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    Originally posted by madfrenchie
    I loved that scene too. It kind of tied all their separate journeys together. And if Jack's going to be at the base more, then they might have to use these scenes. So that could be very good. Especially for Teal'c's Shipper Revolution.
    I so hope that TPTB have Teal'c just lock them in a closet and say "I will let you out when you have ceased this Tauri nonsense!!!!"

    OH I so TOTALLY forgot...My FAVORITE LINE of the ENTIRE SHOW...

    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      I so hope that TPTB have Teal'c just lock them in a closet and say "I will let you out when you have ceased this Tauri nonsense!!!!"

      OH I so TOTALLY forgot...My FAVORITE LINE of the ENTIRE SHOW...

      I can so see Teal'c standing with his arms crossed right outside of that closet.
      Then Jack would ask Sam that very same question...who's your daddy?!!!
      "Woo-hoo! Sorry, I got caught up in Teal'c's enthusiasm."--Jack, "Tangent"


        Originally posted by GoneShippin'
        Spoiler Space
        OK, does everyone have their computer attached to their tvs?? You all got on here FAST!! I actually watched it twice in a row, without coming to post cause I wanted to catch ALL the nuances.
        OK, first of all: TEAL'C IS A SHIPPER!
        I thought the way he asked about was very pointed; is everything not well?? Sam's response -- LAME! Her whole attitude at that point was yeah, he's fine. Heck new boyfriends (especially when you haven't had one for years) should be more than 'fine'. Dessert is 'fine', weather is 'fine', work is 'fine'; relationships create more excitement. She got more excited about Thor creating a black hole than about . Huhh. I also thought she (and Teal'c) were talking more about leaving someone you REALLY care about (like Jack!) than ptui.

        I'm still reading - 5 pages left, so forgive me if I rehash other shippers' thoughts.
        LOL! Totally agree. Sam's not in love with ; he's a watered-down, placebo imitation drug that'll wear off in a few weeks. She needs a little injection of some Jack lovin' to keep her heart fluttering.
        "Woo-hoo! Sorry, I got caught up in Teal'c's enthusiasm."--Jack, "Tangent"


          Originally posted by madfrenchie
          I can so see Teal'c standing with his arms crossed right outside of that closet.
          Then Jack would ask Sam that very same question...who's your daddy?!!!
          ROFL....well we all know Teal'c is a Shipper so maybe we need to work THAT angle with a letter LOL
          Last edited by TameFarrar; 10 July 2004, 12:12 AM.
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Spoiler Space S8 New Order

            Originally posted by ancient-archangemon
            i never never never never pictured such a strong character like sam being confortable in a far with pigs and specially with some one smaking her in the rear its so un sam that it kind of made me think what else they are going to do with this character
            Yes It does seem very unSam-like to allow him to slap her on her backside.

            I remember reading/hearing that when filming Small Victories one of the technicians had Thor put his hand on her backside and AT hauled off and hit the puppet before she realized what she was doing. That's the kind of reaction I would expect from her.
            ~BCM =)

            Open Source Initiative (OSI)
            The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


              okay, so i just got back from seeing king arthur:

              if you want to see an extreamely lame male bonding movie which promotes the war in iraq to the fullest extent possible, and was so LAME that it gave me a horrible headache from thinking too much about how much i would rather be seeing jack get unfrozen, then you will STILL hate this movie because it really is just that bad.

              The knig of the Saxons is a confederate general civil war type cowboy

              Gwen has one good line, and then that's it

              i WANTED arthur to lose, and the saxons to just all be dead becauase they were that lame.

              gwen's people and that one kid should have been the only people to survive.

              But NO.

              It did have to be THAT terrible.


              Throughout the whole thing i was thinking of what sam and jack and danny and teal's would be doing in those situations, and all i could come up with was NOT BEING IDIOTS AND DYING. i mean really, come on.

              now i am going to go watch the wondrous sg-1, and try to forget the nauseating lameless.

              just thought i'd give you guys a heads up.

              must now look forward (like i wasn't already) to Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, which for some reason has the stargate theme song.

              I MUST KNOW WHY!

              enough craziness (what? you can never have enough craziness! nevermind).


              Sam and Jack get married on the pirate planet, and it's the best ep. ever.

              S and J forever!



