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    Originally posted by TameFarrar
    This I have to say ...Is hitting the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD.. it is a TV show about walking through a big puddle to OTHER GALAXIES... and then all of a sudden we are supposed to be back in RL ....come on.. it is either a Sci-Fi fantasy show or it is not....and if it is TPTB need to have fun and play and stop using the excuse RL this and RL that when ever thay have a plot fall apart on them

    So I think having them do *a bit better* in the relationship dept isn't asking too much
    Amen! Amen!! And can I say, "AMEN!!" It's Sci-Fi!! What TV show REALLY shows RL like RL??

    Token ~


      Originally posted by marimba26
      Now THERE'S an idea!!!! Turandot here I come!
      Please, please, please, please, Marimba!! I adore Pucchini and your vids to a Pucchini aria would be heaven!!


        Originally posted by marimba26
        Well, my romantic self was thinking it might be a classical reference to the fates and the threads of life and how they are woven into a great fabric--how cheesy is that?
        thats probably one of the titles meanings; TPTB are big on that...and I love it...

        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          But since both of them (well... thanks to the writers...) won't get together over lunch/dinner/whatever & have that adult conversation re: their feelings/mutual attraction, they're both trying their respective bests to move on.

          She's all bouncy & perky about Pete to Jack... only revealing to Teal'c that all is not sweet smelling down on the farm. He's decided then trying to move on is ok and is discreetly trying out the dating path w/the freshest SG faces....

          If they are hurting each other it's because they can't seem to talk. There's no regs against talking it out, making a decision & taking whatever plan of action is decided upon. But they can't even seem to have the convo! Not even in the 17th episode of the 20 episode S8!
          If they still aren't talking by the 18th ep I think Teal'c should lock them in a closet together until they do.



            Originally posted by LtLisa
            welcome smed!

            oh, shipper cookies! shipper cokies (lots and lots of shipper cookies of many colors) will be in my 'emergency kit'

            MG, can I please have a grasshopper from the bar? thanks bro!
            Here ya go!! *slides grasshopper down LtLisa's way*


              Originally posted by nickatell
              Spoilers Season 8 "Threads" and "Affinity"
              I am curious as to how Kerry comes to the realization that Jack still has feelings, oh heck loves Sam? I mean they don't even meet each other until Sam comes over, so it is not like she has seen the looks they give each other or feels the sexual tension when they are in the same room, so what then brings her to this conclusion?

              Also, I think Jacobs bad health also plays a significant role in this, otherwise why now? I mean after seeing Jack with Kerry, just losing Janet and now possibly her father, I wonder if Sam finally realizes that life is too short to be spending it with Pete who she thinks is great when she now knows her feelings for Jack are real, or she could take it as "see he really didn't have any feelings for me" and continue her delusional relationship with Pete (please no).

              I think I may tape Affinity because I really, really, really, (did I mention really) don't want to see Jacks face when she tells him (my heart can not handle this anymore). Then when Season 8 ends with Jack and Sam together (please, please) I can go back and watch it. Hearing about it won't be so bad, but seeing his face and knowing what he will be feeling especially with how we know he feels about her in "Threads" will absolutely kill me.
              I'm catching up here (10 pages, sheesh you guys), but a quick post -- I like the Jacob illness aspect helping Sam to realize that tomorrow is not always guaranteed...maybe she and Jacob will talk, she'll tell him about her imaginary talk with him when she was stuck on the Prometheus, and he'll tell her, "For such a smart girl, you're kinda slow about relationships, kid...I would have urged you to find a way to be with two are meant to be together...and Yes, Selmac agrees"

              back to reading



                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                This I have to say ...Is hitting the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD.. it is a TV show about walking through a big puddle to OTHER GALAXIES... and then all of a sudden we are supposed to be back in RL ....come on.. it is either a Sci-Fi fantasy show or it is not....and if it is TPTB need to have fun and play and stop using the excuse RL this and RL that when ever thay have a plot fall apart on them

                So I think having them do *a bit better* in the relationship dept isn't asking too much
                I agree!!!! This is fantasy, not RL!!!! Ya can't have it both ways!! Ya can't have both fantasy and RL!!


                  Its soooooo quiet in here!! Where'd all the shippers go?


