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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    To get into a better mood, i am reminicing about an interview with Joe Malozzi i read towards the end of 2003, concerning what they were gonna do: a season 7 and 8, the spinoff, or the movie.

    He said that when they were looking into the movie they were definitely gonna have sam and jack together by the end, and that it wouldn't just be implied, but "a full-blown kiss" at least.

    He later said that after season 7 and 8 and the spinoff, they were gonna look into doing the move again.

    And has anyone else noticed the lack of JM doing any interviews and the like?

    I'm hoping that they're keeping him from talking because they don't want him to give anything away, and that, as they did say they were planning to do the end of the series (at this tme S7), in the movie form, that sam and jack will be together at the end at least.

    And that will be gone.

    Tell me if anyone knows where this interview is, as I know it was on gateworld but am having trouble finding it.

    Here's hoping for our couple to get their happy ending!

    And a big 'arr!' to everybody!

    S and J Forever!


    Pete Must Die!!!!!!!




      Originally posted by Ship Nana
      I am leaving to go out of the country tomorrow early for a holiday but I will find a computer and internet connection there if I have to backpack thru the rain forest, swing thru the trees like Tarzan, cross the volcanos, etc, etc, to log on somewhere to read what you found out. I will be gone for 4 days but will try to keep up while I'm away if humanly possible.
      Goodbye, Nana! Have a wonderful trip! We'll miss you lots!

      You did make enough cookies for while you are away, right? RIGHT?!!

      ship sistah

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by marimba26
        Yep! Gotta get him trained now! Can't have him thinking the TV will be tuned to anything else on Fridays, now can we? Unless of course she says yes *shudders*...
        Ya know if she says yes it won't matter because he won't hear her anyway over all the screaming that The Shipper Family will be doing!!!
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by getcarter
          What's with all the vomit today?? Wasn't gonna mention it but I SWEAR both of my dogs threw up RIGHT before I went online and saw those horrid pics. Then everyone was talking about thier cats & now dogs too. Too funny!
          Ironically enough, my dog has now developed the trots. It's a stuPitity-induced animal epidemic!!! (Thank you Tame for that phrase )
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by getcarter


            My grandfather passed away on Friday so we're dealing with all the funeral arrangements & such and
            I'm sorry, honey. Would have been nice to escape into your fave show, eh?




              Hello Amanda and thanks for the welcome

              I don't have much more to add to the posts I've read this evening except to say not to give up so soon. I still have faith after reading AT saying "Never Say Never."

              It's a long way until the season/series finale.

              I'm off to watch my favorite scenes from the season premiere. Nite everyone



                Have a fantastic vacation ShipNana!

                getcarter, I am very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.


                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  Just got a chance to glance at your LJ icons! No worries borrowing those, right?
                  Nope, they're free for yoinking.
                  Mandy _|,,|


                    Originally posted by marimba26
                    Funny--seems like that was about the time that the two cats threw up (Tame's was one and I can't remember who else said that)...coincidence, I think not

                    My dog didn't throw up, but got very skittish and came in bed with me right before I got up and saw the pictures. He's still not quite settled now, and I can't remember him looking this freaked out in a very long time. Probably the day of THE EP. THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                    They do say the animals are the first to know.....

                    Arr.... that they do matey.

                    S and J Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    Pete Must Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!




                      Originally posted by Zoser
                      I told my 24 year old daughter what Pit did to Sam (FBI Back ground search and following her at work) and I got a rather Teal'c like eyebrow raise. She said she would not put up with that (I was proud of her). She does not watch Stargate (silly girl) and I did not mention that this was after he slid out of bed.
                      If my kid can see through this couldn't the supposed highly intellectual astrophysist have a little more intergity?
                      Sam should read that one Dr. Laura book called "10 Stupid things women do to mess up their lives." Don't worry, there's a version for guys too. I should probably read that one

                      I don't know if any of you like Dr. Laura or not, but apparently this book is well-touted.


                        Originally posted by SG1Happy
                        Wow! I can't keep up!!!!! WooHoo on the new thread!!!!!!!
                        Saturday night I left the thread completely caught up---I get back from church Sunday and you are 10 pages into a NEW thread. Wow!
                        you said it! we're half-way through a thread in one day! don't upset a shipper-- you'll never hear the end of it!

                        First the errant Border Collie is back home. Yay! Thanks to all who sent us your happy thoughts. We appreciate them.
                        Yay, doggy is back! I'm glad everything worked out.

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by getcarter
                          Well, folks, it's been lovely ranting and comiserating with everyone. I'm gonna go take another peek at some lovely shippy stories and then head off to bed. I'm sure I'll have about 1500 more posts to catch up on tomorrow evening!

                          (*mumbles to self*) Never thought I'd hate a diamond so much.........(probably not even a diamond....cubic zirconia? superglue molded into a diamond shape?....OH YEAH...shipper's tears!!!)

                          Night all!

                          Edit: And hi SG1poz! Welcome!!!
                          Could be a chunk of Goa'uld crystal.


                            Originally posted by mad_gater
                            Sam should read that one Dr. Laura book called "10 Stupid things women do to mess up their lives." Don't worry, there's a version for guys too. I should probably read that one

                            I don't know if any of you like Dr. Laura or not, but apparently this book is well-touted.
                            mad_gater, you are too funny! Thanks for making me laugh every time I come visit!
                            Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


                              Originally posted by zabbugh
                              Spoiler Space
                              In New Order Sam tells Fifth, "if you really love me you will let me go".
                              When will she realize that this is what Jack has done? Ozgirl, your post made me remeber this, thank-you. Maybe she will, I find it hard to believe that after all the angst in Lost City (both of them) that she would go for this chooch.(Maltese word for jacka$$)
                              Yeah. If a guy truly loves a girl, he will set her free. If the girl comes back, so much the better.


                                Originally posted by N8iveTexan
                                Nope, they're free for yoinking.
                                Great pictures! Thanks for letting us borrow them.