                Just finished watching new Order and I have to say I did actually like it...
                The bits with Pete/Fifth weren't very good but the Promotion at the end was great
                When Jack first woke up it would have been a bit better if they actually acknowledged that Sam was missing Jack didn't even ask where she was, and if he knew he didn't seem very worried

                I give part 1 6/10 and Part 2 9/10

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                  NEW ORDER SPOILERS

                  I LOVE IT! It was so cool!!

                  I was basically spoiler free...I knew fifth was in it and he tortured Sam and i guessed Jack was gonna get unfired - and i knew bout the promotions...ok so not THAT spoiler free lol...but it was COOL!

                  I loved Jack on Thor's ship playing with the lights LOL that was a classic...

                  But it did bug me how he didn't ask where Sam was
                  And I loved the ship being called "DanielJackson" *laughs*

                  And that LOOK! boy...was that a look! I gotta rate that as second best look...after D&C flashbacks/Upgrades look!

                  And I loved that the seemingly deciding point for Jack taking his promotion was that he could do what he wanted...and the first thing on his list of wanting to do was promote Sam
                  *thought that was sweet*

                  *thinks* wat else was i gonna say?

                  Ooh yeah...Sam was so NOT talking bout on the ship to Teal'c! That was Jack all the way...note how names were conveniantly left out of her side of the talking!?
                  Lol I loved that scene...I really like Sam in these two eps! I reckon she's really likeable! And her hair (normal hair not dream hair) is really cool! Best its been so far I reckon!
                  And I'm happy for Teal'c...having hair!!

                  Daniel to me Daniel lol! And I loved the scene where Jack was asking the others bout the pros & cons...that...was wat I love about SG! The team stuff...

                  And the ship of course
                  *crosses fingers for more next week*

                  RDA: "I dunno that much about Pete to be honest with you. Apprently he's no threat to O'Neill!"

                  SAM AND JACK FOREVER

                  My Sam & Jack Fan Fics


                    I know all of y'all are waiting with baited breath (or is that bad breath?) for *my* opinion of New Order.....
                    e for New Order

                    All in all, not a bad episode. Per Ship Daddy's advice, I didn't expect any ship. Wanted it, craved it, but knew they weren't gonna do it for me.

                    I loved Teal'c having lines. Yeah! And they were good lines with Carter. That was a good moment. I loved Teal'c sexy bald head, so the hair makes him look more ordinary and less exotic, but the hair will be okay.

                    I do not care for Torri Higginson. Perhaps it is because I REALLY liked Jessica Steen. I think they changed actresses because Steen looks too much like AT. (Blonde, blue eyes) JS was able to convey a courageous nervousness that I loved in Lost City, plus the fine chemistry between her and Daniel. Didn't see that tonight. I looked and didn't see it!

                    I thought the show was slow until Fifth showed up. I found myself really not caring much about the evil Goa'uld on base. (I miss Apophis.) Second half was definitely better than the first.

                    I too, thought that the torture scene should have gone on longer or been more intense. I actually thought Sam broke down a little too quickly. Maybe I was looking for an Abyss type intensity.

                    You've all said and I agree that the reunion scenes were flat and lifeless. When Jack is back, Daniel and Teal'c don't react that much. Carter's captured or dead -oh well??? And when Carter is free and realizes Jack is alive-----great smiles, but in real life wouldn't there *at least* be back slapping and handshakes?

                    Amanda Tapping is very pretty/sexy in jeans.

                    TPTB planted lots of good seeds for good story lines this season. I'm looking forward to it. Production quality was good. Excellent lighting technique throughout. (I'm a photographer/writer so I look for that sort of thing).

                    I questioned why the knowledge of the Ancients would provide clues to the defeat of the replicators....replicators are a new threat to the galaxy.

                    Loved the team moments at the end. I was uncomfortable with Jack singling out Carter for recognition without do something similar for Daniel and Teal'c. Some sort of civilian medal.

                    I personally thought that the promotion ceremony was VERY like a wedding ceremony. Sam came up the *aisle,* they faced each other, said *vows* (oath) and stood much closer to each other than they needed to. It was a sweet moment and I *could* see the TPTB echoing this moment later in the season with a wedding scene.

                    After the emotional intensity of Lost City this episode felt a little flat, but not disappointing.

