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    Originally posted by Ship Nana
    I soooooooooo want Jack to get to be a father again. He deserves another chance at it.
    Oh, amen! And I'd go a step further and say that he needs another chance at it, to prove to himself that he can be a wonderful father. I think it's the final step he needs to take to heal old wounds.

    Hmm... feeling mildly inspired to write this scene. Maybe when I get back later this evening I'll tackle it.

    Meanwhile, Marimba, your comments about Turandot cracked me up. How'd you know I was going for that? (Placido Domingo, of course. )
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Token
      Ship Nana, you know I love you! And your cookies! However, Sam is NOT human! She is a TV character. Each week we suspend our beliefs to see SG1 save the earth! If SG1 was human, they would have been dead long ago! That's my problem...if they can be super-human in their jobs, why is it so hard to write them as having "a lick of sense" in a relationship. JMHO

      Token I love you toooooo!!!

      Sam's not real? Oh no! Just kidding!!!

      Well TPTB sure are a stickler for those RL Air Force Regs aren't they?! They can't seem to find a way around them, even though it IS make-believe and TPTB can do anything they want to with their characters. So it's not to much of a leap to believe they would write a relationship this way!
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by marimba26
        Well, my romantic self was thinking it might be a classical reference to the fates and the threads of life and how they are woven into a great fabric--how cheesy is that?

        No, I like that!!! It sounds so classical!
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by Starfury
          OK, I gave up trying to "catch up" and read/skim all the posts. And I gave up trying to avoid some spoilers, too. My take on the "Threads" SPOILERS is....

          I think it's is a subtle and sinister plot contrived by the TPTB to influence the upcoming US Presidential Election, by subconsciously influencing voters to respond negatively to the name "Kerry". OK, so the episode won't air till AFTER the election. We can't let reality get in the way of a good theory...besides, the spoilers are here now...

          "I was FOR the ship before I was against it!"
          --If John Kerry were a Stargate fan...
          Yes, the vast Stargate conspiracy! Did anyone else read that really silly bit on the GOP site? Stupid stuff about Stargate making fun of Bush and such--and NO, I do NOT want to start a political discussion, just thought it was a bit ridiculous! It was saying that the comment Jack made in Lost City about the two shrubs (one of whom is Kinsey) was political--I was like okay whatever! Okay--back on topic...this is TOO funny!! Sam and Jack Forever!
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by Ship Nana
            Marimba, I think you need to thank TPTB also as they have given you a whole new skill for a new career (motivational speaker) in case your current one doesn't work out. Wow, talk about on the job training!!!
            Wow! That would mean I'd actually *have* a career! how cool is that? Thanks Ship Nana!
            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              so did you all see this? Sorry if it's old news.. I just saw it.



                Originally posted by Smed
                thanks very much for taking the time.

                And yes, you could put me strongly in the Pro Sam/Jack Ship category. I understood the basics thoughts.. but thought I would ask the question.

                Thanks again
                Well then...ahem...

                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by Smed
                  so did you all see this? Sorry if it's old news.. I just saw it.

                  Yep it's old news! But keep your eyes peeled. You never know what you'll find out there.

                  Your braver than me. I don't venture out of Shipper Town to often. They kinda keep me locked up in the shipper bakery!!!
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by marimba26
                    Wow! That would mean I'd actually *have* a career! how cool is that? Thanks Ship Nana!
                    You can be the official Shipper Town motivational speaker.


                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      I soooooooooo want Jack to get to be a father again. He deserves another chance at it.

                      Which brings up a question. Sam has naquadah in her blood, right? (forgot which ep(s) said that) But is this stuff about how it might prevent her having children purely a fanfic invention? I would think so, but it's so prevalent I thought I'd ask. Usually it doesn't prevent it from happening in those stories(and neither does birth control, seemingly).


                        YAY!! I like the idea of Sam and Jack getting together and having kid!! Of course it'd have to be an episdoe where they 'fast forward' into the future! Then maybe make it so the kid was unique. Like another step towards our evolution (c'mon a kid made from Sam and Jack... with all that has happened with those two something is gonna be definately different in this kid).


                        McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                        TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                        McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                        MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          SUPER SICK and TWISTED idea ahead, so be warned...

                          Selmac doesn't want to take Jacob with him, so he says that he wants to leave Jacob before the end. Jacob says no, giving Sam the realization that it's 'Selmac' that dying, and that her dad's going along for the ride because of his love for the symbiote. Meanwhile, Pete just happens to be in the infirmary -after getting hurt again after following her again- and when he finds out that Sam's dad is there... he goes over, shakes his hand, and is grabbed by Selmac and given a big kiss! Sam hears a commotion, comes quickly to her dad's side, but sees Pete standing there with an odd look on his face. When Sam asks him what's wrong, he says, "Samantha, it is I, Selmac." Sam screams. Pete comes around and screams. Jacob screams. Jack comes quickly and... as he's gently taking a tramatized Sam to the door, he turns and gives Jacob a wink and nod.

                          The end of As the Stargate Chugs.

                          I like it! I like it! My visual on that was really good!
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by Nikkirose
                            YAY!! I like the idea of Sam and Jack getting together and having kid!! Of course it'd have to be an episdoe where they 'fast forward' into the future! Then maybe make it so the kid was unique. Like another step towards our evolution (c'mon a kid made from Sam and Jack... with all that has happened with those two something is gonna be definately different in this kid).
                            Yep. Jack's fairly advanced as he was able to hold the knowledge of the Ancients in his head for short periods of time. ANd Sam is pretty advanced in her knowledge of her field too. A kid from Sam and Jack might provide the "missing link" the Asgard have been looking for.


                              Originally posted by marimba26
                              Yes, the vast Stargate conspiracy! Did anyone else read that really silly bit on the GOP site? Stupid stuff about Stargate making fun of Bush and such--and NO, I do NOT want to start a political discussion, just thought it was a bit ridiculous! It was saying that the comment Jack made in Lost City about the two shrubs (one of whom is Kinsey) was political--I was like okay whatever! Okay--back on topic...this is TOO funny!! Sam and Jack Forever!

                              No I didn't see that, but did you notice he said it again to Weir about who might be appointed in her place? I thought maybe (and this is probl. far out)that was deliberate to deflect away from his talking about elected officials in LC as now he's asking about an appointment, so it could be construed differently. That is, even though I didn't see it on the GOP site there was a bit of talk about it at LC time on a GW thread. Who knows, maybe someone higher up overseeing SG got extra sensitive about it. For those who might not follow U.S. politics, "Shrub" is a somewhat derogatory nickname for Pres. Bush, as in, the son of a Bush(the first Pres. Bush)= little bush= shrub.


                                Spoliers for Season 8 "Threads"


                                I also think this episode has a chance to be great.I would love to see this as 2 part episode so there is enough time to cover everything.I would also like to see Jack as a Civilian.It would be interesting after seeing him as Military.I really believe Pete will be gone in this episode but the only thing that worries me is Season 9.Season 9 is like a cloud over the rest of the Season 8 episodes.I hope if there is Season 9 they will not have Sam stay with Pete after Sam sees Jack with Kerry.I really cannot take anymore delays after 8 years of waiting and I bet not many Shippers want to wait for Season 9 to find out about Sam and Jack either.I bet even non-Shippers would rather have Sam and Jack get together in 8 instead of dragging things to 9.

