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    Originally posted by sacme
    AT has been so pro-stuPit, I don't know if I can give her a pass on this. I'm even re-thinking the letter. If she cares at all about our ship she sure isn't showing it.

    I really want to be cheered up and think positively, but I need proof of ship-life.

    Funny that, I too was reconsidering that letter.
    Token, you posted something about RDA's five little words not holding you anymore. Now I am thinking 'was this all part of a joke?'
    Also like you, I can not enjoy fanfic, looking at the vids or even thinking about watching the show. I even debated coming back in here.


      Originally posted by sacme
      AT has been so pro-stuPit, I don't know if I can give her a pass on this. I'm even re-thinking the letter. If she cares at all about our ship she sure isn't showing it.

      I really want to be cheered up and think positively, but I need proof of ship-life.

      OK.... talk about the fur flying!
      I've thought long and hard about this in the last day or so, and at the risk of getting pounded, I'm about to speak up with my (terribly) moderate opinion...

      Take a deeeeep breath shipper family! Yes, I like Sam/Jack ship, and in a perfect world I'd love to see them together at the end of the show. BUT, that's just not going to happen in the way us shippers would want (ie. blatant outright ship).
      I'm not a huge PETE fan (notice I said PETE fan, I am however quite the fan of David DeLuise - you've gotta have character to put up with us lot on a ranting day ), but that won't stop me from watching.
      I don't want all of us shippers to end up labelled as extreme, it makes our opinion too easy to marginalise by TPTB, and in end the end does much more harm than good.
      It makes me uneasy to see such fervet rhetoric against a fictional character. Like others have pointed out, how would we feel if others directed that sort of ranting against Jack or Sam??

      Also, ship sistah, I totally feel your pain! But the letter to Amanda reflects what we ENJOY about Stargate. I, for one, am still 100% behind both the cast and the crew (even if, like most families, we have our disagreements ).

      So, there it is. Just my opinion, and I respect everyone else's right to theirs...


        I dont like this Marriage thing either. But that doesnt make me stop watching stargate because there is more to Stargate then Sam's lovelife.

        SG-1 Is the best show ever. And if Sam and Pete marry, it will still be the best show ever.

        It just hurts me to see that people start talking about: "If they marry, I will burn my Stargate DVD's" and stuff. How can you say that? In the beginning of Stargate there wasn't even ship. Did you watch for a potential ship back then?

        Now that Jack is a general I have putten a priority on him being a realistic general, that includes not being involved with an officer under him.

        My opinion.

        Feel free to kick me out of the family.


          Originally posted by Ice^^Heat
          I dont like this Marriage thing either. But that doesnt make me stop watching stargate because there is more to Stargate then Sam's lovelife.

          SG-1 Is the best show ever. And if Sam and Pete marry, it will still be the best show ever.

          It just hurts me to see that people start talking about: "If they marry, I will burn my Stargate DVD's" and stuff. How can you say that? In the beginning of Stargate there wasn't even ship. Did you watch for a potential ship back then?

          Now that Jack is a general I have putten a priority on him being a realistic general, that includes not being involved with an officer under him.

          My opinion.

          Feel free to kick me out of the family.
          mad_gater (host): We would nver do such a think. We understand th some of us aren't as extreme as others.

          mad_gater (Keldor): I will also continue to watch so that those of you who are mad right now don't have to. I will let the family know what I've found out about Sam and Jack's future. What I think is that even if Sam says yes, she will still be only engaged. So she will still have time to change her mind.


            I have to agree with kiwigater and Ice^^Heat. I think my outrage was feed by the outrage of others and it becomes a vicious cycle. I think we all just need to take a deep breath, step back and smell the ________ (insert flower of choice).

            Originally posted by Ice^^Heat
            Feel free to kick me out of the family.
            We can't kick people out of the family once you've joined there's no getting out...


            ~BCM =)

            Open Source Initiative (OSI)
            The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


              I know that in posts and in the letter that peole have encouraged AT and TPTB to come visit this thread. I have to say though that I don't see that happening. Especially AT. AT has said how much she likes DDL and working with him and somehow I don't see her coming into a thread where the Pete character is called stuPit or a rat b***ard. I completely understand that emotions are running high right now and that people can get emotionally invested in a show but I think some constructive criticism might be the way to go rather than out and out vitrol. I think that people involved with the show may be more inclined to read something that is articulate and has been given some though rather than raging. So many people put so much time, effort, and preparation into making each episode that I tend to keep that in mind when there is an aspect of the show that I don't like because I know how I would feel if I read negative things about something I'd worked so hard on. I certainly understand that the shipper thread is THE place to some and rant about anything ship related so I'm certainly not modding people or telling them what to say I'm just giving my opinion.