                    All in all, I thought it had some shippy seeds in it. We will be happy by seasons end!!!!!


                    Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                      Originally posted by Muldy_SG1
                      NEW ORDER SPOILERS

                      Ooh yeah...Sam was so NOT talking bout on the ship to Teal'c! That was Jack all the way...note how names were conveniantly left out of her side of the talking!?
                      Lol I loved that scene...I really like Sam in these two eps! I reckon she's really likeable! And her hair (normal hair not dream hair) is really cool! Best its been so far I reckon!
                      And I'm happy for Teal'c...having hair!!
                      I didn't care for her hair with . It just looked bad. I'm sure that the wardrobe people still have the hair from the other two episodes and could've modified that. It looked like a bad mullet.

                      But, I do agree that Sam was not talking about on the ship with Teal'c. No way. No how. Uh uh. She was talking about her true love, Jack. What concerned me was how Fifth was saying this was the life she wanted (being on the farm with ). Perhaps he didn't reach far enough back in her mind and was at the surface.

                      I always knew that had a dangerously bad sign. Once you're a stalker, it only gets worse from there. Jack would never do anything to Sam.

                      I did think that it was strange that he didn't say anything about Sam being "dead." Perhaps his brain was still a little mushy. And they so could've played their reunion a little better.

                      I need a Green Shipper Cookie followed by a Purple Shipper Cookie to make me feel better.


                        Originally posted by getcarter

                        Yeah, I just jumped up and listened to it again and dang it if it I still didn't see Jack in my mind while she was talking about it!! Oh and what happened with the brief shining moment with O'Neill in the dream sequence? I kept waiting for him to be behind her or something. But you know one thing that Fifth said got me thinking...(and I'm paraphrasing here but...) he said that his dream sequence would have worked if deep down that was really what she wanted. OBVIOUSLY he used the wrong man!!!!

                        I didn't pay the least bit of attention to anything else that went on. Couldn't tell you a thing!!!
                        yay! between that and the Teal'c convo (reminds me of the other deep intimate convos they've had...about Jack!) I think I'm gonna like this episode...has some ship (although not so overt...) and Fifth has bascially just said 'you don't really love '
                        <screams and cheers> and I'm still mostly spoiler freeee....I just know a bit about the ship...

                        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          Okay I waited to read everyone's reviews until after I watched at least once. It is now on in the background I am as pathetic as anyone else so no one feel alone
                          I am happy overall...I didn't expect any overt Ship and so I wasn't disappointed. In fact I was pleasently surprised. I liked that Sam was adamant that Jack had to be saved...and I figured they cut a scene and viola Sam and Teal'c are on their way.
                          I thought it was rushed as well. Sam didn't give her much choice though. (gotta save her man)
                          Personally, I enjoyed Daniel and the new Dr Weir. I thought the banter between them was very funny and showed Daniel could be a bit snarky as well as intense. So I enjoyed him. I thought it was cool that Dr Weir wasn't all Gung Ho and really talked to Daniel and stepped up to the plate *with* him.
                          The banter was good. I've never been a Daniel fan, but I like what he is doing now. In LC, I loved Weir, but now not so much. Steen was much better. She made Weir strong yet warm. Tori's Weir was cold and too businesslike even the clothes Weir wore have changed to express the coldness. Not sure I'm going to like Weir in Atlantis, but we shall see.
                          AT did an EXCELLENT job in the torture scenes...wish they would have given her more time there. AT did a good job. She was just getting into the groove of it I felt, when they had Fifth *wimp* out. I think AT had a great opportunity THERE to do some EXCELLENT acting and TPTB cut it short.
                          The potential was there. I didn't think the torture scences were that scary (and I don't watch scary movies). Unless you were afraid of spiders or eyeballs, there wasn't much there. AT did an excellent job to the reactions. I thought when she flinched was great.
                          OMG RDA in Thor's ship had hubs and I rolling with laughter. It was a nice way to have him step into the scene. *Almost* made you forget how Jack-lite the first half was and *Definitely* made you remember why he is so important to the show. Really enjoyed that banter.
                          Absolutely Fabulous! RDA's Jack is a kid in a candy store.

