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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    Thanks, hon.

    So, how does everyone like my new sigpic? Fits, eh?

    All I see is an 'X'.

    Token ~


      NEWBIE!!! please explain the cookies!! i know ship nana knows!


        Originally posted by majorsal
        Oh, I've never left. Just have made useless, stupid, snarky, snotty, dumb, boring, and irritable posts. Yes, I've added a lot to this thread.

        Yes, you have!! I enjoy reading what you have to say! Where would we be without our Aunt Sally? *a lot less posts* ((((((((((((Aunt Sally)))))))))))

        BTW...Are you an Aunt on Ship Mum's side of the family or Ship Daddy's side?

        Token ~


          I must admit I was a bit puzzled over several recent interviews of Amanda's, and David DeLuise's.

          I would like to stress out that I don't hate Pete, I find his behavior in Chimera immature and unbecoming of a supposedly nice guy, period.
          I also understand that the character of Sam needs to find what kind of woman outside of the SGC she is, and that includes a romantic relationship - therefore obviously - without Jack.

          What Mr. Mallozzi said IMHO is rather encouraging. S8 is 20 episodes long, we've only seen the first two. Realistically a lot will happen to all of the characters we've come to love, and I don't feel manipulated or anything. We all knew deep down that the resolution of the Sam and Jack ship would not occur in the first episodes.
          Jack's and Sam's promotions are obviously going to mean evolutions for the characters, Jack is now at the top of the SGC ladder, and Sam is at the top of the SG1 ladder. Both have reached levels of command they had never achieved before, both will grow up in a way.
          I for one am willing to watch all of season 8, and definitely will not boycott any of them just because there's a character I might dislike in it (which is NOT the case). I will enjoy both the evolution of Sam and Jack, as well as their mutual evolution.

          What will happen between Sam and Pete in Affinity? I don't know, but I think the very fact Sam is asking her teamates, including General Jack IS a good sign: she doesn not feel secure enough (with herself and/or the relatioship? The episode will tell us). Whether she accepts or not is not so important. Even if she does, it doesn't mean it's the end for Sam and Jack. Her involvement with Pete has not tarnished her feelings for Jack in S7. She may think that with Jack now a general and leader of the SGC, any romantic relationship or dream of one is a dead end and she'd better settle in for good with a nice guy?
          Sure *she* could resign, but let's face it, she's just been promoted, I don't think she's ready to leave the SGC...
          So yes, some of us might be pissed about some upcoming episodes, but it doesn't mean the end for Sam and Jack. Definitely not.

          For all it's worth, I trust you, Mr. Mallozzi, thanks for taking the time to post on this heated forum, we *are* passionate fans indeed, but who - in Stargate fandom - isn't?
          Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


            Originally posted by jjj2046
            I'm pretty much a lurker here and admit to being only a casual J&S shipper because I appreciate the problems associated with a relationship between military people within the same chain of command.

            However it has always seemed quite obvious that Sam and Jack were interested in each other more than as team members. I felt that given Jack's repressed nature and his status as the senior officer he was the reason a relationship hadn't developed. Since I think dwelling on the characters' personal lives detracts fom their mission I was prepared to live with the UST and figured at the end of the show the characters would somehow get together.


            I've done that with other shows and ended up feeling used and manipulated. Sorry that this is so long but it's sad to realize that fan manipulation is alive and well in Stargate land.
            If given a choice now, I would have liked to have stayed with the UST. I guess now we know it wasn't just the regs that was keeping Sam and Jack apart. It was "issues". Wait...we're the ones with "issues"

            Token ~


              Originally posted by fUrLiNgS_r_CaTz
              hi everyone!!! closet shipper here wow yall started a new thread and just when my comp started actin up!! its a replicator in disguise. im defiatly a j/s shipper all the way, but its kinda good in a way to have that pete fellow in the show. he makes sure that another side of sam is shown - one she cant have with jack, at least not yet. but he has served his porpuse, now lets hang him!!! it gives us hope for the future.

              any of you that need a quick fix of some s/j hop on over to most of you probably know its there, but for those that dont, it definatly helps with the whole cant-be-together-but-wanna complex. anyway, ive taken enough space, nice chattin!!

              Peace, Love, and everything Feline,
              Furlings are Cats
              Rope anyone? LOL. Maybe not hang but seriously tie him up! Thanks for the link, and come by for a chat anytime!

              Token ~


                chat??? wheres the chat??? i dont see any chat. im new here and i really dont know how to navigate the web a car maybe but not the web. but if u tell me where it is ill be right there!!!

                Peace, Love, and everything Feline,
                Furlings are Cats


                  Originally posted by Anakin
                  I must admit I was a bit puzzled over several recent interviews of Amanda's, and David DeLuise's.

                  I would like to stress out that I don't hate Pete, I find his behavior in Chimera immature and unbecoming of a supposedly nice guy, period.
                  I also understand that the character of Sam needs to find what kind of woman outside of the SGC she is, and that includes a romantic relationship - therefore obviously - without Jack.

