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    Originally posted by marimba26
    Yep--she has become EXACTLY what she most feared and I'm hating EVERY MINUTE OF IT! I can hope "New Order" will fix that but I'm not holding out too much hope with idiots like RCC in charge!

    As for the hate mail--I'm with you. As much as I hate this whole situation I would NEVER send a hate letter! It's a TV SHOW, FCOL! I felt sorry for poor Damien Kindler who looked rather sheepish about the whole thing like agreeing to write that dialogue is the worst decision he's ever made (probably is). I was thinking of writing him a letter of support. He's kind of stuck between an idiot (RCC) and a hard place (the fans).

    I did feel sorry for Amanda but now I'm just sick of hearing from her. She should have clammed up a few interviews ago. Now she just looks kind of pathetic. I'm hoping that she will change my mind at Gatecon because I really liked her before and I would LIKE to really like her again. I just want her to talk about something else--anything else--besides Ptui! Or just be quiet! That would work too at this point.

    I don't know how things go at cons these days(Q and A session?), but if it's anything like the old days somebody will ask THAT question and she'll answer and she will say..................probably the same old thing.


      Originally posted by majorsal
      Hurry, take this!

      *pushes JackClone to Ship Nana*

      Watch out!

      *cringes as JackClone falls on top of Ship Nana.... wonders why JackClone's still down.... notices Ship Nana's vise grip on JackClone's body...... is impressed by Ship Nana's thigh strength*

      Thanks!!! I feel soooo muuuuchhh beetttterrr now! Ahhhhhhh!

      I guess working out with all those free weights and running on the treadmill really payed off in spades. (In RL I just ran a 10K road race on the 4th. Not bad for a Ship Nana - However, I cheated because my inspiration was pretending to chase Jack down - but then that's another thread isn't it?)

      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by Send Pete to Edora
        Hey, you forgot to send Baal after him with a nice torture à la Jack!
        Oh yeah! And after all that Ol' Space Monkey can stuff an unimportant, artifact up 's anal cavity!


          Originally posted by majorsal
          I've thought about that too! What I'd do, though, is have a scene where we see the future for them -marriage, children- but the show returns to present time and ends with the entire team together. And yes, a shipper can dream... and project, and hope, and beg, and pray, and...

          Oh I sooo like your ending. Can we have a non-AU, non-dream, full-on-lips, shipper fainting kiss also? Pretty Please *she's says on bended knees*
          Ship Nana


            Originally posted by majorsal
            Tame, honey....


            Quick, someone get her the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies!!!

            Ok you asked for it so here it is just for Tame:

            The New Turquoise Shipper Cookies
            - which are the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by mad_gater
              Oh yeah! And after all that Ol' Space Monkey can stuff an unimportant, artifact up 's anal cavity!
              After all that happens in my sig, Sam can walk by the infirmary where Daniel and Janet are making out. Sam is still blushing. They notice a momentary red glow.

              Daniel: Where'd that red glow come from?
              Janet: I don't know sweety. Let's get back down to business, okay?
              Daniel: OK. This time you're on top!
              Janet: Yippee!

              Yep. My dirty mind at work here folks!


                Originally posted by sacme
                Hey cousin, I'll have some of that special lemonade!

                Look what TPTB have done to this thread-- they've driven us all to drink. If things don't pick up soon for the shippers, it's gonna get ugly. We're not happy or whiny drunks-- we're those scary, ranting drunks.

                *what?! what you looking at? huh?! Grahhhh! Leme alone. I'm fine right here*

                ship sistah
                Yeah but AA sure is happy!! More business for them!! TPTB must own shares in AA since their the ones that have driven us to the drink!!!
                Last edited by Ship Nana; 07 July 2004, 11:02 AM.
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  Ok you asked for it so here it is just for Tame:

                  The New Turquoise Shipper Cookies
                  - which are the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies
                  Warning! These cookies are Naquada-enhanced! May cause hyperspace windows to form around the cookie eater! May also cause symbiote carrying people everywhere to go crazy cuz they'd be sensing lots of Naquada, but no symbiote!


                    Originally posted by Seven
                    I agree that RDA will have a lot of say in the matter. An example is the ridiculous stroyline on Voyager about Seven and Chakotay getting together, this came from Robert Beltran (Chakotay) asking the writers for it to happen.

                    Can you blame the guy! After all look at that cat suit they put Seven (not you) in!!

                    I was pulling for a Captain Janeway and Chakotay ship which seemed more natural to me (just MHO) and left the show when they put Chakotay with Seven.

                    And then there was JAG!! But we won't go there!

                    Hmmmm, I'm 0 for 2 right now!! I'm overdue for a break don't ya think?
                    Ship Nana


                      Hey all shippers! I've been reading this thread for some time. You guys are hilarious! I just registered, and I hope to post a lot more soon! BTW, I love your sig, mad_gater!
                      -Amanda L
                      Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


                        Originally posted by Send Pete to Edora
                        Wow! It´s hard to keep track here! You are fast! Thanks Marimba! And Sally, no offense taken! I know I picked a name that will either be loved or hated. But as I looked for a name I was in a situation where this one was absolutely perfect and I still love it.
                        I have to admit I didn´t really think about Amanda´s reaction while reading my name ...hehe. But actually I think she has lots of humor and she would laugh about it...but if more of you guys think the name could be a problem maybe I should add something like "No offense " behind it ...because I really don´t want to change it. What do you guys think about it?

                        Oh and btw, to make it easier next time ...I´m a she! Absolutely female and addicted to Rick´s lips! *thud*

                        Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*
                        I think you should keep the name that makes you happy!!
                        Ship Nana


                          Originally posted by sacme
                          spoilers season premiere

                          we're also going to see AT half-naked in the season premiere. yeah, male writers for ya.

                          ship sistah

                          Plus Janet was killed off and her replacement is going to be very young and quite beautiful (if what I read is true). She probably graduated med school the same age as Doogie Houser.


                            Originally posted by Elfinwood
                            Maybe that's 's true purpose!!! To unite us all!!!

                            Well then he's done a good job!!!!
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by mad_gater
                              Warning! These cookies are Naquada-enhanced! May cause hyperspace windows to form around the cookie eater! May also cause symbiote carrying people everywhere to go crazy cuz they'd be sensing lots of Naquada, but no symbiote!
                              Suggestive piccap for T's apparently surprised look in my sig pic:

                              I did not know that O'Neill's body was so skilled when it came to Samantha Carter! Perhaps he can teach me to emulate his skill with Ish'ta.


                                Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                                Plus Janet was killed off and her replacement is going to be very young and quite beautiful (if what I read is true). She probably graduated med school the same age as Doogie Houser.
                                I know! Just thinking of what coulda happened in WoO where Janet was still alive!

