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    Originally posted by GoneShippin'
    (((((sacme))))), go to your happy place. Have a cookie hon, a blue one. It IS unfair, but we shippers are hardy and strong...heck we hang our hope on the 5 little words!
    BTW, we shouldn't look for much ship next week -- it's the Atlantis premiere and Jack and Daniel are in it for sure but I'm not sure about Sam and Teal'c.

    Our ship WILL come in -- who's got the Ship gif?? we need to see it...
    Unlike the TPTB, ask and ye shall receive.......

    Token ~


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      We haven't gotten anything on our end of town so here is hopin <crossing fingers for a bit-o-rain now that I have seen SG >

      I could live with a quick power fluctuation during the kiss...I was hissing at the TV and had hubs laughing
      I was yelling "don't do it! don't do it! stop him, Sam! Arrgh!"

      ship sistah

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by sacme
        I was yelling "don't do it! don't do it! stop him, Sam! Arrgh!"

        ship sistah
        *shakes sacme to try and snap her out of it*

        mad_gater (in Keldor mode): Ship Sistah! It is not the end of the Tau'ri yet! There is still hope for Jack and Samantha! There is still a whole season to go through yet!

        mad_gater (host mode): I promise if by the end we don't get a resolution between S and J, you can rant and rave all you want!


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          Okay I waited to read everyone's reviews until after I watched at least once. It is now on in the background I am as pathetic as anyone else so no one feel alone


          OMG RDA in Thor's ship had hubs and I rolling with laughter. It was a nice way to have him step into the scene. *Almost* made you forget how Jack-lite the first half was and *Definitely* made you remember why he is so important to the show. Really enjoyed that banter.
          I was totally expecting NOTHING from Sam & Jack when they found her so the REALLY LONG LOOK AND SMILES was an added bonus to me and the hand on the leg was a nice touch. Plus Teal'c's look was another extra.
          I find it a bit depressing that we have to go into this show expecting nothing. I really think it's right that we should have expected something. I hate being built up only to be let down. Ah well, the life of a shipper is not an easy one.

          "Operator! I don't think my straps are on tight enough! Operator!"

          ship sistah

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            Originally posted by sacme
            I was yelling "don't do it! don't do it! stop him, Sam! Arrgh!"

            ship sistah
            ROTFL!!! We are definitely sistahs 'cuz I was yelling the same thing! LOL! But the look on her face was priceless!

            Token ~


              Originally posted by madfrenchie
              I can so see Teal'c standing with his arms crossed right outside of that closet.
              Then Jack would ask Sam that very same question...who's your daddy?!!!

              ship sistah

              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                Originally posted by sacme
                "Operator! I don't think my straps are on tight enough! Operator!"

                ship sistah
                LOL How about? "Operator! Does this ride ever end??!!!?"

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by Token
                  LOL How about? "Operator! Does this ride ever end??!!!?"
                  TPTB: Nope. This roller coaster ride goes on for eternity! MWAHAHAHAHA!

                  mad_gater (Keldor mode): Then you will have one pissed of Tok'ra shipper. And a pissed off Tok'ra shipper is not a pretty sight!

                  *whips out zat and zats roller coaster controls*
                  *gets off roller coaster and blasts TPTB with ribbon device*

                  mad_gater (host mode): That'll teach ya to mess with us and my mental Tok'ra roomie!


                    Originally Posted by madfrenchie
                    I can so see Teal'c standing with his arms crossed right outside of that closet.
                    Then Jack would ask Sam that very same question...who's your daddy?!!!
                    Sam replys in a sweet southern accent, "Why, General, what ever do you mean?"

                    Jack coos, "C'mere, and I'll show you."


                    Sam groans, "Sweet, sweet dad-day!"

                    Jack grrrs, "Oh, mama!"

                    Teal'c grins.

                    Token ~


                      Originally posted by Token
                      Sam replys in a sweet southern accent, "Why, General, what ever do you mean?"

                      Jack coos, "C'mere, and I'll show you."


                      Sam groans, "Sweet, sweet dad-day!"

                      Jack grrrs, "Oh, mama!"

                      Teal'c grins.
                      mad_gater (blushing at imagery): Oy! PG forum people!

                      You guys are too funny today.


                        Originally posted by mad_gater
                        mad_gater (blushing at imagery): Oy! PG forum people!

                        You guys are too funny today.
                        Hey, that was PG! I can't help it if you went to the gutter! (where I already am. )

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by Token
                          Hey, that was PG! I can't help it if you went to the gutter! (where I already am. )
                          Guess me and Keldor kinda wlaked into that one eh?


                            Originally posted by mad_gater
                            Guess me and Keldor kinda wlaked into that one eh?
                            I can type! Yeah right! Guess I'm still feelin' the effects of a hangover Tok'ra style. Oy!


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar


                              OMG RDA in Thor's ship had hubs and I rolling with laughter. It was a nice way to have him step into the scene. *Almost* made you forget how Jack-lite the first half was and *Definitely* made you remember why he is so important to the show. Really enjoyed that banter.
                              *Oops, I forgot to write in my comment here in my other message*

                              As funny and as classic Jack as he was, I had a problem with the fact that it seemed like he never got serious. I love that Jack can be so irreverant and then be so on point when there is trouble and I didn't think RDA convinced me of the gravity of the situation after he was de-cycled. I don't want to say he phoned it in, but he could have been directed better. I understand-- and busted a gut-- during the after-freeze haze, but then I wanted him to get hyped up. He wasn't sufficiently hyped, for my taste. I need to watch it a 3rd time.

                              I love the concept of Jack putting his life on the line to save the planet, then Sam risking her's for Jack, then Jack being saved because of her actions and then going off to save her! Extremely shippy! But the execution left a bit to be desired.

                              ship sistah
                              Last edited by sacme; 10 July 2004, 09:56 AM.

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by Muldy_SG1
                                NEW ORDER SPOILERS


                                And that LOOK! boy...was that a look! I gotta rate that as second best look...after D&C flashbacks/Upgrades look!

                                And I loved that the seemingly deciding point for Jack taking his promotion was that he could do what he wanted...and the first thing on his list of wanting to do was promote Sam
                                *thought that was sweet*
                                it's definitely saying something that whenever Jack can do whatever he wants to do, he thinks of Sam Either he's going to resign, dip and kiss her or he's going to promote her! Man, he just looked like he could kiss her or marry her when they were up on the ramp. *Sigh* RDA did that really well.

                                ship sistah
                                Last edited by sacme; 10 July 2004, 09:52 AM. Reason: forgot to delete past my name

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