              Spoilers Season 8

              I am most definately not a Pete fan, though I am a DDL fan. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I think that if TPTB intended for viewers to take Pete seriously than they shouldn't have continued with the Sam/Jack ship after Chimera. IMO they can't continue with the loving looks and other shippiness between Sam and Jack AND have Pete be considered a serious relationship. I sincerely hope that Sam says no to Pete's proposal in Affinity but I don't see how the answer can be no and for him to then be in another couple of episodes after that. There seems to be a backlash among the actors and TPTB against Sam/Jack ship lately but I think that if they didn't want it to be a consideration then they shouldn't have pushed it in the first place. It seems sort of preposterous to me to push the Sam/Jack ship for 8 years and then to do a complete 180. I love Stargate and not just for the Sam/Jack ship but I will be dispointed beyond words if the Sam/Jack ship is just forgotten as if it was never there.

              It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                OK.... talk about the fur flying!
                I've thought long and hard about this in the last day or so, and at the risk of getting pounded, I'm about to speak up with my (terribly) moderate opinion...

                Take a deeeeep breath shipper family! Yes, I like Sam/Jack ship, and in a perfect world I'd love to see them together at the end of the show. BUT, that's just not going to happen in the way us shippers would want (ie. blatant outright ship).
                But why is that exactly? why can't they have found a way to get them together? I don't understand why this is such a terrible, difficult thing to do.

                I'm not a huge PETE fan (notice I said PETE fan, I am however quite the fan of David DeLuise - you've gotta have character to put up with us lot on a ranting day ), but that won't stop me from watching.
                This has nothing to do with the David DeLuise. I feel sorry for him that he is stuck in the middle of this and I wish him no grief. TPTB wrote this storyline and it's being cheered on by a certain actress.

                I don't want all of us shippers to end up labelled as extreme, it makes our opinion too easy to marginalise by TPTB, and in end the end does much more harm than good.
                It makes me uneasy to see such fervet rhetoric against a fictional character. Like others have pointed out, how would we feel if others directed that sort of ranting against Jack or Sam??
                you haven't gone over to the some of the other threads yet-- they have been ranting about Jack and Sam in the same way for years.

                as far as being marginalized: on the Lowdown and other places TPTB admitted that there has been huge negative fan reaction to Pete. I'm not feeling alone in my anger.

                as you said, this is a fictional character and a fictional story-- which means they can do anything they want to do. the fact that they have chose to continue to drown me with Pete just says something to me about their loyalty to fan. that's why it's difficult to keep watching-- it goes beyond the actual bf character.

                Also, ship sistah, I totally feel your pain! But the letter to Amanda reflects what we ENJOY about Stargate. I, for one, am still 100% behind both the cast and the crew (even if, like most families, we have our disagreements ).

                So, there it is. Just my opinion, and I respect everyone else's right to theirs...
                we are family and this thread is all about good discussion and, unfortunately, venting. You don't have to be as upset as I am and I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. I may calm down later, but right now I need the forum to get this out. Right now I don't trust TPTB, and as the mod said in the petition thread, it's been a long-standing tradition to try to influence the outcome of shows on tv. And if you're loud enough, producers often listen. Except too often in sci-fi


                edited to say: For some reason I can't get what I wrote to unbold. I don't mean to yell
                Last edited by sacme; 12 July 2004, 12:01 PM. Reason: serious font issues

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                  I know that in posts and in the letter that peole have encouraged AT and TPTB to come visit this thread. I have to say though that I don't see that happening. Especially AT. AT has said how much she likes DDL and working with him and somehow I don't see her coming into a thread where the Pete character is called stuPit or a rat b***ard. I completely understand that emotions are running high right now and that people can get emotionally invested in a show but I think some constructive criticism might be the way to go rather than out and out vitrol. I think that people involved with the show may be more inclined to read something that is articulate and has been given some though rather than raging. So many people put so much time, effort, and preparation into making each episode that I tend to keep that in mind when there is an aspect of the show that I don't like because I know how I would feel if I read negative things about something I'd worked so hard on. I certainly understand that the shipper thread is THE place to some and rant about anything ship related so I'm certainly not modding people or telling them what to say I'm just giving my opinion.