                  What Mr. Mallozzi said IMHO is rather encouraging. S8 is 20 episodes long, we've only seen the first two. Realistically a lot will happen to all of the characters we've come to love, and I don't feel manipulated or anything. We all knew deep down that the resolution of the Sam and Jack ship would not occur in the first episodes.
                  Jack's and Sam's promotions are obviously going to mean evolutions for the characters, Jack is now at the top of the SGC ladder, and Sam is at the top of the SG1 ladder. Both have reached levels of command they had never achieved before, both will grow up in a way.
                  I for one am willing to watch all of season 8, and definitely will not boycott any of them just because there's a character I might dislike in it (which is NOT the case). I will enjoy both the evolution of Sam and Jack, as well as their mutual evolution.

                  What will happen between Sam and Pete in Affinity? I don't know, but I think the very fact Sam is asking her teamates, including General Jack IS a good sign: she doesn not feel secure enough (with herself and/or the relatioship? The episode will tell us). Whether she accepts or not is not so important. Even if she does, it doesn't mean it's the end for Sam and Jack. Her involvement with Pete has not tarnished her feelings for Jack in S7. She may think that with Jack now a general and leader of the SGC, any romantic relationship or dream of one is a dead end and she'd better settle in for good with a nice guy?
                  Sure *she* could resign, but let's face it, she's just been promoted, I don't think she's ready to leave the SGC...
                  So yes, some of us might be pissed about some upcoming episodes, but it doesn't mean the end for Sam and Jack. Definitely not.

                  For all it's worth, I trust you, Mr. Mallozzi, thanks for taking the time to post on this heated forum, we *are* passionate fans indeed, but who - in Stargate fandom - isn't?
                  Good points! I don't hate Pete either just want him gone. Sam nor Jack should resign until they both know for certain that they want a relationship together. Why give up their careers and friendships on a what-if.

                  Token ~


                    Originally posted by fUrLiNgS_r_CaTz
                    chat??? wheres the chat??? i dont see any chat. im new here and i really dont know how to navigate the web a car maybe but not the web. but if u tell me where it is ill be right there!!!

                    Peace, Love, and everything Feline,
                    Furlings are Cats
                    Sorry for the confusion. You said, "nice chattin!!" so I was responding, "Come by for a chat anytime."

                    Token ~


                      Whew!!! I finished all the post for now! I'm going to run out of "Welcome" signs with all the newbies. But that's OK! We are glad you joined the family!

                      It's getting close to moving time. Ship Sistah, don't you have the moving list? We don't want to forget anything especially all our new family members.

                      Token ~


                        oic <blushes> well i figured something was up when i looked and if they had a chat here there would probably be a link on the front page for it. to much inscese for my <dances jovialy> heres a rope, ill help you tie him up!

                        Peace, Love, and everything Feline
                        Furlings are Cats


                          Why keep him – maybe because he’s a certain somebody’s brother in real life?
                          Moderator speaking here.

                          Please, there is no need to accuse anyone of nepotism. Say what you like about Pete Shanahan (if it's PG), he's a fictional character and has sod-all protection under the rules of this forum.

                          PdL, the other PTBs and DdL are real people. Please do not make wild accusations that impy a lack of ethics on the part of any of them.

                          Thank you.

                          Madeleine W



                            Originally posted by JMallozzi
                            All I have to say is don't jump to conclusions. Or, more precisely, jump to small conclusions - but don't assume that they'll necessarily lead to a big conclusion. Or, better yet - watch all of season 8 before you start consider giving away all your wordly possessions and moving into a commune in Southern California. Its going to be a rollercoaster year for our gang.

                            If you are REALLY who your name says you are...thanks for throwing out a life preserver! I was drowning!

                            RL was a bit stressful yesterday. THEN the DDL interview and photos came up. UGH!

                            I watch Stargate and hang out in this thread to have fun, relax, go 'offworld' from my own problems.

                            I'm sure after the roller coaster has come to a full and complete stop we will think it was fun.

                            Again, thanks for taking the time to post.

                            Last edited by SG1Happy; 13 July 2004, 07:24 AM. Reason: typos

                            Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                              Originally posted by JMallozzi
                              All I have to say is don't jump to conclusions. Or, more precisely, jump to small conclusions - but don't assume that they'll necessarily lead to a big conclusion. Or, better yet - watch all of season 8 before you start consider giving away all your wordly possessions and moving into a commune in Southern California. Its going to be a rollercoaster year for our gang.
                              Thanks for stopping by, Joe. It's good of you to try to assuage our fears.

                              Still, I'm not buying the Season 7 or 8 DVDs until I see how all this turns out. I find I can't watch the 'shippy' episodes in the first six seasons I do own--and that's a lot of episodes.

                              I'll hang in there through the end of Season 8, but I however this all turns out, I'm not willing to ride the rollercoaster another year. Ready to get off when this one pulls in.



                                yes, we all go offworld, but how many come back??? thats the question. plus, dont worry, if the show producers have an iq bigger than a penut SOMETHING will definatly happen b4 the seiris ends <sorry crappy spell>
                                Peace, Love and everything Feline
                                Furlings are Cats