                          The scenes were THANKFULLY short and as I said earlier I was hissing at the screen. What a *pike* All Fifth had to go on was Sam's memories and thoughts and since is the *guy of the moment* I am sure that is why he got picked. But it is hard to say why Sam *knew* it wasn't real...I am sure it will be said it is because she *knew* wasn't like that and it was *all* the anger that Fifth had that was coming through to throw the whole thing off.
                          I was screaming at , "Don't you kiss her!!!" Argghh! Her reaction to his kiss was priceless. Hmmm, no love there! I guess I can console myself with the fact it wasn't Pete it was Fifth. Ahh, nope.
                          I was totally expecting NOTHING from Sam & Jack when they found her so the REALLY LONG LOOK AND SMILES was an added bonus to me and the hand on the leg was a nice touch. Plus Teal'c's look was another extra.
                          Yes! I wasn't expecting them to jump one another (would have been nice), but the looks and the touch was again priceless. Where Jack put his hand was an intimate spot reserved for only those you are close to.

                          I too wish that Hammond could have told Jack about his promotion but oh well. I LOVED the looks on both of Sam & Jack's faces when he promoted her. It was like Jack was telling her "I can finally DO something FOR you" Oh and the scene before with all of them discussing the pros and cons of Jack taking command was just a wonderful *Team* moment...reminded why I love this show in the first place!!!
                          The team scene was great. I liked when Sam said, "Within reason, sir." Jack's gonna have fun, and hopefully with Sam.
                          Whew...I really didn't mean to be so long winded but...I really did enjoy it...I took Ship Daddy's advice and didn't have any expectations and just had a good time. So I am happy
                          Responding to you has made me long winded. I did take Ship Daddy's advice, and I didn't read any spoilers so I was pleasantly surprised.

                          Token ~


                            Spoilers for Season8 New Order

                            I have to say that I really enjoyed it. I laughed quite a bit out loud, which means something to me. Jack was at his best. RDA seemed much more into it than he did at the beginning of season 7. AT played Sam much softer and lighter than she has in the past. More smiles. MS is putting more snark into Daniel, and CJ is warming up Teal'c as well. Loved Teal'c and his BIG gun!

                            I have a feeling that this is going to be the direction that they are going in this year. (They said that in the Lowdown, didn't they?) We are going to see the cast play with their characters emotions more than we have seen in the past. I think that I am going to like it, especially if it means that we get more scenes like the one with Sam and Teal'c in the ship (without Jack, Teal'c is so gonna be Sam's anchor on missions off-world) and the team scene near the end.

                            Like others that have posted here, I would have liked to see some scenes played out more. Did anyone else get the feeling, though, that they were watching something big like the Super Bowl? Two minutes of action, five minutes of commercial? I'm curious if the actual show minutes were the normal. Curious to know how many scenes were edited out.

                            As for the ship, it was there. Subtle, but there. I didn't expect much more and was pretty happy with what was there. TPTB have always been very good with subtlety. Hidden meanings are to be found everywhere - the humor, the ship, etc. It's one of the reasons that I find the show so appealing. The creative talent involved with Stargate is tremendous. Of course, that admiration is probably why I was so disappointed with Chimera. That episode seemed so poorly written, so beneath their talents as writers and producers. Hopefully, they will prove me wrong and that it will turn out to be just a little piece of a much bigger picture that will leave me satisfied after all.

                            In all, New Order made me hopeful for the new season.
                            Last edited by Elfinwood; 10 July 2004, 06:31 AM. Reason: added little bits.


                              Spoilers S8 "New Order"
                              On a non-S/J note, the defector goa'uld was nice eye candy. He's got the kilt thing going.
                              Overall, TPTB had a lot to do in the episode to setup the new season 8 as well as Atlantis. I think that's why scenes felt rushed and not fully fleshed out. I'm glad Ba'al is playing a big part. I loved him in Abyss, and Jack is gonna love kicking his butt.

                              Token ~


                                Originally posted by ses110
                                Sorry again mad gater but that is what 8 years of shipper fustration does to a person.After Lost City I cannot believe the ship was not better in New Order.I have pretty much lost all hope for any good Sam and Jack Ship.I need something really big to happen to change my mind.
                                Al I can say is I really hope that Kinsey/Sam thing never comes about. Oy! Now that's a scary campfire story!

                                *takes antacids to quell roiling stomach*

