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    had to share from the TrekBBS:



    ship sistah

    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


      Originally posted by mjj1993
      Good night folks!
      Me too
      Catch you on the flipside..


        Originally posted by getcarter
        Oh my gosh!!!!! sooooooo Goood!!!!!!

        Is is just me or did it sound like she was talking about Jack when she was talking to Teal'c? I know she meant it was hard leaving Pete behind but.....even my husband said it could be taken either way. I loved the interaction with her and Teal'c - so cute.

        I was kinda dissapointed that there was no real shippy moment other than the dazzling smile she gave him but I will take what I can get. Kinda surprised he wasn't more concerned about her well being though. But all in all I thought it was an absolutely great episode. It's on again. Sadly, I feel compelled to watch again.

        Spoiler Space
        OK, does everyone have their computer attached to their tvs?? You all got on here FAST!! I actually watched it twice in a row, without coming to post cause I wanted to catch ALL the nuances.
        OK, first of all: TEAL'C IS A SHIPPER!
        I thought the way he asked about was very pointed; is everything not well?? Sam's response -- LAME! Her whole attitude at that point was yeah, he's fine. Heck new boyfriends (especially when you haven't had one for years) should be more than 'fine'. Dessert is 'fine', weather is 'fine', work is 'fine'; relationships create more excitement. She got more excited about Thor creating a black hole than about . Huhh. I also thought she (and Teal'c) were talking more about leaving someone you REALLY care about (like Jack!) than ptui.

        I'm still reading - 5 pages left, so forgive me if I rehash other shippers' thoughts.


          Originally posted by getcarter
          I kinda saw that one coming with Fifth. He seemed so smitten with her the first time he met her.
          I agree, I saw it coming too, and my eyes almost rolled out of my head. That makes ANOTHER one *shakes head*
          ~BCM =)

          Open Source Initiative (OSI)
          The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


            Originally posted by Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
            Once again, when do Danny and Teal'c not look just delicious?
            Spoiler Space
            Yeah!! I really liked Teal'c with hair, as long as it doesn't get too long. And wasn't he just the chatterbox tonight?
            As for Daniel, WONDERFUL scenes with Wier -- great dialogue, funny, almost Jacksenian banter -- hey I made up a word! Loved the scenes about calling the systems lords' bluff.

            still reading - only 5 pages of posts to go.


              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              Spoiler Season 8

              Seems like they went out of their way to avoid the ship. I mean what was that when Jack thought Sam was dead and Sam thought that she would lose Jack when he was frozen and they see each other for the first time and they say stupid lines like "glad to see ya, sir". I mean really. That wouldn't even happen in real life in the military. I mean give me a freakin break. TPTB had to really work hard to avoid ship.
              As has been suggested before I think they're really sitting on the fence right now, I think they want to get as many fans from SG-1 to Atlantis and the way to do that is to make people happy. My guess is the people they fear loosing most right now are the antis and so they are going shipless so as to "appease" them and hopefully not rock the boat. I doubt they can do it.
              ~BCM =)

              Open Source Initiative (OSI)
              The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                Originally posted by getcarter

                Yeah, I just jumped up and listened to it again and dang it if it I still didn't see Jack in my mind while she was talking about it!! Oh and what happened with the brief shining moment with O'Neill in the dream sequence? I kept waiting for him to be behind her or something. But you know one thing that Fifth said got me thinking...(and I'm paraphrasing here but...) he said that his dream sequence would have worked if deep down that was really what she wanted. OBVIOUSLY he used the wrong man!!!!

                I didn't pay the least bit of attention to anything else that went on. Couldn't tell you a thing!!!
                Spoiler space
                I bet they revisit this with the replicator Carter/real Carter and the dream sequence. THAT could be interesting. Her comment to Fifth" No matter how much you love me I could never love you back" -- hmm....maybe, subconsciously, she WAS speaking to ?

                Did'ya notice how she REALLY didn't want to delve into her thing with ? She practically RAN from that topic, looked really uncomfortable. Teal'c knows the 411 -- you could tell by how he was looking at her.

                still reading.....4 pages left....


                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  Who knows? And I know PTB aren't telling! One thing I DO know though--MS doesn't have the chemistry with her that he had with Jessica Steen...
                  Spoiler Space
                  hmmmm I actually saw a few sparks -- but then, I did drink a lot . I thought their banter was pretty good. Overall, I LIKED Steen better in the role, seemed a little tougher, but Higginson wasn't as bad as I had anticipated.

                  O Well, she's off to a galaxy far, far away next week, anyway. Daniel DOES need a little romance interest---who's the new doctor?


                    Originally posted by getcarter
                    I kinda saw that one coming with Fifth. He seemed so smitten with her the first time he met her.
                    I just made another notch on the ol' Carter naquada generator. Another one bites the dust.