                  McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                  TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                  McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                  MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


                    Originally posted by Nikkirose
                    Its soooooo quiet in here!! Where'd all the shippers go?
                    We're lurking


                      Originally posted by kiwigater
                      I wonder if Teal'c could now get drunk considering he's on tritonin now???...
                      I can foresee some very drunk shippers for Affinity and Threads Maybe it will look better through beer goggles, and if it works out (casts glance in TPTB direction ) then we'll be all the merrier
                      Perhaps we need to inlcude a alochol detox wing to the rehab centre...
                      What did I just read? a detox wing? as in they make you STOP drinking???

                      Bite your tongue girl, not in OUR Shipper Commune!!!
                      pant, pant...can't imagine WHAT'S gotten into these young people these days.....

                      If a shipper wants to gently decrease his/her intake, I'm sure Ship Nana can whip up some cookies to help lessen the effects of alcohol, without actually giving it UP.

                      see, now you've made me spill my glass

                      Di, back to just reading after the shock of reading THAT post


                        Ooh, a vid made for Puccini. I might have to attempt that sometime, though there are some Season 7 clips I'd want for that.

                        Wow, this is so cool, there are other people here who know what Turandot is.
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          a teeny-weeny question ....... I've been reading and I've noticed that people keep saying that Kerry is "STILL" Jack's girlfriend, but in one of the post I read that Kerry was leaving him becuase she realized that he was holding back..... I wonder, DO they remain daiting or not.....wish one??
                          Thanks for everything and even though Im new here and I don't replay to much, Im really having fun!

                          "To the world you may be one person,
                          but to one person you may be the world"

                          - Bill Wilson –


                            Originally posted by DebbySG1
                            Buc, it is necessary to see also the other side of the story, think how Sam must feel on having seen that she is the only one that has opened her heart completely, Jack hasn't. Maybe if he would've talk first and open his heart to her, maybe she wouldn't accept Pete's ring...maybe she wouldn't accept pete at all.
                            I definitely disagree - how do you figure that he hasn't opened his heart and she has? She hasn't said a word to him about her feelings for him, and he's offered his *life* for her more than once. She was the one who said to "keep it in the room." She has done very little to show Jack how she feels.

                            Meanwhile, I see Jack as having done a great deal - she'd have to be brain dead not to see it. Jack is a man of action, and actions speak louder than words in his book. His *actions* have shown his love for her. Her actions, nor her words, have shown that she loves him back. At least, actions that he could see. Missing him while he's trapped off world, working around the clock to get him back, and then acting as if everything is back to normal when he gets back isn't showing him.

                            This is a two-sided street. She *could* have resigned her position so she could be with him ages ago. She could have sat him down and talked to him about it at a time when they *weren't* in crisis. She could have gone fishing with him if only to have a quiet place to talk. But she chose not to. It's not only his job to stick his neck out and retire or whatever.
                            - Mary
                            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                              Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                              What did I just read? a detox wing? as in they make you STOP drinking???

                              Bite your tongue girl, not in OUR Shipper Commune!!!
                              pant, pant...can't imagine WHAT'S gotten into these young people these days.....

                              If a shipper wants to gently decrease his/her intake, I'm sure Ship Nana can whip up some cookies to help lessen the effects of alcohol, without actually giving it UP.

                              see, now you've made me spill my glass

                              Di, back to just reading after the shock of reading THAT post

                              I'm sorry Di, I didn't mean to make you spill your wine *hangs head in shame* That would a waste of good alcohol!
                              Much like chocolate I don't think I could ever give the alcohol completely Especially if TPTB insist on writing eps that throw us all in disarray
                              I think Lisa's onto a good plan here... better start putting together the Affinity survival pack...


                                SPOILERS FOR SEASON 8
                                Originally posted by DebbySG1
                                a teeny-weeny question ....... I've been reading and I've noticed that people keep saying that Kerry is "STILL" Jack's girlfriend, but in one of the post I read that Kerry was leaving him becuase she realized that he was holding back..... I wonder, DO they remain daiting or not.....wish one??
                                Thanks for everything and even though Im new here and I don't replay to much, Im really having fun!
                                Hi DebbySG1!! Dont forget the spoiler space... as for your question Kerry dumps Jack cause she knows that he has feelings for Sam.


                                McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                                TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                                McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                                MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!

