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    I'll also be making "Just hold on" Spiderman 2 soundtrack when I'm back

    Can the shipper who requested it put her/his hand up??!!!I can't remember who it is !!!!

    Sorry I could not make it on time for shipper day .

    ANAKIN ......I will PM you tonight about meeting next week Sorry I was not in touch ...was busy making that big project and you know I have a lot of people on my MSN and Yahoo messenger ...and I didn't want to be distracted while I was making the shippy i had to close them while working. but I'm back now



      Originally posted by marimba26

      Just wanted to say THANKS for all the sweet things you said about my vids on the Ship Day Thread!! I know I haven't said much lately but I think your vids are just wonderful! And you're right--we have TOTALLY different styles!! A good thing, I think! Shippers need their variety!!

      Anyway just wanted to say Thanks!!


      Is that me or you bouncing up and down?!!

      Did you see ...we have our own cineplex at the shipper town

      We have to keep busy with new releases

      Don't want the shippers to be bored to death You'll have some work to do while I'm gone to keep the shop up and running

      Caty aka ShipDiva


        To CLAIRE S99

        I also watched " Die another day " music video again last night ...and you 're right ....the timing was actually spot on... on quite a few transitions...I impressed myself last night by rewatching it ....and yes The transitions or effects did make the video what it is my own Sam and Jack Bond music video



          Originally posted by Catysg1
          I'll also be making "Just hold on" Spiderman 2 soundtrack when I'm back
          Can the shipper who requested it put her/his hand up??!!!I can't remember who it is !!!!
          It was me!!! I'm so happy, I think I'll treat myself to the RDA Thunk Thread. What am I saying! I should be treating you to some Thunkalicious RDA!!!

          I wish I had the talent to help instead of just suggesting. But hey, I didn't even realize people made videos for shows till a few weeks ago. Rock on.
          "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
          "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
          Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
          Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
          "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
          Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
          Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
          (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


            //Of course we kept falling into the gutter more often than not!!!! I wish Corn Ba'al would stop futzing with the gravity in this thread!!!! //

            I like that excuse...reason! I meant reason!

            I just don't like how much sugar is in regular soda, so I tried I like the taste better (having nothing to do with Sam's comment...although I do imitate it for amusement...)

            "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
            describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

            <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
            Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


              Nikkirose: I didn't vote for Paradise Lost (despite the great locker room scene and Sam snapping that scientists head off) cause there's not much Sam and Jack interaction. All we really get is Sam Entity (my vote) we get Jack angst and interaction. Plus, I didn't vote for anything from S7 cause is overshadowing those episodes. And that POV kiss unsettles me a little...if not for would've been tough.

              well, off to work...once GIS finishes correcting my data One of the coordinators just walked in to see how its going and I've got the computer next to me running my GIS program and I'm playing at Gateworld. She comes over to look over my shoulder and see how my GIS is coming...and I have to point at the other computer and

              "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
              describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

              <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
              Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                Hello, good morning, guten tag, hola, bonjour, yada yada etc etc et all. (just some randomness there folks!)

                SHIPPER DAY WAS AWESOME!!!

                Mishy and I watched Children of The Gods (because I hadn't seen it), Cold Lazarus (same reason), Solitudes, Holiday (I hadn't seen it either),D&C, WoO, and the season finale of S2 (the name escapes me at this moment!).

                I also got my first DVD box set!!!! It's the American one, and I live in Scotland, so I'm glad I have a PAL DVD player!

                Thanks Mishy! (Don't worry. I will give you the money for it!)

                Well, I need to go and walk the dog and stuff, so I shall see you all later!!!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  Hello, good morning, guten tag, hola, bonjour, yada yada etc etc et all. (just some randomness there folks!)

                  SHIPPER DAY WAS AWESOME!!!

                  Mishy and I watched Children of The Gods (because I hadn't seen it), Cold Lazarus (same reason), Solitudes, Holiday (I hadn't seen it either),D&C, WoO, and the season finale of S2 (the name escapes me at this moment!).

                  I also got my first DVD box set!!!! It's the American one, and I live in Scotland, so I'm glad I have a PAL DVD player!

                  Thanks Mishy! (Don't worry. I will give you the money for it!)

                  Well, I need to go and walk the dog and stuff, so I shall see you all later!!!
                  SueKay - I've got the whole of season 4 on DVD but it's the UK version - can you play them?

                  shipper day was such fun! Glad to see we hit our mark!!!

                  And we do know how to fill a thread don't we?



                    Originally posted by ra-hanna
                    It was me!!! I'm so happy, I think I'll treat myself to the RDA Thunk Thread. What am I saying! I should be treating you to some Thunkalicious RDA!!!

                    I wish I had the talent to help instead of just suggesting. But hey, I didn't even realize people made videos for shows till a few weeks ago. Rock on.
                    Hi ra-hanna

                    Ok I'll remember now

                    So you must be catching up on lots of videos then ..cuz there are tons of them everywhere.

                    Will do it sometimes after my holiday break

                    Caty aka ShipDiva


                      Just to let you guys know that starting tonight my time with you guys is gonna be rather limited because I have to disconnect my apartment computer today.

                      Don't worry though, I can still use the computer labs!!!! But I may not get much time there as I'm gonna be spending a lot of my time packing stuff up and cleaning my apartment.


                        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                        SueKay - I've got the whole of season 4 on DVD but it's the UK version - can you play them?

                        shipper day was such fun! Glad to see we hit our mark!!!

                        And we do know how to fill a thread don't we?

                        Oh yeah!!!! We're the record setters!!!!


                          Originally posted by mad_gater
                          Just to let you guys know that starting tonight my time with you guys is gonna be rather limited because I have to disconnect my apartment computer today.

                          Don't worry though, I can still use the computer labs!!!! But I may not get much time there as I'm gonna be spending a lot of my time packing stuff up and cleaning my apartment.
                          NOOOOOOOO! Well, okay, as long as you can still use the computer labs. Are you moving then?
                          JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                          Thank you, Nikkirose!


                            Originally posted by marimba26
                            Well, Folks, I'm a little late but I thought I'd give you one last vid to end the day...

                            "Making Love Out of Nothing At All" by Air Supply


                            btw--I'm still working on the two requests (I try and Runaway) so I haven't forgotten you guys, this one just spoke to me and had to be made...
                            Wow. I had to listen to it twice, I just loved it! :::sigh::: It was so romantic. You do such cool things!
                            Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received. - Lorien


                              Originally posted by JSDT
                              NOOOOOOOO! Well, okay, as long as you can still use the computer labs. Are you moving then?
                              Yep. My lease for my on-campus apartment is up on Saturday, so I'm moving back in with my parents because I can no longer afford such an expensive apartment.


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                IF you don't mind ..I'm reposting my last videos here for anyone who didn't make it through the ship thread yesterday..and also I'm off for 2 weeks You won't see my screenname for a while

                                So enjoy while I'm gone
                                Enjoy your holiday! Hope you're doing something fun! Don't forget to come back, all rested and refreshed and ready to do more videos! Was that too subtle, do you think?

                                Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received. - Lorien