                  Spoilers Season 8

                  I am most definately not a Pete fan, though I am a DDL fan. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I think that if TPTB intended for viewers to take Pete seriously than they shouldn't have continued with the Sam/Jack ship after Chimera. IMO they can't continue with the loving looks and other shippiness between Sam and Jack AND have Pete be considered a serious relationship. I sincerely hope that Sam says no to Pete's proposal in Affinity but I don't see how the answer can be no and for him to then be in another couple of episodes after that. There seems to be a backlash among the actors and TPTB against Sam/Jack ship lately but I think that if they didn't want it to be a consideration then they shouldn't have pushed it in the first place. It seems sort of preposterous to me to push the Sam/Jack ship for 8 years and then to do a complete 180. I love Stargate and not just for the Sam/Jack ship but I will be dispointed beyond words if the Sam/Jack ship is just forgotten as if it was never there.
                  Very nicely put. I'll second that, especially the stuff after the spoiler space.
                  ~BCM =)

                  Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                  The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                    Originally posted by Ship Nana
                    Now that is a story that I would like in!!!
                    Could Sam shoot , please
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                      Hey gang

                      I can't believe that RDA would give us the infamous 5 little words if Sam was going to marry potato head :eek
                      :the sales of SG1 box sets, which have been credited with helping shore up the bottom line of MGM". Well, Fine. Money talks. I agree with Marimba, I will NOT buy S6,7 or 8 until I see how the ship is resolved....the problem TPTB is currently facing, is that some of their viewers might depart BEFORE the final resolution, out of disgust for the story line.


                      I own boxed set 1 through 6 and will buy no more if I have to watch potato head (love that name for him).
                      Just read in Gateworld that he wants to be in Stargate or Atlantis. It is enough to make me not even get interested on Atlantis. I even change the station when he is on a dog food comercial

                      He's no threat to O'Neill
                      Last edited by Zoser; 12 July 2004, 12:07 PM.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Lots of people have been threatening to burn their DVDs and boycott the show. That won't get us anywhere.

                        Also, if we send a strong worded letter to TPTB, they won't listen. We need to use a level of tact, if we are going to make our point.

                        If you wanted added to my petition, send you name (surname too) along with your age and country to

                        [email protected]

                        Please note, that this letter will not be angry and abusive. I am plainly going to explain people's points of view, and hope for a response.


                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Spoilers, Grace, Affinity






                          (((((Big Shipper Hug)))))

                          Whew! I really needed that. I know this has been mentioned on this thread before and that many of you were dismayed with the idea, but if Sam does accept 's proposal or dithers around for a few episodes thinking about it, I really would like to see Jack get a girlfriend. And when I start thinking things like that, it really is a sad commentary on current events.

                          I’m imagining Sam and in a romantic, candlelit restaurant and in walks Jack, looking incredibly handsome in a nice suit and sporting a beautiful young thing on his arm. Sam, of course, notices them as they come in. Jack and BYT aren’t aware of anything but each other, and Jack doesn’t even notice Sam since he can’t take his eyes off BYT. It hits Sam hard that she just imagined Jack saying he would always be there for her and that’s what she gets for dickin’ around. Since all these life and death situations don’t get the message across, maybe another kind of shock is in order. After all, Jack deserves to love someone and be loved in return just as much as Sam, and right now I like Jack better than I like Sam.

                          These pics have gotten me especially snarky today. OK, fire away!

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Ship Mum,
                            hopefully if AT ever comes here we'll be on thread 9 and we'll have a clean slate. Thread 8 is all about shippers going nuts. Maybe I'll put a warning in the beginning of the thread: AT, honey, this one is rough. Go to thread 9.


                            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                              mad_gater (Keldor mode): We will continue to watch Stargate and we will come back to give any pertinent information regarding Sam and Jack's future. That is the role of us Tok'ra shippers. We go into the line of fire (in this case the negative stuff being crammed down our throats) so that you don't have to. We will wear this stolen Kull warrior armor. Perhaps it will protect us from the negative sh---er, stuff. Wish us luck in this battle.

                              mad_gater (host mode): We'll need it since I hear the fire is becoming extremely heavy.


                                Originally posted by Ice^^Heat
                                I dont like this Marriage thing either. But that doesnt make me stop watching stargate because there is more to Stargate then Sam's lovelife.

                                SG-1 Is the best show ever. And if Sam and Pete marry, it will still be the best show ever.

                                It just hurts me to see that people start talking about: "If they marry, I will burn my Stargate DVD's" and stuff. How can you say that? In the beginning of Stargate there wasn't even ship. Did you watch for a potential ship back then?

                                Now that Jack is a general I have putten a priority on him being a realistic general, that includes not being involved with an officer under him.

                                My opinion.

                                Feel free to kick me out of the family.
                                actually many people did see ship at their very first meeting.

                                we're family. speak freely. this is just a difficult time on this thread.


                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