                    Di, still reading (but at least now I know about the refresh button )


                      Originally posted by getcarter

                      I didn't realize how much I missed Jack's sense of humor until he reappeared. He was definitely worth the wait. I loved the whole team dynamic at the end too when they were all just kind of playing off each other when they were discussing the pros and cons of his promotion.

                      Gotta give props to AT too. She just about had me in tears when she was crying on the ship. I was soooo hoping that when Thor said they would see what the replicators were seeing they would see that particular moment. If that wouldn't make him want to reach out and touch someone - nothing would!!
                      Yep, he was TOO FUNNY this episode! The scene on Thor's ship was priceless. And he actually went to the people he cares most about to get their thoughts/advice on his situation. Wonderful team dynamics. Probably the only thing I'm kinda not happy about is the weak:"glad to see you sir; likewise" response. Hell, he even hugged Daniel when he escaped from Apophis' ship -- TPTB couldn't give us one quick hug? FCOL, they each thought the other could be DEAD! That didn't rate a hug? A handholding? Sure, Jack showed angst, concern, was even arguing with Thor about it, but sheesh. OK, appreciate the smile Sam gave Jack, but a touch?? anything??
                      end of rant -- didn't start out as one, though.



                        Spoiler Space New Order s8

                        This show makes me a little nervous about the season. We're going to get more shippy moments, but the ending... may not be enough for us.
                        I know where you're coming from

                        In general, I thought the tension could have been kicked up a notch. The torture by 5th could have been scarier-- and he wimped out pretty quick. When they saw Sam was still alive-- react please!

                        If the next episode with stuPit is anything like this one, I'm going to be okay. Sam's total rejection of that life with him was wonderful. Makes you wonder what 5th was looking at in her mind that made him think she would accept Montana-- maybe the part that was damaged in Grace that makes her accept . She didn't buy it for a second-- just like we didn't when we heard the concept. Maybe this means her brain is beginning to heal?
                        One can only hope
                        ~BCM =)

                        Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                        The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                          Originally posted by Token
                          Spoilers S8 "New Order"

                          I was not disappointed. I saw ship everywhere (for me), even with .

                          Sam was not talking about Pete with Teal'c. And Teal'c knew it too. Teal'c is going to be the catalyst to get Sam and Jack together. Yep, Teal'c's a Shipper!

                          Sam was sooo not happy about being in Montana. The comment from Fifth about it not being what she wanted deep down was a great sign. Also, I find it interesting that was creepy again. You have to wonder if it was Fifth's bad behavior or Sam's thoughts of . (hmmmm) Did anyone catch the swat on the butt Pete gave Sam. ewww! Pete's whole attitude was condecending. PTB building up to something, me thinks!

                          The final meeting of Sam and Jack could have been shipper and probably would have been, but Teal'c and Daniel were there. Remember in the "Out of Mind" and "Heroes" hugs they were alone. But Jack's hand said it all.

                          The promotion was sweet, and I'm already in love with this season.
                          Yes, lots of thoughts on how supportive her was!!! Riiight. I can tell you, people under stress seeing psychiatrists do NOT need to hear, "pancakes or I call your doctor". And the temper tantrum---who's she kidding, it's not ? Where did Fifth get the idea for the behavior? He only had HER knowledge of the man to go from -- she must have underlying suspicions about Ptui's temper, behavior. Hmmmmm......She KEPT saying I don't think this is real; again, perhaps her subconscious at work, telling her the relationship is NOT the real one for her. Her comment to Fifth: "You though I wanted THIS?" She looked horrified at the thought. This probably put some doubts in Sam's mind about her stalker boy. I hope.



                            Originally posted by sacme
                            spoiler space
                            maybe Sam was right to wonder about his feeling. I can't believe I said that, but Jack's reactions were sorely lacking, so... friendly. yuck!

                            ship sistah
                            I wouldn't have been feelin' the love either. It was like getting a slice of white bread with the crusts cut off when you were expecting a slice of warm, rich chocolate cake, newly frosted.



                              Spoiler Space s8 New Order

                              Originally posted by Token
                              You are right. The more I think about it; I get happier. Fifth got Pete's personality from somewhere. Let me think. Hmmm. SAM. Pete was very condecending in his actions and words. How would Fifth know that if Sam didn't think it?
                              The first time I saw the scene where Pete throws the Pan I was thinking that when Sam said "see that is definately not Pete" she was refering to him throwing the Pan, but she doesn't respond until after he says "I gave up my job, I gave up my life for you!" So I'm grasping at straws again

                              There was about as much ship as I was expecting (almost none) but I was really hoping they'd have a little more.
                              ~BCM =)

                              Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                              The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                                Originally posted by sacme
                                T with hair was a bit weird. have to get use to it. Loved Jack's reaction to it.

                                ship sistah
                                On my second viewing, I started to really like it. As long as it's kept short.

