of them saw a way out of it.

              I also see it as a lead in to Threads - Jack has shown her that he DOES want her but they both feel there is no way - so it will take an outsider to SHOW them there is a way.

              Ok so that is my story and I am sticking to it

              Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope you are right!!!


                Originally posted by Kri
                Kari, also feel free to join those of us who take up permanent residence in the Shippertown Gutter System. It has a direct lead right into the Jack/RDA Thunk Thread, in case you get lost.

                As for the time off with the twins, I can relate on a different scale. I loved Stargate, but really became a huge Jack and Sam fan when I was off work for a few weeks after my second knee surgery. The DVDs pretty much saved me at that time!!
                Thankfully, Scifi was one of 3 cable channels the hospital got, LOL!! It was rather like being in prison, but at least I got to look at RDA, CJ and MS for 8 weeks straight, LOL!

                My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  Please forgive me, shipper family, but I don't want to use the hidden spoilers thinger tonight.

                  Spoiler space for S8's Affinity


                  You do if you're conflicted. And Sam's *way* conflicted. And those subdued 'yeses' were really telling.

                  I do wonder why she went ahead and said yes? Man, once again AT's *wonderful* acting makes a scene come alive with multiple levels of depth. Someone's saying yes to a marriage proposal, but the voice and... she just once again blows me away with her acting range.

                  Yes, She is a VERY talented actress, that shows even more I think now that TPTB don't seem to be giving her a whole lot to work with. She can bring subtlety it seems even when PTB give her bad lines and then edit the whos in a terrible way--THAT'S talent! RDA did the same thing in New Order IMHO. they gave him virtually NOTHING to work with in the script but he managed to look angsty when
                  he was worried that Sam was dead. The angst CERTAINLY wasn't in the script!
                  I think it really speaks to the TREMENDOUS talent of these two.

                  Not to leave CJ and MS out of this because I think they are both VERY talented as well (CJ just blew me AWAY in Avatar and MS was incredible in Lifeboat). And I'm sure I could find several examples of similar situations for them but this is the shipper thread so I'm sticking with the ship here.
                  Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                  Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                  Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                  Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Oh, Mala!
                    As much as I loved the way Jack looked in this scene it just breaks my heart. RDA sells pain so well.
                    The cap is beautiful though. The look on his face is tragic.
                    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                      Originally posted by sacme

                      shippers aren't meant to enjoy this storyline and for some reason TPTB think that's okay.

                      Oh, I TOTALLY agree w/ this statement. Strangely enough, I get the feeling that non-shippers really don't give two hoots about Sam or Jack in ANY relationship -- they watch for the action/drama, not the romance. So why put the romance in at all? I think TPTB are just being plain old MEANIES!!
                      Last edited by Karibou; 21 August 2004, 05:54 PM.

                      My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!


                        Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
                        How is everyone? My neighbor just came over and asked me what was wrong - I guess I really look tired and cranky. I told her about Affinity and being a fan, she's pretty pissed too. She then offerend me to come over tonight and kill those three bottles of wine she keeps for "moments like these". "Let's get drunk and watch shippy episodes." Ain't she the best?

                        Yes, and yes! (To quote a certain Air Force Lt. Colonel ). I totally agree. I still can't bring myself to hate Pete, he really
                        seems to be serious and he seems to really love her *ducks flying tomatoes and chairs*. Which makes it even more complicated, because if he were a jerk, I wouldn't feel sorry for him when she eventually dumps him. (See, I said 'when', not 'if'! HA!)

                        And now, for my motivational speech, Lord of the Rings-style:

                        *stands on table*
                        *decides not to stand on table for lack of balance*
                        *stands on soapbox*

                        Imagine yourselves in the very park
                        where Pete proposed
                        . Now imagine me with a flag on a soap box, calling out to all shippers:

                        "Hold your ground! Hold your ground! My fellow fans and Shippers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Shippers fails, when we forget our favorite episodes and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of Pete and shattered hopes, when seasons and seasons of Shippyness come crashing down, but it is not this day! This day, we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth (and elsewhere), I bid you - stand, Shippers!"*

                        *courtesy of Aragorn, son of Arathorn

                        Oh, and another thing: a friend of mine and I have been working on a music video to "Accidentally in Love" by Counting Crows. We'll put it online and I'll give you the link as soon as it's finished.
                        Wow, your neighbor is really cool!! My hubs and I split the last of a bottle of wine and he let me have a good bit of the second one (my one-man support group, gotta love him). Don't think he's gonna watch a bunch of shippy eps though so your neighbor definitely rocks in that department! LOVED your speech!! I can definitely get behind LotR!!
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          SNIFF! Marimba, just watched your video. My husband now officially thinks I've flipped out -- evidently he finds something odd about me sitting at the computer with a box of kleenex. He wanted to know who died, LOL!


                          But, anyway, WAY cool videos!

                          My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!


                            Marimba, you're new vid was just heartbreaking!!! I'm a sucker for a good cry!


                              Originally posted by MAJKawalsky

                              4. "The Sixth Sense". Nobody is acknowledging Peat's existance. Expect Sam.

                              I AM SOOO GLAD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE TO SEE THIS!!!!

                              I'm not insane!!
                              Here's my theory:
                              Pete is nothing more than the alien from "Grace" making her think in ways she never thought of before and helping her to realize what she really wants and for her to be happy....with Jack!!
                              How did I come to this theory??
                              Again as in "Chimera" you never see Pete interacting with anyone but Sam.
                              In the scene w/ the hot dog vendor when Pete says "thanks" for the hot dog, Sam nods to the hot dog guy and he nods back TO HER!
                              In the scene w/ the swat team everyone ignores him totally and they only speak to Sam.They don't even act like Pete is even there.
                              Has anyone seen a member of SG-1 (exept Sam) interact w/ Pete??
                              Where did the ring come from?? Mabey it's leftover from Jonas Hansen or perhaps Orlin bought it for her on his "internet shopping spree"

                              I actually like this scenario because it would mean that Sam hasn't betrayed Jack for some shmuck and it's actually sci-fi.
                              And it would mean that Jack is good enough for her because he would sacrafice his own happiness for her.



                                Originally posted by Karibou
                                SNIFF! Marimba, just watched your video. My husband now officially thinks I've flipped out -- evidently he finds something odd about me sitting at the computer with a box of kleenex. He wanted to know who died, LOL!


                                But, anyway, WAY cool videos!
                                I watched it too! Awesome vid Marimba, despite the fact that I sobbed all the way through it.
                                Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

